Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
fineness is in everything
roughness is here and there serving is in everything ruling here and there yes to a servant no to a master yes to the serving no to the ruling one is the Lord and one is ruling rejoicing of the very Lord who wants to rule should serve the ruling I love creating I love thanking and serving the creation a lot of it has accumulated I know that it would be grace for You to take care of my Bud the Bud of All Beings which I’m creating is different from the Bud which is the totality of my work you are not around and just not around I was trying with several people it started with Ksenija Bustrevic who enlarged the photos of the One Man for me Vesna Milovic made the big crate for keeping my works. she bought glass for the Leaves – Tree of Life. she packed all works before the Rose of Wandering since then I know less and less about them they have been moving around Nebojsa Covic took photos of them and moved them Zorica Kovacic was starting something Violeta Jovanovic was there Dragana Varadinac was a hope Petar Miloradovic took care of and catalogued them Kaja Cirilovic and Rore Popovic started the way it should be Sun Mandic and Ivana Djokic scanned for printing the draft version of monograph Ivana Zivkovic served a bit Branka Zgonjanin has really done her best all of that has stopped and buried me in the Little-Flat and Nest today being sixty three years old I’m beginning to perceive and digitally archive it for the first time to peek a little bit into that great goodness every evening I’m repacking them wipe them mark them in a new way I’ll take a photo of them and explain them to myself from all of that I will make a draft for digitalisation of the Bud it will help me for writing the autobiography wow how I yearn for it I’ll be using them for working copies of monographs for ideas that are waiting for me to open up to them as I always do with everything this will be done for God You and all beings as I always do with everything this will be done in front of God You and all beings I will begin with my first published text Three Festivals
today is 33rd day of the year
seconds are serving minutes minutes are serving hours hours days days years years millennia millennia eternity eternity moments everything serves everything everything serves circling circling serves everyone fish sea blood remembering face blush kiss big water serves water in Your glass with which You are drinking the water of the world serving is grace and insouciance ruling is worry and atrocity last night’s encounter with myself being nineteen years old was exciting for me with the source that makes me keep on flying if it wasn’t for that there wouldn’t be me now I recalled the youth of writing and the writing in youth wow how I care for the youth of these words that’s not far at all it’s timeless and limitless weightless condition of watching each other in the eyes I’m rejoicing You like soil rejoices rain I’m waiting for You sun bud I’m waiting for Your servicing from today I will be putting on the link Bud a photo of one of the works that I’m digitally archiving everything was photographed under ordinary room light and is therefore warmer Violeta and Mirjana were helping me I hope You will also be here during twenty one day of archiving tonight I’m beginning with the Marvellous Work from 1971
yesterday at 6pm died our nun Fevronija
wrote Petar to me last night
enlargement of love for Fervonija
these days I’ve read that the relative pronoun who, whom, whose
should be written right after the noun to which it relates to. I’m sorry, I don’t
know these rules, and I’m learning on the go and that’s how I apply them too
Violeta Jovanovic
more important than linguistic literacy is the love for writing
life for words
clearness of thought
innocence of heart
suppleness of body
literacy is love for all beings
literacy is understanding the other
media literacy
information processing
literacy is faith in resurrection
literacy are beauty and goodness together
literacy is salubrity of sea salt with lavender scent in warm water
with which I’m helping every evening my painful Achilles’ tendons and heels
literacy of each woman is knowledge that everything in the world is cock of worshiping
literacy of each man is knowledge that everything in the world is pussy of worshiping
simplicity of writing
lead me God’s joy
I wrote on Sunday in the Red Notebook
I rejoice a lot when I write something down in the Red Notebook
with that joy I’m reminding You of Your joys
I am a fairy-tale to all beings and that’s why I’m rejoicing the fairy-tale within me
Jung is not important for me but I find very important the fact that
he was careful and was talking to the things he lived with when he was old
I love everything that is cheap and minimal but also something that is top-notch
Mont Blanc pen that I was writing with for years
warm room and warm water
fuck what a joy
these days all across the Europe people are dying from coldness
how horrible it is to die of hunger and freezing
snow really mizzles
I didn’t manage to write about what always troubles me and it did today as well
it mizzles
I’ll try tomorrow at least in one blessing
it’s warm in the nest and I’m on top of it I’m writing
yesterday morning an offer to retrieve a new version of Word popped out of my screen
if that’s how it’s said they are asking me whether I want it or not. I say I don’t but then I cannot use Word I don’t understand technical instructions especially if they are in English then I accept everything but I don’t even know what it is that I’m accepting prison You are sometimes the only solution and freedom in the rotten world that humiliates and disturbs me a lot because I don’t know anything about that what is miserable in dominant media is their arrogance my only loneliness what is sad is when You see how dominant things are turning into out datedness fool You are my only love fool You are eternal and You are always so selflessly helping me everything is good my son You are my father I am Your son walk the good path good path is the only one the path of goodness beauty is on the good path where goodness and beauty are united that’s where grace is value is free of charge you can always count on moving within me a text message I only whished for hey dwelling within one woman to be her flying bird big and burly man and small and petty woman tall woman and short man a field full of burdocks today I saw how a seventy year old woman and a twenty year old man are beautifully kissing each other not arguments but opening not dialogue but confession not understanding but agreement I cooled down on the balcony vegetables for Russian salad pigs are so beautiful what You see over there is a path that leads in a valley what You don’t see over there is a little path that leads to the top and bottom of God I’m enjoying Meister Eckhart a lot I’m shaking my hips for You each mystic speaks god-mouth-ly word god I adore you you’re my god suddenly drew line light blue tenderness of mine
it’s exactly 3pm on 5th February 2012 and I am the loneliest creature
in the world. there is nobody who I could address to. I’m addressing the Bud’s screen where I watch what the time is and what day is it. now it’s already 3:02pm. the fact that I can see what is the time and especially that somebody is telling me that makes me the happiest being in the world yesterday’s Sunday experience sameness is constantly changing and transforming into the sameness art is uncompromising poem is uncorrupted walking is innocence my chances are so low that I see everything as a chance we have just started and there is less and less of us this Vladimir Roksandic’s sentence from 1971 I proclaim as a work of art I identify myself with the first one I admire the second one I respect the loyal ones I’m on the side of the oppressed ones but only to the moment of their victory oppression is a kind of freedom but after the victory their oppression turns into the revenge and desire for domination tree of life yes tree of knowledge no do You remember how the tree of life grows from male penis and female head after three days of working on the draft for digital archiving work has turned into the cultivating and refining the Bud nakedness of the Bud 1970-2012 from this moment I’m working on rejuvenation of all of my cells with love for all cells that exist in every being with tenderness for each cell in each being let’s go painful forgetting I transform into the grace of memory of God whenever a man cannot bare a man says I don’t understand whenever a man cannot love-kiss a man says I’m sick finally I can say in front of all beings what I think of each of them no matter that I will probably never going to do that Siniša Tucić poem Siniša Tucić I’m dedicating to Siniša Tucić a form of a poem makes poem it snows singing sings the form of a poem today’s walking on the white full of snow circle around Ada was gorgeous tender is falling slow snow falls through the soul of the world world take care and save yourself
in the midst of yesterday’s today’s and tomorrow’s mining in the Nest here is
a little breather through Russell’s words that I read yesterday before we begun working and today I transformed them into the blessings a poem of philosophical contemplation the value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty thank you Bertrandthe man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through
life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense
from convictions which have grown up in his mind
without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason
to such a man the world tends to become definite
finite, obvious
common objects rouse no questions
and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected
apart from its utility in showing unsuspected possibilities
philosophy has a value--perhaps its chief value--
through the greatness of the objects which it contemplates
and the freedom from narrow and personal aims
the life of the instinctive man is shut up within the circle of his private interests
family and friends may be included
but the outer world is not regarded except as it
may help or hinder what comes within the circle of instinctive wishes
in such a life there is something feverish and confined
in comparison with which the philosophic life is calm and free
the private world of instinctive interests is a small one
set in the midst of a great and powerful world
which must, sooner or later, lay our private world in ruins
In such a life there is no peace
but a constant strife between the insistence of desire and the powerlessness of will
if our life is to be great and free, we must escape this prison and this strife
one way of escape is by philosophic contemplation
philosophic contemplation does not,
in its widest survey, divide the universe into two hostile camps
friends and foes
helpful and hostile
good and bad
it views the whole impartially
philosophic contemplation, when it is unalloyed,
does not aim at proving that the rest of the universe is akin to man
all acquisition of knowledge is an enlargement of the Self
but this enlargement is best attained when it is not directly sought
but above all because, through the greatness of the universe which
philosophy contemplates, the mind also is rendered great, and becomes
capable of that union with the universe which constitutes its highest good
few nights ago I came to a decision to
either give away packets of my books in the Nest during the process of moving out to somebody else or to sell them as a paper waste it was a painful but also liberating and healing decision I know that there are people who would love to read my books I believe that there are few of them who they would mean a lot to I believe that my books are yet to be read and reprinted in the name of faith I will no longer worry about them the most of it is the first Miroslav Mandic book three have been printed this is the eight one I am yet to sing out six more of them in order to write 129,600 blessings with 129,600 blessings I would make out of this book a ball of beauty and goodness a ball of love which is constantly circling and singing to God You and all beings I feel more and more so that my duty is only to write 33 blessings a day every day just you write the next one the rest is not in my power it’s in my power to move tonight with Violeta Mirjana and Nebojsa who I will see for the first time all the books on one pile and take a photo of them warm welcome to Nebojsa to who I wish and do with these words all the best and nice in all days of his life I should count them all and calculate latter on how much money is there when the books are sold for reading and how much when they are sold as a recycling paper how much are poems when they are read how much are poems when they are recycled how long a shape lasts when something is being transformed into something else can mild disappearing and even milder forming be seen for three years I was watching the sunset through the Dusk on the Bridge the smell of the river was changing throughout the seasons a place of a sunset would in a half of the year move almost ninety degrees I was a bridge on the bridge I was becoming dusk there is 10191 blessings in the first Miroslav Mandic book words are kissing numbers heroic blessings I admire people who commit suicide from the deepest respect for the life itself who take away their own life in order to enrich the life with the very life with the music of decision I hope You feel my joy now people easier sympathise with somebody’s misfortune then with somebody’s joy and that could be the core of all misfortunes
a little bit of words I caress you from the cerebellum through the spine to the heels I’m slowly sliding over the skin of Your arm I’m pollinating You world with friendship frozen snow is creaking under my feet for a healthy man this coldness is great says to me an older man on Ada a crow in the snow is searching for food wind is not blowing but the cold air is circulating I turned around and I’m going back. my face is not frozen any more I’m in warm holly table happiness in my nostrils there will be opportunity there will be this is the opportunity a poem germinates within you I love the sexuality of the Earth’s marble sea bays and coves mudslides slopes desert waving down the desert sand mountain hillsides full of white blooming fruit trees golden wheat fields steep mountain ranges mild wavy hills full of vineyards islands surrounded with ocean peninsulas deeply immersed in the sea slow river meandering greatly dispersed confluences freshness of inexhaustible sources indescribable strength and beauty of waterfalls snowy whiteness under which everything disappeared fog in which nothing can be seen mystical vastness of sexy plains roads are carving the Earth’s marble sniffing sniffing the bud. vowing to the goodness of sniffing. bowing to the beauty of nostrils
fuck it I love to write fuck it
in a wagoner’s manner
grief to misery
but what is really is
a center without which there is no circling
an axis without which there is no rotation
children hands which are caressing a dog
doorpost that is bent so the door cannot close
claims that are returning like a boomerang as counter-claims
tragedy of life with the comedian life going hand in hand
a lot of times in my childhood I’ve heard that
the weather is such that there is no even a mad dog in the street
I’ve always thought that in the swearword
may a dog fuck your mother it was about a shark
(shark in Serbian is “sea dog”)
what a word
what a tree
…as economic theory claims, financial markets are ruled
by impressions and emotions and they abhor uncertainty…
George Soros
patiently right away
right away patiently
I love statements
they are singing
sun is shining
it’s very cold
icicles are melting
they are dangerous
horses are in stables
I’m quite dozy
Innocence is the most sexual
getting old is a great opportunity
agreeing is a great challenge
observing is the first practice in self-observing
what is good for a pussy it’s good for a heart as well
what is good for a cock it’s good for a brain as well
what is good for a wagoner’s manner it’s good for all-being as well
riding ourselves over unknown landscapes of our own soul
I tripped and fell all over the snow on the asphalt
I rammed my hands I wasn’t ashamed it’s incredible how rockabilly always easily picks me up as if it’s telling me it’s worth living I immediately started to scuttle I feel the sexiness in my stomach I feel the sexiness of the innocent ones I feel the grace of singing musicians are the priests of life what a miracle is that boogie-woogie a symphony of the mirthful movements poor people are rejoicing divinely I’m alone all my life because nobody could receive my joy joy of love that is stronger than death my solitude is all I have to give You s o l i t u d e o f g o d I’m with all beings in solitude I’m dancing and singing I fuck and I’m fucked I love-kiss and I’m love-kissed my words resonate in all beings all trees are within me dance and sing all the trees shout to me I embrace everything that is alone and everyone that is alone we are dancing boogie our bellies are skintight all lonely ones stones are smiling oceans are feeling nice sky enjoys nothing is easier then writing a great poem nothing is easier than love-kissing with extremity of the road in the extremity of the bud
You are waiting for me my waiting
You are giving me strength You are accepting me my acceptance I am the union of all lives and all-life the only fragrance of all bad and nice smells a flower of certain kind of watermelon has a sack with the smell of rotten fish in order to attract flies the greatest disgust over myself I feel when somebody’s handicap bothers me the greatest human secret is that a man should be proud of their handicap and in that way obey God snow is actually falling so that everything could begin smelling with cleanliness of liking I am alone because I adore only union of all-life I love quantities when they curl up into the fragility of the one and only a boat is sailing – well that’s me greatest future opens with aging hot flushes are making nettles stronger little birds are flying onto the boy’s hands full of seeds tranquillity of a big dog in the arms of a homeless guy redeems man as a species freedom is love for all beings sense smells nicely I would like to milk a muse serving is on each step of the way with each step of the way skiing must be beautiful thing but I’m not sorry for not experiencing it together with other beautiful things my name is I Yearn To Call You But I Won’t So That’s Just My Name the most important thing is not teaming up wow how important that is epochal tiny corner of a mouth wonders of good creatures old age celebrates youth of all beings youth of ideas youth of ideals youth of courage one and only youth of the one and only bud
love lasts forever
love lasts from always not only that love lasts from always and forever but love is actually now fuck love now God now springs one love God love like sun rays many loves are shining and radiating from God gender love love for the continuation of species parents’ love marital love friendly love love for the profession for the nation for the country love for other species love for the Universe love for the very love love for unimportant things love for the useless love for the reasonless love for the insouciance love for the non-violence love of walking love of creating love of singing love for ourselves like for the life itself love for the enemy one of the most important loves love for God the most important love I love-kiss you god you are writing these words
the most important thing is not teaming up
but living constantly in togetherness with all beings
in permanent permeation
through the breath of sense
through the goodness of words
just the interest of all beings benefits every being
towards the end of the walking around Ada we were talking about her indelicacy
about the greatest work nuns and monks are doing for us
when we parted I was slowly walking uphill through
Milosav Vlajic Street thinking about the art of refining
of calming down which is endless
I was walking over the cobble on the road and at one moment I thought
I saw that a young man who was walking down the street is greeting me
I stopped and asked him if he is actually greeting me
I was watching your lunches
a beautiful and kind young man told me with a smile
Nemanja Radovic
twenty four year old man from Priboj
sanctity of the unknown
I rejoice You Nemanja
I rejoice You works with which I will meet up tonight as well
my works are my children
many of them I haven’t seen for a lot of years
they have changed. grown up. I’m hardly recognising
them. nevertheless I remember each and every one of them
I would love to hug and kiss with each one of them
it’s not yet time for that
I just wave at them
I constrict myself
retaining love for them
I am in the Nest for another month
I will move out before the end of March
I still don’t know where
I would love to move into new pages on my site rather soon
Zoltan I hope that You can help me in that
I yearn to talk to Zoltan about internet and computer
I would love to tighten up some things on the site a bit
just patiently
the inpatient ones who decided to be patient are the lucky ones
the rough ones who decided to be gentle are the lucky ones
a life of every being is wonderful because
there is work for lives of all beings in everyone’s life
BLESSED TRUISMS I don’t want to have influence on anybody I would love to in-fluence like a river with immortality of the Bud of All Beings on every being buy us an etymologic dictionary let’s make a Museum of Poverty art of transforming poverty into joy let’s proclaim a rag greatest nobility let’s fool around let’s educate ourselves through water lilies I don’t despise anything that much as university knowledge people are crossing frozen rivers and lakes wind has blown me away on the lake my skin is soft after the shower my washed hair smells nicely beans are waiting for me last night I was tenderly thinking of Robert Walser even a thought of having success makes me horrified I love-kiss You Robert great future awaits this blessing I am that great future of the previous blessing that’s how it goes when it goes I am the tenderness in Your throat reasonless joyfulness warmth of a lair delayed smell of spring is already here it will start smelling the smell of ice will be transformed into the smell of water touch Yourself over the belly kiss Your brain surrender Your heart to me I started calling women who are helping me in cultivating the Bud Girls like back in the days Gentle Forces or Mina’s Art or Kaja’s Enterprises Girls are coming tonight. I would love if You were also here You are within me I love-kiss You Kaja and Milomir for saving goodness in Your uterus and sperm for me as well big swans are diving their beaks in the holes in the ice so that they can drink water fuck swan is beautiful like a bud
last night I was reading William Carlos Williams
poetry is the most important thing in the world poetry of anything poetry of apple poetry of a good granny who is clearing up the snow slow snowflakes which have been falling over the sun on the lake today stupid and asexual stupid asexual and unfree poetry is free spirit goes wherever it wants poetry of a poet a cock poetry of a poem a pussy all the same within everything is a poem I lost the drawing of a Good Walker during walk it fell out when I was taking a paper out of my pocket poetry is the bravest tenderness little chapel on the groins singing verbs prayerful scroll of the book I wrote ten years ago another thirty one poem and thirty one day till the end of the book I am You are I hey strong apricot brandy the smell of chopped wood I haven’t heard for chopped wood for years a word for that I’ve already forgotten today I saw a trace of Ana’s teat that she left on my text that was still wet from the ink I love writing with extremities with steps over the earth book openness world is a garden says William Carlos Williams word is mystical rose bravest singing is tender fuck bud is beautiful like a poem
last night I met Iam
Iam has shown up in this book on hundred eleventh day on 21st April 2005
for all two thousand four hundred and four days since then Iam is constantly here
in each word that I write
he walks and wanders from word to word
making a poem out of each and every one of them
Iam of mine through You I am as well
with You comes this thawing as well
icicles which are falling from the roofs
everything that is You are my Iam
every day is Iam
yes I am everything – says Iam to me
I am soft snow you are walking on right now Miroslav
that’s what I am
and only that I am
and nothing else
I am only what I am
I also am these words written in cursive with
which you Miroslav are showing that it is me who’s talking
I also am through the smell of fish in the air
through which the coming of spring can be felt
I also am this confidence which I am transforming into arch-confidence
arch-confidence with which I toast to my closest one who is writing me
wine which sings me
truth that makes my bones
freedom with which I give myself to everybody
gulp I hear in my own throat
that miracle that I am more with and through the other that I am myself
that miracle that I’m carrying on so easily
easily and mildly
thank You God
only You are Iam
I am Iam and actually only You are Iam
You are God and actually I am God
that’s what the words are saying
that’s how the singing sings
afterwards is saddest
all I’m left with is to believe my words every day they are God’s glory thawing of the snow spring torrents being same repeating remembering repetition through repetition I’m the eternal beginning sameness in all beings goodness is god’s glory beauty of the one and only cock ice is thawing same even more same more same more identical wow I want something wow wow here’s something words sex joining receiving and giving wow I just got a wonderful idea will I be living it I’m already living it but I didn’t know of it will I realise it at this moment I don’t know I don’t like genres I love the one the same repetition for me sex is just innocence and openness a lullaby to God while lovers are coming God sleeps tight under the tree of goodness that’s what I’m singing You about my soul my soul is the only one for us
calm down to get carried away to realise enthusiasm to live it through tranquillity and repeat all of that repeat it constantly praying to God only like that love-kissing everyone just like that every being all beings to love-kiss love-kiss love-kiss god just love-kiss god whenever I allow somebody or something be above me I don’t believe in God I’m insulting Him grass-blades my teachers grass of a football field everyone and each thing in the world is Miroslav Mandic novel everyone’s name and the name of each thing in the world is Miroslav Mandic poem everyone’s tears sugarcanes curves on the road indescribable beauty of straight roads infiniteness I’m going away closer and closer I’m philosophising I’m Your money Kafka in Your hands music misery of economy lies in a fact that excess is created only by goodness love and sacrifice and economists don’t have a clue about that I had a gentle thought of hens I love when good thoughts start dancing through gentle thoughts on the road in the rose I am a bud before the rose the same bud after the rose I am the one who You are saying when You say I am
permeate me walking
permeate me air thirteen young birches planted last year by the lake air is beautiful cold but not icy it’s resting my brain which is saturated from watching my work for last seventeen days reminded itself of the forgotten got excited with many things was thanking God for what he created through me today in the morning I turned six basic folders on the desktop into five getting to know yourself actually consists of working on yourself and with yourself I’m working myself I’m reducing myself cold air is replaced by music when You think of me I would love You to feel the music the music of goodness music of beauty music of writing music of creating music of walking it’s wonderful to live wonderful simple musical to be silent to be mellow to be a bite of sameness in somebody’s soul heroism on the road with the rose of loneliness I embrace all beings I’m moving those glorious hips
quietly inflow
quietly outflow I would love so much I love-kiss You my present one dancer of the sameness observe me approaching You through going away I’m closer and closer sky is on my shoulders sun light in my eyes I’m surrendering to grace grace is a pleasure of all cells and their vibrations my legs are carrying me towards words words towards legs walking sentences sentences of steps with every word I caress You tenderly over the face touch is a foetus of love freshly milked blessing the milk of words is foaming up it rises extremity to extremity wedding words without the voice words in the eyes transformation I towards the far away I everything happens in front of the eyes mystery mystery of everything is that everything is good love-kissing love-kissing of the life itself – life of the love-kissing itself all the words in Miroslav Mandic book are our constant love-kissing my beloved