Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
art is you. stimulation of hope
art is myth. hand raised in the air
art is a fairy tale. plainest plainness
art is danger. save me today as well my danger
art is 100 steps. Your hundred kisses feet that walked hundred steps
art is that the most beautiful thing is to be with Miroslav Mandic
love is courage and courage is love and sms that I’ve sent to one mother and her son
art is my ID. sanctity of sameness in every particle and in any kiss
art are couples. I of public and I of market. you and I. rose and path
pussy and cock. poet and artist. dancing and singing. please and thank you
insouciance and unreasonableness. patience and suffering. carefullness and care
art is Fourth Art. it saved both me and Rose of Wandering during the Rose of Wandering
art is Fifth Art. into which I casted off infront of
the few of my young frineds on 8th December 2001
art is the System of Seven Arts. constant overlapping and vibrating
of everything within everything
art is Miroslav Mandic Art. one and only love
and one and only singing of each being to all beings
first June again
Definitons of Art is art of defining
Definitons of Art are love whispering – of the alone ones to the lonely ones
Definitons of Art are corridors that are not leading me anywhere but that are singing me
Definitons of Art are boyish joy whith which I can hardly wait
the next day so that I could sing new Definitons of Art
today as well as yesterday patience fucked the unbearable
everything that I can’t bare about You I actually love-kiss from all my heart
God as well as me and You and love is only what is now and here
God as well as me and You and love is only what is eternal and infinit
God as well as me and You and love is only fuckable immortality
with stomach
with throaght use me
I love You because You are never here when I need You
You weaned me from Yourslef
delivered me to the one who is always here
Little Goddess
on first of June I broke up with Kaja Cirilovic
five years of solitude
five years of flowers
five years of deification
five years in glory of five years
first of June is over again
art is invention of names. my name is I Am A Husband And Love To Every Whore art is that I’m not a member of any professional or any other association. I kiss all kisses through which all beings kiss themselves I pulsate through orgasms through which beings are cominggggg kissing each other art is love-kissing passers-by and celebrating their Godly faces sublimity of unnamed and unnoticed plays which I’m creating every day art are all beings. I repeat art are all beings art is Miroslav Mandic wants greatest success. success after the success of all beings I am a success in everyone’s success. and in the end of time all successes will celebrate all failures and will rejoice one and only Miroslav Mandic Success art is Miroslav Mandic is singing creating and walking every moment everywhere and to everything love – eternal art in a poem of all beings art is Bud of All Beings. one and only one to the one and only one art is immortality. You make me immortal – that’s so simple art are 86400 moments of Miroslav Mandic’s life in every day. rain that just started to pour so I immediately turned off the music in order to listen the music of thunder and rain art are 86400 Miroslav Mandic’s works of art every day. only thing we want is to fuck my mother – my father – my sister – my brother – my daughter – my son art is Virgin Kaja girl Virgin Mary. it was beautiful to be born from Kaja’s vagina and to realise in my sixtieth that Virgin Mary gave birth to me art is just born God’s child. I’m being born every moment to God’s to Yours and all beings’ joy wow how defining liberates me and surrenders to Your surrendering wow I am just a poem wow Definitions of Art are unknown to me Tomislava Sekulic in all beings Definitions of Art are Tomislava Sekulic and love of all beings for Tomislava Sekulic Definitions of Art are Your love for Tomislava Sekulic Definitions of Art are Tomislava Sekulic who love-kisses You everything that I am is Tomislava Sekulic nobody should ever renounce Tomislava Sekulic nobody should start a day without love-kissing Tomislava Sekulic everything that I sing is because of Tomislava Sekulic only You know that innocence-ing (in Serbian: čednijanje) to the children (čedima) to the innocent ones (čednima) through you-I-ing You I-ing I adore You adored woman You and me love each other for love’s sake not for life’s sake cry through love-kissing me – through love-kissing me transform yourself one are the tears-the only tears – sms that I sent to You at 14:17 sing through love-kissing and love-kiss Miroslav – sms that I sent to myself at 14:18 it pours again p o e m p o u r s clitoris pours first orgasm pours we are pouring
art is God. Miroslav Mandic God
art is Goddess. Miroslav Mandic Goddess
art is God-life-art
Miroslav Mandic-Miroslav Mandic-Miroslav Mandic
art is God-sex-money
Miroslav Mandic-Miroslav Mandic-Miroslav Mandic
art is oldest human being. Miroslav Mandic in flash and blood
art is I and you. Miroslav Mandic and Miroslav Mandic
art is I and you – one and only Miroslav Mandic I
art is face. Miroslav Mandic face
art is walking. Miroslav Mandic walking
art is path. Miroslav Mandic path
art is rose. Miroslav Mandic rose
art is wandering. Miroslav Mandic wandering
Definitions of Art are one and only name of all names and each Miroslav Mandic name
Definitions of Art is Miroslav Mandic sexuality
and asexuality of Your oppositions to Your one and only I
joy of a fucked heart heals all fucked up hearts
Simone Boué
Emil Cioran’s companion and my admiration for her suicide
sameness is achieved through constant transformation
difference is consequence of not changing
sameness is truth – difference is illusion
I love You a lot all these years
I’m creating You – You are singing me
and if I don’t understand You and if You don’t hear me it’s a sin vanity and stupidity
I’m leaving in order to transform sin vanity and stupidity within every being
enlightened boy doesn’t let down a girl
loving girl doesn’t betray a boy
disbelief and rivalry are surrounding me
I’m going towards deification and companionship
path is a path
rose is a rose
walking is singing
Miroslav Mandic of Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic
Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic
Miroslav Mandic with Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic
Miroslav Mandic hey Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic
Miroslav Mandic all words which are flowing towards their source
Miroslav Mandic word which is flying towards its source
c i d n a m v a l s o r i m
art is bud. same budding in everything
art is a circle. incomprehensible beauty of comprehensible goodness
art is circling. sometimes I call You dancing
sometimes walking – sometimes shake it baby shake it
art is a poem. my life is more important to me than Yours
dedicated to Mirjana Lukic
art is I-am-You-are-I
art is Bud of All Beings – God’s rose
calm sunny afternoon soaked with smells of light in anybody’s heart
art is the best one. balls of courage of most gentle lips
while writing this definition I’m hearing the thunder in the distance. airplane and child’s voice
art is Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother in eternity
as is Miroslav Mandic Fucks Everybody’s Mother in youth
art is one and only artist. the name of the first
the one and only artist is Miroslav Mandic
art is a poet of all beings. the name of the first poet of all beings is Miroslav Mandic
art is the walker of the one and only one. the name of the
first walker of the one and only one is Miroslav Mandic
art is Miroslav Mandic. creating singing and love-kissing
through one and only name of Yours – Miroslav Mandic name
Kaja happy eighty fifth birthday to You
my little girl – mother of all mothers – little girl in every little girl
woman of all women
girls give birth to women
woman of all men
love creates woman
Kaja my dandelion
God love-kisses woman-dandelion
splash of resurrection
happy birthday also to all mothers that didn’t give birth or
if they did but if in both cases they are mothers to all beings
happy birthday also to all mothers that have renounced
their motherhood in glory of one and only mother of all beings
if at some point somewhere in Your heart you meet Kaja
drink a glass of brandy and cup of coffee with her
I’ve finished writing of this year’s Definitions of Art from number
865 to number 1008. Definitions are flowers of innocence in torn flowers
through the tunnel of light
let’s go I – says I. let’s go – says I to me
my lamb
let’s wake
wake through Cosmos
wake through Outer Space
wake through Universe
wake through Planet which guards each being from horrible globalisation of the selfish
we are free of charge but with greatest prise – blue money – money of resurrection and immortality
let’s wake
let’s drink
through rebellion
power is dead
with conscience
through one and only love – not through relationships and businesses
with womb of each word I refine each word of heart
with heart of each word I impregnate each word of mind
with mind of each word I fuck with each word of love
through whirlwinds of tranquillity and through tranquillity of whirlwinds female and male fucker are one
Milomir happy ninety fifth birthday to You let’s get going through the days that follow forty years old ones from the beginning of being engaged in art twenty years old ones from the beginning of Rose of Wandering after twelve days of writing Definitions of Art I’m even more so the art itself and much more remote from the existing art it was very exciting and hard I hope I won’t get sick after that great exhaustion this morning I got a herpes on my lip my heels didn’t stop hurting even though I walked just a little bit average daily walking dropped from 13,029 kilometres to 12,792 kilometres daily average walking of the First Time Second Ten Year Walking should be 12,796 kilometres. I’m hence four metres under the daily average I don’t know how and will at all the pain in my heels go away but I need to walk I’d like to swim to take two days rest and then begin with preparations for the first day of summer and 33 years from the Fictional Economy or Economy of Conscience or Thirty Three Years of Admiration for Beggars first smell of linden this year after twelve days I’m again on the lake lake turned into a beach I was sad. I didn’t swim it wasn’t hard for me to walk even though I felt pain in my heels I walked in sandals I was thinking about Edgar Allan Poe’s text about his poem Raven I was thinking about Novalis’ love for Sophie von Kühn they both speak of beauty and death old ice-cream selling woman lifted her legs on the chair in order to rest them old limping man and young paraplegic man were talking about tennis at one moment I heard humming of the leaves on the branches and felt how sadness is leaving me I bought big iceberg lettuce herbal chees and mayonnaise things started to fit into their places I picked up two cherries from the asphalt I stared at the young vine I anticipated two three ideas that would help me survive and work I thought I’ll open a new e-mail address You are not connected to the Internet. I just got informed from the computer
Therefore the wise say: Do not interfere, and people transform themselves. Love peace, and people do what is right. Do not intervene, and people prosper. Have no desires, and people live simply. Lao Tzu in fifty seventh chapter Therefore the wise are square but not cornered, sharp but not cutting, straight but not strained, brilliant but not dazzling. Lao Tzu in fifty eighth chapter all-permeating I drank a coffee but I didn’t manage to write nothing more than all-permeating enough everything that is pleasant to us is meditation said Goran Roglic last night on TV good vibe same trembling in the ground in the water in the air within light bliss of the intertwining five words on one page five words on the other page ground ground water water water water water water air air air air air air air light everything enters me everything gets out of me I’m healing you heels I’m wording you words gentle vibe face-kissing light within light all words interflow into the first word eight words for the first word of poem I feel good with words I feel good within words words are dyeing words everything that feels good is a poem my step your step my step your step my step your step wake through a poem wake through the absence of wake through a poem within young grass through a poem in golden wheat fields through a poem within love spasms love child in my womb
Swimming across the ocean, I beginning to get on in the work that I’m already creating. it’s written in the seventh blessing of this book now I’m in the ocean of 66293rd blessing God only knows which ocean that is vastness surrounds me it’s within me the smaller I am the vaster it is the smaller I am it’s more and more within me it’s nearly eleven and I haven’t even drew either 64 Buds nor Blue Rose I’ll get going at noon in the strongest sun I was working all the time on the begging that is waiting for me in the day of summer I would like to write today’s blessings before the walk and to send them to Violeta and Ivana so that I don’t have to sit at the desk nor turn on the computer when I come back I’m upset I also have to shave I’ll do it right away I’m shaved yesterday I had a short conversation with Ice-Cream Selling Woman Lifted Her Legs On The Chair In Order To Rest Them and in the end I told her when I pass through here in future can I say hallo to You always she answered grapes have begun to develop levees next to the river are meandering every day I’m reading texts about poetry yesterday I enjoyed in titles of certain poems I wished to write just titles hunches hints recognitions hastenings corner on which we were kissing every night of that autumn you left the lavender in my table Pannonian sand is brought by eastern wind while waiting for you to speak out I’m walking through a poem noon is close. I’m going over to the other desk to draw 64 Buds and Blue Roses then after short exercise in the middle of the room getting out into the hot day as well
I’m ploughing through reading texts about poetry I’m refreshing the soil of poetry I’m preparing second 33 days bowing – writing the Poem about Poem I love to prepare myself from the distance so that I would be as free as possible when the time comes many things that I’m reading is long time within me I was most rejoiced by Ezra Pound from whose words I will actually make a poem my poems are pointless a lot of repetitions when I was seventy I realised that I’m not a loony but an idiot my works are stupid and ignorant from the beginning till the end stupid and ignorant a mess everything good that I did I spoiled with bad intentions I was too obsessed with unimportant and foolish things sloppiness I didn’t know enough of a lot of things I was reading too little and too slow I was taking a bit of this a bit of that that would make me interested and put that in a sack and that’s not the way art work is created that is actually that work of art Ezra I love-kiss every word of yours Your words have reminded me of old Indians old fisherman old men that are pleating baskets from thin rods old women and their herbal elixirs Eros of a hand all those poems that have been written by a hand a poem is constantly here like a love in the crack of down in the movement of the Universe in every particle in the honourable life without money in enough in sympathies in tattooed nerves in all beings Ezra Your poem is beautiful the crack of arch-poetry singing through the dawn of poetry somewhere somebody while the rain is pouring a whole day by a whole day heavy bags on the shoulders huger that is coming over humanity Ulrike Meinchof without coming back to the eternal coming back bread bud
Ulrike Meinchof. Andreas Baader. Gudrun Ensslin rose-volution last night a friend sent me an e-mail with what she likes and what she doesn’t like in sex I like tenderly and decisively that he hit the right spots to know where he’s going not to get lost when he’s touching to touch even before he’s touching to differentiate giving and receiving and to know how to balance them out to know how to stop suddenly like a rest in music it excites me the most when he is very excited and yet calm to lead me on with that calmness to hold me where I love to be held and to hold his hand there and then to listen to my breathing and voices to show his enjoyment when I’m caressing him to smile. to be serious to be present to watch me and to look at me watching him to see that I see him to see god in each other to see ourselves in god. to see god in ourselves to love in those moments everything that exists the way I love as well to love my orgasms the same way I love his I don’t like when he undresses himself right away and to undress me the same quick and unimportant way when he’s not connected. when he loses connection when he gets lost when he can’t enjoy but he goes all at once as if he’s overeating when he’s pleasing only himself that he’s pleasing only me when he’s not kissing. not looking. not caressing when he doesn’t know and doesn’t know how to find out when he rides on his own and he doesn’t even know he’s doing it to be pushy. to be scared stopping I wrote the poem about Ulrike Meinchof forty years ago in the Red Notebook every day is a revolution loyalty to all beings I’m sitting at the computer and waiting for blessings they are not coming. I’m going to draw Blue Rose and 64 Buds I drew them. now it’s a bit easier I’m too tired. I dehydrated yesterday. I walked nineteen kilometres yesterday I saw one inscription of mine I am thirty years old it was good to see that it was nice to write that she blinked – I felt her – joy in my soul while I was whisking the coffee on the balcony I was gently thinking of You have me constantly within You through my writing I’m loyal to Your reading I’m writing even when I don’t feel like writing so that I don’t ever let You down bread with margarine spread young peas Saturday prayer it’s nice to write. to get back and correct the written. to carry on caressing c a r e c a r e s s i n g s i n g when I write something beautiful I less worry about money since I created money through beauty I never liked to earn money I rather like to create it even though I don’t have money I believe that I created a lot of money and I believe that somebody feels and knows that I wish that many people live out of my money I love those who believe when nobody believes I love the chirping of birds in these words I am a poem even when there is no poem bud-volution
I’m writing with my chest with milky grass after six days I’m again drinking wine weak Riesling whole week I was enjoying without wine now I’m enjoying in it in words even more so in next blessing forever then in each following blessing always in one and only duration in heavy breasts in which are all grass of this and other world a path in thighs in the spines of roses easiness is within God God – easiness in everything if you receive my word you will feel grace and easiness if you don’t receive it you will feel heaviness and painfulness I lean my head on my shoulders I’m a bit ashamed of myself one breast is insouciance. the other one is unreasonableness nurse me – insouciance. nurse me – unreasonableness I’m not ashamed any more I am I sing I don’t wonder love is being in form for love form (lat. conditio) condition; circumstance; position fixing; a place achieved under certain circumstances; private teaching of students, private lessons given to students: to be in form – to be in good state (as of a wrestler, boxer, tennis player, footballer, athlete, racing horse etc.) to young mister Djordje it’s not more present than the Universe constant Walt Whitman constantness innocence blooms within You I’m nothing – I’m everything a sweater dressed up in blue hydrangea you’re still writing last blessing is for You
I’m walking by the lake. when I come back I’ll be writing blessings I should prepare myself for tomorrow’s business lunch with Mrs Mirhana I should be writing from afar I Vow I should come closer to the blessings that I will write on the day of this year’s summer when I admit my mistakes and flaws I’m becoming better when I don’t return the injury rather rejoice it I’m becoming even better when I admit my wishes and love I’m the best when I live my wishes and love I’m good when I surrender to You and I receive everything from You I’m beautiful when I sing like this I’m innocent when I am – I am God I am a god of modesty modesty my modesty I love-kiss you today’s poem from the book I am You are I I ask for something only when I’m happy I give always because giving will always rejoice me 14:28 joined for the love of God 16:11 I’m at the table smell of the cooked vegetables I’m drinking the leftovers from yesterday’s wine these days I’m enjoying reading avant-garde poetry I enjoy in Your sexual fantasies I enjoy Your virtues and talents that You don’t even know of I enjoy Your unselfishness I enjoy Your courage to decide and choose Your path your path as well as anybody else’s path can only be either god’s path or my path or your path freedom one is the path one is the rose bud mothers girls fathers boys workers of goodness and beauty nobleman of sameness beauty of identification
last night on Ban’s Hill I saw two young men practicing parkour I approached them so they were telling me about it and showing me their skills those were fifteen year old Bozidat Surla and Milorad Stegnjaic parkour is connecting and flow – they said I love when a word sings within me I love even more when You dance with my words I love the best when God sings within me through all beings the way I write today nobody else writes because this is how eternal now is writing I don’t have too much time to write today’s blessings that’s why I should slow down even more so slowly and most simple in the same rhythm blessings will be coming on their own I should just surrender to the slowness of simplicity and same rhythm to the monotony that is spreading with no significance or wishes as long as it only is taking the shortest route from point a to point b each point is closest to each point science lives in improvability that’s how each point lives within each point thought within each though tree in each tree immortality on the palm I haven’t prepared myself the best for the business lunch with Mrs Mirhana but I hope that it will be an occasion in which this business lunch will bring me even more than I expect from it I live for the joy of life I survive in glory of creation I’m rich for immortality of poetry I love the richness of the poor ones I love the richness of those who renounce it I love the richness of the noble ones Chet Baker is singing I’m leaving soon today I should make 479th photo of One Man on 14th July will be forty years of One Man gratitude to You too 66489th blessing
I need few easily conquered blessings good beginning and immediate realisation past is dissatisfaction – future fear now smile fireflies are flying through the woods in late afternoon they start shining suddenly and in unexpected places little-beings philosophers of light I love to drink goodness I love to walk with goodness I love to fuck with goodness fireflies are flying don’t be afraid it’s dawning just say that I’m dancing I’m run down reasonless sadness prepares reasonless joy I pat myself on the shoulder I love music a lot I love to dance a lot I hope that this summer I will play football I need that ball in my feet which I cannot control as I used to I played football last time in 1999 during the bombing my legs are getting weak it seems to me that I’ll refresh them with the ball in my head do You know that I died with many poems I’m dying I’m crying love-kissing eternal-making travel rose love-kiss love lick my tears
what is Odyssey to Homer it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Don Quixote to Cervantes it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what are Gragantua and Pantagruel to Rabelais it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Hamlet to Shakespeare it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Werther to Goethe it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is blue flower to Novalis it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Arthur Gordon Pym to Poe it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Zarathustra to Nietzsche it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what are leaves of grass to Walt Whitman it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what are flowers of evil to Baudelaire it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Ana Karenina to Tolstoy it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Raskolnikov to Dostoyevsky it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Madame Bovary to Flaubert it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is common task to Nikolai Fyodorov it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Melanctha to Gertrude Stein it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is freedom to Berdyaev it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is urinal to Duchamp it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Charlot to Charlie Chaplin it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what are language games to Wittgenstein it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is nonviolence to Ghandi it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what are plums to William Carlos Williams it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Svejk to Hasek it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is silence to John Cage it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Godot to Beckett it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Dean Moriarty to Kerouac it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is a brunette to Tisma it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Pannonia to Zvonko Bogdan it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is international blue to Yves Klein it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is strange fruit to Billie Holiday it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is San Quentin prison to Johnny Cash it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is God to Christ it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is Miroslav Mandic to Djorde Stanojevic it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic what is van Gogh to van Gogh it is Miroslav Mandic to Miroslav Mandic
through creation I’m in eternity – through life I’m in time let’s go eternity of this moment words are giving to the sight what sight expects from them dusk sunlight on the oak leaves a girl is practicing balance on the grass forest conversations happy together goodness and modesty eternity of the first encounter art of the first encounter poem of the first encounter let it always be the first time You are reading for the first time what I wrote for the first time with shapes of air summer is coming on Tuesday at 7.16pm that’s when I will send the first letter I’m calm – grass is growing I really love rose I have two dried roses on the table oh yes. I nearly forgot. when two nights ago I gave to the old homeless woman who asked me for money four five twenty dinars bills she shyly said thank you – that’s enough I love-kiss You my lady it was a great honour hearing those words I love to write with my ears there’s not a lot of joy in these words but it’s all meant for You in my thoughts I’m sitting next to the river I’m a river to a river I’m reaching out with my hand little poem sings when I was young I was imagining that I’m somebody somewhere now I am somebody somewhere somebody within this blessing somewhere with this blessing I identify myself with poem g o d
I of light I of goodness I of every day I of sky I of soil I of ocean and seas I of grass and all seeds I of sun and stars I of fishes I of birds I of animals I of man I of each name I constant affirmation of anybody’s I I always and forever same I I of a beautiful girl who surrenders to the light of an ugly one I of innocence is dying for the innocence of all beings I I I I I Your I – though. my I – even more so. they are nothingness when you told me this morning that you picked St. John’s Worth for me I felt sadness I felt Your I that yearns to manifest itself and dominate I was immediately disgusted with my I I will be silent I will disappear I of the dusk is sinking into the deep blue of the daybreak I of a rose disappears in a bud I of heavy rain disappears in greenery of young corn I of Galaxy walks in peace I of Cosmos creates through order and harmony I of Universe sings in one my I disappears in Your I Your I disappears in I of Miroslav Mandic I of Miroslav Mandic disappears into Miroslav Mandic I God
and you’re walking barefoot said to me on Saturday afternoon little girl who was sitting on the bench and licking ice cream I’m crying I’m reading texts about Amy Winehouse on Monday afternoon it was all in vain joy – sometimes in vain is the only that is not in vain – my vainly joy spring in the chest summer in the spine autumn in the eyes winter in hands and feet smoke will I love-kiss You my Amy from today my love for Amy is open forever I’m singing only under the Miroslav Mandic Sameness God gave us male and female sex to love-kiss each other and not to dominate with given sex over the other sex suicide – don’t even try to understand this blessing I’ll go and cross over there an old peasant woman is saying aloud while we are bypassing each other I’ll cook peas for the first time in my life peas. one potato. one onion. oil. spices. afterwards I’ll also put a bit of flour… the smell of peas is spreading through the Nest I’m thinking of my wife – little girl that told me and you’re walking barefoot Hank Williams is singing – Amy you’re kissing me walking is redemption art transformation singing resurrection I live in vain – that’s eternity heart in heart mind in mind life of life I vow to You my love – You constantly love-kiss every beings jenny and donkey cow and ox doe and buck mare and horse it’s cooling I licked it it’s really good those first cooked peas welcome the day of tomorrow
33 years have passed since in 1978 I became aware and begun to work on what I then called Fictive Economy. my buddy Economy today I celebrate all those years and people who were giving no matter when and to whoever I celebrate all those who were receiving sometimes I write in my books about all of that and about the ways in which I have survived and worked all these years because it’s the very heart of poetry money clearly tells who You are that’s why I’m begging I wrote about it the most in Gerda, Thank You for Your Tenderness Gerda, Thank You for Your Tenderness together with today’s blessings will be a part of the Book About Blue Money that I will start writing on the first day of summer next year few days ago when I was going through the folder with Gerda I reminded myself of these two things because of You, because of me, because of the Planet, I want to be, it’s necessary that I’m independent. therefore I beg You to help me sing about Your understanding and help in my independency one of the last if not the last Letter to a Symbolic Father from 23rd March 2001 to create eternal son. to create daughter of eternity to create love so that love could live love Letters to Alive Son for Money and Alive Daughter for Care and Help in Work 12th May 2001 and here is the Beggar’s Charter which gave me the strength in the beginning of the Rose of Wandering beggar’s charter the honesty of beggary breaks my heart – arthur rimbaud I am a beggar and I beg You to give me so that I can keep on begging and pleading beggary is art of receiving and giving. like art, beggary is a God given gift. I have always wanted to beg, but I could never pluck up courage and I was scared, because begging is a depth, a maelstrom of the bottom. I am begging because begging is a work within the economy of conscience. a bud. a work for gift. I am begging in order to awaken the female part inside my soul – the eternal female – in the hand which chooses not, which evaluates not, but opens itself with trust towards the unknown. I am begging to fight my pride and fear of life. I am begging to be free, depending on the other. I am begging to say thank you but three months ago I saw that I’m in danger and I decided to do what I’m beginning today I need 500 euros a month. 250 rent for the Nest 100 utilities. 100 for surviving. 50 to give to somebody it makes 500 and at the moment I’m getting 380. I’m 120 euros short I pulled through last ten months because I was spending savings for printing of Miroslav Mandic book in order to have money and so as others would have it I’m beginning through virtual beggary I’m afraid. I’m ashamed. but there is no other way 33 blessings of mine help me say everything I wish to say to the unknown person which I’m addressing. no matter if I know that person or not. I’ve experienced through life that often I don’t know the ones who are closest to me and that the ones I don’t know are the ones who are the closest three months ago I began working on this electronic letter since I am an alien on this Earth and since I feel that I don’t have the right to live this is my way of getting the money I believe in Your money alive money website and this electronic letter is my I-public miroslav mandic little-family miroslav mandic little-fatherland miroslav mandic little-kindergarten miroslav mandic little-corner miroslav mandic little-path miroslav mandic little-meadow miroslav mandic little-street miroslav mandic little-nest miroslav mandic little-resurrection miroslav mandic little-joy miroslav mandic little-playground miroslav mandic little-notebook miroslav mandic beautiful writing miroslav mandic little-library miroslav mandic little-book miroslav mandic little-radio miroslav mandic little-death miroslav mandic little-store miroslav mandic little-jetty miroslav mandic little-park miroslav mandic little-remote-corner miroslav mandic little-cinema miroslav mandic little-gallery miroslav mandic little-garden miroslav mandic little-road miroslav mandic little-avatar miroslav mandic little-rose miroslav mandic little-planet miroslav mandic little-cosmos miroslav mandic little-god miroslav mandic little-exhibition miroslav mandic little-archive miroslav mandic little-legacy miroslav mandic little-museum my biggest problem is how to ask directly without betraying poem art and walking – how to transform asking into the art itself the most important thing for me is that everyone who I’m begging experiences joy happiness freedom transformation loyalty love success asking is more innocent than giving it’s important to always repeat that I’m free of charge for all beings but for those who charge for their work I’m more expensive than the most expensive I hope that this sudden-unexpected-benevolent e-mail will encourage You to support and help me with a small amount of money that will help me to live walk create sing and finish my work I freely ask only when I’m happy because I transmit freedom and happiness onto You and all beings I beg You to give me so that everybody would have enough I beg You to give me so that I have enough in all days of my life I beg You to give me so that birds would sing even more joyous and rebels would be even braver I beg You to give me so that everything could always and forever depend only on You I beg You to give me so that I can celebrate Miroslav Mandic who celebrates each particle and each vibration I beg You to give me so that I can celebrate Miroslav Mandic until You appear and begin celebrating him into the eternity of all beings unpleasantness which I feel in this stripping I will try to transform into the sex with addresses which I will be searching on the internet in following year I will send nine times 33 electronic letters mainly to the unknown people and I’ll make from it A Vow to the Meadow of Wild Flowers 19.16 summer has begun I’m sending the first letter to the person who gave me the most money in my life and who has been giving me money for the longest period of time and is still giving me thank You VVV – deep gratitude to all of those who were giving me money in my life
I am god with peace in my heart I beg for your love today’s poem from the book I am You are I summer from last night days are getting shorter from last night for me nothing is the same sameness is even more same I have immersed myself into the celestial depths arch-peace labia on the lips after last night’s first electronic letter with which my virtual beggary has begun I have surrendered myself with even more determination to goodness and beauty that’s plainest holy beggary that will help me survive and create till the end of my life so that in it’s very end I would sing one and only poem of eternity the poem of love through which all beings love-kiss God the most important is constant tranquillity within enthusiasms enduring the freedom unspoken through spoken hugging with kisses kisses of creation through creating angelic loyalty creating any given grain of sand in anyone’s shyness I swam in the lake – gratitude and blessedness I’m walking through the woods – tranquillity and peace I’m enjoying the butterflies that are flying around me nettles are higher than me I’m immersing my sight within the green tree tops through which the blueness of the sky goes through why is the sky blue why are the trees green why are little forest strawberries red from all around the forest birds are singing just because just because just because today I sent the Second Electronic Letter of Virtual Beggary five years ago on this day I have moved to Belgrade I am a stranger under this sky within the hearts of the blessed ones constantly in group sex with goodness and modesty gigolo to everything unnoticed whore to every rejectedness wife and husband to those who are alone
today I will write and sent Third Electronic Letter of Virtual Beggary it will have my third vow a vow to the vow a vow is an arrow reverse arrow God’s arrow into the heart of God immortality I’m disgusted with design and marketing I’m disgusted with all the subauditionings of this or other world freedom of not-having is much bigger that the passion for having I still can’t find my way within this new life with virtual beggary I hope I will have enough time and strength I believe that vows will help me they will lead me I vow to the humour that bows to sublimity I vow to the sublimity that rejoices mild humour I vow to the drops of water while entering the water I vow to anyone who sets him or herself free from their superiority I vow to the rose of one and only blood I vow to the patient words and patience for words I vow to the everyday stretching I vow by renewing and regenerating all former vows I vow to the freedom through freedom I vow with my hands crossed at the back of my head while watching these words I vow – vowing is a lullaby of self-cognition I’ve sent the Third Electronic Letter of Virtual Beggary it’s close to noon and I still haven’t drawn 64 Buds or Blue Rose slowly patiently wisdom of ancient Greece lives within demonstrations of contemporary Greece ouch me too hey so that you know