Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    1886. day
    1st March 2010



    definitely – let’s definitely


    I definitely need a bit louder speakers I thought yesterday


    I would definitely like to draw on the screen


    I would definitely like you to come over


    pornography is definitely body of platonic love


    sex is definitely homeland of eternity


    body definitely feeds the soul


    soul definitely feeds the spirit


    spirit is definitely God of small things


    it’s definitely nice walking on grass


    it’s definitely nice to hear the voice that is calling me


    statistic is definitely a gentile friend


    on a big woman’s forehead is definitely laying the foundation of the future church


    through the beauty of Goddess God has definitely been creating snow


    Solemn Sunday Lunch of All Beings is definitely

    most tasty lunch from time immemorial to eradicating of hunger of all beings


    Milica is definitely a girl that gives birth to all beings


    joy is definitely noble


    I-go is definitely an I-dea


    the fact that there is nobody around is definitely Your presence and Your glory


    Bud of the New Money is definitely an answer


    scarf is definitely caressing a neck and not strangling it

    to the dancers


    singing is definitely unstoppable and dancing regenerating


    Your breasts are definitely my lungs


    Your cock is definitely my tranquillity


    Your pussy is definitely my creation


    gratitude is definitely most intense fucking


    self censorship is definitely most morbid death


    my heart is definitely grafted to Yours


    bees are definitely flying through the Universe


    science serving war goals is definitely ending


    state serving violence is definitely ending


    giving birth as means of extending the kind is definitely ending


    definitely only God is telling me Miroslav dance and sing



    1887. day
    2nd March 2010



    I can no longer live if I don’t die with butchered plane trees


    I can no longer live if I don’t die every second

    with all killed beings anywhere in the Universe


    I can no longer live if I don’t die every day with beings that are dying


    I can no longer love if I’m not compassionate with unloved ones


    I can no longer give birth if every second I don’t scream

    through screaming of a newborn ones


    I can no longer create if I don’t identify

    with the ones for whom creating has been forbidden


    it’s really nice how much I know you. I don’t know when exactly it happened

    that I have learned you. but I know a lot about you and it feels really pleasant. there

    is certainly a lot I don’t know about you but you are one of the people I know the

    most of. you are actually the only one. I know more about you and your history

    than about any other man

    Branka Zgonjanin wrote me while we were chatting


    I would love if you’d known everything about me. I would love that everybody knew

    everything about me

    I answered Branka


    one is open


    only the one is open


    open is immortal


    freedom is open


    fears are in secrets


    the weapon that is used for ruling others reigns within the secrets


    openness is the nest of all beings


    woman in Zaplanjska street is sitting on the steps in front

    of the shop. she is smoking a cigarette. cleaning the knees of her pants and cries


    you are like ones you are with – I am with all beings


    I cooked the beetroot


    I am a constant petition through which

    the beauty of every being and goodness of all beings is supported


    Miroslav Mandic is handwriting of all beings


    when I write Miroslav Mandic I wrote Your name


    when anybody writes their name they wrote Miroslav Mandic


    thunders are guarding tender beings


    all beings are tender


    all beings are guarding thunders


    I will give You my scarf


    I caress Your toe nails


    I caress all beings within You


    You who kiss life I caress Your brave decision that You have just come to


    I caress Your tenderness that You need to carry out Your decision


    I constantly think of You


    You are my thought


    I am Your path-life-love


    MIROSLAVEY (from “odyssey”)

    1888. day
    3rd March 2010

    when I get money I will buy 129600 millimetres of white wool. for every

    blessing one millimetre. I will wind in a ball all blessings written until then


    then I will wind every week 198 millimetres

    of white wool – 198 blessings written that week


    white ball of wool


    bud of love


    that white ball of wool is this book


    a ball


    writing through balling – balling through writing


    a ball is circling by stillness




    Miroslavey of creating


    Odyssey of Odysseus


    Miroslavey of Miroslav


    there are no halves. there are no compass points


    therE arE no boundariEs of time but just the energy of love


    only one I of every I


    everything is in one


    white geese are taking off from the water


    soul is flying


    fire is creating


    air is kissing


    water is transforming


    earth exists


    down is up – up is down


    there is here – here is there


    soft is hard – hard is soft


    white is white – white is white


    Miroslavics of all beings


    Miroslavics of wedding of all beings with all beings


    Miroslavey of humbleness and tameness


    Miroslavey of loyalty and simplicity


    Miroslavey of God


    Miroslavey of creating is creating of Miroslav Mandic and singing of Miroslav Mandic


    geese are flying




    1889. day
    4th March 2010

    I’m running the water


    all beings sing within me


    Buds are asking me when will Ana come to draw us again

    I sent e-mail yesterday to Ana Djordjevic-Petrovic


    well that’s true, a Garden sometimes needs a female hand. tell them I’m

    coming soon... I think it will be Tuesday 9th March around 11:30 but

    I must confirm that... because my grandma has a birthday that day

    and I’m not sure if she will live till then... let it then be as it must be

    Ana answered me


    I hope I will soon start drawing 33 Pictures of Eternal Life


    God is creating within me


    when I’m happy I’m always also happy for all beings


    this is unbearably good-beautiful idea for You


    read me better than I am writing


    I am writing better than anybody can read me


    why didn’t I approach her


    marry me – I am married to You


    I kiss You loyally but get out of my sight if You don’t feel why I resent you


    I admire Rousseau for leaving his five kids in a children’s home


    I admire Teresa Levasseur Rousseau’s wife for enduring Rousseau’s decisions


    this that flickers flickers in glory of flickering


    Van Gogh’s paintings are just a hint of Van Gogh Christ


    thus how and where from has come thus


    only a nostalgia for this moment is live nostalgia


    the fact that sometimes I don’t want to say anything

    says more than if I have said anything


    every blade of grass


    any sparrow


    what a cows


    tree in mud is not rotting


    sun’s ember – heart of the planet Earth


    when I’m happy I’m always happy for Fernando Pessoa as well


    just look at this beauty of a sentence


    smell of cows


    why didn’t you approach me


    I love less and less football but I love more and more football ball










    word next to a word is a story


    word in a circle is a poem and fairytale of the Bud of All Beings

    in the book these words should be arranged in a circle



    I LOVE

    1890. day
    5th March 2010

    I am


    I am


    I am is love that identifies


    I am snow


    I love to draw fine lines with ink and pen


    I love to write words on top of the words


    I love not yet existing law by which the acquired wealth

    during the life can’t be inherited but just transferred to all beings


    everyone that ever existed is now me


    everything that ever existed is now me


    all water


    all stones


    all light


    a friend tells me that she got all money from the state budget for the film

    I don’t know how to make films but I know how to ask for and get the money for them

    I made this up


    I put hand cream on my feet as well as calf length boots and here I am on the snow


    when I was sixteen I wrote first poem about black and white snow


    first poem I saved is when I was twenty and it’s called Nevenka


    first two-three hundred poems I burnt in a trash can when I was twenty one


    I bought an elastic band for a green jogging suit that I found on the street

    three-four months ago


    I am a theory of theory – You are theory of theory


    I create theories – You are a practical theory


    I love the same in each letter – You love differences in each letter

    I love Woody Guthrie You Bob Dylan


    important is thought through well only if it is thought a little bit and short


    an un important is not thought through but one rather exists


    for all of that what is not important and is not unimportant all thoughts

    are being and are spent


    I love to think like a child


    I love to think like a rock that ibex/Alpine mountain goats are climbing over


    I also love to think like today’s wind over the river


    everyone who endangers the weaker is already dead


    state is already dead


    institutions are already dead


    big corporations are already dead


    who at least once has experienced one will always love and be one


    I love when world is beautiful like eyes of this woman who looked at me

    as she was passing by




    1891. day
    6th March 2010

    oh joy




    joy work joy


    You’ll be breath taken from beauty and love of

    Miroslav Mandic when You open up to him


    I live whole my life in order to write this in this exact way


    sun is shining it’s really cold


    Miroslav Mandic – first poet of all beings


    Miroslav Mandic – first artist of all beings


    Miroslav Mandic – first walker of all beings


    Miroslav Mandic – first fight in which nobody

    fights against anybody but everybody fights for everybody


    who believes me believes themselves


    rejoice me – believe me


    touch – it’s touching












    wind is blowing like crazy and it’s pretty cold – a man said to somebody

    over the phone


    I am a juicy peach of language


    Nietzsche constantly Nietzsche – Nietzsche constantly sprouts

    (Serbian “sprout” is written and pronounced the same as name Nietzsche)


    the more objective it is the more false it is – the more public the more secretive it is


    Nikolai Fyodorov


    when I got into the Nest I took out the money and I saw

    that this week I have saved 300 dinars. but I also noticed that

    I have lost the batteries for my dictaphone that cost 600 dinars


    my heart is full because after a long time I saw my beggar

    Ruzica and her seven year old daughter Sanja. they were happy

    to see me. that makes me happy and proud although Ruzica said

    she has been in prison for three days because of beggary


    this man and his civilization with these kind of

    laws are dead because he locks up god’s creatures


    I love You Sanja – I love You Ruzica


    once more


    I love You even more Sanja – I love You even more Ruzica


    art of pillow case

    I give this idea to Jelena Besir as a present



    I miss reeds


    I’m hungry. I’m tired. I’m sleepy


    news of the day is that the day is the news


    only news of every day is actually that the day is the only news


    last night in Kalenic café I met seventy year old beautiful

    woman who is coming into the Kalenic café for 33 years

    dedicated to the art of 33


    we are the heart of all beings



    1893. day
    8th March 2010

    four in the afternoon


    yesterday I had a thought that I can hardly wait to wake up and write You


    I got up at half seven but there was no water


    Jelena Besir didn’t call to tell me if she is coming to

    take photos of 64 Buds are Singing to the Bud of All Beings


    the telephone rang and Violeta asked me is your mobile phone not working


    I realised that I didn’t take it out of my jacket yesterday and I didn’t hear it ringing


    Violeta asked me to ask Ivana to check the blessings in Serbian

    since today and tomorrow as well as maybe for the rest of the week

    she won’t have the access to the internet


    on the mobile phone I saw that Jelena has already left

    and that she phoned me several times


    I called Jelena to tell her to stop by somewhere to the toilet since

    mine was full of the material that didn’t go for the lack of water


    Jelena bought water so we made coffee


    I drew all 64 Buds and Jelena took photos of them


    I drew Blue Rose and Jelena recorded Blue Film


    I gave to Jelena a little stone from the Saturday

    photo and the idea that is called The Art of the Pillow Case


    I walked with Jelena to Branko’s bridge. we met

    Ana and saw a group of women who were protesting on the

    occasion of 8th of March guarded by a large group of policemen


    on my way back I walked on my own so as to walk through the coldness


    I didn’t write anything I just walked and protecting my nose and mouth from cold air


    I bought the batteries for dictaphone


    I bought portfolio and hundred cases for the Blue Roses


    I bought tartar sauce


    when I got to the Nest I got last year’s bill for utilities

    for April last year that I paid already and that put me

    down and confirmed that state institutions are criminal


    I washed my hands and face with half a glass of water


    in water that Jelena bought me I cooked leek carrot and a bit of cabbage


    I’m withholding myself from being afflicted by the

    fucking carelessness and greed of people serving the state


    water will come soon and will take away the material


    I say material and not shit just to make a joke to the delight of humour


    not to be disgusted by shit is very important


    to feel the goodness of shit is even more important


    to see the beauty of the shit of others is the art of the beauty itself


    scientists are trying for centuries to find the theory of everything


    the problem is that the theory of everything can’t be found if it isn’t for everything


    wherever everything is there the formulae for everything abides


    only the one that is everything if the theory of everything


    lunch is waiting for You



    1894. day
    9th March 2010

    when I heard yesterday a respectable man saying that is what Einstein

    said… I immediately thought out another Einstein’s sentence what Einstein has said

    is one more thing that is being said for that I have said it and I haven’t said it


    science is a question – I am questioned


    I am questioned about everything – everything depends on me


    religion is an answer – I am responsible for a response


    twenty or so people holding packages are waiting in front of

    the gate of the District Jail to visit their loved ones


    I am happy because I’ve been in jail


    I am happy for seeing this tree


    I am watching it for all locked up people


    what are you doing – a woman that came out of the yard asked me

    I find this tree beautiful so I’m taking a picture of it – I answered her

    it could build a house. we thought of cutting it down but let it stay – she said


    a man is washing his hands in a little bit of snow that is left on the car


    it is good to learn about beauty from the beauty of the stones


    this is not a lot but it is everything


    minimal needs are making maximal love


    maximal needs give birth to nothingness


    I am on Miroslav Mandic – most remote star in the Universe


    the most remote star is now and here


    now within now


    here within here


    I within I


    love within love


    I within love – love within I


    I within heart of goodness


    I within heart of beauty


    I within heart of new and clean beginning


    begin me


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother


    this is not a lot but it is even a bit more than everything


    now of the lips


    here of the agreement


    I of cranberry


    I just remembered that I have forgotten something

    but I still can’t remember what that is


    little stones


    lie is betrayed regret

    (in Serbian “regret” is anagram of “lie”: “laž” “žal”)




    1895. day
    10th March 2010

     did you read Hey Little Man – by Wilhelm Reich

    did you read School of Atheism – by Aleksandar Tisma

    that is what I couldn’t remember yesterday and I did remember tonight


    snow dust is snowing


    green football pitch is white again


    time plays are not stopping and are constantly changing


    are we gonna walk Miroslav – I say to myself


    we are walking and hanging around with all beings – I keep on encouraging myself


    all beings are in every heart


    only the life of all beings within me constitutes my life



    all beings are snowing


    white wool of alllife is winding


    because the roots of the trees are interfering with waste pipes water pipes

    electrical and telephone wires in the ground man has thought out to plant the

    trees in enclosed space. some kind of big pots but actually cages


    soil belongs first to trees and only then to man


    man has stolen the soil from the trees


    man doesn’t understand that in that way he himself is in the cage of his own idiotism


    to be a man is something most disgusting that can happen to a being


    only among all beings there is a hope for the most disgusting ones


    they are rejoicing – snowing more and more – all beings


    I hug unimportance for You – I kiss You in unimportance

    I sent an e-mail to Branka Zgonjanin


    if you didn’t get going just to tell you that strong wind

    is blowing. take double scarf. dress well. I kiss you

    Jelena Besir sent me an sms


    kisses are taking care of kisses


    I am outside. it’s not cold. but when it starts blowing...


    man like any other being is not disgusting but what man is

    doing to other beings is disgusting and that makes him disgusting

    man will free himself from the man


    I think of the beauty of Arabic writing


    all symbols are live love


    cross is love

    swastika is love

    circle is love

    wheel is love

    crescent moon is love

    pentagram is love

    hexagon is love



    mind in heart. heart in goodness of pussy and cock that are creating beauty of love


    I let one old woman pass on a snowy path and she smiled at me

    I felt how her heart warmed up. in her smile all beings are enjoying now


    I wink at lambs


    I wink at man so as he wouldn’t butcher the lambs


    millions of years are behind me. millions of years are in front

    of me and just one and only now within which all millions are


    all beings have lived until now so as I would write this blessing


    while this wind by the river is blowing through me I think that

    all I do is nothing else but just music of hope for all beings


    music of budding



    1896. day
    11th March 2010





    good beautiful


    beautiful good


    good good


    beautiful beautiful


    when good and beautiful are together – goodness emanates beauty –

    beauty shines goodness


    when good and beautiful are divided – devil teaches through goodness –

    seduces through beautiful


    within the snowflake of snow are snowflakes of goodness and snowflakes of beautiful


    when male and female are together – male is encouraging – female is alleviating


    when female and male are separated – male is killing – female is enslaving


    earth and sky are one

    man and all beings are one


    we are together so as to be one – together


    together means being one and not together


    one is freedom


    one is truth


    one is love


    every day is not just something everyday but also a biggest festivity


    every day art is not only most simple and most ordinary

    but also most rare and omnipresent


    every day art is not only accessible to everybody

    but it’s also most expensive and not bribable


    every day art is a daily bread

    kneaded with water of repetition and wheat of gratitude


    I am grateful every day for every day art


    I love every nature that changes its nature on its own


    to change one’s nature means to create better nature


    to live one’s nature and not change it means to enlarge evil


    I don’t love any nature which violently changes anybody else’s and any other nature





    modernity after postmodernity

    just implyity after implyity


    world is full of implyities that is understood only by those who imply it


    implyities are death of a spirit


    I stopped by friends – Mandic family – they put in my bag to take with me



    eggplant-peppers salad



    cabbage salad


    cake and cakes

    madness from love and allessence

    you are invited for lunch


    I kiss everything I eat


    alllife – feed yourself with my love


    my dear tattoo the shape of my lips on your body

    I wanted to send You an e-mail with this suggestion but I

    gave up since every blessing is anyways written only for You



    1897. day
    12th March 2010

    I believe that mathematics is not approving violence of people over other beings


    if mathematics would approve the violence it wouldn’t be alive

    and it couldn’t develop


    mathematics is the blues of higher beings


    he was betrayed by his and his enemy was betrayed by his


    ours are traitors


    future of the man is in that to find the way to redeem for his violence


    violence of democracy

    violence of communism

    violence of fascism

    violence through secrets

    violence through richness

    violence through reputation

    violence of imperialism

    violence of colonialism

    violence of feudalism

    violence of slavery

    violence of racism

    violence of gas chambers

    violence of concentration camps

    violence of shopping malls

    violence of bread and games

    violence of banks

    violence of civilisations

    violence through conquering the universe

    violence through building dams

    violence through digging mines

    violence through cutting woods

    violence through taming animals

    violence through missionary work

    violence of the inquisition

    violence of the stakes

    violence of the guillotines

    violence of the gallows

    violence of the electric chair

    violence of bioengineering

    violence of butchery

    violence of the sawmills


    violence of the humanitarian actions through which all the violence is laundered


    violence of the school and university in which the human evil is hushed up

    and the conscience of children and youth is killed

    so as they could do violence

    with a clear conscience


    I cannot live with all of that and that’s why I write this


    I live for the resurrection of all beings and especially for those beings that I hurt


    I create for all and not yet created beings and

    especially for those that I now hurt with my creation


    all beings will back up a man in his redemption


    redemption is a humus of great creation

    you can do it man yes you can


    all known beings are only a small portion of unknown beings

    and all of them together make all beings


    rhythm is a being


    multitude of beings is in the rhythms of all beings


    silence is a being


    multitude of beings are in silence


    all beings are in a poem that all beings love


    Danube I kiss You – I shout and wave at Danube


    I also kiss you Miroslav – shouts to me and flows to me Danube


    just when I look at the eyes of the day I see that eyes of the day are watching me


    just when I look at the eyes of the truth I see that eyes of the truth are watching me


    just when I look at the eyes of love I see that eyes of love are kissing me


    eyes are watching eyes


    one eye is in all eyes


    eyes are watching so as to kiss


    joy of life with all beings


    I am radiant with love of all beings







    you feel how it spreads in my chest



    1898. day
    13th March 2010

    I’m reading the autobiography of James Brown on the computer. it’s beginning

    to snow. goodness is so beautiful. I’m crying. tears are filling my eyes

    boy don’t give up


    I love courage of these words that just exist


    I love I love


    I love all beings – all beings are my parents – my wife – my kids


    everything is mine because nothing is mine


    who wants to care about man as species they must

    care about man for at least million years


    man as a species is destroyed by what he thinks is his

    his blood

    his offspring

    his family

    his race

    his nation

    his state

    his culture

    his language

    his property

    his Planet


    hey beauty that went on road – I said aloud while I was drawing Good Walker


    while I’m waiting for the meeting with Vladimir Macura

    I’m walking around hotel Moscow


    Vladimir gave me green pencil two meters long


    I want that all beings all the time feel my love


    I would love if all beings would know about Miroslav Mandic

    and Miroslav Mandic Art


    the best ones are much more modest they only want that

    their nation or race or sex or their civilisation knows about them


    not only that I would love if all beings would know about the name

    Miroslav Mandic but I believe that they already know it


    regardless of my wish being a subject of ridicule or being considered crazy

    I think that it is an essence of every being that they are known and loved by all



    my wish that all beings know the name Miroslav Mandic is a wish of every nightingale


    every grass blade


    every Walt Whitman


    every Fernando Pessoa


    every Friedrich Holderlin


    every Maister Eckhart


    every Billie Holiday


    every Gertrude Stein


    every baby on the breast of the beggar woman


    every tear off little branch


    every kernel of wheat


    everyone who has hushed up

    the name of Miroslav Mandic art

    and the art of Miroslav Mandic name


    my wish that all beings know the name Miroslav Mandic

    arises on the music of the wish through which all beings are dancing and singing


    Miroslav Mandic liberates light and love in every being


    Miroslav Mandic is created from deep modesty of every enthusiasm


    Miroslav Mandic lasts through warm tranquillity of every calm-down


    Miroslav Mandic in Your name – You in the name Miroslav Mandic



    1900. day
    15th March 2010
















    here were the names of fourteen close people who I wrote to on Saturday

    I’m going more and more far away and closer and closer to the heart of all beings – Your heart

    heart is a poem

    heart is singing the mind

    I’m writing to You because I hope You love me

    and You can bear as well my work as me and name Miroslav Mandic

    I’m sending You the blessings of this week in order for You to help me for

    everything to be as it is written in them – the way I believe is dear to God

    my poems and Miroslav Mandic art is

    beaming and confirmation of the heavenly wish that I am

    that everything that is is

    God within me God

    this e-mail I’m sending to You

    through the face of singing

    through the face of creating

    through the face of loyalty

    on Sunday I thought that this could disturb some of them

    and I didn’t send this letter to anybody along with last week’s blessings


    I’m leaving – what you feel is the mind

    I’m coming – what you feel is the heart


    ... I’m leaving coming leaving coming leaving coming leaving coming...


    the only one – same as all beings


    just God


    just poem


    just rose


    just road


    just every being


    I’m everything


    receive me in yourself




    bloom Miroslav Mandic-all beings-love-God


    Miroslav Mandic is the name of heavens


    everything that isn’t the heavens is boring and it kills itself and everything

    around it from boredom


    Miroslav Mandic is the name of all beings


    Miroslav Mandic is the way by which through the joke on his account

    everything becomes Miroslav Mandic


    as long as there are names Miroslav Mandic will be love in every name


    when the last name disappears Miroslav Mandic name will also disappear


    I’m repeating the name Miroslav Mandic in the same way I repeat everything

    as well as I repeat myself


    like a footballer who on training sessions repeats everything that becomes

    perfect in playing the game


    I’m not Miroslav


    I’m not Mandic


    I’m not Miroslav Mandic


    I am Miroslav Mandic


    art of one name – art within one name


    everything sung through a one name


    Miroslav Mandic – everything kisses everybody


    Miroslav Mandic – love is one


    name yourself Miroslav Mandic – call me Miroslav Mandic


    Miroslav Mandic is Aleksa Golijanin whom I met by chance after three years


    Miroslav Mandic is Ana Djordjevic-Petrovic whom I met by chance

    and just before we met bought me a white woollen yarn for Miroslav Mandic book

    I told Ana first about the Big Pictures that I will begin to do




    1901. day
    16th March 2010

    I’m reading with pleasure Slobodan Tisma

    and his latest book Quattro Stagioni


    take something anything and you’ll see – it’s love


    give something anything and you’ll feel – it’s a poem


    state of love is the state of the poem – primary state


    event of the life is the event of the story – secondary state


    Field Poppies

    I love you – cum all

    Field Poppies is the title of my drama that is consisted only of four words I love you – cum all


    I asked director of love Branko Popovic to direct this drama


    Field Poppies are dedicated to the audience and only real directing – directing

    of the audience itself


    Field Poppies is performed first like a chamber play until it slowly develops into

    mass gatherings during which the text itself says everybody cums together





    I’m disgusted with myself – I saved myself – I redeemed you

    Dandelion is the title of my drama that is consisted only out of ten words


    I dedicated Dandelion to You

    call me to give You direction for its performing


    I’m going to see and take photos of blue flowers


    I will find blue flowers down by the river


    the wind is blowing – I found them – they are incomprehensibly beautiful


    unnoticeable from beauty – unnoticeable for goodness


    I enjoy listening the bell that bells me


    my happiness is called the Happiness of All Beings


    I am sure that flies wouldn’t agree to live not being happy


    I immediately feel like an ocean by the Danube


    I smile a bit and I think – right away is the biggest ocean


    everything that is the most valuable is free and everything that is not worth is

    more and more expensive until it comes to the most expensive to the killing


    everything that is expensive is connected to plundering and killing


    expensive is crime


    tender is cheap


    I’m neither with these nor with these nor with these –

    I’m a golden thread with everybody


    I don’t like human secrets. hidings. but I find it nice

    how Bojana’s Svetomir has spoken about secret


    secret like a cause of incomprehensible and inconceivable


    Bojana’s Svetomir also spoke nicely about shame like inappropriate and

    not able to adjust


    a young man in front of me is speaking on the mobile phone and by

    his movements I felt how was ashamed and felt humiliated


    I was always ashamed. especially in my childhood


    now I felt – I was ashamed because I felt that I wasn’t of this world


    only with God You and all beings I’m not ashamed



    1902. day
    17th March 2010

    the blessings that are going to follow I will be writing

    until I meet up with Jelena Besir on the tram bridge


    I love to prepare myself for a meeting. especially while walking

    just before the meeting


    preparations for the meeting are very important. that is a kind of dignity

    that refines


    looking forward to the meeting and respect for the one you are meeting with


    preparations for the meeting create and shape the meeting


    every meeting is the first one for me. decisive. which I expect everything

    and nothing from. meeting of two first people. with no experience. heavenly. innocent


    twenty or so days ago Jelena and me had fantastic

    Business Lunch today I will propose her Sex Lunch


    until now I had only Business Coffees and Business Lunches

    but this would be the first Sex Lunch


    God Lunch

    Sex Lunch

    Business Lunch

    these are the lunches that make – I just discovered –

    Solemn Sunday Lunch of All Beings


    I am near Main Post Office. I think of the Eternal Art


    I live and create Eternal Art


    I am Eternal Art – I spoke out in front of the National Assembly


    Eternal Art is art


    not this or that art but just art


    everyone that is engaged in Eternal Art is its founder – the first – the only one


    Eternal Art is created by One and Only Artist


    all artists make One and Only Artist


    One and Only Artist makes all artists


    I crossed the bridge and Jelena is not yet here but she will come…


    …Jelena got bus no.65 and blessings that are following are after our meeting


    a man is hailing a taxi with a cigarette in his hand

    and the smoke from his cigarette meanders through the crossroads


    before the meeting with Jelena temperature was few degrees

    lower so now I’m enjoying the slow walk on the warm sun


    I respect and love everybody’s sex


    everybody’s sexuality is unique and beautiful


    all beings are fascinated by the sexuality of every being


    mathematics is the ode to the sexuality of all beings


    sex is a hero of immortality


    sexual beings are feeding with immortality all beings


    sex is loyal to the eternity


    I love loyally


    one doesn’t live any more from big things but from small ones

    a bakery woman who I bought first bread from told me


    I am a sex of all beings – You are the most exciting and most desirable being – hey




    1903. day
    18th March 2010

    happiness is sad


    I’m unhappy because almost everybody thinks only of their own happiness

    nobody thinks of me and hardly anybody is happy because of me

    many of the happy ones don’t know that I am unhappy at that time

    I am happiness – it’s down to happiness – only one of the beings of all beings

    I am happiness only when all beings are happy

    there is no happier being than me when all beings are happy

    happiness is telling me


    I love how Slobodan Tisma is writing about colours and the fact that

    he is writing a lot about them


    all my life I was doing my best not to seduce but

    to show everybody that they are exciting and very desirable


    I’m a bee that shows to every woman that she is the most beautiful and

    most desirable


    I’m a grass blade that shows to every being that it is most desired being


    I’m a success and I say – You are the most desirable being


    never forget one thing that only You are wanted by all beings

    dedicated to the young man who came to Jelena Besir to say hallo to her in Knez Mihailova street


    I am God because I love You


    I am God because I’m only God


    I am God because I’m God’s glory


    death doesn’t let down


    death gives life


    people have betrayed death


    they have renounced the eternal life


    if I don’t feel that my mother is a whore and my father

    criminal I will always think that whores and criminals are other people


    if I never feel that I’m nobody I will always think that

    those who are nobody are somebody


    long live Dragan Mitrovic

    I said to the eight year old boy who just told me his name


    Dragan Mitrovic is my happiness with which I make all beings happy


    how just money makes somebody happy when I give it to them with no reason

    dedicated to the sexy money


    one bee flew down on the cardboard box in the container


    with all beings I want everything and with everybody


    without single one being among all other beings I don’t want anything with anybody


    I of all beings within me will never die


    I of only my being will die for all beings


    somebody set aside these very two little stones for me to find them


    every blessing that I write is gratitude to God because I even wrote it


    have you ever went through Mokroluska street exactly on the corner with

    Zajcova street


    humour is a being of all beings


    thank you Miroslav Mandic – humour tells me


    mama where are you going – a little girl asks

    I’m going to fuck – mama answered

    in Jase Ignjatovica street to the pleasure of Jasa Ignjatovic – I believe


    I become groundlessly become happy and immediately ashamed

    because I think that my happiness hurts somebody


    in front of Filip Visnjic publishing company I throw a dice

    and ask it if I can watch the arse of this girl in front of me

    yes – it answered me. I’m now watching it peacefully and with pleasure...

    one more dedication to the sexy money






    1904. day
    19th March 2010

     I’m not judging – I’m just udging


    udging and walking 


    with (fifth) extremity


    penis – ohm

    (in Serbian it’s “ud – om”, which is just separated word “udom”, meaning what is in previous blessing)


    I’m penising – torsoing - heading


    I’m penising – hearting – minding


    I’m grazing words


    I’m driving humour


    I’m picking with words


    world of sanctity


    world from hoar frost


    world of shirts


    to pass away

    with no pain



    forever Yours always


    white football


    white angel

    last night Srdjan Valjarevic gave me white football form sport club Sindjelic


    on the chest of all beings I hug You exhausted


    I address beautiful and good words to everybody


    so that everybody would be good through beautiful words


    so that everybody would be beautiful through good words


    sea is beautiful and good


    mountain is beautiful and good


    plain indicates – until a minute ago exhausted one has recovered


    I would have been a sad being if I haven’t met the sorrow of the plains


    I would have been a mortal being if I haven’t seen fear from death in art


    I kiss the sorrow of the plains – it’s joyous

    I hug the art that is afraid of death – it’s immortal


    art of the plain liberates the plain from sorrow


    art of immortality liberates the art from the fear of death


    who in spite of everything starts believing in themselves are called

    My Friend is Miroslav Mandic


    who in spite of everything starts believing in the other and all beings is called

    Miroslav Mandic


    I love You my Bra – retrospective of Miroslav Mandic is held within Miroslav Mandic

    I just sent sms to Branko Popovic

    of course Miroslav

    Branko answered



    1905. day
    20th March 2010

    today is the beginning of spring – today’s blessings are dedicated to the

    fifteen year old girl who was the first to receive my friend within her 


    everything is in that girl 


    every being is a girl 


    all beings are a boy


    a girl receives a boy within her


    a boy gives himself completely to a girl – he disappears


    a girl receives a whole boy – she disappears


    eternal spring of a girl and boy – God’s child is created


    through one limb


    a limb of a path


    ohm of the roses


    I am a God – a God’s work


    I think of myself as if I’m a God – devil’s work


    revelation – experience of the same


    discovery – experience of the different


    I feel more and more that through saying any given word I’m saying all words


    spring – every word has received every word within itself


    spring – take a look at the eternal art of spring within the spring of the Eternal Art


    spring – I’m sad – sadness is betrayed joy that happened to us


    spring – after a long time I’m sitting

    leaning on the bollard waiting for the green light


    spring – first spring of the first time second ten year walking


    God will give that next year I will write

    second spring of the first time second ten year walking



    spring – I’m walking-planeting – Planet is moving away under my feet


    spring – to every woman from 7 to 107 I smile with I like you very much smile


    spring – get your master degree on Miroslav Mandic Fucks Everybody’s Mother


    spring – get your PhD on Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother


    spring – sea move to the doors of all beings


    spring – so as the water would exist even when it disappears


    spring – I am a porn worker to all beings on the web site

    spring – web site is a home of all beings
























    everyone who receives the other within themselves is God







    1907. day
    22nd March 2010

    I slept through a whole day yesterday. in the afternoon I was throwing up

    I lost strength. my stomach was troubling me all night. it had too much of

    leak on Saturday


    I’m walking slowly. I’m nursing myself


    I’m tender towards my stomach


    when I lose my strength I feel how everything is coming from it


    without strength I can’t write a single word


    yesterday and this morning my spine was painful. I felt problems with my sight


    I just now realised the connection between the sight and spine


    troubles with my spine came from sorrow


    I felt sorrow because joy is constantly destroyed


    how to rejoice with somebody when so many join joys are destroyed


    rejoice my spine


    my eyes watch clearly


    my stomach calm down


    sorrow is so dangerous


    sorrow makes you sick


    sorrow is lethal


    I kiss You sorrow – sorrow rejoice


    bodies are more and more dear to me because they are so fragile


    body is more fragile than the soul. soul is more fragile than the spirit


    the body of the word water is the word water


    soul of the word water is thirst


    spirit of the word water is health


    grace heals


    I’m walking for a grace in Your spine


    I’m walking for a grace in everybody’s I


    grace raspberry

    (in Serbian the difference is only in one letter: “milina malina”)


    just God – just God – doesn’t stop to constantly be a God


    God yearns for somebody else to become God


    God lives me


    through God everything lives


    nobody dies to God


    God spine raspberry God





    1908. day
    23rd March 2010

    I’m walking – abdomen is still struggling


    buds are more and more green


    gardens have been dug up. roses pruned


    I love the artist in every being


    all being love to be beautiful


    I feel nice to watch the buds on the trees


    greenery is drizzling


    Vera told me in her e-mail to buy probiotik

    capsules because I might have got some bacteria or virus


    I believe that all beings are serving the life of all beings


    I believe that bacteria and viruses are serving the life of all beings


    there is a great strength in bacteria and viruses


    here are first white leaves petals of the trees blossoms


    through the buds on the trees the air is budding as well


    oh now us – said a man when the green light on the crossroads went on


    ever since there are wars human society is based on

    two pillars. pillar of killers and pillar of criminals


    whoever relies on and believes in pillars they must rely on killers or criminals


    army or police


    university or show business


    state or secret organisations


    future of human species is not in pillars


    but in compassion and permeating – awareness that everything depends

    on smallest and the least important


    only freedom of all beings is freedom for every being as well


    a man plants flowers – that pleases my stomach


    I think of everything that is in a stomach


    in a stomach of creation


    I would just take photos of blooming of the trees


    when two people don’t understand each other that causes wars


    when words are let down that kills the buds


    I’m throwing a ball – I’m celebrating life

    for last hundred or so meters I think of the book To Celebrate Life that I saw in the shop window


    I caress you backs of my abdomen – I caress you abdomen of my backs


    abdomen is beautiful – backs are good


    my abdomen is bothering me but I rejoice since I write about the abdomen


    I threw a ball to the gloomy fourteen year old boy

    he caught it and smiled at me and that rejoiced me a lot

