Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I’m in the seventh year of the book – Miroslav Mandic – clew the ball that is constantly winding up and enlarging through the blessings yesterday I effluxed – today I’ve sprouted through germs through sperm I You I through the Bud of All Beings through trembles – spasms of love through the sixth year of Blue Roses – through the sixth year of Blue Film in July it will be forty years of One Man it’s not One Man but Miroslav Mandic I thought to myself should I send you the photo of my pussy you thought of that yes I’m vibrating You are dancing me I am singing You I’m swaying my shoulders I’m wondering to the admiration I’m admiring the wondering I’m caressing my chest I’m caressing myself over the vastnesses and times of the Universe I’m caressing myself over the intangibilities of all beings new day in my life will be the birth of Velimir Hlebnikov I’ll go on Wikipedia to see when Hlebnikov got born God Hlebnikov was born on 9th November – the day when I went to jail the day when nineteen years later I started with the Rose of Wandering the day when nine years later I announced 9th November as the Day of All Beings I love You – it’s written on my forehead this to You – it’s written in my heart I am You are I – it’s written in my mind let’s foot over each other – let’s sole over let’s slap each other – let’s palm each other love-kiss me love-kiss me God I – whatever I got from the rejected ones You – love and life for the rejected ones I through you I
last night it was snowing. everything is white. it is so gentile and mellow and I have a toothache for few days now I’m mentioning the pain with which last year finished and new one begun so that I wouldn’t ache a single day of this year so that nobody would be aching at all when it doesn’t hurt life adheres to the life itself through pleasure through dying I love-kiss eternal life dying I love-kiss You through dying I love-kiss all beings — through dying I give birth to other beings You are my confluence – I am Your source I am the artist of pussy and the poet of dick I just wrote down in my diary this beautiful God’s title innocence of mine join me in swearing and constantly love-kiss the innocence of every being and I carried on writing how I’m beginning year 2011 I’m beginning it with eighty one kilo and two altars with stones on the floor of the Nest I would like to lose two three kilos as always with anxiety about the money but even bigger hope and belief in money belief in Your money – I is love You is money with 13.006 kilometres of average daily walking sixty six kilometres more with Eternal Art – Miroslav Mandic Art with all beings with Bud of All Beings with Path of Bud of All Beings with all six buds – Rose of God’s Light I bow to the world’s rose of Laza Kostic about which I found out in these painful nights with path and dancing through Planet with rose and singing through Universe with loyalty to You – web-site with the drawing of Universe and word love on my temples with words God and bud on my neck with seventh year of Miroslav Mandic book with sixth year of the ten year Blue Rose picture with sixth year of the ten year Blue Film film with second year of First Time Second Ten Year Walking with second year of 64 Buds are Singing to the Bud of All Beings sixty four ten year pictures from the donations of which I live and work with second year of Solemn Sunday Lunch drawing join me in Solemn Sunday Lunch of All Beings every Sunday at noon with second year of definitions of Bud of All Beings with the beginning of Great Pictures oh with the beginning of Book About Blue Money what a goodness with the fourth part of thirty year book I am You are Him God’s miracle with fortieth year of the work One Man God with Goddess in my heart with beginning of begging with 64 Buds and midday bells of love and ...
I am the poet of dick the artist of pussy the innocence itself and that’s why every compromise is a betrayal of God’s beauty and goodness of the beauty and goodness of Miroslav Mandic Art a dick in a pussy – I am the poet of the alphabet of life a pussy on a dick – I am the artist of the history of art I adore pussy – and I just have a notion of how pussy admires dick s m s m i l e l e the smallest hair of God contains in itself more energy than the whole manhood with its wars and atomic bombs if You can live without me I cannot live without You if You can live without me I cannot live without You well those are the God’s words – I thought to myself Danka Vodopivec I went to see Danka Vodopivec my dentist even though the pain went away it’s the gums... inflammation... withdrawing and disappearing of the jaw bone... antibiotics for two weeks... chlorine solution... sage... dental imaging... maybe operation... money Danka Vodopivec Danka relieved a lot of people from pain and that’s the most important – I love you Danka I’d love to read the book Be Fateful Unto Death by Zsigmond Moricz Till the Last Breath is good but Be Fateful Unto Death is even better I have never taken antibiotics until now on Sunday I took the painkiller for the first time I would love to read to You Santa Maria della Salute by Laza Kostic Mannerisms by Slobodan Tisma self-heal me I’m self-healing You by language by God with kisses life love-kisses all beings the slightest God’s tremble is sexiest than the sex of all beings how I love-kissed God and have been love-kissed by God whenever I walked by the road God fucked me and I love-kissed You road rose of mine rose me I’m roading you trinity one love god one trinity trinity one god rose is rose is rose god is god is god may-it-be-through-bud-dear-to-god god is rose is is rose is god
I made first big picture in the series of Big Pictures the picture of the beginning come and see it I should massage my heels I’ll massage them sanctity of the body is within its deterioration sanctity of the soul is within its fragility sanctity of the spirit is within its eternity before enjoyment comes pain redemption through the pain of birth giving Kaja was hurting pain forgive me for hurting me because of me death forgive me for killing me because of me I apologise to You pain because You must hurt I apologise to You death because You must kill I am an artist also so as pain would stop hurting I am a poet also so as death would stop killing I am a walker in pain’s joy and death’s immortality life is life life is not politics but everything is politics in life that is the horror that life experiences in life I will really have to massage them I love-kiss you my heels heels are feet’s top of the head lips of mine kiss – constantly – kiss my lips may you just be and just kiss I felt wonderful last night when Laza Kostic in his dream being sixty eight years old caught Lenka by Her Sweet Peach it’s sweet when pussy is peach but it’s even sweeter when pussy is pussy pussy peach I I y o u I in Pozeska street I stooped down and picked up one tangerine that somebody dropped I a m t h e f a t h e r o f a l l b e i n g s
I admire I adore I make-god-like nobody in the world is more Gertrude Stein then me not even Gertrude Stein herself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Ludwig Wittgenstein then me not even Ludwig Wittgenstein himself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Billie Holiday then me not even Billie Holiday herself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Meister Eckhart then me not even Meister Eckhart himself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Ad Reinhardt then me not even Ad Reinhardt himself since that’s me nobody in the world is more stones then me not even stones themselves since that’s me nobody in the world is more rose then me not even the rose itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more robin then me not even the robin itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Simone Veil then me not even Simone Veil herself since that’s me nobody in the world is more Universe then me not even the Universe itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more God then me not even God himself since that’s me God nobody in the world is more love then me not even love itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more freedom then me not even freedom itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more joy then me not even joy itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more You then me not even You since that’s me nobody in the world is more something then me not even something itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more dick then me not even the dick itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more pussy then me not even the pussy itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more stones then me not even stones themselves since that’s me nobody in the world is more fucking then me not even fucking itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more freckled then me not even You freckled girl since that’s me nobody in the world is more orgasm then me not even orgasm itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more modest then me not even modesty itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more repetition then me not even repetition itself since that’s me nobody in the world is more transformation then me not even transformation itself since that’s me s o m e n o body b o d y I’m kissing Your lappets Santa Maria della Salute I’m kissing Your rose-like paths rose of mine y o u m e y o u I a m t h e m o t h e r o f e v r y b e i n g
midday bells of love are ringing I am alone because I constantly love-kiss You I am alone because You were kissing me in a dream last night You were snuggling with me and adoring me You were moving Your hips and explaining how You practiced it I was watching Your beautiful eye painted with blueness I was transforming myself through Your beauty and goodness I am alone because I am Yours I am alone because you constantly love-kiss me (female) I am alone because you have been my eye last night (female) I am alone because I am Your amenity I am alone because I am Your freedom I am alone because you are my amenity (female) I am alone because you are my freedom (female) I am alone because I’m listening Hank Williams on my own I am alone because I’m going to eat the plum compote on my own I am alone because you are listening Hank Williams on your own (female) I am alone because you are going to eat the plum compote on your own (female) I am alone because I’m not betraying us I am alone because there is no end to our love I am alone because you are not betraying us (female) I am alone because there is no end to our love (female) I am alone because I’m not giving up on love I am alone because You don’t exist I am alone because you are not giving up on love (female) I am alone because I don’t exist (female) I am alone because I cry on my own I am alone because I give myself to beautiful beings I am alone because you cry on your own (female) I am alone because you are giving yourself to beautiful beings (female) h e a l o n e s h e a l o n e s h e a l o n e h e a l o n e I I I I I I - a m - y o u r - g o d d e s s
When I was born in year 1900, my father Willy Armstrong and my mother May Ann – or Mayann how people called her – lived in a small street that was called James Elli... that’s how Louis Armstrong started his autobiography that I will continue reading tonight next few days I will live with Louis Armstrong in certain moments I’ll even be Louis Armstrong Louis will resurrect within me Louis Armstrong will transform Miroslav Mandic I will be Louis Armstrong of the XXI century I am Louis Armstrong always and forever I am a poet of one and only artist I am an artist of all beings I am a walker of all-love while I was buying Louis Armstrong I saw in the bookstore new well equipped book by a friend and with this morning’s e-mail of a close person with whom I parted it started off an avalanche of doubt vanity dirt confession – repentance – redemption – making-god-like I’m nowhere alone alone like a dog previous three words are beautiful I’m like nothing I’m not for anything useless unnecessary convicted rejected God man’s duty is to believe he is God the thing is that it is just a Word I was both upset and tranquil I walked around the lake I was thinking admitting excepting love-kissing carrying on towards the end of the walking I was light up by the tranquillity it rumpled me it washed me it wringed me out the soul of mine love is wise Lévinas prefers to think of philosophy as the wisdom of love rather than the love of wisdom love guards love. I am nothing comparing to Your readiness to let me in God love-kisses God I just decided to dedicate the seventh book of Miroslav Mandic to Dusan Misic Duda
when I came back from the walking an e-mail from the unknown person with the title please optimise your site was waiting for me respected sir, I tried to see your site because it was recommended to me as very interesting. Nevertheless, due to the bad technical makeover of the site it was practically impossible through my ADSL connection. One page of your site is up to 60mb (I never saw something like that)!? It’s because the pictures have been put in full resolution and just rescaled. It’s necessary to put the pictures on much smaller resolution (for example 640x480) and to get the full size picture with the click on them. Besides it’s necessary to write how big pictures are going to show up because these are huge and it doesn’t suit everybody since today many people are using mobile devices for internet where the information flow is limited. Good example is TELENOR mobile internet where for 1300din. one has 1000mb of information flow. That is merely enough for less than a half of your site. Talk to someone professional or a firm to optimise your site and explain once more why is it important. Warm greetings oh God I got scared and confused a child has done something wrong wonderful thank You Unknown Person gratitude to the person who recommended my site I am alone I believe in one and only language language of all beings and even more so in consecration – that is to say in work without being paid for it I’m not familiar with the computer and internet measurement units because I never had anybody to talk about it even though I would really love to. that’s how I forget everything that I’ve learned. I would also love to talk English to somebody every day. but also any other language. especially that one and only in which I believe. but I am alone and that’s why I talk in language of love of all beings my site is a being a state of all beings conformation of God I feel that computer and Internet are media that are up until now most dear to God Alan Turing the father of computers has been killed by the experts Alan Turing never earned anything on computers and Bill Gates has earned everything I’m on the path of Alan Turing and not on highways of Bill Gates again – as always – followers-experts are killing the creator I love love God love I love I don’t believe in church nor in companies companies are contemporary churches universities existing science and markets are contemporary inquisition while I was circling the island a friend of mine phoned me and said that she got the internet and that she spent whole night browsing through my site and that she flipped on photos those are not photos they are beings of all beings with every being-photo I want to make all beings happy with every word I want to make-word-god-like every being I hope I’m not hurting anybody with my site if anything is not good on the site it’s my fault and not Zoltan Varady who I asked for the site to be like that and he as an exquisite expert just pleased my request large photo – a picture of first sites I adore computer and internet because they are love and not technology informatics and profit the fact how young people get rich through this technology is old fashioned boring and naughtily machines are love that desires to spread the love whole my life I’ve been told to optimise myself. to do what is most appropriate what is most favourable and suitable. to be on that side which is bringing the best results in a certain society and all that according to specific criteria and existing conditions but I am the poet of one and only artist the artist of all beings the walker of god and all-love dear Unknown Person come and help me so as the child within me gets to be more and more God
everything morning for days to the lone ones endless joy sometimes I’m so obsessed with You-life that I’m left without a single word just the beauty of non-power sublimity of failure in step we are one to one another sanctity of breath sanctity of orgasm future of the mind is within the orgasm of all beings future of love is within the orgasm of each being future of culture is within Your pussy future of art is within my dick future of singing is in beauty and goodness of fucking let’s walk I love-kiss You mother of fucking and nursing I love-kiss You her-Kaja I love-kiss You disapproval which is not disapproving any more I love-kiss You lie which is not lying any more I love-kiss You betrayal which is not betraying any more we are one coming horniness for any one smallest-meaningless-unnoticeable being orgasm is serving and obeying – God’s hymn and prayer orgasm is the church of all beings orgasm is the school of all beings orgasm is the university of all beings orgasm is the state of all beings orgasm is Miroslav Mandic of orgasm o r g a s o r g a s m s a g r o s a g r o
I’m sitting at the desk for half an hour now and I don’t know what or how to begin I’ll write this. I’ll write that. like this. like that I don’t want nor this nor that it’s better not at all than just like that I would move my body in order for something to happen but nothing happened except for the moving of the body as if I have both my hands and legs tied as if I’m writing with my hands tied as if I’m walking with my legs tied before I set at the desk I was thinking sometimes the poetry of life is only within the life of poetry and also that sometimes the life of poetry is only within the poetry of life but I didn’t feel like writing about that I was scrolling with the mouse through the white page with the numbers of the blessings on the screen I was enjoying the fullness of the music that I’m listening on the iTunes radio station Jazz in Bolz but nothing was helping and I was feeling worse and worse but at one moment I notices that I’m watching at the desk but not in order to see something but just for the sake of watching that was resting that empty watching the emptiness and then at one moment I felt how those half an hour that I spent sitting at the desk in order to start writing were very beautiful as if I was doing something very important even though I wasn’t doing anything as if that was that big secret that there are no secrets as if I was watching the wheat growing in the field as if I was smelling the sea as if I became speechless in front of the whiteness of the snow that fell over night I wasn’t doing anything I just was but when I am I am everything god dear god the blessings were within me but they were just waiting for me to deserve them to be worthy of them poetry is within every word every word is poetry the poem every word is poetry contains four poems and I should never forget that
these are those so ordinary words so ordinary and yet so beautiful the very poems they are singing they are carefree radiant by themselves they mean a lot to me they make me they are making me subtle they are developing my taste they are all-permeating they are simple initial immortal I trust them I cherish them I love-kiss them they need me – I need them they would love if You would need them as well because they are singing You pleasure words sandals the bed of words little butterflies principles spine little path little-heart bud a rose of mind winding arrow-like those so ordinary words word of all words
for few days now both of my heels and Achilles tendons are bothering me I’ve never felt something like that as if they are stiff my beloved heels my beloved Achilles tendons we should walk for nine more years God will give patience acceptance trust self healing God may everything be according to God’s will I’m in the arms I am free by God’s will traces of coffee on the coffee cup wheat on the table today I should make 474th photo of One Man I’m walking towards the city. I’m taking the rent money for the Nest I am wholeness wholeness is alone so that none of the parts would be alone worries let’s play pastime let’s walk insouciance I started working on insouciance twenty two years ago even though a lot of worries often overwhelm me I learned how to be insouciance insouciance is one of the holiest duties I going back the pain in the heals is moving up towards the knees and thighs I’m sleepy I took the photo of God can I take a photo of You – I asked him. yes – he answered whoaaa – he shouted when I showed him the photo I took another photo of him and he happily run away
previous and last night I was sweating how will it be today will heels and Achilles tendons be hurting me today as well linden tea is so pleasurable I’m more tranquil – I drew Blue Roses and I recorded Blue Film I’m more cheerful – I drew 64 Buds are Singing to the Bud of All Beings I thought of You and it made me tender my face is coarse my body is strong I love brave tenderness tenderness which is not seducing but surrendering giving is rough receiving is tender there it is there there it is one more there guard me my little rain there is most love in words that are used for cooing cooing of mine I surrender to You I’m cooing over those who are self-healing themselves rather than with medications I love-kiss those who are love-kissing with God’s love I hop and there is immortality for all beings this man’s head is wry to the right hand side and when somebody is coming towards him he puts his hand on the forehead so that it looks as if he is thinking of something and that’s why his head is so wry I love-kiss You man midday love bells are ringing-cooing soul of mine in all beings be free soul of mine with all beings within be joyful mind of mine mind all minds through the power of tranquillity mind of mine open up to the only mind through the eternity of love-kissing it’s raining constantly. I’m outside for a long time. my socks are wet I can fart to You under Your car – sais an older lady to the younger one I’m thinking of words. all words are nouns. divine onomastics giving is undertaking – receiving is surrendering giving is creating – receiving is singing same sameness
in the morning You eat ten eggs. that is the cheapest. in the evening one burek
and that’s that – says one man to the other while they are laughing with pleasure
sun is shining. my sneakers are still drying in the Nest from last Saturday
I’ve experienced a lot of failures
failures are very important
they are setting me free from the success
they refine me
they lead me towards unknown levels of existence
they transform I into I
failures are also very dangerous because how can I undertake anything
alongside all these failures
when I was young I wasn’t interested in success
I was excited by bravery
by righteousness and devotedness
effort in taste
creating still uncreated
being through the art itself
together-being and leading great life with a woman
I was excited by great creators and almost as a rule all of them were unsuccessful
after twenty years I realised that a lot of people are afraid of success
they are afraid of being unsuccessful but even more of success
while preparing for the Rose of Wandering I realised that God is success
that’s when I surrendered to the success because I wanted to make the
Rose of Wandering
I wasn’t afraid any more of ugliness and banality of success
ever since then I was trying to succeed every day and yet I experienced so many failures
holly failures
four years ago I realised I wanted the greatest success
the success that comes after the success of every being and all beings
failures encourage me
failures help me be healthy
failures help me get a bit more money
every moment of life is a success
success is that I set myself free from the curious look
the successful ones are the petty blue flowers that have appeared in the grass
let’s go my words
there’s no other way
for whomever there’s no other way come with us
towards one source
towards the source of all sources
towards the ripple within the heart of every being
the source of all sources is in every being
the source within me is turning into words
I’m waving to You through words
they are walking
they are flowing
they are flying
they are shining
I’m warming up my knees with my hands
I freeze – I kiss my heels
I spread my arms in front of the screen
I’m hugging all beings
when nails are nailed into the trees screams can’t be heard
flowers are not talking about their pain
pain bloom through pleasure in all beings
the beauty of short words makes a letter out of me
for two days now I’m in Heidi’s company
it feels nice
I recognize that all these years she’s been living within me
ever since I first read about her
Heidi I’m coming
I put the warm clothes on and it feels really nice on this cold weather I’m circling my head to reduce the pain in the left side of my nape last night I dreamt about the mystical unity of all beings and I wept on the face of the world was written I love you the name of the world is I Love You everything loves everything the flock of siskins flown over me a girl and a big guy are running towards me. at certain moment guy heavily exhaled from strain. when they came close to me I told them let’s go let’s go and they both smiled at me through writing I’m constantly saying to myself let’s go let’s go I love You crow who noticed that I’m watching You I love You run over earthworm with every inhale I’m inhaling what all beings exhaled with every exhale I’m feeding all beings I’m inhaling You grass I love-kiss You moss on the trees I love-kiss You beetroots which are waiting for me in the Nest before I went for a walk I wrote down all physical problems and pains I’ve got next to each of the sixteen body parts I wrote the year in which I started feeling problems or pain after that list I felt happier and hence healthier I’d love to be healthy and when I get sick to heal myself on my own and with Your love. with no money doctors or medications I wrote under the list after that I went on porn sites. and as always I absorbed God’s goodness and beauty with which those people who were surrendering to each other were exuding sexual pleasure is the experience of innocence and paradise sexual pleasure protects people from horror that people are doing to each other sex is like God and money abused. but nobody and nothing can take away the rectitude thoughtfulness and innocence from sex streams are running into rivers. rivers into seas. seas into oceans winds are blowing through valleys. fogs are falling down on earth seeds are disappearing into the fruit horses are entering mares poem is getting into soul somebody into nobody the face of this old man is good like the bread he is chewing on four year old boy is crossing the street in front of his mother and two year old sister by jumping from one to the other white strip of zebra crossing. he is a great hero which is now jumping on the other side of the street. my heart is smiling from joy four year boy is a doctor of all beings and he even doesn’t know it
I’d love to be healthy and when I get sick to heal myself
on my own and with Your love. with no money doctors or medications
Mina sent me and e-mail yesterday that she would love if I’d change this blessing into
dear God, infinite love, I want to be healthy and
thank You because I’m healthier and happier each day
and because I won’t have to give money for doctors and medications
Mina thank You for the health
wet snow is falling
I’m going
I’ve noticed that I’m going
it’s wonderful to go
what a beautiful word
to go ahead
to go backwards
to go to the side
to go in circle
to go in one place
to go to go
to go while dancing
to go while singing
to go while hugging
to go while love-kissing
to go while going
to go through God
to go through You
to go through a part
to go through walking
to go through going
to go through death
to go through life
to go through resurrection
to go through eternity
to go through being towards all beings
to go
moment I recognised you in a moment poem I made you in a moment some poems are singing the creation other poems are creating singing create me sing me I’m on the lake I’d love if You were here wet snow is falling on my face it’s been said that human brain is working only 5-10% I’m walking through 90-95% of the rest of brain I’m clearing up the brain with love of all beings the name of every subsequent step is I’m Not Afraid everything that has ever lived and that will ever live lives in a brain Bud of All Beings is consisted only out of 100% of brain brain is God I’m thinking of the prayer and I’m smiling I’m thinking of how Your pain could disappear and I’m wishing You that joy kisses and fucks You with joy health kisses and fucks You with health freedom kisses and fucks You with freedom transformation kisses and fucks You with transformation loyalty kisses and fucks You with loyalty love kisses and fucks You with love success kisses and fucks You with success amen I just say God hold me on my legs and I don’t need anything else – says younger woman to the older one while getting out of the cafe on the lake every blessing is certain new discovery of certain new America most exciting in the world is to be in this blessing I’m leaving the lake two more kilometres to the Nest through the streets Visoka Kirovljeva and Pozeska in Pozeska street I love the most dogs that are living on the street wet fine snow is constantly falling
I’ve lost blue glasses I’ve been looking for them for last half an hour after taking the photo of my face and snowology I was cold so I carelessly took the heat out of my pocked and along with it my glasses probably fell out on the snow or on the path so somebody already took them I will try for some more to rake through the snow with this stick I didn’t find them this time either. I was wearing them from this summer instead of the ones that were broken by the ball that suddenly flown to me I came to the lake joyful and with the glasses and I’m leaving sad and without glasses I’m now left just with hope that somebody will find them when the snow thaws out but next week will be cold and the snow probably won’t thaw out I’m sad because I’ve been careless whenever I lose something I always feel guilty the traumas from loosing things in the childhood suddenly come to life again sometimes I dream about it too all I can do now is to drink wine in the honour of blue glasses things are alive just like machines things are simpleminded unselfish and they are constantly helping out beds. tables. chairs clothes. shoes papers. pens. books whores saints teachers of surrendering beloved things 14:14 clocks once with no intention I have hurt Dragan Sakan this is the resurrection of Dragan Sakan in the honour of blue glasses I’m ashamed of all ugly thoughts for the immortality of all of those I’ve hurt I raise the arm of immortality losing something is little death to hurt somebody is greater death God’s joys the frames of blue glasses and of those broken by the ball as well as those I’m working with at the computer and those I’m reading with are gift from Sloboodan Vratonjic something so gentle un-losable all-belonging
believe me writing is courage anything is everything sanctity of incest weakness through stimulation stimulation through freedom freedom of surrendering to the other I drew 333rd drawing of Good Walker during the 333rd walking of the First Time Second Ten Year Walking 333 walkings of success – God’s success 333 walkings of love – to the higher intelligence 333 walkings of loyalty – to people 333 walkings of transformation – to spirits of nature 333 walkings of freedom – to animals 333 walkings of health – to plants 333 walkings of joy – to minerals voices from the other side of the lake can be heard that is because of the water and snowy silence I’m enjoying the patterns that soles left after them on the snow snowy whiteness and silence are like silence of thick white paper in the midst of the whiteness midday love bells have started to ring a bird from the lake said something and the bird on the branch answered back to her sometimes I slip over the slick ice snow is the winter sea snow is bathing I love when I mention snow in the summer blue snow it was falling for few days and now it only whitens that blue snow lake’s dogs are nibbling on the bones thrown in the snow I’m thinking of teeth and jaws of animals which are crushing bones like bread I’m leaving the lake I’m leaving the winter silence 333rd walking is coming to an end I’m going towards 666th walking. and then towards 999th walking 333 walkings for free bread here is the hand 333 walkings of the Bud of All Being’s immortality here is the soul 333 walkings-clearing-ups of 90-95% of the future brain-gardens of all-love here is the mind