Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
i am god i am i i am alone i am the best i am a poet i am an artist i am a walker I read this to Vladimir Macura at the Albanian guy’s confectionary i am god it’s dearest to god i am god it’s dearest to me i am god it’s dearest to you i am god it’s dearest to all beings i am i sings each i i am i love-kisses each i i am i i of one and only i i am i i god i am alone alone for everybody i am alone mother and father to everyone i am alone husband and wife to everyone i am alone son and daughter to everyone i am the best unimaginable but existing i am the best created but unborn i am the best scent of phyllo dough and noodles from the Vardar workshop in Sarajevska street i am the best the bud of all beings i am a poet just to say i am a poet i’m singing your face i am a poet three short sleeve plaid shirts which i don’t have i am a poet i make a poem from any word i am an artist i make a temple of love from any poem i am an artist creating of uncreated i am an artist fragility of eternity i am an artist joy of resurrection i am a walker the music of slow walking i am a walker unknown milka with whom i walked today from gazela bridge to lake ada i am a walker of undiscovered closeness i am a walker of incomprehensible distances swallow grass road rose
I laid down in the shade in warm pebbles warmly flaring wind is making me fall asleep there is only a little bit of shade left wind is shuddering the hair on my thighs I fall asleep in a moment I put right leg on top of my left knee and I feel pleasure there is a lot of political prisoners in many countries democracy is crumbling world is sliding towards dictatorships there is a lot of hungry ones a lot of unemployed a lot of selfishness a lot of spectacles and fun greed fear lies there is the most of ingratitude some people are delightful all beings are wonderful the voice recorder is being alone on my belly waiting on this blessing my hair is wet from the sweat bread and butter what a rare delicacy was it when I was young I used to love drinking cold milk from the bottle with bread and jam soon I will go for a swim I will be coming back in the greatest heat in the evening I will walk once more and once more I will bathe I moved to the other shade I still feel like lying I’m surrendering to the goodness I finished reading trilogy about Tolstoy now I’m reading the Memories by Milutin Milankovic I feel sleepy again I’m more fragile than the eternity I’m turning onto the belly
same is life different is death love is life being in love is death love identifies with the other being in love satisfies itself life is death art is life poem is eternity art is the same poem through the same is the same last night on the beach my mobile phone and keys of the House of All Beings have slipped down the belt. I realised that after two kilometres. right away I returned with Ivana through the dark woods. on the place where we were bathing Ivana called me from her mobile. at first nothing could be heard. but then Johnny Cash who rings when somebody calls me started to sing somewhere from the ground. I laid on the pebbles from happiness. what a relief. what a joy heat is great again. it’s already passed noon. I’m off to have a swim I was on porno sites I’m always repeating and I will be repeating that I deeply respect people on porno sites man’s revolution and evolution are in sexual relationships in closeness and holiness of vicinity closeness regenerates not enslaves friendship of all beings not Eros and Thanatos but Eros and Eternity intimacy is the one and only public of all beings only in new survives old new is now always now all of these people on the beach who I love-kiss even though they don’t know I love-kiss them all beings that I love-kiss but they don’t know I love-kiss them my joy is prayer for all beings my joy is an embrace of each being I’m lying. it’s glowing. murmuring. whistling. quieting. resting enjoying is service to God care about all beings light and shadows are flashing over my face water is waiting for me to bathe it
Pussy Riot how just good and beautiful is that name for a female punk band Mozart-like Pussy Riot (Pobuna pičke) sounds the best in Serbian Pussy Riot is in English Pussy Riot sounds the best in each language people are using Nadezhda Tolokonnikova beauty will save the world Pussy Riot are the Olympiad of the Spirit Olympiad of Freedom which is taking place every day around the world everyone who lives for freedom is a member of the Pussy Riot band I am a member of the Pussy Riot band Olympiads of Sport Games which is taking place every four years is a mask with which crime over the Olympiad of the Freedom and Spirit is committed women are brave while I was watching Nadezhda I remembered that I was also in jail when I was her age for the same reason her because of Putin me because of Tito both for freedom Nadezhda has a four year old daughter Nadezhda is a mother of freedom freedom of every child mother of beauty pussy dick freedom love pussy and dick unite I’m off enjoyment is duty my swimming trunks have busted today instead of three plaid shirts I got two beautiful blue ones today is exactly eight years since I’ve stopped drinking Srdjan Valjarevic wrote to me this morning Pussy Riot is really good name for freedom
a miracle of writing and singing is a miracle of god god in every word god every word not more not less singing caressing through a whisper a cosmic one grassy sparrow-like spirit of a poem sings the body of singing joy of refinement refines the joy I love-kiss You love-kissing I love-kiss You walking I love-kiss You singing whatever i write it’s god whatever i write it’s god’s glory sing of a poem path of a road bud of a rose foot in the dust foot in the grass face of a foot whirling through serving rejoicing through modesty enthusiasm through goodness calmness through beauty in step in poem in step in road in step in rose in step god
they say that there won’t be any more of such hot days today already is less hot than yesterday breeze is cooling me through my new unbuttoned blue shirt a little girl who is coming my way is watching me suspiciously because she sees that I’m talking into the voice recorder I’ve cut my finger nails before I went for walking I do that every seven-eight days toenails I cut every two-three months shaving every other day hair cutting every five-six months showering twice a day hair washing every other day hair in my nose and ears once a week eye exercises every morning ear rubbing every morning stretching and five minutes exercises every day except Saturday and Sunday one and a half meal every day washing dishes every day passing urine every day passing stool every day massaging the heels and Achilles’ tendons from time to time prayer several times a day porno sites every two-three days laundry once a week sewing and darning clothes when needed wiping the dust of my sports shoes from time to time cleaning the flat every ten or so days cleaning the keyboard with alcohol every month or two buying food just for that day every day lacing up and unlacing shoes two-three-four times a day reading two-three times a day reading before sleeping a must tossing and turning during the night twenty or so times deepest sleep after six in the morning. getting up before eight
last night I’ve read it a moment ago I thought to myself I should transcribe it so that it should walk down the roads of blessings since being somebody means being everybody and being everybody means roading and singing and a moment ago I transcribed it for You my beloved all my beloved beings to my beloved Fernando Pessoa mister Alberto Caeiro for You and all of you My glance is clear like a sunflower. I usually take to the roads, Looking to my right and to my left, And now and then looking behind me... And what I see each moment Is something I'd never seen before And I'm good at noticing such things... I know how to feel the same essential wonder That an infant feels if, on being born He could note he'd really been born... I feel that I am being born each moment Into the eternal newness of the World... I believe in the World as in a Daisy Because I see it. But I don't think about it Because thinking is not understanding... The World was not made for us to think about (To think is to be eye-sick) But for us to look at and be in tune with... I have no philosophy: I have senses... If I speak of Nature, it's not because I know what Nature is But because I love it, and that's why I love it For a lover never knows what he loves Why he loves or what love is... Loving is eternal innocence And the only innocence is not think...
thirty nine years ago on this day I came out of the prison in
Sremska Mitrovica and watching the sky I decided to go towards the sky
sky by sky
sky road
blueness through cosmic blueness
First 33 Day Bowing from 9th August to
15th September 2010 was dedicated to nonviolence
Second 33 Day Bowing from 9th August to
15th September 2011 was dedicated to poem
with the Third 33 Day Bowing which is
beginning today I’m bowing to the book Miroslav Mandic
all three bowings are dedicated to freedom
to the writing of freedom
to the joy of firstly created and creating of every moment
I’m bowing to myself and I’m writing about myself in order
to thank that young man who took me on this wonderful journey
I’m bowing to myself so that I would even more joyfully bow to God You and all beings
I’m writing about myself so that I wouldn’t
hurt anybody or leave out anybody and nothing
I’m writing about myself because that’s the
best way to write about You and everyone and all beings
I’m writing about myself because that’s how I am God
God’s glory and glory is God and it belongs only to God
through writing about myself I’m gardening myself and through myself
the best way to break away from myself
I’m writing through myself about myself
I’m writing about myself so that I am
I am so that I would write about myself
I’m writing about myself because I believe You love reading about Yourself
I’m writing about myself because I’m singing creation and the very beginning of creation
I’m writing about myself so that the creation of the beginning would sing about itself
I’m writing about myself so that I would write about one and only one
I’m writing about myself so that road would be road
rose rose. but rose road. and road rose
I’m writing about myself because I’m slowly pronouncing
these words of existence while lying I’m bowing to the warm pebbles
I’m writing about myself so that the writing would write about itself
I’m writing about myself so that I would serve and surrender to modesty
I’m writing about myself because I’m nothing more than poem
I’m writing about myself because only through poem I’m everything
on the spine of the first book Miroslav Mandic a letter M is imprinted on the second book a letter i. on the third a letter r. on the fourth still not printed will be a letter o. on the fifth s. on the sixth l. on the seventh a. on the eighth which I’m actually writing a letter v Miroslav is the name of eight books the name of future six books will be Mandic fourteen books of the book Miroslav Mandic fourteen books of the one book one book of one poem poem Miroslav Mandic dick of the poet and pussy of the poem every moment yearning for each other every little part of a moment loyal to each other wedded by singing that is the book Miroslav the name of one name I’m thinking of who I was writing about in the Miroslav and every hair on my body shudders constant fucking lullaby fucking sanctity of permeation yes baby yes shake baby shake go little-god god God only God my tattoos Oljenkas of my life loneliness Goddess of my singing from a source to a confluence from one to the other shore through a rose-like circling of water with swallows over the water with winds over the skin in the heart and brain with every little being through the courage of cooing through the clitoris of innocence through the head of freedom hey Miroslav hey
straight and oblique lines
thick and fine lines
straight thick lines
oblique fine lines
diagonal and curved lines
practice of penmanship in notebooks which were called practicing notebooks
first grade of primary school
discovering the hand
miracle of transformation
combining lines into lettert
connecting letters into words and sentences
wind is blowing and I can write wind is blowing
I was amazed how my father could write so nice
just how beautiful his signature was
he was doing it with a pen
the base of my writing is within the magic of learning penmanship
back then I was learning to write the very letters and very writing
mathematical hymn
today I’m learning how to write beauty and goodness in every word
beautiful writing to the good writing
(“penmanship” in Serbian is “beautiful writing”, T.N.)
I’m writing the miracle of the world which lives in writing through majestic peacefulness
today I’m learning to write that love is everything
that love love-kisses freedom
freedom loyalty
loyalty primeval-sex
primeval-sex pan-sex
very sexy is that writing
sexy child writes to the runaway child
runaway child reads sexy child
write me beautifully
says the runaway child
read me with goodness
says the sexy child
in the garden of writing there is a lot of different and diverse writings writing on wood clay rocks writing over our own skin I say I and I write I consciousness and self-consciousness I’m writing and writing and I write everything about myself everything about the world everything about god I scream sing witness I start loving everything I’m writing over walls stones wood grass skin cartons paper glass screen… I start loving everything I’m writing with wood nails chalks pencils pens typewriters computers… I start loving to write I start loving to read I start loving everyone who is writing and everyone who is reading writing was also done through walking one of the most beautiful writings is the splice of roads on the globe writing was done through plains and mountains writing was done over houses and temples jails and madhouses at the table and while walking sober and intoxicated rapturously and calmly whatever was written it was always written about oneself You and God the best one was writing the best a poet every word of his is trembling throughout the Universe through each word love vibrates in every being hey pieces of paper with the last message hey book which exist for thousands of years and was read by thousands and thousands of people hey writing hey rose-like godly
I’m beginning to write a book which is already writing itself on its own so tiny is that what I’m starting with. elusive. invisible. silent nothing – which gives birth to – everything that’s how it was two thousand seven hundred eighty two days ago on 6th January 2005 everything started with truth I began with I’m beginning with that word everything began and it lasts light of the beginning nothing which transforms into everything birth rebirth creation a thought of a heart a heart of a thought I’m beginning to write – hey how beautiful is that I’m starting to write that I’m starting to write fuck a book which is already writing itself on its own a book which walks on its own which flows flies glows circles trembles intertwines with the first word first blessing with the tiny one with tinier than tiniest w i t h g o d elusive invisible silent first blessing is within each blessing first word is in every word the very beginning is in each beginning everything
each blessing is gentle to god to the gentle god may it be gentle and dear everything through god everything to god every blessing is within each blessing all blessings are melodies of a day melodising of the tiniest all of my blessings are harmonies of night harmonising through the biggest each blessing is a bridge between the beginning and the end I’ve learned that through walking the beginning of the end the end of the beginning mystery grace little raspberry unimportance of each blessing makes a blessing of each blessing that’s how each blessing is the most important as well only everything is important only everything in each blessing is divine fifteenth of August on each fifteenth of August today is fifty four years since Milomir is gone I love-kiss You my boy personal mythology is a heart of each myth a myth of each blessing is in its fragility oh vulnerability rejection from the beauty of each blessing the goodness of all blessings depends on from the innocence of all blessings suppleness of each blessing depends on grass blades canes hey let’s go hey carefulness embraces kindness. kindness love-kisses carefulness sanctity of anything divine of anybody
christ whoever might be christ a girl for sure a boy certainly all younglings love and immortality love of immortality immortality of love my statements are always and only fairy-tale-like on the first day of Miroslav Mandic I wrote twenty seven blessings writing is a life of God this was the last twenty seventh blessing of that day second day I decided to write 33 blessings every day and since then – thanks to God – I’m managing to do that every day for last eight years for a while I was insisting on it and I named them the art of 33 sometimes only with that persistent endeavour. that steady search not backing down from the request. not giving up and sticking to that belief can create what we have sensed and what we are called for it took me long time to seize and let that rhythm permeate me there are several totalities and waves in it first from twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth blessing second somewhere around twenty fourth blessing when it’s obvious that the thing is already over but actually then additional and unnatural effort is needed to carry on that’s when the transformation begins and it lasts to the end 33 You 33 in which You are Christ resurrection You resurrection resurrection through You raspberries of divine grace what You feel right now is my deepest bowing to You through You I discovered that actually You are Christ Ra. Osiris. Shiva. Vishnu. Tao. Zarathustra Moses. Buddha. Mani. Mazdak. Muhammad… I I in each I g o d 33 whoever you are
every day 33 blessings 33 days after every 33 days 33 days have calmed me down several times I would think of what to write about that day but then today are 33 days again a knit from 33 days … has invited me politely to come on… when I thanked and said that I’m not going anywhere he reproachfully told me you should come out a bit already. I came out but others have crawled in – I answered. ok but I’m inviting you – he said. I invited you forty years ago – I carried on. well where to come – he asked. you’re invited – I said… soon we finished because the conversation was turning into an altercation… a road on which I went with the Miroslav Mandic Fucks Everybody’s Mother and on which everybody was invited a path nobody joined me on a path which continued with jail and decision to go towards the sky has led me to the rhythm of 33 days Miroslav Mandic is Everybody’s Mother to the Cosmic Festival of Art and All-Life which is constantly from the beginning of the world taking place every moment and in which all beings are participating not only that everybody is invited but everybody is participating openness wholeness oneness God raspberry of wholeness wholeness of grace everything is within God but there is no God in a lot of stuff God doesn’t exclude anybody God is excluded by a lot of them God has invited everybody God is not invited by a lot of them that’s what it was all about in this conversation a while ago I believe those who are investing believe. those who know they charge after the rhythm of 33 days comes the rhythm of 81 day 81 day is my loyalty to Lao Tzu and his Tao I read it when I was nineteenth and I was permeated by that elusive beauty unfathomable goodness which Lao Tzu has stated in 81 chapters when 81 days have passed on that day I transcribe several lines from two Lao Tzu’s chapters in the Miroslav Mandic so far 81 day has passed 34 times still shaken from the conversation that took place a moment ago I hope I didn’t hurt anybody especially not the one who invited me for the sake of everybody who I ever hurt I called myself Raspberry of Grace (in Serbian “Raspberry of Grace” is also a word play, since the two words that expression consists of are very similar – “Malina Miline”, T.N.) come all of my words resonate from the very beginning on the open ocean of all-existence come Julian Assange come Pussy Riot
first second third… blessing eleventh twelfth thirteenth… blessing hundred and first hundred and second hundred and third… blessing one thousand first one thousand second one thousand third… blessing ten thousand first ten thousand second ten thousand third… blessing and here I am in seventy eight thousand six hundred seventy second blessing there is another fifty thousand nine hundred twenty seven blessings in front of me anyway what is true is fairy-tale like rhyme through numbers The inexplicable is our friend Vvedensky Pussy Riot were sentenced yesterday on two years of prison when a state sentence a poet it falls apart after one or two decades everyone who lives freedom is sentenced freedom is sentenced because freedom sets free Nadezhda mentioned Vvedensky in her defence. in my defence I mentioned Rose is a rose is a rose by Gertrude Stein 360º of a rose of the horizontal circle 360º of a rose of the vertical circle 129.600 roses of constant circling 360 ˣ 360 gives the number 129.600 Miroslav Mandic book is a ball of the number 129.600 beauty of singing through a ball ball rhyme beauty numbers one and only singing ball-like poem Cosmic Festival of the All-Life Art it’s really horrible that I have to tell you that a friend of mine and your acquaintance Mirna Gavrilov died this morning. Whole day today I dedicated to thoughts about her. I’m tremendously sorry that I haven’t told her while she was alive how dear and important she is to me. Please dedicate some nice words to her I got this e-mail today I believe that Mirna is fine in the company of today’s blessings Mirna hey let’s hey let’s go through the fairy tale of freedom and Let’s-Hey and Let’s-Go went they were joined by You and I Everything and Everybody Whirlpool and Whirlwind Rose and Path I’m-Going and I-Leave Good and Beautiful Pussy and Dick Please and Thank-You Closeness and Distance Strong and Tender Tranquillity and Appeasement Poet and Artist Doing and Being Thoughtfulness and Watchfulness Dancing and Singing Creating and Singing Serving and Love-Kissing Patience and Endurance Affirming and Agreeing Embracing and Clinging Insouciance and Unreasonableness Like-Mindedness and Like-Fuckingness life is freedom freedom of life is freedom of life is freedom of life life path number 129.600 freedom of rose circling
there is a lot of them a lot of them all rhythms on the one and only rhythm of the rhythm of 86400 seconds of every day of the daily rhythm of 33 blessings of the weekly rhythm of 198 blessings of the monthly rhythms of the rhythms of seasons rhythm of years rhythm of decades rhythm through which I’m mentioning beautiful and good rhythm of pussy and dick rhythm of enthrallment and tranquillity of slowness speed by the rhythm of Your presence and absence by the rhythm of frequent words by the rhythm of words which I rarely pronounce everything that palate is to sky by the falterings and enthusiasms by the darker and lighter states by the rhythm of constant steps through concatenation of concatenated and concatenation of unconcatenated through enjoying in enjoyment thorough interweaving the interwoven and interweaving the uninterwoven through enjoying the repetitive rhythm of unrepeatable in a sudden change in nakedness of suddenness in nakedness by itself coachmanship coachman-like by the whip of tenderness through numbness ouch through swirling oi
my name is Raspberry of Grace I’m gracing the grace I’m raspberrying the raspberry I love names and I love through names my name is The One Who Sings And Loves Through Names my name is Hand Me my name is Love-Kiss Me I’m called All-Permeating Energy For A Moment Halted In Our Gazes You Know That’s The One Who’s On The Road I hope that in 2018 I will read Miroslav Mandic book and in the last fourteenth book I will pick up everything from it as well as the names naming creating to name to give and oath my name is beautiful like a name through name through beauty and goodness through Pussy Riot through Julian Assange Ludwig Wittgenstein my name is I Love-Kiss You By Morning Dew my name is I Love-Kiss You God I Love-Kiss You my name is A Horse Barrels In A Mare name is born through nature and created through spirit I’m calling You Loyalty Is In My Eyes A Companion In Breathing And Steps I’m Your Friend My Beloved Friend I remember how in my childhood I used to find exciting names of children and adults Ugljesa. Lacika. Margita. Ranka. Tosa. Hanc. Pista. Obrad. Ziva… or names of many words. turtledove. all-the-same. tickling… or swearwords. You fucking cunt. get the fuck off. fuck me if I lie… name is a rose in the eyes name is the path from heart to heart call me My Life Celebrates Your Life call me My Path Is You Path As Well call me One Moment We Are The One Every Moment We Are The One And Only Poem
ten years ago I put the earring on my left ear love forever for Dragana Varadinac I wrote in my diary at 2.50 pm I put an earring on my left ear as a reminder on today’s God’s miracle of love so that my wife is with me since then my wife is with me even though she’s not because I’m the only child. the only child of God I was praying all night to God so that unbearable love suffer of mine stops and it was gone in the morning I felt God while I was shaving I decided that I will pierce my ear that day and put an earring mark myself with God’s love as a child I felt the men who had an earring with amazement and certain seminal veneration they explained me that those were the only sons they were carrying something special in them pirate-like. gypsy-like something from some other world divine one not human that day I also became an only child untied from blood relations I surrendered to God love and singing being marked is dangerous danger liberates these days whole world is marked by Julian Assange and Pussy Riot they are carrying the burden of the lack of freedom of a huge number of people Julian Assange and Pussy Riot are setting the world free with their goodness and beauty I was liberated from suffering by love suffering which brought me to the earring of love one is the love God created the world with love the world of goodness that’s what the earring of love sings about and now I’m like a child watching at this man with an earring sometimes I see an earring on a boy we are a sisterhood by an earring being marked is the name of the brotherhood of all beings love-kiss love-kiss my earring – I love-kiss You I love-kiss You my earry ten years of the earring now as well is 2.50 pm. it was a Thursday back then. now is Wednesday
there is a lot of male and female heroes in this book of constant circling all heroes for one hero. one hero for all heroes all words for every word. every word for all words all for one. one for all words those little gods they are everywhere they are circling intertwining they are weaving blessings with blessings each blessing is one poem one heroine each blessing is everything and everyone one hero joy of all younglings time and space transformed into the eternity jumping little smile grace kindness of saleswomen sough of passers-by words which I pick up on the way innocent swearwords and swearwords of innocence and God knows what not through writing about anything I’m always writing about one and always about the same Runaway Child and Good Child together on the road faltering lighting up downpours spring proliferation dusks on the bridge tranquillities through silence and slow walking every day sex abundance of simplicity today’s second swimming and dancing in the lake water