Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
babies people. younglings of animals. buds of plants. grains of sand stones ideas of spiritual world sex of the sensual and metaphysical love of the sensual and metaphysical gives birth to the immortal beings I adore oversensitive people my phone is ringing – Petar Miloradovic is calling here are the first nudists on the lake buzz of the ladybirds around my head reminds me of summer and you will have the rye one a baker woman that was cold until now told me kindly yesterday I’m walking for the baker woman today begins census of the population I didn’t take part in the previous census or in the one before it ever since – in 1991 – I went on the Rose of Wandering my being and my status have changed address In Your heart nationality Life state Universe religion God membership Alone for all attribute God’s Child I am a poet not a citizen I am an artist not a member of an association I am a walker – constant creating and singing to all beings I am God not counting of the alive and the dead people a job of an enumerator is to enumerate and mine is to create yet nonexistent these blessings are my census everything I think feel speak do create sing is my census I hope that the enumerator will be understandable and that they won’t make problems for me I live and work for joy and in benefit of all beings and that is not done under the human laws humans are tiny portion of all beings check in freedom check in solidarity check in immortality check me into Your heart
Miroslav asked me an unknown woman near the Synodal Church. she reached out with her hand and said Isak’s wife. she rejoiced me very much you are more beautiful Svetlana. that’s why I couldn’t recognize you beauty is goodness while I was drawing Good Walker and thinking how many people lived on planet Earth until my birth so that I could know which number in that row am I exactly I could have plunged down the staircases on the Sava jetty I is God’s glory for myriad of times in a row I ask freely only when I’m happy because that’s when I transmit freedom and happiness on you I sexually love-kiss everybody’s sexuality bricks bricks thorn thorn baby baby God God obeying liberates liberation creates creation sings singing god god of singing I went after this old man on the crossroads out of respect even though red lights were on at this moment I have changed poems I am God in the book I am You are I into i am god I sing everything in small letters in glory of one and only great letter letter god the name all walkers who are walking into hundred thousand years is Miroslav Mandic the name of all artists who are creating in now is Miroslav Mandic the name of all poets who are singing in eternity is Miroslav Mandic every word is beauty and goodness there you are I can’t remember Greek word for goodness and beauty that is the way in which there you go is constantly present there you go I love-kiss you there you go eternal summer bathing of a soul sunbathing of a mind never say never always say now God I call you by my name you celebrate me through your name God god bud
ruth compassion synergy harmony I am a donkey of beauty donkey of beauty love-kisses a mare mare of god is god there is no conversation without love there is no thinking without God I love-kiss conversation is dragging relativisation and hiding of guilt whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent Wittgenstein whereof one cannot speak, thereof I sing God every word is god’s name and poem i am god confirms God I was passing by the bus for blood donation I’m sorry I cannot donate blood because of jaundice that I had if I carried on donating blood after twenty fifth time until today I would have donate blood for hundred and forty times and around forty litres of blood instead of three of them there would be eight of them poem of life you are my life poem while I was writing the word bud I was passing by the cars from which one woman gave me a worried look. I approached the opened window and told her I’m writing something for myself and people get scared. just you do your job – she said when my seeing takes place of me watching I can see everything is love-kissing Clear scared woman is running after her dog and calling it only when I’m not myself – I am I only when I’m not a man – I am God God is love love transforms God becomes God it really makes me feel good when somebody is kind to me dedicated to a kind woman who I bought lettuce from ...I hurt you once long time ago... I got this text message from one child-woman a lot of people hurt me. mainly for no reason all those traumas shocked me and insulted me I love-kiss You my innocence I tried to transform all the traumas into poem art and love I love-kiss everyone who hurt me I never wanted to hurt anybody on purpose even though I’m aware that this hurts somebody as well and this goodness even more so and this beauty as well
God is love love transforms God becomes God I wrote yesterday but this is today when I went out I decided to walk just three-four kilometres and come back as soon as possible to drink wine and write poem-exhibition-prayer This to You I took off my clothes in order to take a shower and all of a sudden I got a desire to wipe off the floor now I’m clean and I’ll write about what I was thinking while I was taking a shower and then about what I was thinking while wiping myself and drying my hair first the shower everything that I was that I am and that I will be is one God everything that I have lived that I live and that I will live is one Miroslav Mandic everything that I have love-kissed that I love-kiss and that I will love-kiss is one love everything that I have created that I create and that I will create is one bud everything that I have sung that I sing and that I will sing is one poem everything that I have drawn that I draw and that I will draw is one drawing everything that I have walked that I walk and that I will walk is one walk now the wiping and drying my hair everything that are to You Your Parents Your Kids Your Family that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Country Your Nation Your State that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Church Your Club that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Patriarch Your Pope Your President Your Prime Minister Your Best Man that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your ancestry Your profession Your CV Your awards Your reputation that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Employer Your Association Your Union Your Friends from the Neighbourhood that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Nongovernmental Organisation Your Secret Society that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your property Your money Your bank that is Miroslav Mandic to me everything that are to You Your Judaism Your Zen Your Buddhism Your Orthodoxy Your Catholicism Your Islam Your Anthroposophy Your Gurdjieff Your Great-Christians Your Knowledge Book Your Singularity Your Lora Your Order of Love Your Transpersonalism Your Activism Your Anarchism Your Fascism Your Socialism Your Liberalism Your Humanism Your Holism Your Numerology Your Astrology Your Enlightenment Your History Your Feminism Your Facebook Your Secret Knowledge Your Secret Police... that is Miroslav Mandic to me You have Your Parents Your Kids Your Family Your Country Your Nation Your State Your Church Your Club Your Patriarch Your Pope Your President Your Prime Minister Your Best Man Your Ancestry Your Profession Your CV Your Awards Your Reputation Your Employer Your Association Your Union Your Friends from the Neighbourhood Your Nongovernmental Organisation Your Secret Society Your Property Your Money Your Bank Your Judaism Your Zen Your Buddhism Your Orthodoxy Your Catholicism Your Islam Your Anthroposophy Your Gurdjieff Your Great-Christians Your Knowledge Book Your Singularity Your Lora Your Order of Love Your Transpersonalism Your Activism Your Anarchism Your Fascism Your Socialism Your Liberalism Your Humanism Your Holism Your Numerology Your Astrology Your Enlightenment Your History Your Feminism Your Facebook Your Secret Knowledge Your Secret Police I only have Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic God Miroslav Mandic All Beings Miroslav Mandic Love Miroslav Mandic Bud Miroslav Mandic Poem Miroslav Mandic Drawing Miroslav Mandic Walk
God is love love transforms God becomes God I wrote yesterday and day before yesterday but this is today while weeding being bent down a worker of Parks and Gardens is talking over the mobile phone misusing is a tool of profit and interest good-using is shyness of singing and fragility everything is yellow with dandelion it will be red with poppies blue with swallows I haven’t seen a single poppy nor a first swallow a man screened his face from sun with the hat he took off and he’s watching the airplane above his head when I do something with permission of a dice I’m calmer even if I experience some unpleasantness I enjoy lettuce more and more it will be like that until the first tomatoes come really sometimes I write very well the word really I’m smiling to my failures they are liberating me from illusions leading me over the limits of success fool helps me a lot I would go crazy without fool fool easily takes what I can’t I should help fool as well fool let’s dance you dance so good I’m guarding You I love-kiss You my fool the angles of loneliness are guarding people from loneliness y o u a r e f o o l s I am fool fool’s children younglings of all beings God’s children words my fools
God is love love transforms God becomes God I wrote yesterday the day before yesterday and three days ago but this is today Miroslav Mandic who writes the name of Miroslav Mandic I enjoy Miroslav Mandic who writes the name of Miroslav Mandic while writing the letters that are making the name Miroslav Mandic feels as if he’s writing over the rocky mountain wreaths everything trembles within that Miroslav Mandic writing dust that flies in the air sparkles with Miroslav Mandic flowery meadows are full of rhythmical jerks Miroslav Mandic is constant contractions and releases surrendering spine’s nerves Miroslav Mandic adjustment of all Miroslav Mandics Miroslav Mandic horse’s neck Miroslav Mandic thighs of love Miroslav Mandic cimcum M spermia M is Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic is M one and only spermia of all beings Miroslav Mandic is what you wish for yourself Miroslav Mandic is what you are to others Miroslav Mandic wheat of an animal Miroslav Mandic supernatural bread Miroslav Mandic daily rose M runs towards M Miroslav Mandic modesty that protects every being from loneliness Miroslav Mandic boys which are running through water Miroslav Mandic before I create Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic while I’m singing Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic after the walking of Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic helps me being Miroslav Mandic indivisible sameness
God is love love transforms God becomes God I wrote yesterday the day before yesterday three four and five days ago but this is today forty years ago in summer 1971 I wrote a text Poem about Film because of which I was convicted. yesterday I thought that it would be nice to write the Poem about Poem this summer wow it could be the famous summer 2011 richness destroys could be the first sentence of the Poem about Poem at this moment I’ve decided that I will be writing the Poem about Poem I will open a file Poem about Poem I opened it and I wrote down Richness destroys. Poem about Poem is immortal poem about immortality. I am a happy man I share the happiness with all beings fucking delivers beings singing creates all beings fucking love-kisses singing singing bows to fucking I hug the loyal ones I love-kiss the brave ones s p i n e o f m i n e I l o v e - k i s s y o u my heels and Achilles’ tendons are sore from 10th January. I saw this editing this years’ blessings. my spine is bothering me for more than a month everything is connected in the heart of an abused dog will into the heart mind into the heart heart into the pussy and cock pussy and cock into the poem poem into the resurrection wow what a joy while I’m writing this blessing in which end resurrects the same wow your heart pulsates within my chest s p s p i n e n e female artists love-kiss male singers of creativity male singers of creativity are fucking with inconsolable ones
God is love love transforms God becomes God I wrote yesterday the day before yesterday three four and five days ago but this is today yesterday was Cioran’s birthday. in one text about him I’ve read for a bad news he will be awarded with Rivarol prize, the only prize that Cioran has ever accepted. And when Albert Camus told him: “Now you have to get involved with the flux of ideas”, he thought: “Fuck off!” “You will understand, he will give me lectures with his culture of a teacher”, he was confiding with Liiceanu; “he has read some writers, but he doesn’t have a bit of philosophical culture and he is telling me: now... as if he was addressing the pupil. I left. It was a great humiliation for me”. the culture of teachers is poisoning everything in front of it teacher is lethal for art sadness world of bodies light holiness sanctum heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god heart god perfection everything turned into a dot everything comes out of a dot poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem poem God truth beauty goodness beautiful within a poem of good and beautiful for one t o g e t h e r
it will be the a of the book on Friday
should I celebrate it and how
alone or with somebody
loyal to loyalty
an ode to the loyal loyalty
(in Serbian it’s as follows: “oda odanoj odanosti” and so are the following blessings)
a loyal ode to loyalty
loyalty to the loyal ode
My dear Miroslav, here’s what happened to me yesterday:
I was on my estate standing next to just planted plants… A cousin
whose name is Rose told me: “I’m following it for years now
swallows always come on 9th April.” Hug! Petar.
Petar Miloradovic sent me this e-mail yesterday
Petar. Kiss my Rose Swallow
I sent a text message to Petar
Fuck And Fuck Yourself Miroslav Is My Name
I Would Love If You Would Believe Me More Than Yourself Is The Name Of My Life
I Would Love If You Would Love-Kiss Me More Than Yourself Is The Name Of My Art
don’t worry – I love-kiss You
I’ve changed the decision that pictures Numbers – Tree of Life should be
in colours of chakras. all sixty six pictures will be multicolours
the meadow of flowers
everything is so simple
one and simple
(in Serbian: “jedno i jednostavno”)
cosmically simple
blessings are love that is inhaled
while reading blessings You are exhaling and inhaling love
the blessing of a blessing is within the fact that You don’t feel the blessing
but You are consisted of it
I don’t know who You are but I love-kiss You
I love-kiss You my enemy because You are my greatest benefit
I love-kiss You as well even though You are angry and opposing
I found a pebble the size of a pee – it makes me want to cry from its beauty
small pieces of glass are shimmering next to the tram tracks
nothing is remote even if it is remote
the smell of malt is spreading around the sugar refinery
horse paths around the hippodrome are white
I’m lifting my hand letting the tram drivers know they shouldn’t worry about me
I’m lifting my hand and I’m waving to the screen on which is written
I’m lifting my hand and I’m waving to the screen on which is written
my Achilles’ tendons and heels got tired
I still haven’t seen the first swallow
here comes the morning immortality is god-human work, a work of freedom and a work of boon, a work that is accomplished from underneath and from above – Berdyaev p u d o w n to make god-like being god-like the body of immortality lives within the immortality of a body d e e s f r u i t muscle fibres of immaterial nerves of spirit p p o e m m f r e f r e e d o m d o m I’m caressing the void in front of me it’s wonderful how my words are left after me words are taking me towards immortality they sing my immortality my immortality is immortality of all beings cape one is the love I still want… I will take a bit… a bit of coffee soft-talk is one of the little paths of immortality when a gazelle leaps a magnolia blooms a soul prays give me your nobleness the sun in heels elasticity in tendons give just give I’m receiving I’m giving You through receiving I’m giving You receiving a moment ago I also obeyed the dice I’m thinking of how to throw a ball so that it tells me what to do I love to obey obeying turns me into a child free and immortal
in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth before that beginning there was a beginning in which God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning I created the heavens and the earth
not only that I love-kiss my enemies but the thing is that they should love-kiss me and have greatest benefit out of it believe believe and believe and go believe and go and believe and go and you’ll believe and go and you’ll see believe and go and you’ll see that believe and go and you’ll see that it believe and go and you’ll see that it happens believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is your believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is your path my rose path and rose dancing and singing please and thank you goodness and beauty You and I couples of one one and only I another 33 blessings to the middle of the book dew my humble joy sparkles girls believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is Your path believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is Your believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it is believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that it believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and that believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own and believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its own believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on its believe and go and you’ll see that it happens on believe and go and you’ll see that it happens believe and go and you’ll see that it believe and go and you’ll see that believe and go and you’ll see believe and go and you’ll believe and go and believe and go believe and believe your bud
today is Robert Walser’s birthday I love-kiss you Robert Walser let’s go together towards the middle of the book silent happiness powers all books that have ever been written and that will be written my internet is switching off I’m celebrating the loneliness that love-kisses all beings husband love for all beings emerges from me wife this is my world child the child of yearning love-kisses the yearning of each child every blessing I write down is gratitude to the blessed ones I’m writing these words with a gentle heart blessing by blessing constant vibrating orgasm of the beginning is orgasming every moment it was miraculous writing each of 64788 blessings until now counting this 64789th one the most miraculous blessing I’m calling You miracle if You exist – if You don’t exist – here You are blessed love me I am your and my I that love-kisses all beings whenever I’m delighted I should bow to the delight I lived every blessing bowing to singing these blessed blessings have never until now been flowing towards me so slowly God’s slowness we are looking at each other’s eyes within the heart of one and only looking I’m reaching out to You You are caressing my hand with Yours in-step we are stepping into the 64800th – last blessing of the first half of the book the physics of God 64801st – first blessing of the second half of the book God of physics t t o p o Who Ever Loves Is My Name Who Ever Loves All Beings Is My Surname Who Ever Loves God Is My Name And Surname Who Ever Is Any One Of 64794 Blessings Till The End Of The Book Is My Nickname God
if the scientists would expose their heads to collide with each other and smash while propelled to the highest speeds as they collide smallest particles in accelerators with no compassion they would come to the discoveries they yearn for so much they would discover that I is the smallest particle a light of grass transformation through the first kiss constant boogie-woogie enchanting helplessness the dawn of hope b o g i b o g i ć i g o b i g o b (meaning: little God) grass always meant a lot in my life grass means to me even more now grass – now the same my heart in Your hand red heart of the green grass blue helplessness of statements purple unprotectedness You are my loyal wife purple unprotectedness You are my colourful protection rose swallow a house at the end of the village a path under the feet a prison bed a-woman-with-big-goose-bumps a home in a throat I’m so happy now that I gave up on the alpha male thing when I was fifteen I’m smiling a my love failures I hug I kiss I’m hugged I’m kissed hope is dawning the crack of flowery formulae husband wife child to myself to you
I am god my immorality depends on your mortal life talented people are not genial I wanted to run around and write about running around but during the walking I forgot to run around I wanted to write about spitting over Miroslav Mandic but I have no strength for that I have no strength to write about the misery I felt when I saw some mistakes in the archive of the link Bud once I’ve heard Sam Peckinpah saying after the screening of his Wild Bunch that if you have heard during the film some screams in the theatre it was me since I was screaming because of the mistakes I saw in the film I was working in the morning on This to You with Sun mister Sun thank You very much afterwards I was walking ten kilometres and now I’m tired and hungry and I should write blessings poems of-poem-like I believe I will write them because I’m surrendering to them I’m a poem I’m becoming a poem I wanted to write about how easier and easier I’m getting excited during the conversation how being breathless in front of the beauty is transformation in front of the goodness – resurrection in front of the beauty and goodness – becoming-god-like You I am god excited with god excited god I really am really a bank of love all the money of the world is in many banks. and all the love of the world is within me in one and only bank which has all the money of this world tenderness that I feel towards the letters on the screen Poems Ezra Pound I remember how I was hanging out with some girls as if we were two boys with some girls as if we were two girls with some women as if we were woman and man multitude of combinations just confirm one and only love my female friend where are you my male friend my only woman only God I didn’t mean to write about your orgasms from which I received most of the love but every blessing that I wrote and that I will write is anyways towards the glory of Your orgasms mother of orgasms virgin of loyalty friend of the sameness genial people are not talented I am god my mortality confirms your immortality oh god
when you passed by me a moment ago I felt how since childhood my glass of death was overfilled and the glass of Eros not filled enough in some moments everything I see and everyone I see I experience as if it was me from some other parts of my life this car that rushed up the street is me this young man who is pulling up his pants because they are falling down is me clothes pegs in different colours that are hanging on the string is me kind neighbour motorbike rider from whose apartment I get waken up and filled with joy of the sounds of cradle I should be writing blessings in the evening and during the night as well I bought fine corduroy with floral motifs and violet lining today to sew something by hand for the first time in my life a vest a poet’s vest if I manage to do it I’ll also make one artist’s vest and walker’s vest I have no idea how is it done but I’ll do it vests are important to me because of the pockets pockets are important because of the work I’m doing outside I’m having a bit of troubles now since all that sawing is too fine for my eyes but if I’m patient it will happen somehow sewing for poetry I should by more thread I might need an iron but I don’t have an iron from everything I need it’s always most important that I don’t need anything thre ads just love god only petty poems I’ll buy thread during this evening’s walking but I won’t start tonight I want to draw the Numbers and I should also cool down a bit in terms of that floral vest knitting wool-work weaving sewing patchwork it’s all writing joy of being itself I rejoice evening shadows to myself who I will recognise in somebody to the loneliness by love-kissing God
the future of present humanity doesn’t exist any more present humanity has evolved on crime present humanity cannot set itself free from crime and there is no future with crime human schools and institutions are criminal their civilisation is criminal I am a man – I am a criminal as a man I’m not only the oldest human being but I’m also the greatest criminal the most horrific crimes are being covered up and kept secret they are stored in secret archives brains are screaming greatest crimes are discovered after fifty years winners are the greatest criminals wow what a sudden pain in the left heel last night I saw on television a programme about the crimes that were done over the innocent people sixty-seventy years ago whenever I write about horrible things I don’t mention names so that horrors wouldn’t be spread this morning I felt guilty and dead for hundreds of thousands of years I tried to find the way to write about all of that during the walking nothing was opening until I wrote today’s poem in the book I am You are I I am god I carry the crimes of humanity all beings help me future of humanity is in the hearts of innocent victims that have forgiven to their executors future of humanity is within individuals who have detached from humanity and transformed into yet unnamed being future of humanity is always and forever God being and just being is beautiful and most important being being is hard because one has to live living is hard because a man and its lives are crimes life is constant scream that we don’t hear so that we could live sometimes in life there nothing else exists but that scream of the innocent who are always subject to crimes terrible crimes that are done and which we are just now finding put are nothing compared to the ones that are done now and which we are going to find out after fifty years the hierarchy of love is within the crucial importance of every being pain in my left foot these days as if the pain was leaving my heels and Achilles’ tendons but then during today’s walking it suddenly appeared. I stopped so that the pain would get out. I carried on with slow walking, it never appeared again. but now when the legs cooled down the pain has returned thank You God I rejoice You future I love-kiss You unnamed one
today around 11:30 I got wonderful idea for writing honey honey I say to the little sparrow on the branch I’m enjoying the frogs croak it reminds me of spring waters smells of greenery flourishing of boyhood in child’s muscles approaching the water – provoking the danger swiftness of the body on which I was relying more and more I’m sitting at the desk again. that’s where five hours ago the idea about writing till the end of this life was born what a joy constant budding after the great excitement about lifetime writing I’m in the need of peace peace for each day during the walk I was walking slowly in glory of everyday writing until the end of my life I also enjoyed resting my heel frogs were croaking from both sides of the lake at this moment I felt within me Nina Tarbuk that is gone for twenty or so years already frogs reminded me of water plants and flooding of subterranean waters barefootedness I miss more and more to be barefooted whole my life I felt that rarely anybody can accept me that’s why with each friendship and each love affair I was hugely excited and suffered a lot nothing has remained from that I’m lonelier than I’ve ever been more peaceful happier now more than ever I don’t feel that somebody can accept me as a whole except You that’s why I’m more and more ashamed without wholeness I’m nothing and shame shy child and even more shy boy that’s how I felt and that’s what I was thinking while I was climbing up on Ban’s Hill barefootedness I coming to You we’ll go together
blessing is a wholeness
wholeness of all beings
I needed some good words from You and You’re fucking with me big time
said a girl to somebody over the phone
ten years ago I couldn’t bare this solitude
twenty years ago I couldn’t bare the solitude from ten years ago
thirty years ago that one from twenty years ago
forty years ago that one from thirty years ago…
life’s novel
since I am alone I should use all the goodness that solitude gives
solitude – a matter of love
poem of love
solitude helps me not to feel lonely
I love-kiss everything through solitude
I’m cheering the lonely ones
I accept love of the lonely ones
I’m drinking wine for the health of every being
I’m turning every moment into immortality
solitude is our fellowship
constant wedding
creation is wedding the creation
Universe wriggles into loyalty
spirals surrender to circling
all colours of light penetrate the light of each colour
rose-like road
road-like rose
same-like of the all-like
all-like of the same-like
isn’t it so my isn’t it so
I love-kiss You featureless woman
You are the only wife to the only husband
mother of all features
mountain grass is breastfeeding the grass in the valleys
new bodies are setting free old spirits
the wind has again overthrown the towel over the shirt that are hanged on the balcony great events are happening on small balconies has there ever been a book written with the title History of Towels in Historical Events a story Flattering of Drying Laundry a poem Tears of Humour are Bowing to the Tears of Horror I love You very much my path my music and my nest the rose of grass midnight joy bite of the starved womb of love festivity of double-meaning palace-like resurrection Romania breads that are let down the river elixir of love I would love if somebody would make an elixir of immortality if nobody makes it then I’ll make it myself even though I know nothing about it simple elixir of immortality elixir of bowing to the love of all beings elixir of particles drunkenness of all-being brain of life the science has proven that human brain works only ten percent and few days ago I’ve heard how scientists are proving that brain works hundred percent it’sallthesame donotseparatemefromyourselfeveninwords beauty is truth elixir of love will be called It’sallthesame elixir of immortality Donotseparatemefromyourselfeveninwords goodness of sunlight icon-walking icon-writing icon-love-kissing