Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I love-kiss You acceleration You will burn out through love-kissing Universe is love particles are love peach is love sacrifice is love tears are love orgasm love-kisses love orgasm me Goddess God achieve orgasm Sudden Woman I’m streaming I’m squeezing my thighs I’m dancing with my lungs for air I serve tears Bank of Water establishes Bank of Love Bank of Love establishes Bank of Tears masterpiece of energy aggression of innocence Miroslav Mandic Incest is one and only incest minerals love-kiss minerals thirteen year old girls are the best lovers and everybody knows that boys transform boundaries into boundlessness dimensionality into countless immortality immortality cannot be proven it’s lived and love-kissed dedicated to my grandpa Milos Oprin who resurrected in mass firing squad execution pussy-loving life-loving Miroslav Mandic pussy is one and only pussy Miroslav Mandic dick is on and only dick fresh croissants with hot chocolate unconditional love for the hungry ones Bud of All Beings are all defeats in one and only victory of love lightning of yearning thunder of salvation h e a r t h e a r t to h e a r t h e a r t
there is no end to my beginning donkey again believes mare horse cannot cope without innocence I’m watching a valley little birds pussy I will never hurt hope I will never ironize faith I will never deceive love I won’t make her nature-like to kill with life wedded I’m wedding through jaws of nonviolence pursy lips with spread nostrils with closed eyelids with rose redness I’m walking in the indivisible life is a constant oath to love love is a constant fucking with the oath everything comes down to everything everything love-kisses with everybody stimulate me innocence prick me fragility fool me foolish love of God touch my penis caress my mind give birth be relived who hits the target misses everything else and that’s why target is nothingness who hits God misses everything else and that’s why everything else is nothingness rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God God Gof God God God God God God God God God
my dear mare I’m writing with spine I’m singing with mind I’m creating with heart I’m shuffling my belly light fuck with light get wedded with everybody saint-like woman Mirhana encouraged me to keep on working on mystical smile from yesterday I started taking photos of my face on the link Walking while talking to You end miracle happened now I constantly notice how I clench my jaws I clench them because of my prosthetics because of focusing sorrow loneliness pains refined I will start whistling again whenever I became aware I’m clenching them I’ll relax them I’ll laugh to myself I’m missing glee carefree and unduly I’m thinking of horse jaws and iron bits that they have in their mouth I’m imagining my jaws like lakes clear water in which you are naked getting in I’m standing under the tree in order to see the robin I haven’t seen it for a long time it seems like its singing I’m looking through the treetop I’ve bent my head completely but I don’t see it I haven’t seen it. I’m lousy birdwatcher mystical smile – you are within me – I’m breathing – you are budding – do bud whenever you feel yearning for me immediately do something nice for somebody else
God’s rose your pussy is my book book of all books book through which I enjoy every book from early morning misunderstandings in sms of one and e-mail of another person my heart started hurting me if I would write of misunderstandings it would be good material for writing I’m off to agreement embrace – to the beloved porn sites afterwards towards walking I left later on and I walked only five kilometres. the eight that are left I’ll do in the evening with old shorts that I decided last night to throw away because Ivana gave me mister Alistair Saunderson’s shorts I wiped the dust of the floor I’m reminding You that You are forgetting and that’s why I won’t be reminding You we’ve just started and there is less and less of us – that’s how always have been and that’s how it will be forever beloved I see You on the path of blessings how You walk alone while all beings around You are singing Your song and love-kiss Your singing
if we are the same here’s one system within me for You not inferiority but tranquillity tenderness contemplation not melancholy but plainness peacefulness sublimeness not mediocrity but plainness simplicity homeliness not indifference but empathy surrendering interweaving not superiority but transformation enthusiasm innocence not passion but obedience creation orgasm not super ego but conscience fragility gentleness not consciousness but God freedom powerlessness systems within me protect me from the systems that are imposed on me not I but I am You are I one and only I I-am-you-are-I not walking toward God but running looking forward flying not Miroslav Mandic but Miroslav Mandic
wine of love is milk of immortality breastfeed me sameness analogy of love-kissing hey blossom unreasonableness and insouciance tattooed on my breasts just tell me how is the gland of kissing called a place without place and time in which amorousness dwells until it’s transformed into the eternity of all beings not similarity but sameness similarity is a lot more dangerous than difference difference is difficult and dangerous sameness is easy and salvific today is Sophia Scholl’s birthday I love-kiss those who are never love-kissed ecology is new communism corporationism is new fascism liberalism new traditionalism writing is nothing else but just writing repeated writing writing through writing writing through repetition love through repetition through the honey of repetition through miraculous rose through a simple path just nurse me nurse of rectitude nun with kisses bolero of eternity spinning in circles until last tear disappears from the eye of every being I’m not giving up I’m filling each particle with beauty and goodness
sun is warming up my knees warm wind is caressing my bare hands I owe a lot to flowers to the tiny blue ones to every flower to the permeating beauty through which goodness lives within all beings those who hurt me help me transform the pain into the love for all beings just ask me and don’t worry questions are love-kissing answer is love nongovernmental sector is new babbittry technology new primitivism consumerism new world war medicine new enrichment accepted terminology new despotism light new God I’m writing this blessing with green colour because there is a power cut in the Nest my legs are tired while waiting for the electricity to get back I will be writing on the paper and drawing the picture of Numbers I’m enjoying in drawing and sinking thoughts electricity is back I still have enough strength to write that I don’t have strength and through doing so gaining strength for the rest of today’s blessings I’m sorry that you are not recognising me that over there is the most remote point of the Universe youngest child of mine that got born at this moment man is deification miroslavify yourself mankind is counter-deification miroslavication is healing through miroslavication through the smell of an armpit with wings of goodness with love-kissing limbs through Plotinus with nettle on the roadside with chamomile in my nostrils
I paid electricity and utilities and I got scared when I saw how little money I’m left with I’m ashamed to be worried about not having enough money it’s important not to be afraid sport bicycle leaned on Srki’s shoe repair shop I’m watching white clouds I’ll take a photo of them – money will come it will come acacia smells around the lake soon will linden as well roses are here I love the poem that comes out of the rhythms of speech words that coming after each other words that came out of long silence silence of all-being poetry is some kind of genial nonsense Isaac Newton a drop of rain dropped on my lower lip blessingographies are these photographs with words I enjoyed this morning in Plotinus’ enthusiasms about the one 1:57pm at this moment I’ve changed the system of seven arts 1. god 2. eternal art 3. anonymous art 4. genial art 5. talented art 6. academic art 7. national art into 1. miroslav mandic art 2. eternal art 3. anonymous art 4. genial art 5. talented art 6. academic art 7. national art Miroslav Mandic Art – art of everything – singing to everything say learn what’s your concern a vegetable selling woman is cheering up everybody around her little cat on the roof of transformer three girls have left their school bags on the bench and they are practicing cartwheel on the grass all loves within one poem all poems in one love little bird has flown down to the bottom of a tree and it’s holding on the tree bark with it’s little claws don’t You think everything that is less is more isn’t it so obviously really same-like mild-like
... my loneliness that has often, maybe even too often, like on the highest tops, taken my breath away and made my blood gush out, now it’s in the least loneliness in twosome. magical! Nietzsche’s words about Spinoza in the text A Note about Spinoza by Mario Kopic here comes the morning dear Miroslav while reading about the exhibition on the boat Galeb that Sudac is preparing I came across the starting page of his organisation your photo with him is there but you probably know about it. I was a bit surprised… I hug you Bra my dear Bra I just saw it now unprotectedness weakness for two or three months I’m writing a letter to Vladimir Macura and Marinko Sudac. I wanted to send it one of these days but Branko’s mail encouraged me to send it today and do it through the book and site I hope they will read it or somebody tells them I wrote them today dear Vladimir dear Marinko I’m addressing you together because of the sameness Marinko You called me for the first time on 14 02 2006 and we met on 01 03 2006 Vladimir You phoned me for the first time on 05 10 2007 and we met on 06 10 2007 since then I saw Vladimir many times and on 8 March for the second time with Marinko I’m addressing you because you are so far the only ones that got interested for me and my work Vladimir I beg You that Macura Museum doesn’t have any works by Miroslav Mandic absence of Miroslav Mandic in Macura Museum is Miroslav Mandic’s art work in Macura Museum Marinko I beg You that Sudac Collection doesn’t have any works by Miroslav Mandic absence of Miroslav Mandic in Sudac Collection is Miroslav Mandic’s art work in Sudac Collection I would love if Miroslav Mandic Art is in your hearts and your minds to guard your bodies by being exhibited under your skin miroslav mandic joy of health health of freedom freedom of transformation transformation of loyalty loyalty of love love of success in your bodies miroslav mandic my work is oneness and it asks to be together in one place Vladimir and Marinko I beg You to help me be live work and create every day what belongs to that day within my art help me encompass and finish Bud – Miroslav Mandic Art in this lifetime help me so that one person that is looking for me in order to take over my work for eternity does find me help me create Miroslav Mandic Museum not in the existing reality and public but within all beings help me so that all those who it would be salvific and transforming find out about Miroslav Mandic and Miroslav Mandic Art help me so that all those who would it be joy for and greatest benefit do help me vladimir and marinko let’s constantly restore innocence and serve every being my art is a poem of art and art of poem my art is immortality of all beings my art is success of every being all beings blossom through the bud of all beings boys of hope lads of faith husbands of love game is over new godly game of poem art walking miroslav mandic is beginning of your miroslav mandic vladimir macura of your miroslav mandic marinko sudac one is vladimir macura one is marinko sudac one miroslav mandic god
stripping naked after being strip naked I’m happiest when God love-kisses himself when God is when rose is when sips of water are when God starts wanting Himself when soil starts wanting itself when water drinks itself when air wants itself when fire burns itself when God within me loves to be God to savour my love to bless himself with my blessings God only God bathes within my love God through my love God ouch then second coffee walking waits for me to bestride it like a horse and go into the warm day naked limb of love itself one and only love God God sweet to God God cherries are becoming reddish there are more and more lizards and they are perkier and perkier Spinoza is livelier and livelier and more and more Spinoza in each just born youngling of any being God love-kisses and guards all beings while walking I will watch how God love-kisses and guards all beings rose on the road vibrating particle
path is a rose to the bud rose on the path – Bud of All Beings path of rose – Bud cherries are each day more and more red an old dog is laying on the asphalt and peacefully observing everything around him while waiting for the bus a young man is sitting in the grass and reading Flaubert everything that isn’t repetition is boring why am I rejecting everything that isn’t everything because I am everything one because I want that each being to succeed before me because I want the rejected illicit and locked up ones to succeed because I want to resurrect all beings that have ever lived that are alive and that will live because I want to succeed first within You because only through You I can succeed and You are not around because I want to succeed constantly in every being because the poem of my art echoes in every word because the art of my poem hums in every part because through one leg I’m dancing and through another singing because the temple on my right temple is love because the temple on my left temple is Universe because there is God bud on my neck because my bud God is within You constant tranquillity without setback constant beginning without ending hey daddy two days ago I saw how a sixty year old man in a hurry took out his mobile phone and said hey daddy sir is this your money yesterday while writing the prices of Miroslav Mandic Gigolo for Mirhana I left the bill of hundred dinars on the asphalt as an example of easy giving and after five minutes a man approached me with handed out bill and said sir is this your money it’s so nice being Miroslav Mandic I experienced last night in one moment it’s a pity I’m going to die it continued the next moment I rejoice my death because all beings are becoming immortal through my death it opened up to me in the third moment peace g o d
here is 333rd week since I’ve been writing this book a book whose name nobody is saying out loud yet constant fucking joy of singing sing me fucking sing me modesty sing me angles sing me Jerry Lee Lewis sing me Billie Holiday sing me Johnny Cash sing me Violeta Jovanovic sing me You little swallow sing me Sr sing me Pe sing me Su sing me Ra sing me M sing me poverty sing me immortality sing me runaway child sing me slaughtered hind sing me broken branch sing me ripped off rose sing me paved stone sing me freedom female singer of freedom sing me truth male gigolo of truth sing me coming sing me resurrection sing me rain which imbibes sceneries with bread sing me one and only love sing me one and only fucking sing me one and only singing sing me sperm with which I’m impregnating all beings with immortality
by forgoing me for somebody or something – that becomes God’s Miroslav by surrendering Yourself to me You are becoming Goddess God death liberates all beings and makes them immortal flies are flying over the wet asphalt the lake is still after the rain I’m warming my nostrils with fingers to make a mistake is painful but repeating the mistake is stupid sometimes I feel how you are packing me in your world in which there is only no me who is everything o god n god l y the way Newton managed his reputation and career I find repulsive but it’s even more repulsive when those who are not Newton are doing the same thing I should cut my eyebrows in seven days hundred and forty four new Definitions of Art are waiting for me I’m looking forward what is also waiting for me but in thirty five days is the beginning of Internet Begging in Glory of 33 Years of My Begging how to do that in fifty eight days four hundred eightieth photo of the One Man – fortieth anniversary of that work is waiting for me gratitude only gratitude in eighty four days second Thirty Three Days of Bowing or writing of the Poem about Poem – forty years after the text The Poem about Film is waiting for me wishing that I don’t go to jail again but also to liberate from jail all of those who are innocent in it in hundred days celebration of forty years of Red Notebook is waiting for me how to celebrate that with God You and all beings forty years of fucking fucking suffering enduring not-betraying not-possessing not-giving-up nonviolence creating walking singing love-kissing fucking is fucked up it’s even more fucked up to be fucked most fucked-up is to be God d i v i n e p o e m god god to god god summer is coming I should be putting things later on the internet do You think that half nine is ok the best one the only one is not alone because he is alone for everything the best one the only one is not alone because he knows that everybody thinks they are alone the best one the only one is not alone because everybody is one with him the best one the only one is not alone because he is alone like god bud is budding Goddess
death liberates all beings and makes them immortal love sings all beings and makes them God self-thought one is god-thought one god-thought one is God god-thought one is a path towards God god-thought one is God’s path to God god-thought one is God through God god-thought God’s rose god-thought-like I met Djordje Stanojevic near green market everything I was telling and drawing to Djordje I was telling and drawing as god-thought one and god-thought-like even my heart started to hurt a bit every step is god-thought – the most important every joining if god-thought – crucial every being is god-thought – the only one every blessing is god-thought – loyal being god-thought I’m writing these words being god-thought I love-kiss every being being god-thought I make decisions beauty of god-thought-ness is in the smell of the first-ness goodness of god-thought-ness is within simple-heartedness only god-thought one knows that everything comes from God the rest thinks it’s from Universe nature parents nation fatherland professors god-thought one never even heard of the word god-thought god-thought one is the only child that remains child forever god-thought one imbibes thirsty ones with rain god-thought one feeds hungry ones with rose and bread when god-thought one was asked if he knows what is humour god-thought one said I when certain woman asked god-thought one if he knows what is love god-thought one said You when certain child asked god-thought one who is the best god-thought one said Miroslav Mandic when certain name asked god-thought one and what is Your name god-thought one said Miroslav Mandic God-Thought One when god-thought one says that his name is Miroslav Mandic God-Thought One I hope that he thinks of me since my name as well is Miroslav Mandic God Thought One Miroslav Mandic Theory of Everything until now nobody is saying my name Miroslav Mandic Tenderness That Permeates All Beings Miroslav Mandic Love Through Which All Beings Love-Kiss Every Being
don’t write about me – says Humour-thought one my work is not from God but for God God g o d god to god god g o d w o w wow beauty wow w o w incomprehensible – whispering suspicious – fucking improvable – lullaby immesurable – prayer God can’t save me from himself – religion prevents me from God child can’t save me from itself – parenthood prevents me from child justice can’t save me from itself – law prevents me from justice I can’t save me from itself – selfishness prevents me from I You can’t save me from itself – You prevent yourself from I love can’t save me from itself – passion prevents me from love truth can’t save me from itself – illusion prevents me from truth play can’t save me from itself – imagination prevents me from play cock can’t save me from itself – cockiness prevents me from cock pussy can’t save me from itself – motherhood prevents me from pussy fucking can’t save me from itself – taboos prevent me from fucking courage can’t save me from itself – decency prevents me from courage life can’t save me from itself – death prevents me from life road can’t save me from itself – traffic prevents me from the road rose can’t save me from itself – kitsch prevents me from the rose humour can’t save me from itself – jokes prevent me from humour poem can’t save me from itself – conceit prevents me from poem art can’t save me from itself – culture prevents me from art walking can’t save me from itself – sport prevents me from walking trauma can’t save me from itself – self-care prevents me from trauma compassion can’t save me from itself – laziness prevents me from compassion solidarity can’t save me from itself – property prevents me from solidarity Goddess can’t save me from herself – woman saves me from Goddess Srdjan Valjarevic can’t save me from Srdjan Valjarevic Srdjan Valjarević saves me from Srdjan Valjarevic and after all you go on all about me – Humour-thought one is smiling
the best one is best in everything the ones are the best just in certain things the best one rejoices the fact that everybody can be the best the best ones rejoice because only they are the best the best one creates better world the best ones are using existing world one person said to me two days ago that sometimes when seeing in blessings word fucked she thinks does it have to be again well it has to be since whenever I write fucked I do think it is fucked fertilised by God music sublime disappearing before the morning I dreamt her face her eyes were sparkly she was joyful and tender little girl Khadija light within light warmth within warmth grace within grace fucked innocence bud within a rose bud path within a path word within a word it’s a day a new day one and only day off I go into the day I am I am I am the smell of one and only body the smell of one and only soul the smell of one and only mind is
the best one is the idea of the best one the best ones are the ideology of the best ones I enjoy when you are writing about the best one and the best ones one person wrote this to me last night – collect it then in one file for me you fucked me up and you made my evening with blessings from 19th May Srdjan Valjarevic this morning in his e-mail humour is defence from evil irony defence from love the only thing I have to give You are endless possibilities to give me and to give Yourself to me constantly love of love is overcoming of every instinct first time in the woods this year. heats are coming I will be swimming in the lake and walking through the woods fascism works through fathers communism works through mothers liberalism through children the only thing I have to give You is goodness of endless possibilities to give me and to surrender Yourself to me constantly God only gives to everyone the possibility that everyone can become God with cane with heavy bosoms with tiny veins on the thighs with a book of poetry that I’m reading with greatest pleasure and on which covers is written to dear Mira for many happy years to come Bojka – in Belgrade on 1st January 1985 book covers are steps whoever is Bojka – Bojka is poetry book was edited by Sreten Maric and Djordjije Vukovic ask me once to tell You about Sreten Maric and Djordjije Vukovic roots are distancing from God poem is eternal horniness of God’s lovers the only thing that I have to give You is the beauty of endless possibilities to give me and to keep on giving me constantly these days a friend of mister Alistair Saunderson is in Belgrade even though I don’t know a friend of mister Alistair Saunderson I suggest to her that in honour of Alistair Saunderson she buys monthly supplies of necessities for Miroslav Mandic asking is more innocent than giving more innocent from innocent is honey-meant a bee of singing while she was sitting on the shepherd she was screaming I can’t bear this beauty a shepherd was pruning a rose in a shepherd’s way so the rose transformed into a bud bees are beautiful the most beautiful goodness of mine the only thing I have to give You is the bud of endless possibilities to give me and to keep on giving me constantly
my lips are becoming numb from kissing my skin is tingling from yesterday’s first swimming on the lake with Mirhana May swimming my heels are hurting for hundred and thirty three days now mares and horses are hoofing through my heels I don’t know what the cause is we are your wings. you got us tired with walking heels are saying after a long time Raca the stonecutter from Novi Sad called me and said that in his big house I have a room and that he would love if I would live in his place. he asked me to reed Remarque’s The Black Obelisk I will read The Black Obelisk and I hope that Raca will feel that I already live in his place I spent two hours with Stephanie – a friend of Mister Alistair Saunderson she bought me three soaps. two toothpastes. toilet paper instant coffee. litre of oil. tea for prostate. tape for Blue Film we will see each other in the evening as well so that she can tell me about herself and the Indian Emaho I am your child each particle says to me I am your fat tissue on the back Miroslav Mandic I am your sports legs Miroslav Mandic that are thinner and thinner and funnier and funnier I am your sixty two years old cock Miroslav Mandic I am your style Miroslav Mandic through which you love-kiss all the pencils I am your whore because I want only you Miroslav Mandic I am corn I am a virus of immortality I am a bacterium of health Definitions of Art are waiting for me tomorrow new 144 definitions in next twelve days I will be writing them around midday I will write them and write them I need around six litres of cheapest Riesling = 840 dinars nine kilos of baby potatoes = 720 dinars six kilos of cucumbers = 480 dinars tree kilos of bread = 480 dinars litre of oil = 150 dinars 2670 dinars for basic twelve day fuel of 144 Definitions of Art be a financial director of Definitions of Art be a bed of my fervours be the rhythm of my loyalties I’m leaving I’m resurrecting
art is breakaway from male society and army. from then on I’m on my own and I was sixteen. a male for everyone. spirit of an oath. an oath to the life of life art is breakaway from social status and opting for art. uprooting and throwing myself in the arms of unknown art are systems. gathering around unprotectedness art is sensibility. recognition within unrecognisable art is an idea. a body of the spirit in the young body art is invisible. constant fucking of goodness and beauty art is tautology. I’m crying while listening to Johnny Cash art are uprisings through art. tears that are redeeming and bathing mankind with salvation art are uprisings in art. shortcuts that took me to the road of wasteland – path of little birds art is discovery of I. tiger’s smile in fuckable slowness and slow fucking art is the I of art. art of sacrificing and sacrificing of art for the poem of art art is the I in art. a poem of surrendering within the art of poetry first twelve this year’s Definitions of Art Miroslav now slowly and gently explain this year’s 144 Definitions of Art this year’s 144 Definitions of Art are the chronology of my immaterial works I would like if Katalin Kesery would read them every day if somebody knows Miroslav Mandic tell him everything You want to say to Yourself if somebody knows Miroslav Mandic tell him to enjoy as much as possible in the name of God’s joy next twelve days on the link Walking of site will be the face of Miroslav Mandic in front of the Bud if somebody knows Miroslav Mandic may You be the immortality to his works and all his bodies next twelve days on the link Bud of site will be the photos of Blue Roses god god god god god god god god god god god my patient eternity circling through analogies interlacing with associations fucking through affirmations responding to responsibilities I am the lover of mathematics mother of mathematics – mathematical rose to God father of mathematics – mathematical path to God to Miroslav Mandic jam me numbers jam me rhythms jam images jam words drunk poco piano