5th September 2011
poem is a walker
3rd September 2011
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
2nd September 2011
poems are word plays
1st September 2011
poem is an ode to the loyal ones
31st August 2011
poem is the blessings
30th August 2011
poem is a process of writing a poem
29th August 2011
poem is everything that poet says that a poem is
27th August 2011
poem are all adored ones in the heart of the one
26th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem are the adored ones
25th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is forty years of the Red Notebook
24th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is yesterday’s walking and swimming across the Danube
23rd August 2011
bowing to poem – poems are sayings
22nd August 2011
bowing to poem – poem are great energies in the hearts of the meek ones
20th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem sings me even when there is no one to hear my poem
19th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is God-Love-Kissing
18th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is throwing oneself into the poem I Apologise
17th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is dying through each poem and dying for each poem
16th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is giving one’s word
15th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is incest
13th August 2011
bowing to poem – poem is the autobiography of poem