Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2058. day
    20th August 2010





    through the heavenly roses


    I bow to you anonymous ones


    I love-kiss you ano-s


    ano-s because You want to be ano-s


    ano-s because nobody can notice You ano-s


    because good deeds are mostly ano


    because often you can’t be find out about ano-s


    I enjoy the Wikipedia because one can find out everything in it


    to discover all those wonderful people and ideas I bow to


    to see their faces


    to feel them in the body


    to become them selves


    but one sixth of people are starving

    one third doesn’t have electricity

    many don’t have computer

    richest ones are talking only of themselves

    existing obvious picture of the world is the picture of the powerful ones


    invisible of mine I see you


    I fell Your prayers


    in the beauty of the world I recognise your good deeds


    I love Your name


    I love the name of the nameless ones






    I’m caressing Your face ano-s


    we are on the road ano-s


    always love for ano-s


    love for ano-s now


    love forever for ano-s


    we are the rose ano-s


    all beings are within You ano-s


    all names are within You ano-s




    a   n   o   n   a




    ano-s I am anonymous ones


    Anonymous Bud



    2059. day
    21st August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson



    my nose is running already a third day and I should bow to the scorned


    why now that sco


    rope becomes thinner and rips


    and a bird lands on an overseas ship to rest


    and a wind stops


    and a stranger sometimes peacefully falls asleep


    my the disliked, I am bowing to you with images of peace


    who is thinking s/he is scorned sco


    who is independent s/he is scorned sco


    who is joyful s/he is scorned sco


    who loves God s/he is scorned sco


    And when they had made sport of him, they took the robe off him, and

    put his clothing on him, and took him away to put him on the cross.

    Matthew Chapter 27, Verse 31


    who is different s/he is scorned sco


    by scorning you, people are discharging themselves and ejecting their violent energy


    by throwing rocks on you, people are hiding their own guilt


    who is loving you, his/her eyes are shining because they are looking at God


    along this fence small road leads to the shade bellow the old tree


    one woman is leaving the village


    the old dog will die on this place


    this thing will rot here


    it is not possible to climb this ladders anymore


    this isn't anymore a spoon, but rather a distorted corrosion


    a blind woman is singing on the square


    peace doesn't have anymore time for restlessness


    landslides are running into coves


    a top

    is love-kissing

    a bottom


    a bottom


    a top


    now I have reminded myself on Godard's film Contempt and the sky in it


    through you curves the path of love sco


    you are protecting the unprotected ones sco


    you are overshadowing all beings not to be scorned


    sco I am scorned


    Scorned Bud



    2061. day
    23rd August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson 


    I am bowing to You, the mother of the freedom movement

    you are beautiful, the tailoress


    tailoress of a better world for everyone


    I am bowing to You, the mother of all beings


    Your breasts are feeding everything that exists


    by one and only milk exist everything that exists


    I am fucking You my love, You are fucking me with life


    I am bowing to You the goldenmouth (goldmund in German)


    words are beautiful like the air


    I am love-kissing You devotedly, my devotion

    I wanted to send You this message yesterday but the dice told me not to send it to You


    I am walking on the wireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


    I am pussy for take-off to all beings


    I am the same in everyone


    the same light in all beings


    the same boy in every girl


    love is one – says ever-since


    love is one – says now


    love is one – says forever


    you are recognizing me in every cell of yours


    I am nothing else then Your shame, my beloved


    You are my language in which there is no female and male, nothing but You, Par






    woman human — man human












    If anyone knows Tomislav Sedmak, the psychiatrist, please say warm greetings to him


    goodness is bathing landscapes Par


    Par I am Parks


    Parks Bud




    2062. day
    24th August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson

    sometimes life is nothing more then a shame


    I am a horse


    I am a donkey


    I am a nothing


    thank You my mare, for making me ashamed


    I am dreaming


    I am walking – I am dreaming Your dream


    I am creating – I am dreaming Your dream


    I am singing – I am dreaming Your dream






    children are running into water – released droplets of water joy are flying in the air


    warm air is filling my nostrils with scents of thistle and tare


    my feet are gurgling through the forest


    I am bowing to Your decisive feet Kin


     I am bowing to nameless feet of peace Kin



    I am bowing to sanctity of nameless (beings) Kin


    nameless (beings) are celebrating a name Kin


    a name is giving a life to nameless (beings) Kin


    children are running out of the water and throwing themselves into a hug of a warm sand which embraces them loyaly


    meteors' rain lit up the sky before children's eyes of a future name


    my feet are gurgling through universe of a constantly self-renewing goodness

    dedicated to a beautiful madam which gave her telephone number to a seller of watermelons and said to him visit me I am alone


    words were dancing on Your lips Kin


    song was opening Your heart Kin


    feet were liberating Your mind


    unstoppable are feet Kin


    unstoppable is singing Kin


    unstoppable is repeating Kin


    happiness in the eyes of all beings


    You are in every girl Kin


    You are in every boy Kin


    Kin I am King


    King Bud



    2063. day
    25th August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson

    I was in prison for nine months and there I got born for a second time


    You, Men got born in prison for 36 times

    You have became one of 36 righteous who are taking care of the world Men


    You haven’ t got scared by the light in yourself Men


    You went with it and following it Men


    light was leading You – You have became light Men


    You have spent twenty seven years in prison Men


    and while people were becoming more and more slaves You were liberating them here Men


    when You got arrested on 5th of August 1962. I was thirteen Men


    when I went to prison on 9th of November 1972.

    You were already in prison for 10 years Men


    when I went out of prison on 9th of August 1973.

    You were left another seventeen years Men


    when You went out of prison on 11th of February 1990. I was forty Men


    while I was in prison I didn’t know about you Men


    in prison I was reading Gandy whom You already knew then Men


    I am bowing to every second You have spent in prison Men


    I am bowing to every second which holy Someone is spending

    now in prison for all of us, while we don’t know that Men


    I am bowing to every being who have supported You

    and gave you strength to get born 36 times in prison Men


    Your book Long Walk to Freedom I got as a gift from Ver and Tib

    I have read it until half and borrowed it to a girlfriend who never gave it back Men




    long walk


    humor and freedom in everything – humor and freedom in everyone


    don’t look for me anymore  – I am in Your heart

    she told him last night in my dream


    what ever you hate that will hold Your neck

    I heard from the old miller last night on television


    he says that as a young man he hated to work in a mill

    and now for already thirty years, as an old guy, he works in it


    I am bowing to You miller because

    under Your rock corn doesn’t burn like in a mill


    I am bowing to You pone


    I am bowing to You potato


    I am bowing to You first step


    one is step

    I am bowing to Your shirts to Your smile and to Your dancing Men


    today when I am bowing to You in the Flower of nonviolence

    I am sixty one and You are ninety two, my beloved Men


    Men I am Mandela


    Mandela Bud





    2064. day
    26th August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson








    the first one


    to call yourself


    an anarchist


    I first saw the shadow of a leaf falling down and only then

    I felt it while it was touching my hair






    ownership is theft


    while I was walking under yesterday's sun I was feeling the enjoyment of light






    anarchy in an order


    I am feeling indescribable gentleness for You Pru


    I am feeling indescribable gentleness for a lack of ownership my Pru


    disavowal (of an ownership) is expanding and transforming


    disavowal is liberating from an abridgement


    if we are justifying ourselves we are losing mildness


    if we are defending ourselves we are losing chastity


    ownership is limiting body soul and spirit


    lack of ownership is limitless and timeless


    I am looking forward to go outside bellow today's sun


    lets go together Pru


    by the economy of sun Pru


    by the mutuality Pru


    in-step Pru


    with a neighbor who last night filled our heart with her warm smile Pru


    value is free of charge


    goodness is inexhaustible


    we are all here Pru


    Pru I am Proudhon


    Proudhon Bud



    2065. day
    27th August 2010


    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson


    I love Christ's words on the Mount


    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


    Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.


    Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.


    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

    for righteousness, for they will be filled.


    Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.


    Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.


    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.


    Blessed are those who are persecuted because of

    righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


    Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and

    falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.


    I am bowing to you, ble


    you are the most sexual beings, ble


    I would like to tell you so many things and therefore I am silent, ble


    Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No';

    anything beyond this comes from the evil one.


    But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone

    strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.


    You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.


    Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


    No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he

     will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.


    Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?


    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow

    will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


    Do not judge, or you too will be judged.


    Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye

    and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?


    Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may

    trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.


    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

    find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


    So in everything, do to others what you would have them

    do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


    Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,

    and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


    Chri, I am love-kissing You


    I am love-kissing all holy books and their creators


    soon walnuts will become mature. these are the same walnuts like the ones thirty seven years ago next to the brook where I read the words that suddenly and strongly started singing in my heart

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will

    find; knock and the door will be opened to you.







    sing in my blessings, ble


    ble, I am blessed one


    Blessed Bud



    2066. day
    28th August 2010

    ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland

    English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that

    I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health

    and blessings in English won't be late

    following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson


    sve (all, everything)

    mir (peace)

    sve (of all, everything)

    mira (peace)

    (in Serbian svemir means universe, but here is a play of words, because sve-mir means all-peace or everything-peace - note by translator)


    Universe, Your name I am writing always with a big beginning letter


    Universe, You are everything — Universe, You are peace


    Uni, for You is said that You are Everything that exists anywhere


    anywhere is Universe, and that makes you one and only Universe


    anywhere — You are everything


    anytime — You are everything


    anyone — You are everything


    I am enjoying in You, Uni — enjoy in me, Uni


    I Uni

    (I everything - transl.)


    You Uni

    (You everything – transl.)


    one Uni

    (One everything - transl.)


    Uni — You are my state, Universe


    Uni — You are happiness


    Uni — goodness is Universe


    Uni — beauty is Universe


    I of the Universe in the Universe of any I


    words of the Universe are in the Universe of every word


    images of the Universe are in the Universe of every image


    movements of the Universe are in the Universe of every movement


    song of the Universe is in the Universe of every song


    Universe, You are the biggest one because nothing smaller then You exists, Uni


    Uni, in You live all analogies and all tautologies

    that four plumbs that I have found in grass were so sweet


    Uni, everything in You is fitting my measurement

    only all things are confirming each other


    Uni, You are one and only house of all beings

    my house of homelessness


    Uni, there is no bigger speed then Yours and there is now bigger slowness then Yours


    Uni, any nostalgia is in You and the satisfaction of every nostalgia is in You


    Uni, You are in every step I make


    Uni, I am listening to You through canes and white little snails


    I am thinking God I am acting Universe

    around ten years ago the phrase think global act local I have turned into an universe gentleness


    Universe, You are everlasting solemnity — 14.76 kilometers of today's walking

    dedicated to Sinisa Tucic who have just phoned me


    Uni, I am Universe


    Universe Bud



    2068. day
    30th August 2010

    whoever you are I believe you and I love-kiss you


    I am a barefoot believing my barefoot ones


    I am a barefoot love-kissing bar-s


    I am a barefoot thinking bar-s


    I am a barefoot humour bar-s


    I am a barefoot Flower of Nonviolence bar-s


    I am a barefoot spring of peace bar-s


    I am a barefoot bud of arch-trust bar-s


    I am a barefoot detail around my front door that I’ve noticed

    while thinking of the beauty of commonplaces bar-s


    I am a barefoot and sexy hermetic bar-s


    I am a barefoot exegete of unnecessary bar-s


    sometimes the unnecessary is the most necessary bar-s


    in order not to give up I admit that I’m going awry bar-s


    it’s not good to give up but it’s normal that I’m going awry


    it’s also not good to go awry but it’s good that I’m admitting I’m going awry


    I rarely go barefoot and that’s why I even more bow to you bar-s


    barefoot beauty you are giving me strength – I’m going outside to walk barefoot as well


    I’m walking barefoot – I lifted up red peach stone that was thrown away

    because it reminded me of brain that enjoys my barefoot walking


    I’m stepping in the water – bare footedness doesn’t make a difference

    between soil and water


    some people are wise and firm like stones bar-s


    some people are sensible and beautiful like plants bar-s


    some people are unprotected and good like animals bar-s


    some people are generous and kind like people bar-s


    some people are invisible and unknowable like angels bar-s


    soil caresses my feet – my feet are caressing the soil


    I would like to walk barefoot more often


    I enjoyed being barefoot


    soles are another cheek


    I love-kiss you by my soles barefooted ones


    sol love-kiss bar-s


    I love-kiss You only

    dedicated to today’s events and everybody who I have hurt and everyone who has hurt me


    bar-s I am the barefooted one


    Barefoot Bud



    2069. day
    31st August 2010

    I stopped eating meat in jail thirty seven years ago


    I’m happy


    I don’t feel as if I belong to the vegetarians because

    I belong to a poem for all beings You and God


    experience to experience


    I love when others talk of my experience


    a root of all words is within the root


    word of all words is within God


    I bow to You vegetarianism because I’m not writing about You


    it was raining last night


    a moment ago watery light started to shine over

    the narrow street on which my window overlooks


    we are one


    I am an apple


    soul still doesn’t accept the spirit of words


    body still doesn’t accept the soul of words


    body of words


    body prays words
























    a moment of eternity


    countless moments of one and only eternity


    eternity of six nuns


    wherever I walk along the rose of the roads I walk through the Monastery Street


    happiness laugh


    laugh when I’m telling You anything because anything loves when You are enjoying it


    God give that neither You or me ever ridicule anybody


    laugh at me laugh – love-kiss me even more


    I bow to You vegetarianism because I write about You


    red peach stone and first walnut that I picked up of the ground


    all beings within my body


    all love within my word love








    never into ever


    end in endlessness


    Vegetarian Bud




    2070. day
    1st September 2010

    everyday You are indescribable miracle and my free love

    life without secrets You are my beloved bastard and my free love


    G-Spot You are the rose of nerves and my free love


    presence You are innocent and my free love


    all beings are born from one mother


    all beings are created by one father


    all beings are loved by one poet


    greatness of the first one is that he is hundred percent first


    greatness of the second one is that he is hundred and one percent first


    free love is incest of freedom and love


    illegal is tender because legal is violent


    I bow to You woman of bravery 


    I bow to You woman of fragility 


    all beings are kissing each other


    all beings live through constant love-kissing


    life is love-kissing


    art of love-kissing lies within the poem of all beings


    earth and water love-kiss each other


    water and air love-kiss each other


    air and light love-kiss each other


    bee makes love with flowers


    a boy with the path he is walking on


    earth makes love with water air and light


    water makes love with earth air and light


    air makes love with water light and earth


    light makes love with earth water and air


    all beings are pregnant from love impregnation


    I make love with books I read


    I die in orgasm through music


    I immediately surrender myself to the goodness


    all beings have the right to love each other and to make love to each other


    love is loyalty to the constant wedding


    Free Love Bud




    2071. day
    2nd September 2010

    I am You


    I am alive – You are alive


    You are spinning around yourself


    You are dancing around the sun


    You are wandering through the Universe


    all beings within You and on You consist You


    every being is Earth inhabitant thanks to You


    You love-kiss and You are love-kissed


    Ear You are a tiny little cell of the One and Only Being


    Ear You give life to the One and Only Being


    Ear You feed yourself with One and Only Being


    same way every little cell within me makes my I

    every little cell in the Universe makes I of One and Only Being


    my I and Your I Ear is one I


    Your I Ear and I of the One and Only Being is one I


    I of the One and Only Being and my I is one I


    that’s who I am


    smallest of the big


    little earth of the Earth


    little humour of the Humour


    little orgasm of the Orgasm


    Little God of the God


    I’m inhaling You – You are exhaling me


    I’m exhaling You – You are inhaling me


    You give birth to me – I create You


    I create You – You sing me


    little Ear I guard You with each step


    green Ear I hug You with every picture


    blue Ear I love-kiss You with each word


    Ear we are countrymen


    Ear we are the people of life


    Ear don’t be afraid


    Ear I am the Earth


    Earth Bud



    2072. day
    3rd September 2010

    everything is alive


    words are alive


    thoughts are alive


    love is alive


    terms are alive


    one swallow does make a spring


    this swallow makes eternal spring


    one being is within all beings


    all beings make one being


    radiant being is the heart of all beings


    to all beings everything and everybody is good


    all beings are spoon


    all beings are incomprehensible


    all beings are the friend who smiles at me


    smile my friend


    I couldn’t live without all beings


    I couldn’t live without one and only being either


    sweet caterpillars


    trooper’s swearwords


    speeds of non-motion


    all beings resurrect all beings


    all beings live yet unborn children


    I love-kiss every being who loves all beings


    I love-kiss every being who loves to love-kiss


    I love-kiss Tibika and all beings who love peace


    I live through all beings


    I work for all beings


    I sing One and Only Being of all beings


    uselessness of all beings is the only use of every being




    only look at the dot and you will see that in the being of a dot all beings live




    Bud of All Beings



    2073. day
    4th September 2010

    we wink at the same time


    my beloved same-timed and the same-one


    gentility of the life itself


    God created me as great and himself alike and to the delight of both of us

    and that’s why I am as well foolish

    as a roamer and fucker and gulanfer*** and fop

    and dzidzov*** and rambler and trump and djilkos***

    and the ugly one as I am the one that is gallivant

    from the book Boy Child


    wanderers are particles of the chestiest life


    wan nourish the air


    wan talk to all beings


    wan celebrate the life itself


    wan are gentlemen of the streets and sites


    wan are wonderful because they are never banal


    wan are free because they are not corrupted


    every wan is a passport of nonviolence


    passport of nonviolence is carried within the soul and across each and every border


    existing passports are dead and invalid because

    they praise violence corruptness and borders


    wan are not using passports


    everyone that is is the same with all beings

    Nobel Prize for healing fortuitousness


    sameness is the law of sameness


    I is same with I


    I is at the same time ID and passport of every beings

    Nobel Prize for peace


    wan wander through landscapes


    wan wander through compassions


    wan wander healing all beings


    wan wander through passports of goodness


    wan wander through internet


    wan are not betraying

    Nobel Prize for economy


    wan love-kiss all beings because all beings love-kiss wan


    I love-kiss you wandering ones


    wan enjoy to God’s delight

    Nobel Prize for sex


    wan while I’m looking at You my chest is trembling with God’s cry

    through which I love-kiss You my dear wan


    wan are wan

    Nobel Prize for physics


    wan love-kisses You

    Your Prize that we are sharing


    wan I am wanderer

    Nobel Prize for chemistry and biology


    Wanderer Bud

    Nobel Prize for literature



    2075. day
    6th September 2010

    bowing to the Heroes of Solitude is twenty fifth bowing to nonviolence


    there is only eight days and eight bowings to nonviolence




















    don’t stop

    don’t stop



    may God give that in following years we bow to









    You and me







    good deeds








    spirits of nature


    higher intelligence










    I bow to us lone ones – I dance mambo for us lone ones


    lon-s we cherish the mystery of defeats

    love and defeat are incorruptible


    defeats are transforming a being


    victories are stopping the evolution


    human society is mired in victories and it’s wanton because

    people are taught and constantly forced to be considerate


    solitude is an experience of I am


    I am – I am alone


    I am alone – I love-kiss You


    I love-kiss You – I love-kiss everything


    lon-s we radiate I-am-ness


    lon-s our solitude nourishes all beings


    lon-s we are alone in the room


    lon-s we are alone on the road


    lon-s we are alone so that nobody would be lonely


    lon-s we are alone because we love-kiss everything


    lon-s our solitude is the best friend to the lone ones


    I never found a friend who would be as friendly as solitude









    holy nobody and holy somebody are exciting all beings


    sometime certain rain in some landscape


    somebody is me – nobody is You – lon-s we are alone together


    lon-s we are alon because of the lone ones


    lon-s we are alon because of all beings


    sol-s I am a Hero of Solitude


    Heroes of Solitude Bud



    2076. day
    7th September 2010

    Diogenes yes – Alexander the Great no


    violence is born from stereotyped thinking


    violence is raised in selfish hearts


    violence is promoted in schools and laws


    most of the philosophers live and philosophise

    in the shadow of some Alexander the Great


    thinking without light is not thinking at all


    thinking in service of the powerful ones is misery of thinking


    Dio You are live thinking


    Dio Your life is a poem to thinking


    Dio You are a performer of thinking


    Dio Your philosophy and life are much more

    important than histories of philosophy are stating


    Dio You are the first citizen of the world


    Dio You are the world itself


    Dio You’ve created the world citizens


    Dio world citizens are not wanted and are persecuted even today


    Dio why do ones persecute the others


    Dio what kind of thinking is that which persecutes other kind of thinking


    Dio people have stopped thinking because they are persecuting those who are thinking


    Dio people have stopped thinking because they are afraid to be persecuted


    Dio people have stopped thinking because they are engaged in philosophy

    under the wing of universities


    Diogenes yes – Aristotle no


    Dio while I’m thinking about You I’m thinking of Lao Tzu

    who handed over his teaching and left


    Dio when we are dancing and singing we are worthy of a fool


    Dio we are fools but not madmen – poets of God’s crazy love


    Nietzsche yes – Socrates no


    Dio I will get out on the sun today for You


    Dio I love to think through kissing and that’s why I walk


    Dio I love to think through poetry and that’s why I bow to You


    Dio thinking creates


    Dio creation sings


    Dio love identifies


    Dio I am Diogenes


    Diogenes Bud



    2077. day
    8th September 2010

    Yo and Jo your bed-in is one of the most beautiful pieces of the human kind


    smell of the bed Yo and Jo


    peace in the bed Yo and Jo


    peace of the Yo and Jo bed is spreading throughout the heart’s war-zones


    fuck you winds – I say to the winds


    we are fucking – winds are replying


    bed is the nest of resting and binding


    bed is the mystery of energy


    Universe sleep peacefully in the bed of peace – I say to the Universe


    I will since I do sleep only in the bed of peace – Universe replies to me


    Yo and Jo you are one and the other foot


    Yo and Jo you are the mum of peace


    Yo and Jo you are the most beautiful mum of peace in the world


    Yo and Jo you are every brave child


    give laughter a chance


    Yo and Jo you are the one who is coming down the street so firmly

    and she is only fourteen


    give peace a chance


    Yo and Jo light of this world is the light of not-giving-up


    Yo and Jo people also can be wonderful beings


    Yo and Jo I love-kiss you with tears that are now falling down my face


    Yo and Jo every man is a monument to the beings that have given

    their lives for somebody else


    Yo and Jo every trace yearns for all other traces


    everything that all beings want is love


    everything that all beings want is the live face of life


    Yo and Jo Bed-In is the school you don’t have to attend and life that one make haste to


    Yo and Jo Bed-In is the space in which everything within the other can be loved


    Yo and Jo Bed-In is time in which we are becoming one


    Yo and Jo you are the bosoms of forgiving


    Yo and Jo you are the stomachs of regeneration


    Yo and Jo you are welcomed in everybody’s bed


    if somebody knows Yoko Ono tell her that

    the Bed-In is one of the 33 petals in the Flower of Nonviolence


    Bed-In I am the Bed-In of All Beings


    Bed-In Bud



    2078. day
    9th September 2010

    when she left all that remained was




    icy loneliness


    emptiness in the head


    sadness in the heart


    Sat I adore You


    Sat You are a prince of nonviolence


    Sat You are the love to the unanswered love


    abandoned boy


    Sat how did You bare it all


    through assimilation


    through naked humour


    through meaningless life You lived and great music You have created


    through all of that You have been doing every day and what You haven’t been doing


    through walking away and coming back


    through white food


    through making Yourself laugh


    through acceptance of everything nobody else would accept


    through pockets full of music


    through night steps


    through a surprising thing


    through enduring


    through hopping


    through God’s withdrawal


    through pasturing the time with slowness


    through gardening the space with repetition


    Sat You have stepped into the marriage immediately

    and You remained in it every moment of your lives


    Sat Your nothing is all-love


    Sat Your icy loneliness became refreshing radiance


    Sat emptiness in Your head transformed itself into the healing simplicity


    Sat from the sadness in Your heart originates the grace in the hearts of those

    who are listening to Satie’s music


    Sat I am Satie


    Satie Bud



    2079. day
    10th September 2010

    Wal I discovered Your walks twenty three years ago in the

    spring of 1987 while preparing myself for the Second Walking for Poetry


    Wal reindeers peacefully pasture the grass because of Your writing


    Wal light enjoys under Your soles


    Wal through Your words innocence sparkles in the air


    Wal beauty enjoys being an apprentice to goodness because of You


    Wal goodness enjoys serving beauty because of You


    Wal every washer-woman is Lisa Mermet because of You


    Wal every being is worthy of admiration because of You


    Wal the one who is looked at feels wonderful because of You


    Wal snow is so white as well because of You


    Wal I will close my eyes and I will write down the pictures I see


    Wal grass covered slope leads towards the water


    Wal white pigeon on top of the roof is cleaning it’s feathers


    Wal donkey is pulling the wooden cart


    Wal river runs around the bare hill


    Wal the same train You’ve seen releases the white steam

    into the space that is spreading


    Wal this is the tree in front of the house in which somebody will soon enter


    Wal knee high muddy boots in front of the door


    Wal in the distance something vague and behind the distance

    continues the distance which disappears


    Wal I opened my eyes and I see wide open

    jaws of the animal which will never hurt anybody


    Wal in Satie’s room nobody entered for 27 years



    Wal You spent 27 years in sanatorium



    Wal Mandela spent 27 years in prison



    Wal 27 years ago I decided to go on with art of walking



    Wal 27 years are 36 births

    36 times 9 months


    Wal Your sobs of rejoicing are hugging and kissing sobs of abjections


    Wal every word of Yours is longing for touch


    Wal every longing of Yours is healing touch through the words


    Wal Rose of Walking

    Rose of Wandering salutes Rose of Walking


    Wal tiny-writing

    if You have better suggestion: wee-writing...


    Wal hat in the snow


    Wal I am Walser


    Walser Bud



    2080. day
    11th September 2010

























    the cage

    cage of violence




    John Cage




    in the cage of music violence and violence through music which is one of the greatest


    Cag Your thoughts are music


    Cag Your loyalty is music


    Cag Your voice is music


    recognizable is violent


    nonviolent can also be violent if it is recognizable


    a bit of water on the palm




    change is marry

    John Cage


    Cag cough is bothering me these days


    hey coughing cough out my health


    hey Cag – You have loved


    hey Cag You loved and you have been loved – loved ones are joyful and nonviolent


    hey Cag nonviolence is marry


    hey Cag hey hey hey hey hey hey hey


    Cag I am Cage


    Cage Bud
