Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    1978. day
    1st June 2010

    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    I believe the one – the one guards me –I love-kiss the one


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    the one has opened me to everything


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    the one has thought me singing – the one has made me make an oath to the poem


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    through the one I experienced one truth


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    he-one charmed me through she-one – only through she-one I am also he-one


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    only I am everything through everybody


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    only I am everything and only everybody and everything is I


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    the one is the weakest – in the one everything disappears – within the one

    everything transforms – into You


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    within the body of the one all beings are


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    within the heart of the one the younglings of all beings are


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    within the brain of the one the poem of all beings is


    Art is the Voice of God – the Voice of the One

    within the will of the one is I You God


    first of June


    first of June again


    it’s raining


    it’s first of June


    it’s always the first of June – the first of June is forever


    it’s raining with November rain in the beginning of June


    it’s pouring and pouring that cold June-November rain


    transiency is eternal – the first of June will pass


    hey first of June that June-November of Yours is still pouring


    You allure me June – You allure me rain


    You are juneing me June


    I am juneing You she-june

    mystical unity permeates all beings


    hesychastic prayer illuminates all beings





    transiency is eternal – the first of June is passing


    I am a warm soup


    bloody lip


    blood into the spirit into the word


    transiency is eternal – the first of June has passed


    again first of June You are eternally not passing




    1979. day
    2nd June 2010

    Art is God’s Mother

    You gave birth to me


    Art is God’s Mother

    You have regenerated everything


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are sinless fucking birth and dying


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are the only whore of love in the world in which the honest ones

    are whored with love


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are the only whore of love in the world in which people kill each another with love


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are yes to all beings – fertilizing creation


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are all to everybody and everything


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are Your husband


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are Your daughter and Your son


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are the mother and the father of all bastards


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are my poem


    Art is God’s Mother

    You are God


    You know that I am You


    You know that I know that You want to love-kiss me


    You know that I know that I am Your desire


    You know that I know that You want to surrender to me


    You know that I know that You want to fly together with me


    You know that I know that You want to be all beings


    You know that I know that You want to be calm


    You know that I know that You want to be in ecstasy


    You know that I know that You want to be me


    I know


    fucking is classical – taste of thirst and hunger


    I know


    today as well is raining with June-November rain


    sour cherries are wet


    today I will go with Branko Popovic on fourth lunch in 6 and 400 kafana



    today Djordje Stanojevic with his friends will pay me a visit


    love for the unknown and unknown people


    You are my everything


    I am


    You are my child


    fuck me – give birth to me





    1980. day
    3rd June 2010

    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    art confirms art 


    Art is the Bud of All Beings 

    art confirms singing 


    Art is the Bud of All Beings 

    singing confirms art


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    singing confirms singing


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    confirmation of love loves confirmation


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    identification confirms identification


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    Your face confirms mine


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    Ad Reinhardt confirms Ad Reinhardt


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    swearword confirms sweared at


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    I’m a whore gigolo


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    delivering-lecture to Djordje Stanojevic – his friends and all beings

    last night from 18:30 to 22:00 – who knows Katalin Kesery tell her

    that I love her and that through Godyou the definitions of art are budding and kissing


    Art is the Bud of All Beings

    every word that I have spoken confirms the love that I have created


    with my left hand fingers I’m caressing the fingers of the right hand


    I’m on the sea shore

    do walk sometimes instead of me for all beings


    to the one who doesn’t understand what is written in this blessing

    I’m saying clearly that it’s written I kiss her – You my beloved


    writing is kissing


    reading is fucking


    let’s kiss and fuck


    it hurts me love me


    good writes good


    beautiful writes beautiful


    me in Your skin


    Miroslav Mandic in Your hands


    unsolvable now lives in eternally solvable


    God just God 



    how tender is this word


    with forehead ohm

    word anger – with bee ohm –word honey

    with body ohm


    sometimes millenniums are needed so that

    the conclusive importance of this irrelevant blessing is recognised

    dedicated to You through who I am


    somebody needs just a moment to feel that I am immortality actually within them


    sometimes I’m nothing else but my mother that got born within You


    I love-kiss You crazily my only loyal fool


    when in some motherfucking cunt of worry You feel that everything went to fuck

    remember then that in this cock the pussy of insouciance is budding and that everything

    has found its peace in the pussy of gratuitousness


    I am a stone thrown at the whore that while flying transformed itself into the love for

    the whore and immaculate as well as righteous ones that are constantly throwing stones

    at the chaste and innocent ones

    dedicated to...



    1981. day
    4th June 2010

    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    my mother is the mother of all beings

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    my mother gives her pussy to all beings

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    one is the mother of ours. we are all fucking one mother

    we are all born by one mother. we are all breast fed by one mother

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    one mother is kissing us. one mother is leading us towards death

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    let’s liberate mothers from giving births. let’s liberate love from life. let’s liberate

    life from death. let’s liberate death from its role. let’s liberate roles from roles

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    mother and father do get married within me

    mother and father do reconcile all men and women within me

    mother and father do return to the paradise-one-God within me

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    I know that only You would love if I would fuck Your mother

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    I know that the particles are one. I know that the

    waves are one. I know that thoughts are kissing everything that is

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    I would love if You would name hermeneutics by singing and singing by caressing

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    I would love if You would shelter me – I am Your will – I am Your freedom

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    I would love if You would obey me – I am Your love – I am Your obedience

    happy 84th birthday Kaja


    Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother Art

    Kaja I love You

    all beings are begging You that nobody ever let down Miroslav Mandic

    happy 84th birthday Kaja God’s Mother


    love in the jaws


    loneliness is the only unexplored area


    everything else is within You


    my Youa I am Your Iam


    untranslatable is the most clear


    untranslatable the most singable


    tree on top of the beam


    love to the naked


    ugly woman fucks the best since she thinks it’s her last time

    one great woman told me in Ljubljana in 1989 – that is one of the most tender things I’ve ever heard in my life


    I am that ugly woman


    I kiss You most beautiful woman of all beings


    I kiss You abandoned


    I kiss You existence – just fuck every moment


    for twelve days I’ve been writing definitions of love

    I wanted to write definitions of art – but You wrote definitions of love


    for twelve days I’ve been writing while drinking wine – it drained me – let the fruit and vegetables ripen in abundance


    yesterday I translated blessings with Google Translator


    language is one


    I’m translating it so as there would be one language


    one and only word








    1982. day
    5th June 2010

    there is no coming back – return is eternal


    God of obedience – obedience to God


    every word liberates me – girly-swearwords especially


    when I remember people that are dying of hunger now

    every word of mine is a swearword


    when I remember humane killings that are carried out now

    in pharmaceutical industry and meet industry every breath I take is a swearword


    high viewing figures commerciality and citation rates are leading into

    communism liberalism and fascism


    life is a constant horror of facing up to our own selfishness


    life is a constant horror of facing up to our own egoism


    life is a beautiful struggle for love


    life is a wonderful struggle for immortality


    I love to write so that every word that I write down fucks with the next one




























    I yearn to tell You who I am – I am God within You


    I kiss Your shoulders


    fuck my back


    mother is the moment of the defined


    You are the naked woman on the grave of my mother


    father is the primeval of abstraction


    You are the naked breasts and arse on the grave of my father


    so that war which is going on now would stop forever. every war

    any war. as well as the worst war between woman and man


    You are the nakedness and everything somebody wishes for themselves


    ...finding ourselves in the time (transiency) of the world, man’s nature

    is subordinated to the insecure and changeable movements, because of the

    changing and deterioration of the world. when it comes into the unity with God, however

    human nature will be in ever-moving condition (αεικινητος στασις) and

    constant same-movement (στασιμον ταυτοκινησιαν) eternally existing

    around the One that is the Same, Single and Only One – Maxim the Confessor


    ever-moving condition – winking – everything different in the same


    radiant tranquillity in the nerves of the Universe


    mild pleasure in the muscle fibres of all beings






    I am a monument to all whores that have saved the mankind of self-devouring


    mines of love and scientific inventions are in the whores


    my words are whores that kiss all beings


    smell of dill


    1984. day
    7th June 2010

    I is dying in You through fucking


    You gives life to I


    I resurrects I


    holly is the fucking


    holly is the breathing


    holly is the writing


    marriage of a girl and a boy


    I got married the minute I got born


    life divorced me from You


    I’m coming back to love – I’m coming back to love – I’m coming back to love


    love resurrects


    kill me with cock – You used to tell me


    I live for every word


    dusk love-kisses dawn


    I am a diary of myself


    I am a diary of the word I


    I am a diary of the word money


    I am a diary of the word fucking


    I am an every night diary of the word night


    I am an everyday diary of the word day


    I am a diary of repentance of all beings towards all beings


    I am a diary of soft leather of the one and only leather


    I am a diary of all my defeats


    I am a God diary


    I smell Your fragrance


    we are again in heaven


    I live Your loyalty


    we are gardening the garden of life


    I am one from You and not one from two


    I am one from one and not one from many


    baby potatoes are cooling down







    1985. day
    8th June 2010



    heath from the morning


    I washed my sandals. I have to take them to the cobbler on sawing


    I drew 64 Buds are Singing to the Bud of All Beings


    I drew Blue Rose and started recording hundred and fifty third hour of Blue Film


    I will drink these two or three sips of the second coffee and get into the heath


    1736 kilometres are behind me – 38341 kilometres are in front of me


    dancing and singing


    I love-kiss You First Time Second Ten Year Walking


    walking should be undertaken not writing


    I’m meandering – looking for the shade


    I threw away the envelope with 50 dinars in it on which is written happiness love health


    I drew Good Walker underneath which I write number of kilometres I walked


    I threw a ball in the air but the sun blinded me and I couldn’t catch it


    all people live in jail. nobody dares to open the jail doors and get out through them

    one child dared and opened the doors. the rest have immediately swarmed up

    and run the child over. people in freedom are now talking how brave they were

    and how they got out through the door. they don’t mention the child. they have

    killed and buried the child in their hearts. this story came to my on

    the rise of Mother Angelina Street


    through entertainments and sadness’s


    through comfort and insensibility


    through indifference and violence of authorities


    people live in jail


    love is a child


    courage is child’s heart within a man


    freedom is to live for the child within oneself


    only 3,33 kilometres – let’s go child


    if I wasn’t a child I would have killed myself


    I’m walking for all the children that killed themselves


    I can’t go further down this road I need to go back


    I stopped and by watching without even a blink

    I’m hunting the hunt of the white cat in high grass


    the cat at one point jumped aloof and high and caught the lizard


    grandpa is cutting a hedge sitting on the chair and his grandson is holding the chair

    so that grandpa wouldn’t fall


    cut down sour cherry tree thrown away to junkyard still lives and ripens


    I’m nothing without the child within me


    I’m nothing without love for younglings of all beings


    forest paths are still wet from a lot of rain



    1986. day
    9th June 2010

    when tears start falling


    with Ana and San in Botanical Garden. San watched fishes and turtles


    I saw my magnolia


    I haven’t seen her for few years


    she grew


    quite a girl


    green girl


    taller than me


    I plucked off few dried leaves of her


    she’s young




    her leaves are big


    she’s full of juices


    yearning for light


    yearning for soil


    yearning for water


    surrounded by air


    grown through love


    cared for from other herbs


    her trunk is high


    she wants to grow more


    when I planted her she was up to my chest


    it was autumn – 31st October 2004


    it meant a lot to me

    it means even more now


    the first tree that I have planted in my life


    the tree for the book


    I love one and only sex – sex of all beings with all beings


    I was enjoying water lilies


    I live for You magnolia


    all mine is Yours


    I’m watching You on the photo and I feel that’s me


    light kisses light


    my green one



    1987. day
    10th June 2010

    after the first word it’s already easier


    ship has parted from the bank


    airplane is accelerating on the runway and it’s taking off


    bank is disappearing in the water


    soil is disappearing in the air


    light is disappearing in the word light


    I spread my arms


    wind in the branches


    in the quiet streets


    everything already happened


    everything happens again


    a crow is standing on the top of the wooden post


    young woman is getting out of the house and she’s walking

    down the street as if she was on the catwalk


    I would love to swim


    hydrangeas are coming


    I wish you luck – an old woman told me

    when she saw me picking up a dinar of the ground


    what’s everything good for if not for me to kiss everything


    I stopped and I’m watching young tennis player how she skips the cord


    two boys are spraying each other with water from the drinking fountain


    on the uphill of Volga’s street I took off my t-shirt


    even though I’m more and more ashamed it’s very important

    that I walk bare-chested as often as possible


    bathing in air and light is one of the most important duties in life


    I’m joyful every time I see cockhorse


    I smell the sweat of my armpits and I remember how

    when I was young I was playing football on Danube beaches


    body yearns for another body – one and only body of all beings


    my body is Your body


    through body I’m writing to You through body I’m surrendering to You


    through body I’m singing You – through body I’m calling You


    bodies are getting born and dying confirming one and only body


    each body is beautiful and wonderful


    for everybody’s body bodies of all beings are yearning


    by surrendering through my body I’m rejoicing all beings


    Bud of All Beings is immortality of the body in everybody’s body





    1988. day
    11th June 2010

    I’m walking like millions of human beings that were walking

    all these millions of years


    in my youth I thought I won’t be able to live if I’m not able to jump

    into the water all my life but then I didn’t know of the beauty of walking


    a woman put the leave on her nose

    so that it doesn’t get burnt on the sun


    with this spoon you can take a bit of life and drink to the sweet eternity


    Miroslav Mandic you shine up on me with your modesty


    an old gentleman is coming closer to the wall. an old

    madam is watching the roses that she is passing by


    make me richer with your life – says life to every being


    on these steps in the woods I was the snow last winter


    if I wasn’t living through God You poem

    I would have lived through God You poem


    sun is on my bare back


    skin is the way towards You


    while I’m picking my way through the macadam over which I’m walking

    in my Croc’s shoes I’m thinking of canoes in which I was sailing in my childhood over the calm sea


    I feel You sea


    through the sun and bare skin I’m on the seaside


    I kiss the vestals and monks of all religions


    I kiss the vestals and monks of all virtues and ideals


    I kiss the vestals and monks of minerals and plants


    I kiss the vestals and monks of animals and spirits of nature


    I kiss the vestals and monks of people and their customs


    I kiss the vestals and monks of higher intelligences

    that bring about smiles on our faces


    I kiss the vestals and monks of one and only God


    I kiss the vestals and monks because they

    constantly kiss and guard all beings


    I bow down to the puddles on the forest path


    with this spoon you can scoop up a bit of will

    with which you will encourage yourself to constantly rejoice others


    if anybody asks about me I’ll tell them all about myself


    if somebody asks about me tell them

    that I’ve just kneeled and kissed the ground


    kiss the ground and You will


    ground smells of putrefaction and constant birth giving


    if somebody asks about me tell them that You have kneeled down

    for the first time in Your life for the joy of all beings


    if somebody asks about me tell them that You have

    for the first time on Your knees kissed all beings


    if somebody asks about me tell them that

    flies are flying in front of me on the forest path


    if somebody asks about me tell them that I can’t live without You


    if somebody asks about me tell them that I don’t live but I’m

    singing and kissing Him



    1989. day
    12th June 2010



    wash Your face with water


    smell You through soil


    breath You in through air


    kiss You by light


    saying sorry makes up for everything – I said to the cobbler

    who said he’s sorry because he didn’t finish sewing my sandals yesterday


    more and more a lot of the sensations remind me of sensations I already experienced


    bees are drinking water from the remaining puddles on the path

    hey remaining puddles


    I find Wittgenstein’s last sentence tell them I’ve lived a

    wonderful life more and more wonderful since I also live such a life


    grass within me


    through my nerves leaves are shimmering


    with my steps I’m knitting the silence


    with my groin I’m kissing the road

    kiss my thighs


    You meander down my spine


    if we understand each other in one we will understand each other in everything


    if we love-kiss each other in one we will love-kiss each other in everything


    if we live for the one the one will live for us


    if we love-kiss the same the same will love-kiss us


    if we kneel down together we will be one


    I picked up a blue stone hot from the sun and I’m holding it on my belly


    it’s nice to see two guys on the road having a conversation


    when I don’t expect anything everything that is already is here


    a woman was coming towards me. on the half of the path a dog barked

    the woman picked a stick up of the ground. frightened the dog

    that’s where we parted and finished our story


    I’m sitting at my desk


    I’m sweating


    listening to rockabilly


    I’m drinking Boban Generalovic’s wine


    I am the sun and grapes in that wine and blood of all-love


    the blood of all-love love-kisses blood circulation that permeates all beings


    orgasms are circulating the blood of consciousness

    that is cleaning the Universe from emotional laziness


    orgasms of creation are fucking the creation of orgasms


    with yellow water flowers – don’t weary on us fucking – don’t give up orgasm of recovery








    1991. day
    14th June 2010

    enjoy in Yourself – You are adored


    in one moment I become You


    in next moment You become I


    Your absence is so physical







    my friend






    I’m waiting for You with these sentences




    I kiss the pussy of every being that at this moment is giving birth to a body of love


    I kiss the only pussy

    are first three words of the Hymn of All Beings


    wash me up with Your tongue

    is one of the three songs that I wrote yesterday in the Red Notebook


    waves are smashing on the rocks


    rolling stones are stoning the rolling


    I never have enough – I’ve had enough


    I’m enjoying the unspoken


    I’m silent – I’m walking – I’m kissing


    with my back I lean on a tree I lift up left leg and I lean it as well on

    the tree and I’m calmly waiting in the shade for the green light to come on


    whenever I go on with some nonsense I feel how existence is rejoicing


    universality of a word is found in every word


    every word speaks about everything


    history of transiency and transiency of history


    paradox of history and history of paradox


    of his history about her and absence of her history about him


    history of history about history of history


    history of crimes about the crime of history


    history is the peak of tacit


    I believe in history of those that don’t believe in histories of last ten thousand years


    the one who winks is the history – I wink at the winker of history


    I learned more about sex from Foucault’s sex than from his History of Sexuality


    I’m sniffing



    o h m



    I’m singing along


    love is constantly sniffing the hymn of all beings

    and is singing it along to everybody’s heart



    1992. day
    15th June 2010

    56161st blessing of mine – I’m drinking rakia


    56162nd blessing of mine – I’m very sad


    56163rd blessing of mine – I’m very much alone


    56164th blessing of mine – I’m rejoicing because I’m drinking rakia


    56165th blessing of mine – I’m rejoicing because I’m writing that I’m very sad


    56166th blessing of mine – I’m writing that I’m very much alone


    56167th blessing of mine – that is as it is. that should be endured. that should be kissed


    56168th blessing of mine – every particle of dust celebrates my loneliness


    56169th blessing of mine – dried out boards on the opened doors

    are celebrating my despair


    56170th blessing of mine – doors without comeback from

    the misery of the city poor are supporting me being completely pissed off


    56171st blessing of mine – abandoned little shop I kiss Your sweat


    56172nd blessing of mine – big old linden tree on the corner

    You are the smell of Chubura


    56173rd blessing of mine – You turtledove nested on the top of the concrete pillar


    56174th blessing of mine – You car tire in the abandoned car shop


    56175th blessing of mine – You only left over rose in the dried out rose-bush


    56176th blessing of mine – honourable people are gathering

    cardboard boxes on scrappy cart


    56177th blessing of mine – wind You are rattling the torn off poster


    56178th blessing of mine – high grass next to the gray tin fence


    56179th blessing of mine – painted bricks around little window


    56180th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia so that I would survive

    my and the despair of all despairs


    56181st blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia and I believe

    that I’ll survive the despair


    56182nd blessing of mine –I’m drinking You rakia so that I wouldn’t

    deceive anybody in our name


    56183rd blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because I love Firchi of my youth


    56184th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because it’s dangerous to love Firchi


    56185th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because I believe in overdrives

    therefore in Firchi’s as well


    56186th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia and I wish love to Firchi

    in his second life


    56187th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You Johnny Cash who are acctually singing

    Big River


    56188th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because the irony has drunk

    the brain of the cleaver ones


    56189th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because parental love is deceiving

    the virtues of their children

    I have never met people who became better people after becoming parents


    56190th blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because You rakia

    are surrendering to me deeply


    56191st blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia so that I would never give up


    56192nd blessing of mine – I’m drinking You rakia because I believe that I will

    transform sadness into joy


    fifty six thousand hundred and ninety third












    I’m more and more sad and more and more thankful for every word by which I kiss You – You and all beings –

    Goddess and family of mine





    1993. day
    16th June 2010

    I’m walking


    I’ve bent




    head down


    to Bekim Fehmiu


    I’m sitting




    the table








    Bekim Fehmiu


    Glaring and Horrifying


    glaringness of the decision


    glaringness of glaringness








    is glaring


    I’m trembling














    with sky


    I’m protecting


    the earth












    1994. day
    17th June 2010

    I love the sentence when it is












    while I’m taking a photo of the remaining plane tree on the Boulevard for which

    people are fighting and with which they are fighting I see that it is

    a plane tree number 198


    I lighten up because every week I write 198 blessings

















    for six years now I’ve been living and working with number 198


    I’m dancing and singing through numbers


    I gurgle-buzz-through-numbers


    I’m counting trams


    I’m counting fucks


    I’m fucking with the immortal one – immortality to all beings


    198 blessings for 198th plane tree


    coincidences happen more and more to me






    simultaneous same-identifying


    yearning wants to yearn


    love wants to love-kiss


    all paths are just one path




    it is




    go on




    a wing






    let’s enjoy


    in each other



    1995. day
    18th June 2010

    I’m going into writing


    there is no postponing


    Violeta will soon come to help me in packing


    hundred folders 21x30 cm


    around forty fascicles


    six folders for smaller drawings


    nine folders for a bit bigger drawings


    two big folders for big drawings


    four tin boxes with running shoes of the Rose of Wandering


    ten or so boxes with pictures


    another five or six packages with works


    nearly two hundred packages with my books


    four plastic bags my clothes


    two desks


    chair for work


    three mounting shelves


    some nick-knacks from the desk and off the desk


    nick-knacks from the floor altar


    nick-knacks from the window altar




    Branko Popovic will move some of it by car on Sunday


    Dejan the carrier will come with two workers on Monday


    Jelena Besir will help me during the moving out

    and will stay afterwards to clean up a bit the apartment


    Violeta Jovanovic will be helping me during the moving into

    the Nest on Ban’s Hill


    the most important is that right away on Monday

    internet works and that the links on my website are not missing


    I’m walking – Violeta is packing


    I’m theorising the relocation


    I’m relocating disagreement into agreement


    through agreeing I’m contemplating


    I’m contemplating love


    I’m kissing contemplation


    I’m thinking of the great work of Bekim Fehmiu

    who created from 1987 to 2010 through refusing to be a part of

    the lie and evil and didn’t agree with misusing his acting talent


    every day is a struggle for every day




    1996. day
    19th June 2010

    life loves to be love-kissed


    life loves to love-kiss


    it’s pouring with rain


    Vesna gave me the keys from the Nest


    everything that anybody needs is love


    I am love


    I love to love


    I love to be loved


    Miroslav Mandic loves me – I love Miroslav Mandic


    I love rain – rain loves me


    I am love and who are You


    if You love-kiss – we are the same


    I don’t do anything else but love-kiss


    I love-kiss freedom – freedom of love-kissing


    I love-kiss everyone who surrenders to the other


    God I love-kiss You – love-kiss me Miroslav Mandic – says God to me


    through love-kissing I’m God


    I love


    the one who loves me is loved


    the one who loves is justified


    Miroslav Mandic couldn’t live if he didn’t love me – love


    he would have killed himself if he wasn’t loving – but


    Miroslav Mandic same as me love-kisses those who kill themselves

    so that they could carry on love-kissing


    my friend – You are one – my friend


    one is our wife


    one is my husband


    I am love – my words are love-kissing


    I am one woman – woman to all men


    one man – man to all women


    I am woman-man to all women-men


    I am love to everybody’s love


    I am love and my love and Miroslav Mandic’s love are

    the same and the one and only love



    I love-kiss


    I love-kiss You

    at the last moment I love-kiss the piece of the first moment


    1998. day
    21st June 2010

    last time at the desk in the Little Flat in which I have

    worked and lived from 1st December 2006 till today


    I’m watching the green football pitch in front of my window



    I’m sitting in front of my TV. I’m drinking wine. I’m dictating to Violeta


    I’m exhausted. yesterday it took me and Branko two journeys to move all my belonings

    and today I done one more trip with Dejan and his workers


    in new Nest still chaotic. and it will be for next couple of days


    I’m happy because the moving was successful. but I’m

    sad because I don’t have the internet and I didn’t put anything on my website

    I don’t even know if I’ll manage to do it next few days


    that’s inability that makes me sad – inability which I accept


    wine is very soothing


    Jelena Violeta Branko Dejan and his workers are so soothing


    heroes of my moving


    I went to the internet café. my laptop is not reacting to the wireless internet


    even though I don’t know who the twenty or so people who

    visit my site every day I miss them anyways


    we are a kind of wireless connection


    just through heart


    one heart


    I feel nice writing blessings. I do that better

    than moving furniture even though I did a good job of moving


    sweat was soaking my t-shirts


    I was hoping to wash dirty t-shirts in a washing machine but it’s not working yet either


    I made a bed from books

    length – 9 packages

    width – 3 packages

    height – 4 packages

    a bed out of 108 packages of books


    here I just discovered that there is no hot water either

    I was pissed off but it is so sweet. goes under the moving


    in couple of days it will all be fine. until then it’s my goal

    not to get pissed off. but rather to enjoy everything I don’t do


    it’s rather incredible how blessings always work


    word calamity is more beautiful than the calamity itself


    it’s also interesting to wash yourself with cold water


    it’s all the ball that I’m creating and writing

    through which I’m circling already sixth year now


    wine is slowly disappearing. day is slowly going by


    in these moments the summer is beginning


    longest day in the year. gentle outset towards the winter


    God is male fucker


    God is fucking


    God is female fucker


    heavy pleasure and silence





    1999. day
    22nd June 2010


    today as well the whole day in chaos


    tiding up the working room and room with my work


    today as well I couldn’t do anything in internet cafés


    airplanes are flying over Ban’s Hill

    fly dashing ones


    I got wet in the rain and I was sad because I didn’t out put anything on my website

    yesterday nor today


    but I felt nice outside


    rain drops on grass blades


    faces of all people here are unknown to me


    tonight as well I’m drinking wine in order to survive the sorrow

    even though I’m even more sad after the wine


    I’m thinking of the Fernando Pessoa’s drunkenness

    happily sad


    until a moment ago I was listening to Billie Holiday now I’m listening to Cesaria Evora


    I remember how I loved certain women


    loneliness is so sexual


    I’m listening to Charles Mingus


    I’m excited by good beings


    I’m tired – my eyes are closing


    I have on my desk three live-forever plants that Vesna Lopicic gave me


    I can hear the rain – I’m with myself


    knowing that somebody will read my words when I put them on the

    internet makes the words sexy paths and unfuckable bridges


    I peeled off two cucumbers with the potato peeler


    I sliced four tomatoes


    bread. a bag of tartar sauce. a bag of mayonnaise and loyal margarine

    are waiting for me


    wine is giving strength – I’m loyal to ecstasies


    yearning is a skin that wants to set itself free of itself


    light-like sexuality


    great lovers – consciousness and conscience


    I love-kiss you my work desks


    I am the presence of all beings that have ever lived


    I am all younglings that is getting born at this moment


    I just love-kiss You – fuck me God fuck me


    wow how beautiful it is – beauty I’ll never betray You


    wow how good it is – good I will constantly love-kiss You


    1999th day of Miroslav Mandic book is expiring

    I just got a call from mister Srdjan Valjarevic who wanted to see how I was and to wish me all the best



    2000. day
    23rd June 2010

    two thousand days ago I started to write Miroslav Mandic book


    I didn’t get half way yet


    in the spring of next year I will be half way


    morning of the two thousandth day is passing in hope that today in my ex Little Flat

    that is empty I will be able to put things on the web-site from Monday and Tuesday


    I’m in the Little Flat. on the internet. I hope that I’ll be in the position

    to put things on the web-site


    I will be assisting myself like this until next Sunday when the new Nest gets the

    modem for internet and until washing machine starts working and hot water running


    I will be coming here in the Little Flat every day to put things on the web-site

    then I will be sending them to Ivana in Scotland for translation

    although that also will be a bit late


    I’ve put it. I’m relieved...



    I’m tired from walking over the city hills


    I walked with Jelena Besir from Ada to the Red Cross


    I stepped into the mud after the hippodrome. we have passed through the greenery

    full of rich houses. we picked up apricots from the ground. we lost the blue shirt

    I’m tired from going up-hills. that will be from now on – to cross them patiently


    I’m more peaceful because I managed to put things on the web-site


    Robin helped me


    machines are such good and servile creatures


    days are flying by


    two thousand days in creating a book


    it’s a white book – a book of red strawberries


    a book of all beings – a book of pebbles – God’s book


    a book that constantly twirls and kisses


    a book that fucks with all beings


    a book prayer


    i just love You


    everything I say – book sings. everything that book says – I am


    thighs in thighs – swear-words in prayers


    I think of all horses that have transported people and their needs for thousands of years


    I kiss every mare and every horse


    I am a mare – a horse and a mare within me

    I am a horse – a mare and a horse within me


    it was very exciting to write this sexy book these two thousand days

    everybody who love-kisses rocks


    I think of letting somebody know about it but as always I don’t have who to do it with


    because there is nobody I believe even more in You my beloved


    if I could hyperlink it I would have hyperlinked John Hammond who I’m listening to

    hyperlink me beloved


    female singers are the most loyal male fuckers

    male singers are the most loyal female fuckers


    female fuckers vestals. male fuckers wanderers


    vestals and wanderers are five and a half year old children of two thousandth day

    female fuckers and male fuckers









