Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
with these words Arthur Rimbaud is resurrecting writing is resurrecting writing is love that writes itself writing is humiliation through which poetry is feeding itself humiliation love-kisses through poetry humiliated are singing most fuckably I’ve always wanted to write only what are writing all of those who are writing this fuckable this with this one I’m passing through Topcider graveyard. the smell and the heat remind me of 15th August 1958 I lifted both hands and I’m touching the leaves underneath which I’m passing exhaustions with heat are beginning. maybe I’ll swim for the first time tomorrow one step is my fin second step is my wing I swim walk fly water earth air I put my hand on the Atlantic ocean on my little globe ocean me through these words Lautreamont resurrects through these words killed ones resurrect youth is running through the veins of existence existence is feeding of the sacrificed youth Universe love-kisses those who are not betraying it apricots are ripening I am loyalty just you look at me and get inside of me I am the river that is flowing for You I am the bud of new money – flowering of the orgasmic economy orgasm is freedom – source and confluence of orgasm orgasmic economy is an economy of transformation grass blade two grass blades path and clouds life lives through death life resurrects through love through these words Otto Weininger is resurrecting
nobody so far hasn’t started to believe me – that is so sad – that is so liberating alone to everybody to everything I came down from the hill. I’m going through the woods. this is the shortest way to Ada. a lake around which I will often be walking this privilege to walk besides the water with bare chest I dedicate to the ones who are imprisoned in hospitals madhouses and jails I was in the water – I was in God I’m sitting at the desk – I’m in God always in God. always with God. always God I walked 14.7 kilometres. sun and water have drained me I crossed Sava on the boat and went there and back walked around the lake I will go every day to swim – that is the great duty – being in water – love-kissing the water and celebrating it I use every moment to enjoy God I enjoy writing – writing enjoys me I’m wiping Bud’s screen with a cloth I love word screen I am a screen on freedom – freedom lives in hearts of the threatened ones every word of mine is filling the batteries of the down in ones every word of mine is protection to the marked ones every word of mine is protection of the outlaws every word of mine is protection of exactly this humour I saw one chicken today being in the water is a way towards the air being in the air is a way towards the light being in the light is the way towards the trembles of my body through which I’m listening to this song I also saw ten or so goats I saw a big cut tree trunk I saw few lonesome women and several lonesome men I am a builder of the rocket ramps in the heart of every being poem is setting art free of non-freedom art is setting poem free of servility I picked up two pebbles for two new altars in the Nest that would be it – sanctuary of meaningless that would be it – it that is everything
liberalism communism and fascism liberals are doing everything for money and they are secretly killing anyone who jeopardizes their money increasing communists are doing everything for equality under their measure and they are killing in combats fascists are doing everything for unity and they are killing publically anyone who is against their unity it’s forbidden for a man to kill but it’s allowed to kill in the name of freedom equality and brotherhood not only he/she is allowed to kill but also encouraged and very much praised and respected killing bother’s children. killing members of another tribe killing in the name of God. killing because of the territories. killing for food killing for fast internet. killing for the club. killing for the motherland anything that is created through killing leads to the killing and death don’t kill me – love-kiss me – I love You I’m walking so as nobody would kill anybody I’m walking for a whole I heal You whole wholeness heal us I saw Jelena Besir. she gave me the money for the Ruza and Milos Bud I was in water – I was – in tears of joy in the woods I noticed that I’ve lost my mobile phone. I quickly came back and found it on the place I changed wet swimming pants in the Nest the e-mail from Amica waited for me and rejoiced me Amica is the new name for Anica I still feel the sun on my skin and water on my body last year my ears hurt me for the first time after swimming. if they don’t hurt me this year I’ll be swimming as much as possible and I would love to swim even more than that I’ll be swimming the same way crystals are swimming in themselves here am I for You I am a footballer of all languages language is God’s and it belongs to every being whoever abuses language they are abusing God language is the wings of the butterfly language is the anal muscles of all beings language is everyone who is language singing swims the language of walking language of walking is taking an oath to every particle your pussy is divine love I’m singing consciousness – I’m creating through God I’m supporting the non-current and currency of supporting y a e r n i n g y e a r n i n g each other g n i n r e a y g n i n r e a y
let’s race love-kissing everything Tour de France has started I scrubbed the bathroom. wiped the floor. filled the holes because of the ants I walked. I was silent all the time. I was just going. somehow already and now as if I don’t exist I don’t exist is the name of every poem I don’t exist – I’m swimming I don’t exist – I’m nothing I don’t exist – I’m nobody I don’t exist – essence is fucking with me I don’t exist – I’m the pillow on which the head of yearning is drooping yearning is tired I’m caressing the yearning – I’m yearning for You – I say to the yearning no matter weather I’m sad or joyful writing is the oath to dancing and singing words are adding on each other dusty cherry plums on the side of the road snails climbers on the waste of asphalt chunks that I took the photo of but I decided to put the snails on the web-site if this 56739th blessing has sense than everything has if this 56740th blessing has sense it will be the comfort for the absurd ones if this 56741st blessing has sense that is the fragility actually love-kissing the unprotected ones hey knees hey skin I am the skin that has never been touched by the other skin I bow down to You untouched skin through skin – through spirit this is the most original tattoo that I’ve ever seen – told me young bookstore salesman for the word love on my temple who loves the unloved is God God within God — the idea for new tattoo I’m facing You – face me I’m the sea – have a swim I’m the sky – live through yourself – live through God I’m really missing You – You are not around – I’m not missing You I just picked You at this moment – and I still haven’t finished reading You my beloved
last night I’ve heard for the first time about Hira i sungazing it’s very familiar to me – to be fed by light light is love-kissing I put new white paper on my desk that will after a while become tenth desk picture writing a great poem through every word that’s what I’m doing with every word words flyers I was swimming with the swimming glasses and ear plugs I was diving. I was watching my hands under the water. water weeds prices of vegetables and fruit have gone up quite a bit I love-kiss You God I do – I love-kiss You God I do – I love-kiss You God I do I’m singing on every up-hill these chants will help me enjoy going up-hills everyday I’ve tired myself out. I feel gratitude I’m struggling at the desk to be nice at the desk as well I’m thirsty I’ve replanted three liveforevers in bigger pots it’s hard to write being tired to write a great poem with each word that’s how I sing
somewhere around Slavija Square drunk after three glasses of wine and lunch with Vladimir Macura this wind and coming six-seven kilometres to the Nest feels really nice I’m tenderly thinking of the beggar woman that I gave the money and she gave sign to another one that she should also beg and I saw it and she also saw that I saw it so we laughed together I’m taking out of my pocket left over bread from lunch I love to drink before I’ve eaten. when I start eating I don’t drink any more afterwards I love to draw out the alcohol with food and bread wind is blowing. I’m chewing the bread in my mouth become famous through me – everything is telling me I’m becoming famous through You – I’m telling to everything become famous through me – I’m telling You I met Vladimir Macura on 6th October 2007 I told him then that my work is whole that my every word is more valuable that his museum and his collection that I’m the best – one and only artist that he will work in his favour only if he works in my favour all of them are ideas with which I live and work and in which I believe all of them were ideas open also for Vladimir Macura I expected him to understand and accept them I expected that he will print the forth Miroslav Mandic book I expected that he will be interested and that he will help me with the Bud of All Beings which I was preparing last year none of those expectations he didn’t meet I broke up with Vladimir Macura on 12th November 2009 after that Vladimir left for me twice 50 Euros in the confectionery and on 26th December 2009 we met again today I walked for him from 2961388th to 2972385th step I told him all of this during the lunch so that our disagreement would be creative and not destructive I suggested to him that everything I gave him he gives to somebody who will with it like with a seed start off Miroslav Mandic Museum or to give it back to me I suggested to him that nothing from my work wouldn’t be in his museum apart from my absence this is a great idea that and work that I will continue with others as well I suggested to him that our next meetings if there will be more of them be festivities of meetings I told him that the money he is giving me is going towards Vladimir Macura Bud and that I would love if he would feel that the money he is giving me is bringing him more money I’m now near BIGZ building. I moved here when I came to Belgrade in January 1986 I expect everything I sympathise with other people’s expectations in the end three beggar women on Ban’s Hill took away all money – in the God’s glory and dear to God may you be
when one believes in an idea and when the idea is lived the idea is God otherwise it’s just a surrogate of sadness art is setting free all beings art is freedom to all beings art is the struggle of freedom for all beings creation of creation breathing of breathing singing of singing man as a species doesn’t understand that they are hurting God when a man understands it he/she instantly transforms into God God is life man is death I hop and there’s eternity I wrote several times that I’m the best to some people I’ve been telling that I’m the best people are mostly repulsed by it because they have a notion they are the best and if they admit they are the best they would be worst and rejected I don’t know if anybody believed I’m the best did anybody experienced why am I the best. how am I the best. when am I the best. to whom am I the best best air best dandelion the best one is immortality there is a lot of the best ones and the really best one is the best there who is and how he/she is the best the best one is the best to all beings through the best one all beings live through the best one everything that is created is being created through the best one every just born youngling is love-kissed the best one is Your love that is completely excepting the best one the best one looks at Your face the best one makes You the best one the best man is the best woman the best one is God singing sings all beings singing is the poem to all beings singing is appeasement of the poem for all beings
Miroslav Mandic is Leon Miodrag Lazarov Pashu of Leon Miodrag Lazarov Pashu Miroslav Mandic a poem of everybody’s name Miroslav Mandic a little shell Miroslav Mandic a starry sky to all beings Miroslav Mandic beloved beggars Miroslav Mandic art of art Miroslav Mandic poem to the poem Miroslav Mandic walking to the walking Miroslav Mandic bravery of the brave Miroslav Mandic earth to earth Miroslav Mandic water to water Miroslav Mandic air to the air Miroslav Mandic light to the light Miroslav Mandic modesty to the modesty Miroslav Mandic love to the love Miroslav Mandic one of everything Miroslav Mandic one to everything Miroslav Mandic same of the same Miroslav Mandic speakable of the unspeakable Miroslav Mandic serenity of the being Miroslav Mandic first word to every word Miroslav Mandic all of Your words in every word of mine Miroslav Mandic language of language Miroslav Mandic pussy to dick Miroslav Mandic dick to pussy Miroslav Mandic path of the paths Miroslav Mandic bud of buds Miroslav Mandic I of I Miroslav Mandic You of You Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic of Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic Yours Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic art of God Miroslav Mandic God of poem
I praise You Miroslav Mandic praising I praise You Miroslav Mandic thankfulness thankfulness to Miroslav Mandic praise for praising me thankfulness to Miroslav Mandic praise for my praising of everything thankfulness to Miroslav Mandic praise because I praise You thankfulness to Miroslav Mandic thank you for my thanking Miroslav Mandic praise I beg of You just praise Miroslav Mandic thank you I beg of You just be thankful you’re welcome Miroslav Mandic I beg You to pray you’re welcome Miroslav Mandic I beg You just pray not a technique at all – just a courage not a style at all – just love I’m wiping sweat of my forehead and eyebrows everything continues as if it was created for the first time and as it won’t exist any more only the one does everything for everybody only the one love-kisses everything a path leads me to You – a path leads me towards myself – a path leads me to God a path is God I love-kiss You my words that are writing me I play God’s games with language games I love-kiss you knees I love-kiss You love-kissing red t-shirt in which the dye keeps running I’m wearing for the last time. I’ll make it into the floor sweeping cloth singing is one – singing to the one I sing Miroslav Mandic I dance Miroslav Mandic I surrender to Miroslav Mandic I receive Miroslav Mandic You are calling me Miroslav Mandic I’m taking an oath to Miroslav Mandic I’m writing about Miroslav Mandic because Miroslav Mandic is my consciousness I sing Miroslav Mandic from nothing and that’s why Miroslav Mandic is exciting I sing Miroslav Mandic You dance Miroslav Mandic we are breathing Miroslav Mandic
it’s hot heat is poetry of today’s day a fly has landed on the stone a fly is poetry of today’s day little spider has brought himself down his thread from the tree to the road little spider is poetry of today’s day I’m in the Universe Universe is in me Universe is poetry of every day it’s not easy to carry a whole Universe – it’s easiest it’s not easy to kiss all beings – it’s easiest it’s not easy to be God – it’s the only one I’m doing the most important job in the world I’m freeing myself from vanity I’m freeing Yourself from vanity I’m telling everybody that what I do is the most important thing in the world it got cloudy wind is picking up I’m always excited by the wind high up in the branches it’s starting to thunder it really rains – a boy in the water is shouting a being is open to all beings openness is a beings many beings are closing up towards the beings and they are dying within themselves I’m not sorry that I didn’t go in the water since I felt the joy of swimming in the blessings everything is opened up by the sense it’s been circled through the circling and through the circling is constantly opening itself I feel nice when I see a lizard thanks to the up-hills it’s more and more easy on the up-hills through dancing I’m whirling in everybody through singing I’m fluttering everyone it’s sunny again and on the stage of the day sultriness is coming on sultriness is poetry of today’s day
a passage through Tuesday through the poetry of today’s day with smiled horses with gleeful mares happening happens I’ve put small stones around the cactus and live-forever a shadow of a plane is flying over the building roofs underneath me ... second... and third... and fourth and fifth lizard on the concrete stairs I looked up at the tree tops and I thought of all the forests when the phone rang Vesna phoned me with excited voice telling me she has been informed that water might be leaking from the Nest I’m running back to see what is it all about is it possible that I haven’t turned the water off in the bathroom after brushing my teeth or in the kitchen after I let the water run in the bowl in which I’m cooling mineral water my heart is pounding. I’m rushing even on the up-hills. I’m sweating I feel miserable. I’m unsure off myself I’m walking slowly. the taps were closed. nothing is leaking from the Nest even though on the ceiling in the hallway drops of water have appeared it’s hard to be poetry in Tuesday of poetry I was on this spot in the forest when I started to run back I’m enjoying the white horse that is grazing the grass I’m calming down – calming down is my job only poetry respects the importance of everything in this world I live for poetry – I work for poetry – I’m gardening through the poetry many other things are enjoying only in themselves many would get rid of poetry so that only important thing would be just what is important to them if it wasn’t for poetry I wouldn’t be compassionate with this plastic juice bottle that was thrown away in the grass daily bread is extraordinary bread in my early youth I’ve been accused that I’m incapable for life I didn’t want to be capable for life but rather just to be it’s easy to provoke a feeling of guilt in me endure endure endure overcome the feeling of guilt by accepting the greatest sin – the sin of non-acceptance of sin through rejecting the condemnation and accepting the sin freedom begins to germinate in the hearts of all beings I would love to know the name of the main character of the film Miracle in Milan I collected twenty or so large cherry plums from the concrete stairs I gave several to Mrs Svilar who lives underneath me and who phoned Vesna about the water
14th July 1971 photos of my face since then once a month repetition transformation sameness thirty nine years today I’ll make 468th photo of One Man same like this hot day was back then in Venice arch-rhythm first photo arch-photo every time I endure I endure because somebody else before me has endured whenever I endure I give it to somebody so that they could endure as well I love-kiss You young man who have taken a photo of your face on 14th July 1971 so that I could take a photo of my face today I love-kiss You because back then You have surrendered and devoted Yourself to the unknown because You were heading on somewhere not knowing where it is leading You just surrendering just surrendering I always feel good when I sense that You find what I write beautiful today I went later for a walk and now I’m walking on the strongest sun what existed before God is God again always and just and only god I folded the shirt and I put it on my head and it sure feels good I enjoy these words that are coming out of me beaming love to all beings love is constant love making with the first photo of One Man all other 468 photos have already happened with every photo all others are also happening that’s how it is in everything all words are within the first word all movements are within the first movement all days and years are in a spermatozoid beauty of the firstness is that it constantly happens and repeats arch-dust
sweating is starting from the morning while sitting at the desk sweat of poetry there is no even poetry without sweating nor joke without seriousness in the woods I say white butterfly come and white butterfly flies in shirt on my head really helps me in the strong sun I was in the water for a long time. I would like to be even more to be in the water is like some kind of return to the beginning tenderness towards the mother constant wedding in the water I think slowly I think with pleasure I’m giving birth without pain I’m becoming water I’m slowly rolling myself – I’m making love with water water enjoys in me I would like if You would watch me swimming I’m maintaining my upright position and then I immerse myself and surface big baby in the water I’m passing through the woods everything is so elemental I want You soil I admire You water I love-kiss You air I adore You light I’ll buy tomatoes I want You I’ll buy olives I admire You I’ll buy mayonnaise I love-kiss You margarine and bread I have from yesterday I adore You
I should meet up with Branka. in the afternoon with Sun in the evening with Vladimir. as well as to do everything I’m supposed to do for the Friday of poetry... to walk 13 kilometres... to write 33 blessings... I hear my thoughts in sounds of my sandals on macadam road I was with Branka and Adam I walked almost 12 kilometres I was twice in the water in freedom water became unclear from the heat but it bathed and drained me today as well when I get to the apartment I’ll take a shower. I’ll make a coffee I’ll try to write in a hurry the rest of the blessings because Sun will come in a little while to put the mosquito net on the other window as well I’m sitting at the desk. Sun is coming in twenty or so minutes that’s how much I have left to get down to the end of this day I don’t like to do anything in a hurry beauty is slowness I put too much water in the coffee I was walking for few days on the strong sun and my nose is red nose is a funny thing I love noses big noses with large nostrils I find horse nostrils particularly beautiful noses are working harder than we are aware of same goes for ears and eyes and skin and tongue when I take a shower after walking and start wiping my face I feel how my eyes are tired I’m pressing them with a towel and rub them to refresh them and make the blood circulate eyes have walked a lot ears have walked a lot nose has walked a lot skin has walked a lot tongue has walked a lot Teo Marijana and Sun have come some more walking and meeting with Vladimir afterwards a bit more walking the day is gone tomorrow the same and that’s how everything is the same
last night I had a dinner with Ana David Vladimir and Dagmar Moser afterwards I went for a walk with Dagmar who I saw for the first time in my life and we talked for two hours – it was one of the most beautiful nights in 61 years of my life my loyalty I love-kiss You loyally that’s how it was my friend poetry itself for You my friend poetry for everyone who cares for poetry a young man is training football on the concrete pitch at the highest heat. at one moment he kicked the ball aiming to hit the crossbar of the goal and he made it. I shouted to him well done. he just smiled shyly well done hot day – hot day as well shyly smiled I love-kiss You chaste shyness to calm down over and over again greatest passions are coming out of the tranquillity greatest tranquillity is coming out of the passion I swam for a long time caressing the water swam across the lake now I’m drinking a bit of wine and I’m writing at the desk in the evening I’ll drink with Petar a bit more of tenth Petar Miloradovic’s wine that Petar will bring through music love is constantly thirsty of love some boy is running somewhere I’d love to make Three Day Festival of Miroslav Mandic Art for Dagmar Moser first day Life of Miroslav Mandic and Miroslav Mandic Life second day Poetry and Art of Miroslav Mandic third day Miroslav Mandic God Sex and Money some boy is still running some boy is constantly running some boy is running always and forever let’s dance face to face with one heart blessed everything to all beings poetry for everyone who can’t live without poetry 198th blessing of this week in 198th day of this year
everyone I loved I love even more I would love if everybody who I loved love even more I love and I sing – I love and I sing if someone knows M. D. S. please tell her that in the summer of 1971 she gave me three lessons of love not even knowing that she did that and that’s why I think of her as a great professor of love love-kissing is rare even more rare are those who have surrendered in order to be love-kissed help me to love I only want to love when I was a little boy I constantly wanted to play now I constantly want to love God myself You all beings poem this poem sung to all beings to youmyslef to godgod summer-like summer fuckings summer lightings writing is the risk of writing girl-friend singing is the bravery of love-kissing boy-friend intransigence of love inspires me incorruptibility of fucking makes me votive great love workers are surrendering in order to be loved great poets of love are love-kissing unloved ones and those who have surrendered in order to be loved call me by my name – fuck me marvellous swearing is nourishing all beings Dagmar returned to Vienna I took a photo of Dagmar like myself face of Dagmar Moser is the face of Miroslav Mandic one is the face I’m celebrating Violeat’s thirty seventh birthday with Violeta loyalty permeates all beings I love You
I love-kiss You with the scent of warm grass – I love-kiss you warm grass I love-kiss You with the scent of moist forest – I love-kiss you moist forests I love-kiss You with the taste of wild plums – I love-kiss You wild plum my art – one is the art Your love – one is the love our God – one is the God when I entered the water I felt its goodness I stayed for a long time in the water. I watched under the water I saw few little jelly-fishes several swallows have flown next to my head flying just above the water in the forest I felt love in everything and love for everything one sex has been permeating everything that was surrounding me I felt earth is my mother water is my mother air is my mother light is my mother I was thinking earth is my wife water is my wife air is my wife light is my wife I was love-kissing since earth is my wanted daughter water is my yearned daughter air is my beloved daughter light is my only daughter crying of all beings fills my lungs I cry through a poem You are my girl forever in Your eyes I see love through which You love-kiss me always and forever immortal love is in every word of mine pussy is beautiful I wrote in a letter to a young friend of mine who is withstanding some hard exercises so as Miroslav would withstand pussy is more than anybody can imagine what is pussy pussy is more than anybody can fell what is pussy pussy gave birth to me so as some other pussy would give birth to You for me I am born for You You are born for me one is the path one is the rose budding I love-kiss forty year old woman who phoned me half an hour ago and said joking that she will kill herself because she feels more and more how all of that she was taught in school was lie every word of mine You can love-kiss from every word of mine You can create me just for yourself through every word of mine You can love-kiss all beings around You I don’t have You because You are I don’t have You because I don’t have property love is giving constant surrendering
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson butterfly flew close to my temples and caressed my sorrow and the sorrow disappeared I looked at young green leaves and I felt happiness along the forest path I am spinning for the happiness of all beings I was swimming crawl one round in the middle of the lake I was working slowly with the legs swingings of arms I made even slower through water glasses I was observing my turns slow crawl I could swim very long in my childhood that was hard for me now that is my joy with my joy I am giving a respect to the water water is pledging me to the goodness big body is weightless and all the movements are light water is sliding down my skin the sun is strong and every next sinking into water pleases me while I was swimming I was thinking on jumping in water which I adored in my childhood and in my youth I was thinking how to write my autobiography I haven't went out of water for a long period. I was just sinking myself in it I am climbing up the stairs slowly and silently in order not to disturb the lizards few days ago I agreed with my girl-friend to make our meeting solemn. but it wasn't solemn. it was casual. I wrote her that in an email. she wrote me back yes, I know, it wasn't solemn. but I don't know why... I don't know what are the real reasons. I was really missing you. and I was missing our conversations we are trying to not know the things that are not good even if we actually know them I would like more and more of solemnity solemnity is the memory of paradise solemnity is immortality I am really exhausted by the sun and by the water my nose started to peel I thought gently about snow I am sleepy I am hungry I have to hurry up I am helpless helplessness is protecting me I am love-kissing You my helplessness
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson I was walking. I was swimming. I was hiding my nose from sun another twenty days and the summer will be gone after few years, beginning from today, I won't bear rings and beads anymore at least for a while rings and beads I will put on altar I like to construct altar it is alike I am constructing a world everything to be on one place and everything to be able to fit the hand regardless of my mortality I believe in the immortality regardless of weapons I believe in the peace regardless of the ownership I believe in the ownershiplessness regardless of the regardlessness I believe in regards for all beings rings and beads had helped me a lot my hand was more present more solemn more dancy writing it is dancing writing is a gratitude to writing words-grasses words-love regardless of many I I believe in the one and only I I-fish I is a home of all beings I am a heart of all beings I hope I will enjoy for a while without rings and beads I will not dance I will be the dance itself hand-path hand-rose I am enjoying a lot in writing in order that the ones that are now suffering suffer less I am enjoying in the beauty of words in order that the ones that are now dying in wars stop dying I-birds
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson at the beginning of walking I had a trouble with my eyes I couldn't see clearly it came by itself and it went by itself i am approaching the water I am taking off the shirt I am walking along the rocky shore I am leaving things next to the water I am spreading the shirt to dry from my sweat and I am putting rock on it not to fly away I am taking out the water glasses and suppositories for the ears I am taking off my sandals I am taking off my glasses and I am putting them on my sandals I am taking off my short pants and I am spreading them also to dry I am leaving my dictaphone... … I came out from the water. I dried my ears with my shirt I am standing on my shirt in order to dry my feet. I am putting on my sandals. I go in the forest on the concrete stairs I will take off my wet bathing suit and I will put on my pants while I was crossing asphalt road I have felt the goodness of the warmth I have changed my cloths. I am on my way through the forest water is dropping from my hear along my back while I was watching yesterday on television how Contador and Schleck were fighting for the top of the Pyrenees I was crying one's efforts and one's goodness always make me cry I am thinking how did people swim in the far past I am thinking how did they walk and how did they love-kiss I am delta of all loves that had ever existed whoever was loving s/he is in me I am writing with love from everyone that have ever loved when I write the word water in there is love from all the ones that have loved water when I write the word thought in there is love from all the ones that have loved thoughts starts climbing on 166 stairs on which are my lizards I hope that lizards feel that I love them yesterday I felt that in a split second I hope that all beings hear the beneficial music of my feet all loves in the music of my stamping