Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2001. day
    24th June 2010

    miracle happened and it’s called Two Thousand and One Days


    even though I never met people who become better people after becoming parents

    I constantly live from the love of the grass that love-kiss with all-parental love


    stones love-kiss to the pain


    kisses love-kiss to the resurrection


    unnoticed love-kiss through the music of bonding


    bonding is one and only breathing through which Universe love-kisses God


    I started going towards the Little Flat. I’m mentally tired


    one-two years ago I’ve noticed I’m weakening mentally


    instead in one pocket I put something in another


    instead putting this thing here and that one over there I inverse it


    all that worries me a bit but it also makes me laugh


    while I’m walking it’s a lot better


    in the new Nest things are different and they’re still not functioning which disturbs me


    I’ll need some time to get used to the new routes and routines that will guard me


    this time through the woods to the Topcider graveyard gives me strength


    for few days now I haven’t prayed


    I haven’t been stretching myself nor working out


    reality has caught me and spun me


    prayer don’t leave me


    Two Thousand and One Days is a brother of One Thousand and One Nights


    I always wanted to have an older sister


    now that I became Two Thousand and One Days

    One Thousand and One Nights is my older sister


    One Thousand and One Nights are stories. Two Thousand and One Days is a poem


    we will lose a million kilos of nerves and we won’t do anything – says one man to another


    worker is cutting the grass on the football pitch


    I feel nice in the empty apartment


    there is 9 kilometres and six hundred meters from the Nest to the Little Flat

    I walked two hours and ten minutes


    when I put things on the web-site there is as much back


    I’m tired but I’ll feel good going back because I’ll just walk


    I won’t be thinking of anything because I’ve put everything on the web-site


    I’ll enjoy the sister


    I’ll be a good brother to her


    kiss my brain


    2002. day
    25th June 2010

    I’m repeating like old trees


    through the tranquillity of thousand years old trunks






    through every

    little hair

    of yours


    forests are foresting through every decision


    I’m looking forward to the new Nest


    this is the first indistinct invitation for a new Nest


    I am a path


    I’m on the path. there is nobody


    chaos of the moving is lesser and immediately I feel better in my head


    I’m constantly walking towards You


    I’m constantly walking within You


    You are constantly walking towards me


    You are constantly walking within me


    we are walking


    immortal we are walking immortality


    yesterday my beggar woman Ruzica told me that Sanja has finished first grade

    she was excellent with only one B since she didn’t know how to write number one


    here I’d love to have a car like this so that I can crash into those who get on

    my nerves – a mannish girl says to her girl friend


    this walking to the Little Flat with the laptop on my shoulder

    is the service to the words and web-site


    admiration for the movers


    I think of the bag carriers


    I admire people who are doing hard labour


    I think of burlaks who were pulling the ships


    I bought a cheap clock for the room so that I can see it from the bed. from the seller

    I also got a wire with which I’ll hang the frame for a mirror that I’ll buy on my way back


    I’d love to buy a juicer to make juices from fruit and vegetables every day

    instead of the lunches








    I’m looking forward to You


    I’m looking at Your face


    You are the part of my words that are writing to You


    something so simple every word... every face... is telling about


    tranquillity of heart



    2003. day
    26th June 2010

    I always wanted to be You


    becoming You I became I


    You want to become I and that’s how You become I


    I is Yours and mine sex


    we are joined in I


    we are love-kissed in I


    we are everything in I


    we are God in I


    we are Goddess in I


    we are one God in I


    through God You are my Goddess my God


    I’m walking with Your bones


    I is mine as much as it is Yours


    Yours as much as is the burnt match


    I love to write so much that the whole Universe is enjoying in Your reading


    Universe adores tame ones


    all beings are surrendering to the supple ones


    rivers are flowing towards seas


    waves are kissing particles


    particles are particles


    while I’m entering the Nest building on Ban’s Hill. while I’m staying in the Nest. while I’m

    working and listening to music – a bit louder – of the beloved Bud

    I wouldn’t like to hurt anybody


    just be – You are the most beautiful woman


    I dreamt about You just before the dawn my beloved


    through You I’m created


    Your spine is my blood


    Your yearning is my freedom


    Your juices are my drink


    Your life is my art


    Your death is immortal love that is resurrecting all beings


    Your death is eternal life of beauty and kindness through which all beings are living


    I live because I died and I’m dying within You


    You are singing me – I am a poem


    You are love-kissing – I am love

    hug each other hug





    2005. day
    28th June 2010





    innocent ones


    those dedicated to all beings


    those loyal to the life itself through the sex of life


    don’t kill my sex – You are killing my life


    don’t be killing Yourself – You are killing your sex


    I kiss Your fears with which You are hurting me


    I kiss Your aggressiveness through which You humiliate me


    I kiss Your yearning for domination through which You annul me


    I kiss Your struggle with Yourself through which I forgive You everything




    I kiss You pebble


    I’m walking for Tom Gotovac


    through this walking Tom didn’t die on Friday

    but he resurrects through the nakedness of every being


    I’m walking slowly on this warm cloudy day


    alone for everybody


    save me in Your pussy my beloved

    dedicated to Amra who backed me up in swearing


    swearing – holly caressing


    celebrate me with Your pussy

    dedicated to innocence


    Your pussy is my museum


    Your pussy is my library


    Your pussy is my Nest


    save my yearning for You in Your beautiful pussy


    I wouldn’t have existed if I wasn’t celebrating Your pussy


    I wouldn’t be singing if I wasn’t creating a garden of love from Your pussy


    Universe is the pussy of all beings


    I want only You


    I yearn only for You


    only through You I am


    I am a gigolo to all beings


    gigolo through joy

    gigolo through health

    gigolo through freedom

    gigolo through transformation

    gigolo through loyalty

    gigolo through love

    gigolo through success






    2006. day
    29th June 2010







    particles are transferring love through waves


    last night the cable internet didn’t start working but

    Rore helped me so I got connected through the AirPort


    it was a relief to see photos that are coming to me through Netwibes programme


    it was such a pleasure to listen to the music through iTunes


    but the greatest joy gave me the neighbour on whose doors I knocked

    to tell her that I hope my music listening won’t disturb her and she said

    politely that they have a baby but that I shouldn’t worry


    but from this morning nobody is using their wireless internet so I could not connect


    that disturbed me and immediately

    I forgot to turn off the ring on the stove after making a tea


    I’m going to the Little Flat to give the keys back to Slavica Generalovic


    a man in the parked car is drinking juice

    noticing the other sets me free from myself


    complications with internet have tired me out


    human society abuses the life itself


    I just parted from Slavica Generalovic. I thought

    that Slavica will give me back 250 Euros deposit that I gave her

    before getting into the apartment but according to Slavica I owe her another 75

    I think she is not right. I’ll give her the money tomorrow


    I proved myself once more – I don’t have a clue about this kind of life


    fool within me help me bare all these humiliations


    on the crossroads I tripped and I could have fallen under the car


    people are justifying their selfishness and crudeness

    with their kids that they have to feed and educate


    I’m lifting my head towards the wind – I’m kissing all beings


    in all beings are their kids as well and in

    their kids there is nobody but them and their kids


    I’m thanking the temptations because they are encouraging my tranquillity


    I kiss You tranquil ones You have been and You are still saving the word

    with Your tranquillity


    I just remembered how in my childhood I was taking hard problems which

    we had with the landlord and the landlord with us. that scared me and I was disgusted

    with that. that is one of the things that made me choose

    the poetical dwelling in this world


    I wink at the ball which I’m throwing in the air


    everything I do and I am is so that I could kiss and create something to all beings


    most of the people are so that they could work and make money


    if children would know that many of their parents are doing harm so that they could

    feed and educate them many kids would escape their parents

    or they would kill themselves


    people say that evolution is taking place over the strong ones but it’s even more obvious

    that it is propagated by the strong


    God-becoming becomes through kissing



    I’ve been told that the internet repairman will come in the afternoon. I’m waiting for him

    all the time but he’s still not here. I can’t connect through the wireless

    and I didn’t buy any food because I wanted internet to be fixed first


    desperate humour – humour of despair


    I bought food


    God knows what is all of this good for


    I kiss the runaway kids

    20:58 – I connected through wireless



    2007. day
    30th June 2010

    today on the fifth kilometre I will get to the

    2000th kilometre of the First Time Second Ten Year Walking



    I drank two coffees. put on the site residual English translations – from this morning

    I’m connected through the wireless. I’m lost. I still didn’t draw 64 Buds and Blue Rose


    I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed to curl up and at least renew a bit...



    ...I’m outside. slowed down. broken


    as always when it’s hard the most important thing is that I don’t betray


    not to forget that a lot of others have it a lot harder


    not to wound and tear up the fragility


    I’m slowly going through the park and watching people

    I’m starting to love-kiss them and I already feel a lot better


    it’s warm and this wind is pleasant


    bees are flying around the tree top of the big linden tree


    I’m walking pass the Ada beach. the smell of almond oil is spreading from the

    bodies of the female swimmers


    I made the photo of the step on the two thousandth kilometre


    I’m thinking of the photo of Frantz Kafka on the beach and his

    need to be happy and fears that were constantly following him


    I rejoiced the clouds that I saw on the windscreen of the big truck



    I’m on the internet. repairmen came. they connected me. I’m happy like a child


    smell of the washed laundry is spreading from the balcony through the open

    window on which I yesterday put the mosquito net


    Rockabilly Radio fills my heart. happy child is the home to the runaway kids


    runaway kids are the wanderers of light


    runaway kids are calming down the brains of the adult


    runaway kids are writing these words


    June is passing by


    hey – hey You – we have crossed two thousand out of forty

    thousand kilometres of the First Time Second Ten Year Walking


    last night while selling me the herbal cheese the sales-woman

    asked is today more or less than yesterday. yesterday was 195 and today

    220 grams I answered and said thank you for remembering me

    she is one of the first ones to welcome me on Ban’s Hill


    grass is welcoming


    I love-kiss You love


    this is a celebration of the gentleman at the desk light up by the computer screen

    light while one ant is making him company going between the letters on his keyboard






    signal of the immortality


    every heart contains the heart of the other being


    every mind contains the mind of all beings


    this evening I was writing in ant’s language


    June has passed


