Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2465. day
    1st October 2011

    from this morning and last night I don’t feel good but I thought that’s actually good


    I’m too much alone


    too many failures


    too much


    dear God


    that’s it to me


    yesterday I walked only two kilometres. I hope I will walk

    eighteen today and hence with the excess ones I had every day

    this week I will manage to fulfil daily average of thirteen kilometres


    several things have been bothering me yesterday




    taking my strength away


    were making me vain and pointless


    selfish and vain


    I wrote all of them down in the afternoon


    there was six of them


    when I looked at them I felt those are not my problems

    my problem is that I’m losing trust in myself and my work


    trust in God’s light within me


    keep on and carry on Miroslav


    general and abstract truth is more valuable from all goods

    Rousseau helped me


    when I’m losing faith in myself and hope that You exist and that You will come


    when I’m losing hope in You I also lose love of all beings


    I miss you open road


    I’m walking – I’m a poet of all beings


    I’m thinking – I’m one and only artist of one and only art


    I’m love-kissing – I’m a walker of one and only God


    when I’m talking about myself I’m talking about God


    when I’m talking about You I’m talking about all beingsI


    when I’m talking about I I’m talking about one and only I


    I’m water – nobody addresses me but Miroslav Mandic


    I’m a step – nobody calls me Boy Step like Miroslav Mandic


    I’m a word – nobody is same with me like Miroslav Mandic


    I’m a path – nobody loves me like Miroslav Mandic


    I’m a rose – nobody is loyal to me like Miroslav Mandic


    I’m Miroslav Mandic – nobody is bud as much as Miroslav Mandic




    2467. day
    3rd October 2011

    through tenuous poignancy


    I rewrote the poem Oh Tenuous Poignancy in two copies for the enumerators


    I plead to the enumerators of the Population

    Census in Serbia 2011 to hear and accept this poem of mine


    I am a poet


    that’s why I do not accept


    existing human world


    but I affirm God’s work


    as a poet artist and walker


    I sing create and walk


    yet uncreated better world


    world of all beings


    world of one and only love


    world sanctity


    if I would consent to existing consensus I would agree with


    slavery injustice conformism selfishness greed lie murder


    my dear unknown enumerators


    I plead to you that instead of taking false data about me


    receive as my little gift


    a poem


    which sings


    the poem of truth and sameness


    and in that way help me










    the world of immortal moments and eternal loves


    Miroslav Mandic


    poet of all beings


    one and only artist of one and only love


    walker of one and only God


    on the 1st October 2011


    Universe Bud






    2468. day
    4th October 2011

    I am 86400 poems a day


    second poem


    a poem a second


    Sister Rosseta Tharpe


    Billie Holiday


    … I wanted also to remind You that in Tuesday 4th October will be a full year from

    Ally’s death and that I would be very grateful if You would mention in Miroslav Mandic

    my little-great hero and in that way mark this unhappy anniversary…

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson sent me an e-mail from New Orleans


    Ally Saunderson

    grace for You forever Ally


    flickering of October light


    sweetness of grapes before November rains


    a man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps

    Proverbs 16.9


    pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall

    Proverbs 16.18


    wow how modesty feels good to me




    peacefulness of steps


    light faster than light


    freckles on the face of this woman


    today as well I will be walking around the lake with bare torso


    pain in my loins and pain in my heal is the same pain


    I notice that I’ve drifted away


    I’m broadening the tranquillity to all beings


    I’m crying from the snow that is yet to come


    I’m caressing You caressing the grass


    I’m licking Your heart


    beauty of everything and goodness in everything constantly make me want to cry


    art of love-kissing is within the art of creating


    to god

    through god















    I just saw how an ugly woman which was gently touched

    by a young man how her face became grace itself and beauty


    words while I’m waiting in the line in the supermarket


    words are neither means nor goal but beauty and goodness themselves


    words about the most ancient anciency also are becoming now


    words are eternal present





    2469. day
    5th October 2011




    grape skins and seeds agglutinate and get hard in my stomach


    and I will also go today to see Sasa the Chiropractic


    today I got an e-mail that I will reply on these days


    patiently just patiently


    blessing by blessing


    through leaves which is absorbing the sun light


    through anybody who has been hesitating and decided after all


    each blessing is a new part of the road into vastness


    blessings are penetrating the unknown love-kissing everything in front of them


    dark matter and dark energy


    parallel universes


    higher intelligence and higher beings


    the very beginning which is in everything


    also everything that is so visible that nobody sees

    as well as all that is so simple that nobody can conceive



    well yes



    words are saying everything


    heart is rejoicing the words

    midday bells are ringing the midday of love


    unknown yearns to be confirmed in my words


    unknown yearns for Your orgasm


    orgasm me my beloved


    Ljubica of all-existing


    Ljubica – God’s modesty


    modestly – God’s style


    I am God

    that is the greatest modesty


    happy heart encourages each heart


    I’m drinking the hot soup to remove the stoppage


    blessing by step


    step by blessing


    unknown in my words


    unknown through orgasm











    2470. day
    6th October 2011

    Steve Jobs died


    beauty lives on




    apple mackintosh




    hungry and silly


    I enjoyed his iBook. now I’m enjoying his iMac


    it will be very exciting that XXII century


    then that XXIII








    everything will change


    everything will remain the same


    as well as everything has changed now and yet remained the same




    a bit more coffee


    anus embers


    language rejoices


    meandering is constant


    straight like an arrow


    oh those straight roads


    when I just look at them I surrender to them


    that’s you

    says that straight road to me


    I should get shaved


    draw and record the Blue Rose


    draw 64 Buds


    wash the floors


    buy new training shoes


    read new Slobodan Tisma’s book


    every moment is really exciting


    form every moment all the centuries are made


    all millennia consist of each moment as well

    take just this moment which gently blinks to You with eyelashes as an example



    2471. day
    7th October 2011

    with warm tears



    I’m on your side streets of freedom


    freedom and creativity are one


    courage and singing are one


    generosity and modesty are one


    little rabbit is running


    it runs through the infinity of heat


    street rebellions all around the world are the wind roses


    winds of freedom love beauty of roses


    winds are falling in love with roses


    winds are fertilizing the world with new paths


    one giraffe is giving a birth


    little giraffe has fell out of two metres height but it’s already on its feet


    it joins in


    it begins its mission


    and even more so plants


    and stones even more so


    I warp around my waist


    through the plain trough the plain


    towards the hills towards the hills


    a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones 

    Proverbs, 17:22


    money is freedom


    money yearns for the rose winds


    a poor boy is giving right now left over coins to the other boy


    streams of compassion are flowing


    wherever you are I’m with you


    fairy tales are the only banks


    fairy tales are the only banks that don’t go bust


    inexhaustible banks


    merciful banks


    banks of parterres gardens and patrimony


    banks of freedom courage and unselfishness


    Miroslav Mandic Bank

    established through the Beginning





    2472. day
    8th October 2011



    what a hair is it


    what a power





    tell tail


    everything is connected


    it became colder




    word path


    I’m walking


    I’m writing


    I’m watching


    I’m leading


    just follow me


    in step


    whiz of the flying gees


    I’m thinking of Miroslav Mandic which would be

    constantly red in vertical scroll over the screen


    if the average time for reading one blessing

    is seven seconds then what is written so far in Miroslav Mandic book

    would be red in 488411 seconds or 8140 minutes or 135 hours or 5,6 days


    God will give to finish Miroslav Mandic. then it would be red in

    907200 seconds or 15120 minutes or 252 hours or 10,5 days


    if I slow down a bit for greater enjoyment Miroslav Mandic

    would be constantly scrolling on the internet or Miroslav Mandic Museum

    on big screen for fourteen days. then a new circle would form. and like that indefinitely


    circles of singing


    circles of creating


    circle of singing by circle of creating

    step by step in the rhythm of my walking


    more than half an hour I was counting how long is

    Miroslav Mandic Reading of the book Miroslav Mandic


    I was completely immersed when…


    … cleaning lady asked me if I could pour the water in the bucket

    there is always beautiful music playing in your place – she told me


    I thought that those were enumerators


    the doorbell rang again…


    … lady enumerator just got out of the apartment. she was good

    and kind. real wo-man. I explained to her everything and gave her the

    poem Oh Tenuous Poignancy. you are right – she told me on her way out


    the poem Oh Tenuous Poignancy has started to live and went into the world


    tenuous poignant wanderer


    I feel great in my body from the cleaning lady and lady enumerator


    I’m proud of you beautiful and good wo-men of mine



    2474. day
    10th October 2011

    ninety nine percent it’s calcaneus. I can feel it under my hand

    said to me Sasa Danilovic chiropractic on Wednesday about the pain in my heel


    good footwear is the most important

    thank You Sasa Danilovic


    on Thursday I bought new sneakers on the market

    thank You Mirjana Lukic


    the imitation of nike sneakers with air soles

    they are five times cheaper than the original ones


    the moment I put them on I felt pleasure in my feet and in heel and in spine


    I have really worn for the last year and half of the Bid of Walking bad sneakers


    I didn’t have money and I generally neglected that aspect of my existence


    heel pain is reduced


    wonder sneakers


    I walked the Rose of Wandering in twenty three pairs of sneakers


    so far I have walked the Bud of Walking in sneakers sandals and croaks sandals


    I will now take the photo of them and put them into the museum


    the tools for walking creating and singing


    the oldest ones are the deep and

    waterproof sneakers that I bought eight nine years ago


    pleasant feeling in new sneakers I’m transferring to the hand of these words


    I still feel the pain but it’s weaker


    thirteen kilometres is a lot. six is optimal

    said Sasa to me but he never suggested I should reduce the kilometres


    through walking I started loving my feet and soles


    through writing and drawing I started loving my hands and palms


    through creating indescribable I


    through tranquillity brain


    through ecstasies heart


    through fucking all beings










    m       y s e l f




    trudge my hands


    write me my soles


    people who think through their hands thing beautifully


    those people who love-kiss through their soles love-kiss tenderly


    it was exciting when I was reading while walking


    my legs are leading me. my hands are holding

    a book. eyes are surrendering to the road and words


    I’m merging with landscapes and words in

    the book and I write all of that with my own words


    I experience merging with all that is surrounding me and

    somebody writes in the book about the experience of their merging


    one and only goodness is constantly circling through air for us


    75TH TIME 33 DAYS

    2475. day
    11th October 2011

    I’m listening to punk – it’s time to announce the failure of the Virtual Beggary


    from 22nd June to 15th August I sent on

    about ninety addresses the Virtual Beggary



    only one man answered me


    I stopped sending them during the Bowing to Poem

    because the Bowings have been taking all my energy


    I thought I will carry on sending them after the Bowing when I get myself

    together and gather new energy but instead of that I’m announcing the failure


    failures are painful


    they are taking away the vanity


















    with no turning back


    further into the vastness


    through the Blessings


    through the Bud of Walking


    through the Good Walker


    through the One Man


    through the Blue Roses


    through the Blue Film


    through 64 Buds


    through I am You are I


    through the Numbers


    through 86400


    through the Face


    through the Buds of the Day


    through the Solemn Sunday Lunches of All Beings


    through the Web Site


    through the Bud of All Beings


    through I’m on Your Lips Through a Poem



    2476. day
    12th October 2011

    I rejoiced too early. pain in the heel did not disappear


    just carry on


    with the Song on Your Lips


    through the monk scientist poet taxi driver


    when you judge somebody, you receive their sin

    Prior Sava Rukumijski


    … all things are made out of atoms – tiny particles

    which are constantly in motion, attracting each other when

    they are a bit apart, but repelling each other when they are next to each other…

    Richard Feynman


    Marshland is bending in the darkness.

    Outside on the staircases. Daybreak is pounding and pounding

    on the grey-stone doors of the sea and the sun is frying the surrounding…

    Tomas Transtromer


    when I got out on the road I stepped on it geezer 220 km an hour

    taxi driver to his friends


    behind the locked yard doors for days now nobody picked up the fallen walnuts


    decisions are bright-reddish like an autumn


    stances are singing like poems


    moral deeds are feeding like the sun


    soles are having hard time


    heels are struggling


    Achilles’ Tendon is struggling


    poem is struggling


    I is struggling


    all poems are poems about the poem which is bothering me


    not as I wish but how God wants


    a woman is tiding up her hair


    while watching a leaf falling down to the ground another one is flying in front of my face


    I was present at the presence itself


    for the first time I saw the nudist family on the beach. harmony

    can be really felt as well as absence which I’ve been reading about


    Arabian Spring and American Fall are changing the world of one and only Africa


    I couldn’t walk the Rose of Wandering if I didn’t find the walking as dancing and singing


    I couldn’t walk the Bud of Walking if I didn’t

    find the walking as creating of the Bud of All Beings


    sameness of all beings


    same rights for all beings


    one and only love of bud permeates each being


    one and only love of the bud permeates each being


    while I’m retyping today’s blessings I’m enjoying again in the family of nudists


    in the Arab Spring and American Fall of the one and only Africa


    15TH OCTOBER 2011

    2477. day
    13th October 2011

    15TH OCTOBER 2011



    buds are springing up


    steps are being lined up


    every word is a hyperlink


    walking to the walking itself




    I’m rejoicing the 15th October 2011


    Ksenija and Nietzsche were born on 15th October

    Ksenija on 15th October 1962 and Nietzsche on 15th October 1844


    on 15th October 1980 I started to get engaged in art again

    one and only art


    on 15th October 2011 buds of freedom will spring up


    free throat of planet Earth


    one and only street


    global street


    street of all beings


    anyone who was in any street will be in one and only street


    street creates


    street is a fairy tale


    street child is fairy tale child


    a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,

    and loving favor rather than silver and gold

    Proverbs 22:1


    the rich and poor meet together; the LORD is the maker of them all

    Proverbs 22:2


    he that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches,

    and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want

    Proverbs 22:16


    rob not the poor because he is poor, neither oppress the afflicted at the gate

    Proverbs 22:22


    for the LORD will plead their cause, and despoil the soul of those that despoiled them

    Proverbs 22:23


    liking of all things guards each thing


    sometimes somewhere is pure aesthetics greatest rebellion


    sometimes somewhere is the rebellion only aesthetics


    always and everywhere only change makes the sameness of all beings


    always and everywhere only sameness of all beings makes the change


    I’m walking – I’m a revolution to the evolution


    I’m walking – I’m an evolution to the revolution


    I’m walking – I’m the poem of the revolution


    I’m walking – I’m a fairy tale of the evolution


    I’m walking – revolution and evolution are together


    I’m walking – poem and fairy tale are one




    2478. day
    14th October 2011

    dear Mir, I wanted to send you my printed final graduate paper by mail but I don’t

    have the money to print it, it’s too expensive for me. the file with all the photos is too big,

    so I’m sending you the paper with no photos. L. Merenik suggested publishing the work

    in form of a book and she is giving her best to find the potential publisher. but for me

    your opinion about the work itself is the most important. the work should be further

    edited for publishing. however, all of that is still just ideas and suggestions I’m getting.

    but, if the work goes into any kind of public, then you can officially consider me

    the traitor :-) I kiss you M

    few days ago Milica Bogosavljevic sent me this e-mail


    my Milica as you know all of that is very painful for me

    so is Your final graduate paper Group Code – Invisible Art

    pain transformed into love


    I’m happy that You have finished it. I hope you enjoyed

    and that it will give You strength to carry on going Your own way


    everything I was doing in the group Code

    belongs to the group Code and not to Miroslav Mandic

    and everything I have lived created and sung after the brake up with the

    group Code doesn’t belong to the group Code but to Miroslav Mandic and all beings


    my Autobiography doesn’t belong to the group Code

    Milica please take it out of Your final graduate paper about the group Code


    with the group Code I took part in the struggle

    for the right cause. right cause always wins but through power

    you get to through winning right thing transforms into a lie and corruption


    through braking up with the group Code art and studying I didn’t

    want to make an artistic career and take part in winning and getting to power


    poets and artists are engaged in fight for the right cause


    professors and art historians are engaged in winning and getting to power


    winners are writing history so is the case with the history of art

    but they are killing the artists and art. the spirit of winning and winners


    the spirit of art lives in artists and art and not in its history nor in any kind of power


    struggle for the right cause is constant


    right cause constantly escapes


    it changes


    it inspires and leads the brave


    everything that is coming out of winning is a lie and corruption


    I was twenty two. now I’m sixty two. it’s the same


    common sensibility in the group Code I

    broadened in jail for God sky and decisions


    nobody was around at the time and now even more so


    there is no language about it. it’s yet to be created

    existing methods are killing both life and art


    revolution of taste


    fairy-tale life


    art poem


    life is much more than life – art


    art is much more than art – poem


    life and art are much more than life and art – God


    what I only had a notion of back then was

    one and only piece of art that was yet to be created


    one and only poem that should be sung


    one and only God that one should become


    what was just a hunch back then now it is. everything in one man

    past present and future art is one. one art. one freedom. one being



    through throwing myself into God’s arms my arms have become art to all beings


    Bud of All Beings






    2479. day
    15th October 2011

    with first steps of a man who just rose up


    with first steps of the uprising of a man who just rose up from four legs to two legs


    with first steps of a man who just got up from bed


    with first steps of all younglings which are joining us with first steps


    with the steps of the innocent ones which

    have been and are being put in front of the firing squad


    with steps of marches of non-violent resistance


    with steps which are harmonising all rhythms into the rhythm of steps


    with steps of music in steps


    with steps of Rousseau Herzog Satie Wordsworth Walser Peacepilgrimage


    with steps through grass


    with steps through water


    with steps of appeasement


    with steps of very existence


    with steps of cats and dogs


    with steps of elephants and giraffes


    with steps of birds and crocodiles


    with never-ending steps of the never-ending


    with steps of never-ending observation


    with steps of never-ending listening


    with steps of pilgrimage


    with steps of a vow


    with steps of the word steps


    with steps of the only one


    with steps of admiration


    with steps of carefulness


    with steps of tenderness


    with steps through the universe of Your heart and steps of Your heart in the Universe


    with steps is beautiful just being


    with steps of immortality


    with steps of the face in walking


    with steps of God-like


    anthology of steps with steps of the Bud of Walking


    with steps of steps




    2481. day
    17th October 2011

    write me letters


    celebrate me name


    mind enjoyment is God’s glory

    my friend


    fresh cold air


    two dogs are lying in the sun


    I’m listening to the sound of my steps


    they are hoofing


    they are asking and affirming


    surrendering and accepting


    they are passing through the graveyard


    they are walking after my shadow


    greeting the movement of the Exasperated all around the world


    they are going down towards the Topcider


    they are walking through the names of toponyms


    the smell of trees is following them


    they are climbing up towards the Topcider roundabout


    I hear them walking pass the Partizan stadium


    they are pilgrimaging anybody’s orgasm


    just remember how beautiful are horse’s hooves


    steps make me completely silent with their singing


    on the Autokomanda towards the Vojvode Stepe street


    they are teaching me goodness


    they are passing through Dusanovac market while I’m watching


    the white grapes which are overflowing in the sun light


    they are crossing the pedestrian overpass on the highway


    they are turning towards the Chinese boy who is letting

    the white candy paper float down the water which is flowing down the street


    through Ibarska street they are climbing me up the Leka’s Hill


    they know their way




    they are constant joy of thanking


    they are turning into Tetovska street


    down ten stairs in Tetovska 28 they are coming down into the narrow yard


    they are bringing me into the friends warm room




    2482. day
    18th October 2011

    other is love


    whiteness of clouds


    smell of freshly washed linen


    gentleness of nuns


    mystery of plainness


    crumbs from the table that are being picked up by three year old boy


    tremor of friend’s lips


    eyes that are looking wondering do you see how scared I am


    tiny hair on breasts


    agreement always guards


    keeping the agreement is a priori saving of goodness


    other is love


    nobleness of yesterday’s lunch of bread and grapes with Zelimir Zilnik


    nobleness of today’s lunch with Tibika Varady


    love-kissing just love-kissing


    long telephone conversation with a friend


    grace of accepted shyness


    truth there are no two same leaves runs

    towards the beauty of there is only one and only leaf


    ink is spilling over the word this ink is so beautiful


    I love-kiss with loyalty Your tattooed feat


    grass on Your shoulder


    Miroslav Mandic name on Your body


    Miroslav Mandic is constant transformation into Miroslav Mandic


    thorn up panties with which I undusted the table

    and afterwards threw them away in to the garbage bin


    pictures evolve from rhythms


    with sweet pears I’m strengthening the movement of the exasperated ones in the world


    poetics of my writing is in the love for writing my poetics


    all beings in joy


    with the thumb of innocence


    with joyful blood which is easily flowing through veins of all beings


    i      n      t     w      o      s     t     e     p


    with indescribable gracefullness of incomprehesible


    with love of the other



    2483. day
    19th October 2011

    just do it


    not even knowing they will find in your heart what they are looking for


    enjoy working woman enjoy


    I’m going outside. I’m rejoicing the sun. I’m also rejoicing to come back

    and listen to music again while typing in the words that I wrote while walking


    enjoy enthusiastic one enjoy – enjoy calm one enjoy


    I love these people who are bathing themselves with sun


    theoreticians would go theoretically


    practitioners practically


    as long as there is an army and police human brain won’t develop


    it will shrivel


    one horniness is better than thousands of bombs


    it’s always better to surrender myself till

    the end than to have a tiny bit of greed in my heart


    with waters of waterfalls


    with lavender oil


    with basil over tomatoes


    pussy and cock are the same




    a grasshopper has hopped and when he landed a cat already covered him with her paw


    my words are clouds under the palate in Your mouth


    ladybird has flown onto the glass of my glasses


    again I see on the lake people I used to see last autumn winter and spring


    during the summer in the crowd of people

    they were either not there or I didn’t notice them


    we agree that we agree


    we agree that we don’t agree


    everything comes back – there’s no coming back


    liberals are yearning for liberalism


    communist yearn for communism


    fascist yearn for fascism


    everybody yearns for their youth and privileges


    one is the yearning – everything comes back


    one is the fulfilment – there is no coming back


    winter is coming and snow again


    dandelions will come again so will the summer




    2484. day
    20th October 2011

    I would want to give and leave the Bud for the use joy and immortality of all beings


    Bud are my books art walking and immaterial works


    how should I do it


    one and a half year old gypsy boy is waving at me and says hi


    a bee has flown onto the frame of my glasses


    tits of a woman who was approaching me are shaking


    sexual energy ravens the world


    world is ruled through the control of the sexual energy


    I love sexual energy that is transforming into

    the birth of love and not into the continuation of the species


    give birth constantly my beloved


    the lake is calm today. glass. blue mirror


    I’m walking in the blue t-shirt


    every day when I write the blessings I send

    them to New Orleans for Ivana to translate them


    how calm is the lake look – says an old woman

    like a glass like a mirror – answers her an old man


    I believe only to the people of all beings


    I believe only to the state on all beings


    I believe only to the prime minister and government of all beings


    I believe only to the president of all beings


    I am a poem of all beings


    I am the art of all beings


    I am the walk of all beings


    one love


    one birth


    only feeling which I trust is compassion with all beings


    compassion is immortality of all beings


    resurrection of each being in all beings


    good and beautiful in all beings is that all beings are all beings


    all beings are the primer if God


    one being is God’s reader


    You are God’s text book


    love is God’s literacy


    tiny lizard had made me really happy


    like last year the swarms of ladybirds are flying today as well




    2485. day
    21st October 2011

    it’s raining


    blessed rain


    the day has been wrapped in mild greyness


    lavender is getting wet


    I adore empty fields


    water is pouring down his long raincoat


    I’m sitting at the table and I’m excited with the pictures I’m creating


    I can smell Your scent through the door ajar


    it’s early morning


    oh always that early morning


    warmness which I’m leaving


    body alone in the world




    dressing up


    everything depends only on me


    love is inevitable


    grass is wet and landscape is covered with fog


    step by step I’m going away


    my traces are disappearing under the rain


    I’m walking pass something


    I love that something


    world is full of the unnamed


    weddings among beings


    I enjoy because Your reading my words


    I hear Your steps


    You’re following me


    the canal will come soon


    muddy wooden bridge


    plain vanished in the fog


    horses are clam


    while getting wet in the rain I’m imagining how I’m sitting

    in the warm and writing about the rain and getting wet in the rain


    water is pouring down the tree bark


    just steps




    2486. day
    22nd October 2011

    it’s cloudy


    it was drizzling all night


    mild rain


    over the cabbage heads in the field


    over the canes by the road


    over the large white autumn roses


    smell of autumn


    solemnity of the landscape


    rectitude at the table


    innocence in the bed


    where are you now my lizards


    where are you people who lived a thousand years ago. ten thousand years

    ago. hundred thousand years ago. million years ago. before you even became


    all of you are in these words of my heart


    each and every one of you is in each particle and cell of mine through which I’m singing


    being is gentle


    gentleness is being


    gentleness is gentle


    gentleness is immortal


    path is gentle


    bud is gentle


    lips are gentle


    labia are gentle


    rain is gentle


    getting wet in the rain is gentle


    raining is gentle


    I’m gently thinking of Dagmar Moser


    with Dagmar Moser’s love I love-kiss all beings


    with all beings’ love I love-kiss Dagmar Moser


    I’m on Your side


    and it will keep on raining


    it’s certain it will be raining


    it will rain


    it will shine




    2488. day
    24th October 2011

    I am god

    each name celebrates me

    because each name contains a bit of humour

    yesterday’s poem from the book I am You are I


    gentleness spatters over all beings


    get an orgasm in my glory


    poet has it easy


    he sings


    he doesn’t think


    he love-kisses


    God’s poem


    while my paprika is cooling down I’m writing so that my feelings don’t get cold


    life you’re gorgeous – thank You for making me worthy living You


    I’m breathing in


    I’m writing


    I’m recognising myself in everything


    I had little success in my life


    and like all the people without success sometimes I’m sad

    sometimes bitter. sometimes moody. sometimes worried. sometimes lonely


    but these words are more than success


    my eyes are burning from Your gaze that is going across these words


    they are Your success as well


    one is the music of success


    success of the music of all beings


    we are a rainbow




    one and only one


    on Saturday and Sunday I was again drinking weak white wine

    God give that I drink wine and be even healthier


    through wine I am the poem of one


    one kiss


    one mating


    one truth


    I wanted to give You a call because I feel You close but I couldn’t

    because the closeness is much more than our closeness my close-like-woman


    procreator of my joys


    mother of all of my beings


    guard my heart in Your bosoms


    guard my brain between Your thighs


