Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog




    A BOY

    1909. day
    24th March 2010

    five words in them selves


    boy help all beings


    exploitation is nothingness and it gives birth to nothingness


    colonialism is nothingness and it gives birth to nothingness


    imperialism is nothingness and it gives birth to nothingness


    law of the stronger is nothingness and it gives birth to nothingness


    domination is nothingness and it gives birth to nothingness


    grass is greener and greener


    grass is greener and greener with every moment


    Alistair call a boy within to help You. that little boy who was

    awaken by his mother at 4 am to deliver the milk to the doors

    of the people of Kilbirnie a small town 18 miles south of Glasgow

    that boy like any other boy or girl is alive. full of life and hope

    and more than anything devoted and that’s why he is healing as well as the best ally


    I threw a dice and asked should I make public a photo of a children graveyard


    I was thinking for a long time what to write under the photo of children graveyard


    children graveyards are shrines of the victims of love for a love itself


    people are trying to extend human life on thousand years


    why changing eternal life within us for just thousand years


    I hop and there is eternity


    where are you. I’m slowly forgetting in my arse

    an old loafer with irony and pathos is greeting his friends across the street


    newspaper seller is whistling joyfully


    when I expel the air from the stomach everything is nice again


    I would love to eat olive oil but why is it so expensive


    I’m watching this dog with pleasure. I love dogs and I love the fact

    that I don’t have a dog


    I’m always excited by the fight for a just cause


    In life I couldn’t find the just cause

    because just causes were fights against somebody


    I more believed in a fight with myself then in a fight for something


    I more believed in singing than fighting


    I wasn’t fighting but I admired great creators – the fragile ones – the rejected ones


    I found the only just cause for me in all beings


    in my just cause are all other just causes


    I fight for all beings with love and creation


    I’m fighting without fight


    through walking – winking


    through singing – dancing


    through budding

    at Lion the football season is opened with the Hajduk – Vozdovac mach



    1910. day
    25th March 2010

    Silence is so precise – Mark Rothko


    Conscience – that’s where the power of God lies – Soren Kierkegaard


    I enjoyed yesterday in these lovely thoughts


    I think


    it’s such a nice word think


    it tastes heavenly


    words think for themselves






    voluminous size


    four forces

    strong force – electromagnetic force – weak force – gravitation force

    of the one force


    forces of love


    it’s such a nice word force


    dear force


    Waiting and being patient, that means to think – Friedrich Nietzsche


    patient saved


    travelling companion


    by the face of the travelling companion


    I think the horse


    thoughts of the horse – thoughts of the grass


    never without the horse – nowhere without grass


    eyes think


    leaves think


    if I’d take a stone in my hand I feel the weight of its thoughts which are thinking me


    decisions think


    loyalty thinksall


    physics of love – love creates love


    now thinks


    I would love to think good thoughts much more


    I think of You – sun in the spine


    while I was shaving I was constantly thinking of thoughts and

    I couldn’t stop because all the thoughts have been good and beautiful


    earth thinks of the hungry ones... humour thinks of the sad ones...

    all beings think the being...


    I’m thinking – I’m budding



    1911. day
    26th March 2010

    is destroying the atomic weapons destruction or creation


    people are destroying a lot of things in order to build

    and they build many things in order to destroy


    when I solve the problem that I can solve the problem that I cannot solve disappears


    I’m entering the woods – a bird is humming more and more


    bees are landing on white and purple flowers


    I’m passing through the Topcider graveyard


    how fool of blossom is white magnolia


    when the magnolias start blooming all air sexualises


    by this air I circulate through existence


    I am a string of all beings


    one string one melody


    wind – isn’t it You


    while I’m slowly walking down the steep slope I feel the beauty

    of the shrine of modesty within me


    tree is beautiful to itself


    it’s worth living millions of years for the moment that creates millions of years


    brick is covered by the moss


    life wants to be born from everything


    I’m thinking of a walking stick


    with a walking stick I can make a circle and save myself

    from everything that is not good


    with a walking stick I can open a circle for everything that is good


    walking stick – start circle


    I am a circle of the openness towards everything that is open


    goodness is open


    people are running down the forest paths


    I’m walking over the soft sawdust that is thrown over the path

    so there wouldn’t be no mud


    if all factories that make any kind of weapon would be destroyed

    would it be destruction or creation


    on this late afternoon sun the beauty of a young woman is walking within me


    on the face of every man I can see the mastery of ancient masters

    from whom the craft of existence could be learnt much better

    than on the paintings of any given great master


    tree tops are already so green that they are richer than any kind of money


    every bud is more valuable than any bank


    everything that I am I invest into the Bud of All Beings


    for a poem there is no law – the poem is the law


    for love there is no law – love is love

    first lettuce of this year – and eighteen years from Kaja’s death




    1912. day
    27th March 2010

    innocence is acquired


    I am intimate with every particle


    it wants itself the spring wants itself


    the law should exist only for those who are

    committing violence on others in the name of the law


    this big tree has filled my chest


    blessings are wreaths of words around Your heart


    only with all beings am I among my own


    if the asphalt that covers the earth would be destroyed

    would it be destruction or creation


    a girl is peeping out a window on the ground floor


    I am alone so as I wouldn’t be alone


    carrying on one’s own solitude is great art


    alone all beings


    alone because I believe I live from the community of all beings


    alone because I kiss the harmony


    alone to everybody


    alone for everybody


    alone so as nobody’s backs wouldn’t be alone


    I catch the ball – what a unity


    I bought the round loaf bread. it looks more like a soul than a bread


    Bud of All Beings is developing. how

    if I would know how I couldn’t be creating it


    towards the end of the next week I will walk the first thousand kilometres


    I feel sleepy. I’m hungry. my feet are sore from tiredness


    I’m looking forward to the lettuce


    I’m looking forward to the book My Life by Richard Wagner


    I’m really sleepy


    but I will finish today’s blessings like horses that are sleeping while walking


    my hands are smelling like a shampoo


    serenity is resting me


    blooming is bringing me closer...


    I washed the lettuce so as I wouldn’t fall asleep


    I’m sleepy – it’s so sad – it’s so tender


    this writing while I’m so very sleepy is really heroic


    I’m going to rest my heart


    58TH TIME 33 DAYS

    1914. day
    29th March 2010

    every moment – endless melody


    every bud – melody of endlessness


    blossoming of the sun


    God help me not to have compulsory and ugly

    thoughts with regards of the close ones that hurt me

    I said while I was drawing the Blue Rose


    I’m walking – I’m spreading the joy to the joyful ones

    so as they enlarge and spread it to the sad ones


    I’m walking – I’m spreading the health to the healthy ones

    so as they enlarge and spread it to the sick ones


    I spoke to Zoltan. we spoke about buying iMac


    I will get the money from Vera and Tibor


    I stopped by Sun’s to see if he can help me buy it


    all of that separates me from the blessings


    I’m writing about all of that so as that would be blessings as well


    day after tomorrow Sun and me will go through the shops to see the iMacs


    Zoltan will install one programme

    with help of which he will be able to put everything I need


    I would love to talk to somebody who knows computers slowly and softly


    I love to talk for a long time slowly and softly


    as if I don’t know nothing about what I am talking about


    as if everything we are talking about becomes right now and depends only from us


    finding out in order to enlarge the joy


    finding out – wondering – admiring – bowing down


    knowledge puffs up and creates prejudices


    with prejudice there are no finding out and comprehensions. there is no joy


    I’m looking forward to the iMac


    for me technology is also natural. innocent like a nature


    technology is made of all beings – technology makes all beings


    I hope I will have louder speakers and with

    even grater enjoyment listen to the classical music


    all music


    I’m starting to enjoy the reading of Wagner’s life


    I live with Wagner. I’m sharing his life and creation. I empathise with him


    autobiographies are complete art work


    first time second ten year walking is autobiographical walking


    Miroslav Mandic is walking of the autobiography


    every being is autobiography of all beings


    there is no cooking in heavens. cooking is in hell

    dedicated to the lettuce and non-cooking



    1915. day
    30th March 2010

    I’m retyping my old texts from the seventies


    I’m permeated by the same eros of loyalty


    loyalty is eternal beginning


    grass blades on which children’s fingers are cut


    drops of blood on very green


    in the Bud of All Beings any given detail is a master piece


    before the fruit starts to ripen the flowers are saying everything


    I’m enjoying in the name of joy of life – enjoy


    enjoy in the name of joy of love – I’m enjoying


    I’m watching the thorns on the pruned roses and

    I’m thinking of Your heel thorn that has gone


    purple magnolias are budding


    humanity is just one clump in the vast Bud of All Beings


    I bounced the ball of the wall and it came back straight to my hands –

    live mathematics


    here is written love. really nice

    a little boy that is selling wet handkerchiefs on the street told me protectively


    wind blew my hair. the smell of the violet stimulates my nose


    I’m watching the air


    invisible is so gentile


    red haired girl full of strength is going down the street in a hurry and she is

    touching the wall with her fingers


    beautiful woman with sad eyes is led by a dog she took for a walk


    I gripped the yellow tennis ball with my hand

    so as it shapes my energy into the regular circling


    I’m throwing the ball for the joy of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the health of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the freedom of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the transformation of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the loyalty of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the love of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the success of all beings


    I’m throwing the ball for the good of all beings


    catching the ball is really good singing


    throwing and catching the ball is really good creation


    spring is breast feeding all beings with the milk of life


    a being is breast feeding another being with itself


    with the milk of milk – with the belly button of belly button

    eat and drink




    1916. day
    31st March 2010

    a lot of my creation was based on restraining from creation


    a lot of my living was based on restraining from living


    often just a presentiment




    look to the side


    compassion with rejected ones


    not agreeing with what implies


    not agreeing with power and arrogant indifference




    the unprotected


    surrendering to


    the fragile


    identifying with


    the same


    the repeated


    touch of immortality


    through tears








    always though grass












    first of June








    the essence of every goal in football is the same


    and every goal in football or anything else is different


