Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I am 6264th person to see this video – join us tomorrow I’ll go and see this video again to see if the number of views has increased I’ll be doing that till the end of this week little brotherhood of Andre Williams the brotherhood of one and only that consists of the one and only I’ve heard about Andre Williams for the first time after the concert on this video Gaga Udovicic who was in his company that night was telling me velvety life for life without residue to the last breath multi-layered fuck-wording particles particles little-one waves waves waves bud-girl everyone needs love I’m pouring love to all beings small number of viewings is better than great number the best is the one viewer unknown loyal constantly present earring in my ear you shine with godly love god godly nothing more fuckable and loyal every day hey every day I’m circling around Your waist Miroslav Mandic name is tattooed on Your beautiful thigh not yet but it will be pain in my heel don’t worry – we are one friendship sisterhood of yet nonexistent little brotherhoods little brotherhoods are spreading the love to all beings little brotherhoods of beloved sisters
morning all of this is my house Andre Williams child doesn’t die child constantly walks the streets of Universe child lives within the honest and brave ones child just wants to be loved and to love some flowers are always somewhere I’m not stopping I’m on the lake cold wind is blowing I’m thinking of the life of Andre Williams of all those moments when he was alone and nobody saw him I’m guarding life with life I’m touching life with life I’m warming up the batteries with my palms so that they wouldn’t fail in coldness wind is carrying fine snow wind is picking up there is more and more snow and there is more and more joy I’m with the wind in the wind gone the wind in these words is always here sleet is caressing my eyes wind in the branches is calming down my brain with mind forehead heel with richness of attitudes with sovereignty of the name everyone is unrepeatable in the repetition of the same I enjoy in and I trust every word of Yours even though we speak different languages too hard and too beautiful before the word for too beautiful and too good after the word self-bordering mother fucker awareness of self-bordering is surrendering to the conscience of infinity today I’m 6279th viewer of the Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams
humour is all that it is
the snow that is falling
the smoke from the exhaust pipe
me who is crossing the street and writing about humour
fine snowflakes are bouncing of the asphalt like fried popcorns
humour is agreement and not opposition and defence
humour is love for love
humour is cooing and not disdaining and mockery
from the lake where it’s slightly snowing I love-kiss You my Bra
humour is a snowflake that has dispersed over the mobile phone while I was writing the message
humour is the cat that is hanging and cuddling around my legs
while I’m writing humour kisses humour on the white paper
I wanted to write love love love on the white paper
to put it on the snow and take a photo of it and afterwards
to write humour underneath the photo on the site. but the cat and
humour have made me write humour kisses humour so that there are traces
of the cat on the snow and her paws and underneath the photo to be written love
humour in action
snowflakes are bigger and bigger
as if sky full of stars snowflakes are falling across my face
wherever I look everything is full of snowflakes
everything looks like white picture for number 1 and two
gray pictures for number 2 that I will finish these days
this is not snowing this is God’s beauty
this is not God’s beauty this is snowing
I’m grateful because I’m present at this snowflake-falling
snowflaky humour in its sparkle and whiteness
I’m thinking of Mita Stankovic and his little café in Podbara
humour is relationship
relationship is admiring
humour is admiring
with admiring and humour
I’m alone because for me relationship is admiring and there’s not even trace of admiring
constant love through admiring and constant admiring through love
into each other’s embrace
with a lot of joy
immortality without compromise
immortal uncompromisingness of humour
h u m o u r
snowflakes buds
today I am 6286th viewer of the Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams
last night my head and eyes started hurting from drawing one out of two pictures for number 2 little circles are tiny. gray. sometimes almost invisible light in the Nest isn’t so good the posture in which I’m drawing isn’t good either I shouldn’t be drawing for too long I’m watching the white trunks of birch tree so that they rest my eyes next three pictures for number 3 are going to be black only four blue pictures for number 4 will be resting my eyes I hope one belongs to all beings Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams means a lot to me I thought of making Little Sisterhood of Rabia I thought of a lot of other things this morning I was rejoiced because of Nenad Baturan’s birthday I love Nenad Baturan I haven’t seen him for a long time I love all people that I used to love I love them even more I will love them more and more although a lot of them I won’t even see any more I love to talk about Nenad Baturan if somebody knows Nenad please tell him that I’m inviting him for coffee or beans or both even better I’m inviting everyone for coffee or beans or both even better for walking even more agreeing for sure admiring love-kissing Andre Williams is seventy five years old Nenad and Andre gushing of love pouring of loyalty I’m alone in order to love-kiss constantly come to love-kiss each other constantly and to love-kiss constantly come to love-kiss constantly and to love-kiss each other constantly today I am 6298th viewer of the Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams
I’m looking at the dust on the edges of my working desk I don’t feel like going right now I’m reading Rilke If somebody knows You tell him to tell You that I invited You to come I’m going the fog on the lake was unbelievably beautiful I was thinking of books that I would like to write about the encounters that would occur on my invitation I’m inviting you for bread and wine ... I miss You. conversation as well. wine... but it’s not happening the day before yesterday while walking I imagined our encounter next week and it was so beautiful that I gave up on suggesting it to You so that no fact of life would jeopardise it which would then hurt very much. the sooner the better... I just sent the e-mail to a dear person that I haven’t seen for a long time I’m eager to see You but it’s not happening I accept and I rejoice nevertheless the sooner the better right away whenever I rejoiced when I remembered Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams today I am 6303rd viewer of Little Brotherhood of Andre Williams there is no fucking around with fucking around you either want or you don’t bloodstream of all beings is within one and only being that’s what this Saturday is about as well profusion of cosmic dust unannounced presence plainness of wonderful wonderful beings of indescribable meandering writing when I start speaking my tongue gets tangled up from long silence today I heard from Vera for the first time braver braver braver braver braver towards the embrace of unimportant of the beginning with beginning of the only one of the first of the first of the only one of creating love one and only of love-kissing love with love today I’m the 1st something to the Tiny Nonexistent Sisterhood and Brotherhood of All Beings
beetroot and white radish are smelling when I came back from the walking I grated the beetroot and white radish beetroot and white radish – glory to your names we are waiting for you just you write those blessings of yours – beetroot and white radish are telling me we are also enjoying the music you are listening to – beetroot and white radish are carrying on thank you white radish – I say to the white radish thank you beetroot – I say to the beetroot roots of surrendering beings live for beings beings sing beings I am beetroot and poem of beetroot I am white radish and poem of white radish I will add hot tomato ketchup to the beetroot and white radish everything is so important important is unimportant unimportant is divine loyal to beetroot loyal to white radishes sublimity of roots is in the depth of sacrifice sublimity of fruits is in height of surrendering plain sublime beetroot – rose of roots white radish –white daffodil of roots I’m enjoying the bloody red colour of beetroot I’m enjoying the sharp smell of white radish it must be horrible death when one is dying of hunger it’s unbearable to live in the world in which a lot of people are dying of hunger I sing in glory of all those who are dying of hunger who gives his or her mouthful to somebody else is conceived with immortality third condition of conscience third condition of all-fucking third condition of love among all beings third condition in which all beings are living and giving birth to each other come beetroot and white radish are screaming
17:17 (5:17 pm) seventeen past seventeen help me sing even more plain and simple I just saw how much money I have and I got scared I’m in danger in Days of My Life 8th March is The Day of the Decision About Walking twenty eight years ago – 1983 – I decided I will walk last year twenty seven years after that decision a poem Twenty Seven Years happened Twenty Seven Years in Satie’s room nobody entered for 27 years 1898-1925 Walser spent 27 years in sanatorium 1929-1956 Mandela was in jail for 27 years 1962-1989 Miroslav Mandic has made a decision about the art of walking 27 years ago 1983-2010 27 years are 36 births 36 times 9 months glory and beauty is yours dear god before the walking I got unexpected visit from Marinko Sudac who I saw for the second time after five years and Branko Franceschi who I saw for the first time today after few days of silence I always rejoice somebody when somebody is interested in me I get really excited I get sad even more because nobody is interested for the wholeness of my work the fact that I’m refusing to take part in parts leads me to danger I asked them not to talk about the exhibition which they are inviting me to take part in I told them that this refusal of mine is leading me into danger towards the dangerous towards salvation I gave Pocket Collection Sudac to Marinko Sudac Marinko kissed the word love on my right temple Marinko kissed the picture of Universe on my left temple Marinko kissed the word bud on the left side of my neck Marinko kissed word God on the right side of my neck I repeated to them that I want everything and that I don’t want what is not everything Marinko gave me hundred Euros in his and Branko’s name. that rejoiced me because I saw these days that I’m lacking a lot of things and I thought that I will buy them after the walking. toothpaste. pasta rice. vinegar. teas. tea for prostate. pen sharpeners. soap. scotch tape. oil pepper. foils. metal grid for the sink since the plastic one is not good excited after the encounter I went for walking. I decided to first buy the tape for the Blue Film and photocopy my basic flyer in the store in which I’m buying the tapes for few months now with a girl to which I would love to say that she is beautiful but I’m not saying it so as not to frighten her I bought the tape and again got excited by that unknown girl I picked up the photocopied flyers on my way back from the girl who is working in the second shift I went to Marijana and Sun to tell them what I told them God while I was walking I was thinking of two ideas that I will suggest to Branko Franceschi if he calls me if somebody knows Branko Franceschi let him know that on my way back I saw first lizards this year I didn’t buy anything because I was in a hurry to write today’s blessings I only picked up one small apple from the ground of the fruit market fifty minutes ago I got scared because I saw I have really little money danger thank You – I hug You. salvation I beg You – I love-kiss You
only when I meet somebody I realise that I went really far excuse me but I don’t see myself amongst you scary fulfilling creative singing through creating the work the work creates me I belong to all beings it was beautiful on the lake sunny and a bit cold after yesterdays spoken words today was no words we were silent worry about the money is tiring me but it also encourages my creativity towards the end of the walking I felt carefree it’s important that I work and create every day even though I don’t work or create for money I believe that what I do and create will produce money it’s important that I’m not afraid and just to go on and that’s how there is no end eternal returning is happening exactly because that is no going back straight line circles in these words as well is the money for all beings through creating every day new money – blue money bud money I’m healing and renewing existing money hey goodness hey beauty good writing writes goodness beautiful writing writes beauty happy poem god I god I you I god I god countless number of ways of one and only way bee bee to bees bees to the bee honey fascinating calmness
welcome my new pedometer Vera sent me a new pedometer first lettuce this year after fifteen kilometres of walking I feel tiredness in my legs I took a shower. I washed my hair. I’m like a child my eyes are shutting my skin is tender I’m caressing with thoughts my Achilles’ tendons and heels these days I will make a rough list of my immaterial art two thirds of the Bud of My Art are immaterial works immaterial works are the more expensive then the material ones free works are the most expensive I rejoice agreeing as well as h a r m o h a r m o n i s i n g i s i n g Vera thank You for pedometer – and – for everything else I thank You thanking is so exciting – so sexy innocent and loyal thanking is conversation with sun me to You God You to me God God g g o d d sunshine in the heels embrace my thighs with thighs nurse with freedom and courage beggars give me strength and love the smell of see don’t forget me poem is a little sister to the humour humour is a little brother to the art art is a baby to the walking sun’s prayer to all beings I love to obey the dice it just told me not to write something I wanted to thighs are resting thighs horses man stop killing animals – man stop producing weapons who horses
pedometer works like a clock I’m rejoicing it today is the first spring-like day I had my hair cut I write God – if we agree – You answer God hands are very important in writing hands love to write with heart and mind heart and mind love when hands are writing them Bud – my good computer – loves my body the body of love buds in all direction with sun over the pieces of glass what can I do when I have such long arms – said an older gentleman at the hairdresser’s yesterday while walking to pick up the pedometer I started the concept for addressing unknown people today while walking I finished it up I will need another month or two in order to encompass it with Yours and Sun’s help I love working while walking everything around me is at my service at least I hope I believe even more with love of course with love it’s beautiful when I don’t finish a thought but I just begin it and hand it over soon the nettles will start the proliferation white buds smells of fruit immortality is knocking on the doors on the knees of freedom I believe you my words loyal I love-kiss you sung word burek lunch burek fellow
price of food has gone up a lot that is so sad it’s been said that the price of bread will go up as well ouch hey it’s really scary although joy and health of heart is within being compassionate with the poor ones I saw by chance on the lake Franjo Mihalic famous marathon man. ninety years old. I stopped and watched him. I couldn’t resist approaching him and saying hello long live – I told him when I undertake something I’m considered uncultured when I create something beautiful I’m proclaimed an amateur when I live simply people say I’m a weirdo when I speak of innocence people think I’m debauched when I speak of all beings people claim I’m with no feelings when I want to give money to somebody people suspect I’m a sectarian when I’m writing down a thought or a poem people are afraid of me because they think I’m a controller when I say some truths they are sure I’m crazy when I sing heatedly they are cooling me off because I’m not cool days go by. same ones. from the beginning of time I bought bigger pot and replanted houseleek cactus and houseleek mean a lot to me I was making the list of my immaterial art works while walking I began with the break with art in 1971 I realised that it is forty years since that break with art film and studying it was crazy brave and tremendously dangerous salvific – divine – God’s – the bud of white rose I’m not sure when exactly I come to that decision it was piling up and building up those days in spring fire of the twenty one year old man in glory of those spring days I announce 12th March as The Day of Breaking With Art – the Day of Spring Art – of the Art Itself thirty two years afterwards on 12th March 2003 Zoran Djindjic was killed today I know that it was a break with existing art not agreeing with career in art in the world full of tears and sufferings I admire that young man I adore every young woman of a man who are doing the same thing in these moments a sip to a thirsty woman a bite to all hungry ones
next Monday begins the birth of the book I am You are I
don’t plunder the ball from me play with it
don’t teach me just surrender to me
spiritual knowledge liberates man from the physical
wandering and slavery of the soul but it deprives them of God
my legs are hurting after the walking but it looks to me
that it will be easy to write the blessings
I bought the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on the street
I started reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on Saturday
I really yearn for autobiographies
the dice just told me not to write about this morning’s joy
one of the things in youth that was taking away a lot of my strength is that I didn’t
save thoughts in my heart but I would say them because of the joy
or to make myself look important
heart of joy is within open heart
in first drops of rain
with the photo of first drops of rain I made the eternal Monument of Love for Etela Merk
Etela was doing tremendously important job and I’d love that to be known
on the Rose of Wandering I made five Monuments to the Anonymous Forces of Love
The Monument of Love to Etela Merk is the first monument
of love that I made celebrating somebody’s name
I would love to read the autobiography of every being
intergalactic community and intergalactic law are enabling me
to greet every just born being with the Bud of All Beings
books in the backpack and on the walking
healing through loyalty
if you have some autobiography bring it to me
around fifty autobiographies that I have read I gave to
Violeta Jovanovic. anyone who wants to read them can borrow them from Violeta
the threat of nuclear horrors
good grandmas are guarding the world from nuclear horrors
I’m suggesting to Jelena Besir that we see each other soon in
an early morning and go through brandies and pubs just like all those
who with their horrors guard this world preventing it from ending up in horror
I suggested this today to Jelena as a game and now I’m inviting her to really do it under the title Kijara
this writing is not going as easy but I enjoy more and more
and I feel more and more like a swan
I saw how big geese are taking off from the London canal
I just heard the sound of their wings that were flying over the canal and sky
the wings of beauty
wings towards the embrace of freedom
second lettuce this year
I remember how in 1986 twenty five years ago
I enjoyed the lettuce and then Chernobyl happened
for days now I’m writing blessings after the walking while walking I think of and work on some other things I hear Amy Winehouse across the lake a moment ago I was measuring the length of my step I was marking meters with little stones and counting steps the average is seventy centimetres yesterday I was walking for the first time in Crocs Shoes today I’m also in them but my soles keep on hurting me two-tree hundred meters to the Nest I’m tired. my feet are sore. my voice is hoarse unlike yesterday I don’t feel the blessings that are waiting for me at the desk but I will write them and then everything will be good I slowed down in order to regain strength sometimes there is no water in the well so one has to wait for the water to collect again when I entered the Nest I was rejoiced by the new white drawing paper I put over the desk before the walking and I ruled it in such way that I can write on it all 366 poems from the future book I am You are I sing me poem dance me dance walk me walking new drawing paper on the desk is my twelfth Table Painting they are horribly beautiful and good those Table Paintings that are becoming on their own I just underlined the frame for 366 poems with red pencil love I love I pan I love I love think me thought love-kiss me love God keep on making me godly I’m looking at the ruled drawing paper in front of me and I’m crying I am an elephant a trunk beauty of each nose touch me touching caress me caressing marry me Goddess sole-step me soles bud buds
during the Rose of Wandering I was covering one kilometre with 1315 steps in 12 minutes during the Bud of Walking I’m covering kilometre with 1429 steps in 13.06 minutes and what now as always just moving on but only slowly without any visions but just the beauty of the existence I’m watching both the houseleek and the cactus on my desk and I wonder if they like the music I’m listening to I’ll put them on the balcony where four houseleeks are already placed I moved them – they’ll be better off in the light care for other being refines life I love to care about words about pictures paths immortality about every being and all beings b o g b o g u g o b g o b (meaning: “to God”, prim. prev.) b o g b o g o g o b g o b (meaning: “God-Goddess”, prim. prev.) tears are running down my cheeks I see them sparkling they caress me and guard me I’m thinking of all beings that have perished and the ones that have been radiated in Japan man can be helped only by other beings and actually by the ones that he constantly and ruthlessly destroys the cherries will flourish in Japan they will be budding through buds
I’m running around not to forget for my soles heels and Achilles’ tendons health I took little notebook with me to practise it because in four days I will be writing in it every day one out of 366 poems of the book I am You are I wind is blowing. it’s beginning to rain. I’m poorly dressed I stopped under the eaves wind is rushing over the grass it’s raining under the forty five degrees angle rainy cloud is gone whole world got scared of the new nuclear catastrophe warnings have been in vain those who are warning are always being ridiculed silenced prohibited and killed Basho I love-kiss You states always question their nuclear programmes after disasters this morning I noticed the hole in the back pocket of my pants where I keep my keys I moved them into the front left pocket until I patch it tonight isn’t it so Matsuo I feel more and more how deprived I am not knowing old languages. Sanskrit. Chinese. Japanese. Hebrew. Greek. Latin... but I feel even more that I am free of their past and present powers I feel more and more how humiliated I am for not speaking English language but I know more and more so that it’s very good I don’t speak it because I’m not sharing with it its present power and limitations I feel more and more that it’s a pity I don’t speak more languages but I also feel how it helps me to love-kiss all languages that existed those that exist now and the ones that will exist in future I feel more and more that it would be good if I’d known well Serbian language in which I write and sing but I also feel more and more that it is much better that I’m writing and singing in Miroslav Mandic language I feel more and more how human language is magnificent but how the language of all beings is divine one is the language well that’s what I’ve been telling you all along man the language that keeps the memory of this run over rain-worm in Kirovljeva street I feel more and more how unfavourable is to be born and to live in a small country but I also know more and more so that it helped me feeling whole planet Earth as my garden I feel more and more how great limitation is to live on planet Earth but actually that helped me feeling whole Universe in my body it helped that Universe is in every step of mine that all beings live in every cell of mine that I guard the one for everybody last night I started drawing seventh picture first out of four blue pictures in glory of number 4 this moment I’m beginning to take out dates of birth of those I admire and I love and who will make the Days of My Life wow how exciting it was we are all Japan – from the certainty of common horror even more certain is the uncertainty of common resurrection we are all Panja – Panja in jargon-Serbian means Japan but also All-I I I I I I I I Japan Panja I I I I I I I (“I” in Serbian is “ja”, so in this would be: “ja ja ja ja ja ja ja Japan Panja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja”, prim. prev.)
Is like a new-born infant.
Lao Tzu in fifty fifth chapter
One who knows does not speak.
One who speaks does not know.
Lao Tzu in fifty sixth chapter
I’m off to give Vesna the rent for the Nest
my soles Achilles’ tendons and loins are sore
last night I saw on the internet that Tom Gotovac couldn’t walk before he died
all I’m left with is gratitude and joy
one of the saddest thing in my life I’ve heard couple of years ago from Tom Gotovac
harmony guards harmony
tree is tree
God love-kisses God
poems of innocence are singing through God
poems of experience are singing of God
one more serve-response. when I’m reading MM in the evening I hope hard
that your day was good. it’s somehow more probable that mine is going to be as well
I got text message from Vera
and here’s the miracle You’ll read Your own words this evening in MM
I answered to Vera
I skipped this blessing but I marked it
with red so that I don’t forget to write it
however the day goes every day is good
dead or alive it’s all one and the same – what is important is that all is one
what is
eternity to time
infinity to space
energy to love
it is all beings to life
every being is infinite and eternal love to all beings
all beings are Vera’s hope that my day was good
all beings live in every being that is giving its life to the other life
p o e m e o p
all beings live in anything and that’s why anything is beautiful
a n t o n i o l a u e r
t o m g o t o v a c
I love to love
Miroslav Milomir Mandic
Vera Velizar Varady
18:18 (6:18pm)
eighteen and eighteen I love-kiss You
alive is one
o u c h
I’m waving to You I’m not explaining I’m not answering I’m winking I’m crackling with my fingers I’m mingling with my hips my lips my mind heart-like god-like with humour our hum ohm-ohm b o g o b o g o m o g o b o g o b (with God, prim. prev.) j e d n j e d n i m s m o m s m o (we are one, prim. prev.) I changed sweaty t-shirt I put the shirt inside out fuck-it-humour takeaway humour Tija Tijana hundred grams with no authority I hug You Bela three hundred grams without terminology I love-kiss Hamvas magnolias will start soon swallows will come soon loyalty is the most sexual g i v r e c e i v i n g n g I adore You – You divinise me You adore me – I divinise You this morning I took out around thirty dates of birth of those I adored – the ones that divinised me because I adores them p b o m b i n g o h a s b e g u n e m today I bought two bananas and I said to the polite sales woman that I’ve heard yesterday and that I put last night banana skins on my painful soles and heels and she told me I know of that with cabbage. well that’s even better since it’s cheaper – I answered her all of us that are bombing we are killed in the bombing same as those that we have bombed from the day they were born through bombing and that’s how it all will be until the bombing stops procreating by bananas miroslavmandic to the fire-fighters who are sacrificing their life to extinguish the fire of knowledge and save the fire of love for all beings
I got up before the alarm clock went off. toilet. put the water for tee to boil. dressed up. turned the computer on. put the soaked beans on the hot ring. set at the desk I’m waiting for the spring 04.27am spring has came. I smiled at it I got up earlier in order to greet the spring and write first poem in the book I am You are I I wrote it I am God first words all other 365 poems will begin the same – I am God God last three words in the book I am You are Him are I am bud after thirty years I am bud has transformed into I am God poem I typed in the poem onto the Bud’s screen I rewrote it in the Red Notebook I am Penelope I wrote it down in the first rectangle in the Desk Picture that will be small poems buds God to You God to me God to all beings God to God then happy like Tom Sawyer I went again to bed again I got up at quarter to eight. and same again. toilet. water for tea. dressing up beans again on the hot ring. turning on the Bud. but also eye exercises... I was emptied and I lacked sleep I went for a short and slow walking today tomorrow and day after tomorrow I’ll walk just six kilometres a day if somebody wants to walk the rest seven kilometres tomorrow or day after tomorrow let me know that you have walked and how much so that I can walk on Wednesday or Thursday 5000 kilometres of the Bud of Walking. if not it will be on Saturday and 12pm midday bells are ringing – I love-kiss You midday love I’m drinking wonderful cheep weak white Riesling alone – joy to the joy – itself in Saturday Biljana Roncevic came for a visit to give me the support for the beginning of writing of I am You are I. when thirty years ago I wrote I am You are Him Biljana wasn’t even born Petar Miloradovi’s father died yesterday. old elk has fallen – wrote Petar beans birth of a poem God love
like a first grader I’m learning how to write poems I am You are I today as well I was enjoying in slow and nonbinding walking emptied thirty year old poem has drained me sometimes I’ll write in Miroslav Mandic about I am You are I I would love in couple of years to bind all four books I am You are Him Kaja Milomir I am You are I into the one book – because all of them are just one poem – with comments and refinements until then I’m not turning back during last thirty years sometimes I would think how wonderful it will be that – once in 2011-2012 – I will be writing fourth part of the book I am You are Him here is that wonderful wonderful but ordinary same new green grass little white flowers in the grass February’s March and March of April streaming of love alone alone child a l o n a l o n e n o l a n o l a moment by moment day by day years by year centuries by centuries stream is streaming love-kissing love-kisses č u d e s n o b i č n o n s e d u č n č i b o (čudesno = wonderful; obično = ordinary, prim. prev.) sun shines I-am-You-are-I has leaned on the chair rest and watches what he wrote peaceful he is he writes with his eyes over the emptiness indescribable happiness is rolling within him even though nobody is around he feels somebody is here
when yesterday in the end of the book twelve year old Tom Sawyer suggested to twelve year old Huckleberry Finn to form a gang It’s to swear to stand by one another, and never tell the gang’s secrets, even if you’re chopped all to flinders, and kill anybody and all his family that hurts one of the gang Huckleberry Finn answered That’s gay — that’s mighty gay, Tom, I tell you. Jelena and Violeta have walked for me the day before yesterday so today on the 10714th step will be 5000 kilometres of the Bud of Walking. well that is a poem my soles heels and Achilles’ tendons are sore. well that is a poem 86400 seconds of a day are 86400 poems within a day turn-about doo bee doo bee doo whoa whoa who dray searchers mud around the wheels horizon is surrounding me picturesque words are shaping my blessing through the middle a n d o n l y t h r o u g h t h e m i d d l e the bells of midday love are ringing I will go on the walking around half three in order to meet up around half five with Ana Zgonjanin who is bringing me blue crayons for the Blue Roses from Branka Zgonjanin gratitude to Mina Novcic who is buying me the blue crayons blue crayons blue crayons well that is a poem blue poem it’s wonderful sitting at the desk in front of the Bud and waiting for the blessings waiting for them to fly away like a flock of sparrows to rocket like a robin to flash like swallows dazzle tranquillity a personality becomes through the amenity words are counting me numbers are writing me pictures are walking me well that is a poem