Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2831. day
    1st October 2012

    first of October


    thirty degrees Celsius


    people say that ever since the temperature

    has been measured there wasn’t so many warm days


    light mist is alleviating the sunlight


    the bells of midday love are ringing


    let’s go slowly


    slowly and gently


    pigeons are pecking in the grass


    my thighs are singing


    I’m thinking about death


    poor boy is chopping the wood in front of his house


    the mist is gone and now the day is hot


    maybe I could go for a swim


    nothing is worse in this world than conservatisms


    nothing more obscene than traditionalism


    I took off my shirt


    my armpits are wet


    I hear myself pronouncing these words


    forty years ago I read Somerset Maugham’s The Razor’s Edge


    tonight I’ll start reading it again


    soon I will start reading again The Narration of One God Searcher


    it’s hot it’s hot this Indian Summer


    I’m watching the leaves falling


    I lifted my arms and I’m drying my armpits in the sun and wind


    I’m enjoying myself like a horse


    in You myself


    in everybody myself


    in myself of myself for Yourself


    in myself of myself for all beings


    I had a swim

    inexplicable pleasure


    water was as ever so loyal


    watery and loveable


    with my bare torso I’m getting out of the last blessing




    2832. day
    2nd October 2012


    brain of love










    grass blade by grass blade


    hair by hair


    particle by particle


    brain of love hugs all brains


    brain of love love-kisses all brains


    brain of love sings lullabies to all brains


    life is full of love


    love is full of life


    I will be swimming today as well

    swimming was like in the North Sea


    eating raw food


    loving everybody who I love


    loving everybody who I will love


    loving those who are still to be born








    loving oxen


    loving cows with oxen within them


    wheels which are turning


    hills which are taking off


    wrinkles around the lips


    freckles on the shoulders










    whirling swirls


    swirling meandering


    meandering gardening


    brain of love resurrects all dead


    brain of love resurrects all died loves


    brain of love harmonises all loves into one and only all-life


    brain of love unites all lives into one and only all-love



    2833. day
    3rd October 2012

    nostalgia is God


    nostalgia God


    earthworms are so gentle


    tree bark is so beautiful


    vineyard peaches are so sweet


    two hundred years ago there was no wooden lampposts which are making me nostalgic


    in two hundred years there will be no lampposts at all


    seventy or so years ago tape recorders didn’t

    even exist and by now they already stop existing


    earthly nostalgia are connected to the space and time


    to childhood and early surrounding


    to parents and first impressions


    morning light in the windows


    the very windows


    fog and frosting on the windows


    earthly nostalgia is illness


    godly health


    every youngling in God’s embrace


    it’s cloudy. that’s how I’m writing. cloudy


    I could go crazy from poppies and how I yearn for them


    from the first touch


    from the first kiss


    from the first entrance


    for two days now I have unknown pain in my

    left thumb which I have no one to tell about but You


    You my yearning


    smell in the horse stables


    fresh smell of cleaned room


    geese roosters hens and turkeys


    bread put in hot milk


    bread with margarine spread


    sweetness of fruits














    2834. day
    4th October 2012

    next fourteen blessings are about counting


    counting buzzing

    (in Serbian these words are very similar: “brojanje” and “brujanje”, T.N.)


    buzzing singing


    words are buzzing to numbers


    numbers are singing to words


    throughout centuries


    words are beautiful from numbers


    numbers are good from words


    they are both one


    countless and endless sequence of numbers lies in the number one


    countless and endless orb of words sings and buzzes in the first word




    until the eighty thousandth blessing comes



    80000th blessing in which all by now 79999

    blessings are as well as all future 49600 blessings


    I love words more and more


    I love numbers more and more


    I love the word itself more and more


    I love the number itself more and more


    more and more I love more and more


    I love more and more these eight words


    I love more and more Lhasa de Sela


    I love more and more that You love more and more Lhasa de Sela


    we are one in Lhasa de Sela


    we are one in Billie Holiday


    one in Mohamed Bouazizi


    one in Julian Assange


    one in the Pussy Riot


    one in a runaway child


    one in a good boy


    one in the one and only mathematics of language


    one in the one and only language of mathematics


    one in the one and only loyalty


    loyal love for the one






    2835. day
    5th October 2012


    There is no greater catastrophe than to underestimate the enemy.

    To underestimate the enemy might entail the loss of my treasures.

    Therefore when two equally matched armies meet,

    It is the man of sorrow who wins.

    Lao Tzu in the Chapter 69


    My teachings are very easy to understand and very easy to practice,

    But no one can understand them and no one can practice them.

    In my words there is a principle.

    In the affairs of men there is a system.

    Lao Tzu in the Chapter 69




    God God’s God










    God in God


    God in everything


    God in a little poem









    small song


    bowing to all little poems-small songs is


    little poem-small song leafage is


    little poem-small song solitude is


    little poem-small song a woman is


    little poem-small song a man is


    little poem-small song fingers over brows is


    little poem-small song fingers over the strings

    of one and only soul in one and only little poem-small song


    little poem-small song swallow is


    little poem-small song uncatchable swallow flight is


    little poem-small song for the first time the only path is


    little poem-small song for the first time each path is


    little poem-small song the last time-path the first time-path is


    little poem-small song vetar is


    little poem-small song vetar in the wind is and wind in the vetar is

    (vetar means wind in Serbian, T.N.)


    little poem-small song licking of tongue-language by language-tongue is


    little poem-small song penis is


    little poem-small song through fuck is


    little poem-small song little chapel to everybody is


    little poem-small song a pillow for everyone is


    little poem-small song through penis is


    little poem-small song though walking


















    2836. day
    6th October 2012

    save me every day


    every day protect me from Yourself


    every day walk with me


    every day hey every day


    every day street dogs


    every day good


    good through beauty


    I’m pulling my shoulders inward


    I’m twisting myself


    I’m gathering the space within me


    I’m condensing the time into eternity


    I’m singing poetry


    I’m dancing existence


    I’m a singer of the hotel of life


    a dancer of the art of hotel I am


    I’m a hotel to the great singers and dancers


    everyone who walks every day singer is


    everyone who walks every day poem is


    everyone who lives every moment dancer is


    everyone who lives every moment dance is


    through the fields of possibilities


    through the paths of sameness


    I’m singing dancing


    I’m dancing singing


    I’m bluesing the air


    I’m watching the photos of Janice Joplin as a little girl and I’m crying


    hey crying


    cry me beauty


    cry me goodness


    cry me hunger of the starving ones


    cry me thirst of the deprived ones


    cry me freedom in jails


    cry me and every day save me my joy oh joy




    86 TIMES 33 DAYS

    2838. day
    8th October 2012

    wind is moving dry leafage in the grass


    I’m standing in the middle of a sunlit field




    peace feels good


    a small and a big fly are flying above the grass


    when a dry leaf starts trembling on the ground I think it’s a mouse


    meaning of life is in the life of meaning


    life of meaning is in the life with thoughts



    such a wonderful word




    like this little path


    I love thoughts


    thoughts that think


    thoughts that create


    thoughts that sing


    I love to think and think actually of that how I love to think


    I also love not to think


    just to exist


    I also love thoughts which are not thinking but just existing


    like this soil full of fallen leafage acorns and pinecones


    like this crow just before taking off


    she was looking at me and looking at me and then she took off


    thoughts are music


    music which is walking


    I’m walking thinking talking writing singing


    I’m walking thinking talking writing singing I exist


    I’m walking thinking talking writing singing You exist


    I’m walking thinking talking writing singing we exist


    it’s disturbing how everything that was already thought is created and sung


    it’s kindling how repetition is unrepeatable

    and how everything that is always is for the first time


    first time is the one and only lasting


    last me last me lasting


    I’m lasting You I’m lasting You love



    2839. day
    9th October 2012

    I am a poem of singing


    I am a fairy-tale of creating


    I am music of walking


    I am a poem of singing – says the poem of singing to me


    I am a fairy-tale of creating – says the fairy-tale of creating to me


    I am music of walking – says the music of walking to me


    we love You poem of singing


    we love You fairy-tale of creating


    we love You music of walking


    poem is a fairy-tale to music


    fairy-tale is music to a poem


    music is a poem to a fairy-tale


    everybody is something to somebody


    something is everything to somebody


    only the wholeness is honourable


    being honourable is only being everything


    love-kissing and incomprehensible everything


    very incomprehensible all is one


    everything that is not everything is sorrow


    I’m everything and I’m really happy


    I’m smiling at today’s blessings


    I wink at air


    I hop to immortality


    little green pieces of glass are shimmering by the path


    a bee in the trash container is collecting honey


    I sat on the bench


    turned my back to the sun


    leaned my hands on the backrest


    I’m talking to God


    I’m telling him through His words


    He responds with my words


    we are the same


    just like You and me

    in the First House of All Beings first oat porridge in my life is waiting for us




    2840. day
    10th October 2012



























































    of a couple









    2841. day
    11th October 2012

    by principles


    by heroism


    by all-life in the spine of all-life


    by finely finelying


    by tears which are love-kissing the tears of those who are in tears


    when I was reading Lao Tzu in 1969 I didn’t know I will live by principles


    belief in path makes rose from path


    principle of fairy-tale-like is of the first principles


    living life like fairy-tale


    finelying finely


    alone for everybody

    I love you because you are alone for everybody – says a woman who loves a man who is alone for everybody


    on fifteenth October I will be walking for the Occupy movement


    the Occupy movement is the most innovative and the most universal


    planet Earth needs a hymn of unity and agreeing


    all experiences and knowledge based on the idea about enemy are outdated


    joining makes enemies and it’s outdated as well


    I will be walking the same as every day


    by the music of walking




    innocence of ideals is eternal


    the ideal of innocence lives by each moment


    take a look at anything and look anywhere and

    You will see with which innocence what You are looking at is watching You


    loyalty of anything that exists is a condition of existence of both anything and anyone


    universe of tranquillity


    all peace of enthusiasm is everything You need my poem

    (universe in Serbian is “svemir” and it can be devided in two notions “sve” which is “all” and “mir” which is peace, T. N.)


    all peace of tranquillity is everything You need my fairy-tale


    all peace of introspection is everything You need my walking


    modesty of Universe


    sing me poem sing


    create me fairy-tale create


    dance me walking dance


    alone for everybody












    2842. day
    12th October 2012


    hey Alone For Everything


    faith in love of love is a half


    love for faith of faith is a half


    your love creates me


    your faith makes me free


    landscapes are joining us


    agreeing is wedding us


    like-mindedness is taking us up towards infinity




    Alone For Everything


    through you I’m everything as well


    when over my thighs


    down my spine


    over my palms


    down my throat



    Alone For Everything


    were drifting




    while I was walking behind you and watching you walking


    while I was watching you watching your poppies by the raod


    wheat fields


    sky blueness that was surrounding us with the horizon




    Alone For Everything


    when I stopped being ashamed of you


    when I just felt what I haven’t yet spoken out


    when I got drunk from every word of yours


    when I cum with each your poem






    we are one












    2843. day
    13th October 2012

    a moment ago I fell in the bathtub while taking a shower


    I thought I didn’t break anything but I have a contusion of my ribs on the left side


    I feel pain when making certain moves


    I never fell in the bathtub before


    I should be more careful


    a body of a sixty three year old is not the same body as of a sixty two year old man


    I’m grateful I didn’t hurt myself more


    after all I will be able to go into Saturday’s dog-like wandering through the streets


    child-like joys are more and more alive in me




    ideals of youth


    discoveries in youth revelations in old age


    states of daintiness and fathomlessness




    rain that is falling somewhere


    lifted up collar


    his steps


    her calves




    just being


    being nobody and nothing


    while it’s raining


    when nobody is around


    being compassionate with the fallen ones


    love-kissing the rejected ones


    vowing to the imprisoned ones


    love-kissing everything


    love-kissing constantly


    love-kissing without any reason


    love-kissing insouciantly


    love-kissing the very love-kissing


    love-kissing is the centre of being


    15th October is on Monday




    2845. day
    15th October 2012


    i am god

    freedom of all

    beings is making

    me god-poem

    today’s poem i am god



    Ksenija was born on this day


    Nietzsche was born on this day


    on this day thirty two years ago

    I decided to get engaged in art again


    today I’m walking all beings


    today I’m creating all beings


    today I’m singing all beings


    we are one


    everybody has a home in every being


    everyone is immortal in all beings


    I’m drinking You up all-life


    autumn vermillion yearns for winter whiteness

    spring greenery and summer blueness


    eternity fills each moment with humming


    moment makes eternity through consciousness


    I would die from beauty I see in his eyes

    said to me young friend of mine yesterday


    adrenalin of all-love fills every word of freedom


    my beauty is based on beauty of the other


    my goodness is based on goodness of the other


    my freedom is based on freedom of the other


    beauty yearns for beauty of every being


    goodness yearns for goodness of every being


    freedom trembles with love for every being


    old poor woman is wearing a white rose in her hair


    freedom of all people depends only from me – ok – only from You and me


    midday – midday bells of love are ringing


    I’m walking the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings from Slavija to Kalemegdan


    with this walking from Slavija to Kalemegdan

    I’m pronouncing the Bud of Walking as the Hymn of Freedom of All Being


    that’s how after three years of walking with today’s 874th walking

    I came to the main idea for the First Time Second Ten Year Walking


    ten years of walking is the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings

    hey mother father woman children God this is Your miracle


    breathing feeling working thinking creating being singing through freedom


    solemnity and celebration of the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings is within everyday


    the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings is dedicated to Ksenija Nietzsche return to art and

    everyone who lives their freedom and freedom of all beings and freedom in every being


    I am the hymn of freedom of all beings





    2846. day
    16th October 2012


    the day after the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings


    every day is the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings


    freedom of love


    little girl


    love of freedom


    little boy


    drops of tea in a white cup


    all shades of all colours


    I’m thinking truth


    I’m enjoying the tranquillity


    I’m enjoying the silence and warm wind


    I find it nice that you are thinking me – says the truth to me


    it’s true that I find it nice that you are thinking me – the truth carries on


    I’m happy with no reason and I’m sharing that right away with everybody


    with sour tree. with still green leaves on an old fig tree

    with a woman-gatherer of old paper who sat down to rest


    I’m walking only in a short sleeve t-shirt


    each of my everyday three hour walking contains two feature films


    I am an archetype of film heroes


    in my youth I was surrendering to the film heroes


    in time not only that I myself became a film

    hero but I am now an archetype of all film heroes


    if You were here and now with me You would live all those films


    however reading them You can see and experience them


    I’m enjoying the big plain tree leafs


    when making certain moves ribs on the left side of my back are hurting me


    trees have helped me a lot in my spiritual development


    with their beauty








    sexuality of trees was calming and settling my sexuality


    Hymn of Freedom of All Beings is at the same time also Hymn of Sex of All Beings


    sex of all beings is sex of love and freedom of all beings


    sex of consciousness and conscience

    sex of every being with the sex of all beings





    2847. day
    17th October 2012


    I’m thinking of Meher Baba’s silence


    in all photos his lips are closed


    a word alone is


    a word which only is


    sunny autumn day


    beauty of writing


    I love You Meher Baba


    words which only are they are like sacks full of sand


    green leaves are becoming yellow


    leafs are falling down in order to feed the tree


    words are going away in order to feed God











    word fish is


    word bird is


    word female-lover is


    word sound is


    word male-lover is


    word touch is


    word everybody is


    word somebody somebody is


    word rhythm rhythm is


    word cow cow is


    word by word friendship is


    words which just are like words which just are


    I know I get on Your nerves


    I am a whirlpool of nerves


    words are nerves




    I am God











    2848. day
    18th October 2012

    at fifty-seven, I felt old. now, at seventy-four, I feel much younger than I did then

    Jean-Louis Trintignant to Paul Auster


    as one gets older life is more and more beautiful


    the very goodness


    beauty of the life itself makes every being forever young


    one can constantly cum form the beauties of autumn colours


    constantly be in love from the touch of air


    being a constant prayer from faces of every woman



    i am god

    everyone who looks

    into the face of a woman

    has looked into my eyes

    today’s poem i am god



    I’m dancing


    sliding by words


    I’m spinning


    I’m holding an empty space by the waist


    we are spinning


    hips by hips






    hands and legs


    faces eyes






    butt cheeks








    sparkle in the eyes


    heat in sexual organs


    loved we love


    back to back













    2849. day
    19th October 2012



    a siskin is climbing up the window bars


    birds always exhilarate my heart


    one boy has climbed on the tree and another one throws fallen acorns at him


    young man is filling his car tank with gasoline from a bucket


    a worker is taking out of the truck his tools with which

    he will assemble new furniture in somebody’s apartment


    little white butterfly has just flew onto the grass blade


    a worker from municipal park and landscaping maintenance has just pricked

    a plastic bag in the grass and brought it towards a sack he’s carrying in his hand


    a worker next to the lifted up cars on a car lift

    in the auto repair shop has just shouted somebody


    for days now a young man is painting with

    white paint long metal fence around the car shop


    another young man with a cigarette in his

    mouth is talking with somebody over the phone


    an older man with a sweatshirt around his waist

    is chewing a gum and enjoying in the sun while waiting for the bus


    I love to love


    but I love the other because of him or her and

    not because of myself. isn’t it so my sparrows in the grass


    in the sun is warm in the shade is cold


    white traces of bird’s faeces have stuck onto the windshield of a car


    old trash bins are receiving new trash in them


    these large yellow quinces have drawn my attention as well


    armed security has stopped the pedestrians so

    that American embassy car could get into the embassy


    legal violence is billions times bigger than the illegal one


    men at the tables of a cafe bar are betting on sports like possessed


    I love the word I am because through it I really am


    I love the word love-kiss because through it I really love-kiss


    I love the word God because God is God


    I’m crossing on the sunny side of the street to warm myself a bit


    young woman threw something from her bag with contempt into a trash bin+



    with slow bites of a bannock I’m slowly climbing up the Balkanska Street


    from a crowd of people it’s hard to see somebody in the crowd


    while I was talking about the crowd of people a bee was flying around my voice recorder


    I’m talking writing


    I fucked this one that is standing in the shop window 

    – a man is pointing to the mannequin in the window


    I went into the centre of Belgrade in the morning sun

    I’m coming back from the centre of Belgrade in the afternoon sun


    I was socialising for four hours with Igor Lazin. we haven’t seen each other for ten years


    I’m walking slowly. warm sun rays are resting me.

    I’m surrendering to the tiredness which is carrying me



    2850. day
    20th October 2012

    I’m Saturday street dog


    young green shrubs are swinging in the wind


    from Cvetko’s Marker over Djeram and Vuk to the

    Knez Mihajlo Street then by the Train Station and Fair to Padina


    wanderer lover to everything and everybody on that road I am


    to the remembrance of my three year walking through the Boulevard


    the day is sunny and it’s easier for the dog and the wandering


    every day and all kinds of weather are good to the dog and the wandering


    thighs flanks hips


    long live my boy – says a disabled beggar to me


    living with plants – it’s written on a wall


    I’m recognising the faces of some people who I was seeing for three years


    street dog purifies everyone from selfishness


    if I wasn’t a street dog today maybe these days’ sadness would have crushed me


    I’m sad because differences among people are leading to violence


    I’m even more sad because the hypocrisy of similarities

    among people is spreading and throwing them into the abyss


    being happy I’m wagging my tail to the violence and the abyss


    man surrender to the life itself


    man do something in Your life


    without surrendering there is no love


    without undertaking there is no freedom











    selfishness is the biggest mass killer


    it will do anything and kill everybody just to survive


    join my Saturday dog-like wandering in Your heart my love


    caress large leaves of plain tree the same way I’m doing it now


    everyone who doesn’t do what they should be doing knows that they don’t

    do what they should and knows what they should be doing but day don’t feel like doing it


    I’m wagging my tail over Your nose so that

    You can feel the happiness which is under Your skin


    while walking and wandering like a street dog I’m imagining

    how I’m joyfully wagging my tail in the heart of each being


    heart of every being actually makes my heart


    two women are collecting chestnuts in the grass in the Tasmajdan Park


    every word of a wanderer is The Hymn of All Beings


    I’m disobedient towards the selfishness – in absolute obedience towards love


    love for everything and all beings is transforming me in everything and all beings

    I love-kiss You I love-kiss You street dog of Saturday




    2852. day
    22nd October 2012

    I laid down on a wooden bench in order to write


    blue sky with no clouds


    a dog is panting in a passage


    grass is sprouting


    they say that after long hot summer and this warm autumn winter will be very very cold


    I’m breathing


    air is still cold but the sunrays are making it warmer and warmer


    I moved over to the other bench so that the warm bench boards warm me up


    my ribs are still hurting me


    there is nothing holier than the life itself


    anybody’s life


    hence my life as well


    that’s why writing about my life I’m writing about anybody’s life and about the life itself




    each word is the life itself


    because life is


    beauty life is


    in life is


    goodness life is


    is life is


    and life is


    goodness life is


    and life is


    beauty life is


    are life is


    one life is


    every being is good


    every being is beautiful


    every being knows who is goodness


    every being knows who is beauty


    every being is through God


    every being is to God




    to god

    through god

    I am



    2853. day
    23rd October 2012

    the autumn vermilion which I saw from the bridge has brightened me up


    diligence of nature is gorgeous


    straight line on the bridge also excited and rejoiced me


    what is a change in the natural world it is a straight line in notions


    little houses on drafts are calming me


    wind over the river is colder and stronger


    one boat is floating down the stream. others are crossing from one bank to the other


    for few days now I’m struggling with myself

    until I saw autumn vermillion I couldn’t write anything


    now that I’m watching the river everything is good


    great. simple. sincere

    love for Tolstoy


    a boat which crossed to the other side of the river is already coming back


    this cold wind sure feels good


    four black dogs are lying around in the sun


    what saves me is that there’s no comeback


    comeback is in carrying on forward


    everything visible bares a trace of its time


    invisible is without traces and time


    sensory becomes and decays


    through the mind it resurrects


    previous four blessings I wrote standing next to the torn off yellow flower on the asphalt


    sometimes the only thing I can do for this world is to feel disgusted with myself


    feeling disgusted with ourselves liberates


    the surface of the river is rippling and shimmering


    rippled surface of the river is a watery Zen garden


    the law by which thing are is goodness


    the law by which all things are happening is beauty


    I really miss somebody


    since there is nobody I’m looking around myself and everything I see is somebody


    I am somebody who somebody really misses


    on a log which is floating down the river two seagulls are resting


    both seagulls have taken off and now around the log waves are spreading


    those waves are really good


    blessings actually are the waves by which beauty and

    goodness together are rippling on the surface of existence


