Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is again first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is walking over the abyss of the first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is youth of the first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
is walking naked in the rain of the first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
is celebrating everything that exists with the first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
are ecstatic definitions of art of the first of June
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom are
fuckable definitions of the one and only sex – sex of God life and art
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is the story I’m walking
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is the fairy-tale I’ creating
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is the poem I’m singing
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is hey walking in the fairy-tale of freedom
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom hey fairy-tale in the freedom of singing
again first of June
a miracle of the first of June
every June
every month
every moment
cloudy and warm day
I’m under the impression of the abyss which
I experienced in the encounter with two close persons
I’m also under the impression of this morning’s encounter with torture
I asked myself should I base today’s definitions of art
on the abyss torture or again first of June
I’ve chosen again first of June
again first of June I created in glory of the beauty of repetition
world of transiency
I’m watching this grass and I feel again first of June
everything in this world is meaningless until
there are tortures but there is also again first of June
everything in this world is meaningless until there is
an abyss among close ones but there is also again first of June
when I just think of the horror that tortured people are going through…
when I just think of the horror that people who are torturing are going through…
nothing in this world is worth until the torture is protected by the state
abyss is love because it protects love and lovers from false love
abyss means that one day a day will dawn without
a day and that’s why again first of June is joy and salvation
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is this
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
are 229,945 people who have seen this until now
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom are beauty and goodness in this
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is the rhythm of freedom in this
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is the freedom itself in this
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom are You
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom are only You
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom are my tears on Your face
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is every cell within You and within me
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is my freedom in Your freedom
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is every youngling within me
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is one is more than all people together
this continues
it will never stop
runaway child is good child
runaway child is eternal child
child of all beings
runaway child is a mother and a father to each cell in all beings
runaway child is a promised land
runaway child has ran away because it wants to save the world
grass is fragrant so are field flowers in the grass
patient St. John’s Worth
bitter absinth
Miroslav Runaway Child Mandic
more and more so I see what I see
more and more so I love-kiss everybody I love-kiss
more and more so I am all beings that I am
let’s go once again
more and more so I see what I see
more and more so I love-kiss everybody I love-kiss
more and more so I am all beings that I am
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is identification with those I love
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is through mother’s body
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is through father’s cosmic soul
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is through the logos of a child
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
is a sparrow which flattered in front of my face
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
is a pigeon which is walking through the grass
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is everything that is
for the first time and everything is always-forever only for the first time
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is a spark
of freedom with which every struggle for freedom begins
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom
is smell of the mowed grass which is already drying
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is milk of all beings and it’s called freedom
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is freedom to freedom
freedom constantly radiates with freedom and is constantly moving towards freedom
Art is freedom – occupy-wash with freedom is
today’s washing for the occupy-wash with freedom
another 144 definitions of art are behind me
I caress You with freedom
I sing You with freedom
i am god
warm morning
eighty sixth
kaja’s birthday
today’s i am god poem
eighty sixth birthday of the girl that gave birth to me
who became a mother of all beings
who created beauty of this day
who transformed in every word of mine
I through mother’s body
I through father’s cosmic soul
I through the logos of a child
hey paths
hey roses
we are one I
I’m walking over the pebbles
going down towards the water
that small big thing – getting into the water and surrendering to it
bathing in the sun and water is indescribably beautiful
exactly that
You feel
I found out yesterday about Hasil Adkins
I was dancing on the song she said in 2003-2004 but I didn’t know he was singing it
packaging is bullshit
carriers are nothingness
families banal
states terror
I tenderly banged into the air
I’m going down the five steps
I won’t be taking photos of them any more
every step is celebration of live
every blessing is celebration of writing
every writing celebration of singing
through trembling of leaves whole world is healing and dancing
trembling does much more to the world than the world to trembling
trembling trembles
caressing caresses
I’m inhaling the air full of linden fragrance
dedicated to a friend about which another friend told me this morning that I made her sad
ever since I was twenty one when I broke away with
film with studies and art being disgusted with everything or
what they were leading to and boding and yearning for something much
higher and complete only sometimes for a moment somebody was close to me
for forty one year I’ve been alone on this path
I rarely have relationships with people
relationships are not love – love is a state
a dog is eating grass
pain in my stomach almost completely stopped
whoever You are wherever You are whenever You are
I love-kiss You with this cold wind
may You be
i’m walking
rainy curtain has
lifted up over the lake
tender lullaby that’s what i am
I’m standing wet under the eaves and waiting for the rain to stop
I’m really getting very wet in the rain
it’s God’s glory
the art of getting wet in the rain
today is Milomir’s ninety first birthday I can still see him like a boy running through wavy meadows Milomir boy father of all fathers child father Milomir has faced me with death early in life through his suicide he planted a seed of immortality in me Milomir my friend the moment I got out of my building the fragrance of pink roses has struck me wind caressed me and got underneath my clothes warm air has embraced me wind is humming green leaves are trembling sun light is refracting through trembling everybody is immortal the sky is singing enough is exciting enough hey everything is poem hey that’s you singing within me today I will finish the last of 66 pictures in glory of numbers I was drawing them for four hundred sixty seven days around thousand hours of work goodness in glory of the beauty of numbers we feel nice permeated we permeate love-kissed we love-kiss just cluster beauty just cluster now is now now is forever moment is everything everything is moment when You experience that everything depends only from one and only being well that’s Miroslav Mandic when You experience that everything depends from all beings well that’s Miroslav Mandic Walking when You experience that everything depends from anybody well that’s Miroslav Mandic Art when You experience that everything depends only from God that’s Miroslav Mandic Is Singing
66 pictures of the Numbers are behind me
I took photo of them
some of them are beautiful some less beautiful
I believe that only altogether are magical
like in many other works of mine all 66 pictures are
making one picture. Numbers. dimensions are 1 x 11.55 metres
let’s go
I’m doing water. I’m a plumber – says a man to an older woman
I’m doing moments. I’m a momenter
weaver of moments
I’m doing unbuttoning of my shirt. I’m an unbuttoner
shirt is on one shoulder sun on the other
I’m doing sun. I’m a suner
I’m doing entirety. I’m an entiretyer
I’m doing play. I’m a player
only sometimes I’m doing rhymes. I’m only sometimes a rhymer
I’m doing trees. I’m a treeser
I love doing everything I am and I don’t like doing what I’m not
I’m watching an old man who is sunbathing and putting t-shirt on his head
I’m doing him
I was doing cities on the Rose of Wandering
from doing cities came out director of cities
from the director of cities both director of money and director of love
I’m doing directing. I’m a director of doing
I’m watching white clouds. I’m smiling at them. I’m doing them
I’m doing Your eyes on these words
I’m doing the flow in Your body
I’m doing surrendering. I’m a surrenderer
I’m doing smile. I’m a smiler
I’m doing winking. I’m a winker
I’m doing modesty. I’m a modester
I’m doing the existence. I’m an existencer
I’m doing the beginning. I’m a beginninger
I’m doing the bud. I’m a bud
I’m doing Miroslav Mandic. I’m Miroslav Mandic
I saw her by chance I got excited rejoiced suddenly approached kissed her hand carried on without words I saw everything on her face a white butterfly is flying in front of me now in front of the pastry shop Vladimir Macura wasn’t waiting for me as agreed but to my greatest surprise Dagmar Moser was there we haven’t seen each other for three years we walked in the hot sun we drank water we drank each other and we parted I carried on to the lake I ate an ice-cream with Mirjana in the tree shade I was swimming I stopped in the woods and listened to a blackbird singing deeper in the woods an answer could be heard they were singing to each other blessings are also chirping twenty one kilometre that I walked today tiredness holiness innocence of tiredness before I accidentally saw her Nada called me we’ll see each other on Sunday we haven’t seen each other for five years afterwards while walking with Dagmar I saw Lazar Stojanovic sun was really strong it was beautiful in the water I easily spotted a blackbird I saw it opening its beak while singing I’m chirping You’re chirping
Ever since the financial crisis began no one talks about
the ecological crisis and the energy crisis. We have exceeded the
limits of the planet long ago. The way we live and consume, is untenable
Jon Aguirre one of the initiators of the Indignados movement
We are facing a new era. Revolutions have always developed
through three phases: technological change, social change, and ultimately
political change. The political structures are the most conservative. The power is in
their hands after all. Technological change that has led to the French Revolution was
the invention of printing by Gutenberg. Centuries have passed until the awareness of
the common class that overthrew the political system was created.With the October
Revolution it was the steam engine and the Industrial Revolution that have led to a
change in the relations of production. Finally came the coup in Russia. In other
countries the Social Democrats were created.
Jon Aguirre
Technological change of our era is the internet. It is a revolutionary invention
that changed the way we are connecting to each other. At the same time we are
experiencing a social transformation. Traditional family is not there anymore. There
are single parents of either sex, homosexual couples with children, patchwork
families and so on. The old, patriarchal, hierarchical structure model is in
crisis. This social change will gradually bring about political change.
How will it look like, nobody knows.
But one thing is sure, it is inevitable.
Jon Aguirre
technological change
social change
political change
last few days I’ve been thinking about it
on my opinion changes occur in this way
first comes the spiritual change
then the artistic
and sexual
only after that are coming
technological social and political change
let leave it on this for today
by the way news is what somebody
somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising
by the way as well – failures of the one man who is more than all people
together are worth more than all successes of the most successful ones
failures of Miroslav Mandic are worth even more than
the failures of the one man who is more than all people together
I have three photos of roses on my desktop
the rose of beauty in my brain
the rose of goodness in my lungs
the rose of health in my stomach
I took the photo of them in front of the building I’m living in
they are waterfalls
freshness of blood
harmony through agreeing
what the nape does to the crown of the head
I’m drinking them
the roses
they are taking me
they are intertwining
b e a u t i f u l
joy of writing
walking through writing
creating through writing
singing through writing
beauty of statement
goodness of principle
moving away
rippling of blessings
going outside right away
I made a little circle with Maja
I’m getting drawn into the words again
words are miracle
they are beings
every word I write You feel
that blue is blue
that soft is soft
that innocence is sexual
I’m feeling good with words
we are dancing
jumping around
Leni Riffenstal being very old is diving and touching big eagle rays
love doesn’t know of the species’ boundaries
only love between species will save the world
few days ago I saw tattooed tree on one girl’s back
Marta has tattooed tree on her chest
Mina on her hand
I love
just loving
sawing words
fertilize with words
give birth to a rose
walk through rose
word path
yesterday was Monday
today is Tuesday
tomorrow will be Wednesday
I’m a bit sad
sadness is an ebb tide of joy
I’m thinking of chamois
cold wind is blowing over mountain tops and plants
it’s time I walk my yearning
surrender to walking
from an old piece of paper with notes I’m rewriting
morning of rhythms
morning of analogies
morning of associations
morning of repetition
I threw away the piece of paper with mornings
only to draw the Blue Rose and I’m going outside
I’m walking – walking grace
I’m walking slowly – slow walking is miracle
maybe I will have a swim for Miroslav Mandic
I took off my shoes – barefooted I’m meandering through my brain
while I’m walking over the grass and soil as if I’m walking over the infinity
I swam for him
I’m walking for him over this earthen path through the grass
Miroslav Mandic helped me a lot of times and
I always feel good when I can help Miroslav Mandic
a friend to a friend
friendship is my friend
a rooster is crowing in the woods
flies and butterflies are flying
I’m caressing the skin on my back with thoughts
I’m caressing my stomach with thoughts
greenery is green on its own
if raspberries were cheaper…
I respect everybody who spend less than they have
everybody who spend more than they have are thieves
everybody who have more than they need are killers
precursors of war
a dog attacked me so when I was backing down I’ve hurt my anyway painful heel
since it already is Wednesday let it be Wednesday
the morning of a smile
today is Fernando Pessoa’s birthday
Steve Jobs has fell asleep last night
I finished reading Steve Jobs’ biography last night that finished a beautiful way
One sunny afternoon, when he wasn’t feeling well, Jobs sat in
the garden behind his house and reflected on death. He talked about
his experiences in India almost four decades earlier, his study of Buddhism,
and his views on reincarnation and spiritual transcendence. I’m about fifty-fifty on
believing in God, he said. For most of my life, I’ve felt that there must be more to our
existence than meets the eye. He admitted that, as he faced death, he might be
overestimating the odds out of a desire to believe in an afterlife. I like to think
that something survives after you die, he said. It’s strange to think that you
accumulate all this experience, and maybe a little wisdom, and it just goes away.
So I really want to believe that something survives, that maybe your consciousness
endures. He fell silent for a very long time. But on the other hand, perhaps it’s
like an on-off switch, he said. Click! And you’re gone. Then he paused again
and smiled slightly. Maybe that’s why I never liked to put
on-off switches on Apple devices.
just like an iMac which goes to sleep when you leave it
one page before the last one he also said That’s what I always tried to do – keep
moving. Otherwise, as Dylan says, if you’re not busy being born, you’re busy dying.
I’m waiting for the washing machine repair man
abrupt transitions within oneself also contain tenderness
warm wind is carrying the smell of dried up hay
dazed from the heat young children are sleeping in the shade
repair man is working in the bathroom
washing machine is sometimes taking the water in and sometimes not
yesterday I was swimming for the first time with great new swim glasses
I would like to write the blessings while the
repair man is still working and then go to walk
I would like to but the only thing I can write is that I cannot write anything
I’m waiting for the writing
while waiting for the writing I’m thinking of many things
I’m finding it harder and harder because I cannot write anything but I’m also
finding it more and more beautiful because it makes me aware that writing is miracle
joy of grace
hot pebbles
warmth that reflects the light over a plain
I am indocile
(in Serbian words wastelands and indocile have the same root pustara and pust, prim. prev.)
grown up without the father
adopted by wastelands
horizontal in constant circling
blue heavenly balls
of dried burdocks
of the quiet lighting up
miroslav mandic sings miroslav mandic there are no contradictions You’re recognising my writing. You’re recognising me through my writing isn’t it so my stomach is bothering me and I’m bothering my stomach with fears my stomach is one of the few great squares in my body my body is yours my body your body is body of immortality is in one body immortality of body is in all bodies sing to us poem poem is tiny tiny is raspberry (in Serbian the difference between these two words is only in one letter “malena” – “malina”, T.N.) raspberry is grace (same as previous, only this time it’s “malina” – “milina”, T.N.) poem grace is little poem great life little poem soul of universe i am god creation is above the law singing is without law today’s poem i am god everything yearns for change and almost everybody resist to the change resisting legislates petrifies change is creation creation creates change creation is above the law singing is without the law poem is unpredictable and a home to all beings is poem is unprotected and warmth to everyone is i’m singing takeaway poems You put a poem in Yourself and You feel better poem is my love-kissing my poem love-kisses me my poem love-kisses you miroslav mandic poem sings god
when I get outside it’s as if I’m getting into the paradise
air actually is paradise
warm sun on the skin actually is paradise
smell of just mowed grass actually is paradise
sun warmth makes me cry from grace
I’m spreading
I’m walking nowhere
I’m breathing in the air
I’m thinking it
I’m a poet of the air
we are wandering through the Universe
it’s invisible
free of charge
it gets in and gets out of body
it feeds and gives drink
it’s in the wind
in trembles
night one that comes through the window
fresh morning one
ozonous after the rain
sharp winter one
carried by the wind
swirled by the change of temperature
full of smells of plants
filled with smells of animals
hovering in the candle flame
it’s so important that nobody notices it
unnoticed it becames a lover of the unnoticed
through fucking – I’m heavenly breathing
through breathing I’m paradise
breath me
breath me my soul
breath me my only one
poem is created by the one who listens to poem I’m coming back after swimming through the woods and I’m thinking if I’ve so far written the word filly in the Miroslav Mandic book fillies on the run fillies are foaling beauty fillies are shelters of winds and stallions fillies doves fillies are foaling good horses and good people I can see that today I won’t move away from filly she is sniffing the air with the beauty of her nostrils she stares with her big eyes she swings her tail open space opens her up she swallows water she is defecating while running filly is running over the sea waves poem through affirmation changes everything filly smells of her stallion filly reads beloved poet filly transforms filly is all in thighs and tendons sparrows are landing on her back her teeth are beautiful her neck is buckled she cocked her ears she prays with her body – she loves with her eyes sky is looking over her smells of grass are dazzling her she lies in the grass filly lives through foaling filly foals life filly foals foal poem is sung by the one who love-kisses poem
every profession has its own language
with the language of profession it excludes itself from the whole
it is trying to impose itself on the whole
I don’t have a profession
I am the language
language of singing
singing of language
I sing and serve the whole itself
the whole in each detail
the whole in every being
today it will be ten thousand kilometres of walking the Bud of Walking
at one moment around eighth kilometre I will take a photo of the 14.285.714th step
steps of singing
another thirty thousand kilometres in front of me
heats are coming
on such day I walked ten thousandth kilometre
witness Djordje Lukic
my loyal modesty
unsung gratitude
just step by step
word by word
through silence
through singing
through love-kissing
for few days now I’m listening music on the radio station Radio Moka and I’m enjoying
I’m reading Brigitte Bardot’s autobiography and I’m enjoying
I love to learn from one man and through one man
one man tells me so much more than countless number of people
it’s touching that every poem sings all poems
cooked wheat dill sauce and tomatoes are waiting for me
I’m caressing my back
patiently waiting for today’s 33 blessings to gracefully and unnoticeably run out
and run into You even more gracefully and unnoticeably
this morning I got an e-mail that disturbed me group Code… when I was going for a swim and after the swimming I was answering through blessings on that e-mail but I don’t feel like writing about it maybe tomorrow I don’t feel like writing about the movement Disgusted about which I was thinking I don’t know if such movement ever existed water was so lovely nettles were lovely young Gipsy was singing on the forest path the heath is stronger and stronger everybody is unique and in such way confirming the sameness everyone who doesn’t believe in their own uniqueness but wants to be even more unique is false that’s exactly how elite art arises that’s how all people’s arrogance and horrors arise that’s how kitsch and terror of big nations arise that’s how the death of civilisation arises hey drops of water on my body hey waves of water to which I was surrendering light on the nettles little Gypsies who I adore Gypsies on the edge of the city who I deeply respect sweet fruit supple cereals wheat is ripening soon will be harvesting in two days summer is coming in the evening I will go once more for a swim with each inhale I’m bowing down to the life itself i’m calling you singing dancing we are dancing let’s love-kiss love-kissing i’m cheering to you poem t h r e a d s o f p o e m
i’m god
my goodness
everything within you
I wrote this poem last night while I was coming back through the forest in the evening
sometimes I perceive the first blessing like
a hand of one arm and the last one like a hand of the other arm
all other blessings are spreading the hands into an embrace
boys transform into old men
girls into old women
old men into boys
old women into beautiful girls
goodness never becomes obsolete
beauty is eternal
today as well I won’t be writing blessings
concerning yesterday’s e-mail that disturbed me
I won’t be writing them tomorrow either
tomorrow is summer
agreeing is everything
everything that is not agreeing is sadness and nothingness
the nature of a cock is in the cock of goodness
the nature of a pussy is in the pussy of beauty
wind in the full sails
heat is rolling over the streets
horses within me are sleeping
essence is without compromises
one is love
I love repeating the love is one
I love repeating everything that I’m repeating
through repeating I’m becoming everything that I’m repeating
I’m embracing You with blessings
let’s embrace with blessings and embraces
we are the embrace of all beings
i’m god
my beauty
everything within you
I wrote this poem as well last night while I was coming back through the forest in the evening
my dear Ramo last night started summer enjoy it and beginning to write today’s blessings and to read the text about dear to us Walser which you sent me through the spring of heart and summer of mind I love-kiss you my Ramo summer letter to a friend
I just finished drawing the Blue Rose and recorded it at the beginning of a two hundredth tape of the Blue Film two hundred hours of the Blue Film God’s glory beauty of circling beauty of the cosmic blueness of the God’s name I’m God’s gory I’m sixty three I’m more and more alone more and more powerless but also with greater hope faith and love love love love with enlarged ideals of youth with all beings with Miroslav Mandic Walking with Miroslav Mandic Creating with Miroslav Mandic Singing if I were young again I sing even more now Miroslav Mandic fucks everybody’s mother now I am and that’s why every moment I’m creating Miroslav Mandic is everybody’s mother it may seem to You that I’m repeating too much but without repetition there is no goodness nor beauty the best one isn’t among the best ones the best one sings one and only poetics best ones are living countless number of poetics I’m going outside and when sometimes I see her, in my eyes, how she approaches me in blue dotted skirt, I then immediately go not wanting the loneliness to catch me in the place, while standing from the book No, I Don’t Believe This Sentence Cannot Be Heard Ivana was yesterday a witness of my struggle about the e-mail from few days ago and the resolution that happened with Milica’s text message and that’s why I don’t feel like writing about it Violeta was today a witness of a resurrection that didn’t happened even though I am the resurrection more and more I adore plain resurrection of a resurrection I’m disgusted with banal everything that isn’t resurrection is banal everything that isn’t agreement is sadness and nothingness essence doesn’t compromise yes God freedom yes yes God freedom three words of a one word freedom-god-yes (in Serbian “freedom” is “sloboda”, “god” is “bog”, and “yes” is “da”. inserting “g” in the word “sloboda” makes a wordplay – “slobogda”, which is untranslatable, but has this meaning, T.N.) freedom-god-yes sings me freedom-god-gives I’m singing You
let’s go freedom-god-yes
freedom in God God in freedom is
it’s Saturday
beaches on the lake are full of people
yesterday I spent magnificent time with my Nada Petronijevic-Covic after five years
I enjoyed
I enjoyed in Nada
I really love to enjoy in the other
agreeing is everything
word is the same
in the spider web between two trees dry leaves have been caught
meeting with Nada has been confirmation of the word freedom
clean after swimming I’m taking off the shirt
on the forest path to carry on bathing in the air
I’m walking slowly – I’m bathing in slowness
I’m calming down – I’m bathing in tenderness
I’m thinking about You – I’m bathing in the one
there is a butterfly – it is freedom
they say that the heat will decrease a bit these days
they say there might be showers as well
I love-kiss sayers
sayers are bridlers with which one bridles the feelings of people
I remember when I was a kid how I enjoyed
farmers who were carefree and easily holding bridles in their
big calm hands while going back on carts with horses from the fields
while I was walking a minute ago through the crowd of people on the
lake I remembered how when I was young after coming out of the jail I felt that I was
invisible that feeling of invisibility has been guarding me and saved me. same as today
few days ago I shaved my head and now I have to
wear a hat so that the crown of my head doesn’t get burnt
they say that there is only five thousand sparrows left in Belgrade
I hear them across the road in the forest
my beloved sparrows
if I didn’t stop eating meat when I was twenty three I would have been
killing myself every day hating myself and in the end I would have killed myself
sparrows just carry on twittering
freedom-god-gives twitter
I’m caressing You with my goose bumped skin
I’m coming back from swimming
on my way back I picked up 33 twitters