Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    3074. day
    1st June 2013


    Art is forgive – evil of all scientific achievements for war purposes


    Art is forgive – lie in all national histories


    Art is forgive – justification of violence in all civilisations


    Art is forgive – division of everything on ours and yours


    Art is forgive – raising enemies in each family


    Art is forgive – abuse of young people


    Art is forgive – taboos and prejudices


    Art is forgive – idolatry


    Art is forgive – simplification of language


    Art is forgive – detrimental effect of academism


    Art is forgive – vanity of charm and entertainment


    Art is forgive – fear of believing in light we are made of


    first June again


    cosmic mystery of the life itself


    twenty two days after the heart surgery


    while being at the hospital I stopped precisely noting of got-spent-gave


    it’s hard to note every little thing


    I thought I would be doing it to the end of this year but I’m giving up


    I got in May from


    Vera Varady 66660

    Vladimir Macura 55000

    Mirjana Lukic 45410

    Zeljko Radic and Yasuka Sato 18315

    Branko Popovic 14000

    Vesna Milovic 11100

    Nhandan Chirco 5500

    Violeta Jovanovic 3600

    Ivana Djokic-Saunderson 3000

    Sun Mandic 2000

    Srecko Stankovic 2000

    Petar Mioloradovic 11000




    altogether I got

    227685 dinars


    for rent and bills food hygiene gels gauze bandages

    pyjama medications bed elastic socks iPhone 5 I’ve spent

    127993 dinars


    I gave to others



    gratitude only gratitude


    gratitude to the angels


    gratitude to the first June again


    gratitude to the life itself


    I’m watching through the window


    leaves of birch tree came to the fourth floor


    sparrows are flying in front of the window


    greenery is spreading to the horizon


    I’m caressing the painful spot on my leg



    3076. day
    3rd June 2013


    Art is forgive – controls from the Cosmos


    Art is forgive – supervisions and controls in the virtual world


    Art is forgive – hiding lies and violence in the virtual world


    Art is forgive – dependence of the virtual world


    Art is forgive – alone ones


    Art is forgive – forgotten ones


    Art is forgive – abandon ones


    Art is forgive – rejected ones


    Art is forgive – forbidden ones


    Art is forgive – ridiculed ones


    Art is forgive – raped ones


    Art is forgive – exposed to everyday violence in family


    morning sweating after the first tea


    I’m changing the t-shirt


    I’m trying not to despond regardless of limitation

    and everyday mild pains in my chests leg and back


    Ludwig Wittgenstein is always helping me


    people love Ludwig Wittgenstein a lot


    circle and circles of Ludwig Wittgenstein


    what draws people to Ludwig Wittgenstein


    why they love him so much


    logic love inexpressible






    loving Wittgenstein


    loving miraculous


    ordinary in language


    loving Robert Walser


    people love Robert Walser as well




    being a better man through Robert Walser


    being a better man through Ludwig Wittgenstein


    with boyhood through the whole life


    boyhood which is constantly regenerating and reviving others




    3077. day
    4th June 2013


    Art is forgive – locked up Nadezhda Tolokonnikova


    Art is forgive – locked up Julian Assange


    Art is forgive – forgive me soil


    Art is forgive – forgive me water


    Art is forgive – forgive me air


    Art is forgive – forgive me light


    Art is forgive – forgive me Earth


    Art is forgive – forgive me Universe


    Art is forgive – forgive me love


    Art is forgive – forgive me life


    Art is forgive – forgive me innocence


    Art is forgive – forgive me God


    new 144 Definitions of Art are behind me


    art lead me


    today is Kaja’s eighty seventh birthday


    Kaja mother of all beings


    Blessed Lady


    I will eat a cake in Kaja’s glory


    from the beginning of the year I’ve planned to decide

    on the first of June should I break up working with my closed ones


    as I see things didn’t change for the better but now I don’t have the strength to decide


    my web-site with a new title page and new link which

    I wanted to begin on the first of June I’ve also moved for the autumn


    this morning I had a bit of a stomach ache and that made me sad


    after seven years I saw Slavko Milekic and that felt good


    we were talking about consciousness




    it was wonderfully drizzling this morning


    cold air did me good


    I was dressed well so I enjoyed in the rain and cold


    every day is a great day


    every day is glory of all days


    every day is a cause of all days








    3078. day
    5th June 2013


    It is those who interfere not with their living

    That are wise in exalting life.

    Lao Tzu in the Chapter 75


    The big and strong belong underneath.

    The gentle and weak belong at the top.

    Lao Tzu in the Chapter 76






    morning drizzle


    I’m looking forward to go outside


    to join the snails


    when I got out I took photos of roses


    rose buds


    overwhelming beauty has filled my body


    like in the morning dream in which an older serious female doctor has

    received me in the clinic and then she opened the door behind which appeared

    a restaurant in which naked women and men were having lunch and making love


    I thought of calling a friend and ask her to come to

    caress her breasts and in that way nourish both myself and her


    breasts kisses


    the very breasts


    the very kisses


    it was drizzling


    Ljilji came running


    Fatima approached


    Robert came from behind


    Jasmin was in a big garbage container


    those children really mean a lot to me


    the same as the drizzle is full of life so are those children full of love


    invisible motions are filling the atmosphere


    innocent little souls are caressing souls of things and people


    breasts on a palm of a hand


    kisses a gaze


    each gaze is a search for God















































    breasts are budding


    buds are breasting



    3079. day
    6th June 2013


    today is Milomir’s ninety second birthday


    eternal boy


    boy father


    only as rejected we are worth something

    Diary 2003


    I was on the balcony


    I was whisking hot chocolate on the balcony


    wind is blowing


    it got me excited


    I immediately wished to mention it


    wind in a warm day


    I’m drinking the hot chocolate


    I am missing a close person


    last night I was thinking of a close person


    about my close ones who will make a circle

    around me and hopefully protect me from the system




    place of residence


    health insurance


    I don’t have strength


    I’m missing reading


    I cannot read because there is a possibility of pinching a spine nerve


    I think of knitting and it brightened me up


    knitting has reminded me of shoe shining


    life outside of life


    sentence which ends in endlessness


    laws of indeterminacy helped the laws of determinacy


    I was helped by the balcony. hot chocolate. wind and mentioning the wind

    close person that I’m missing. my close ones which will hopefully save me from the

    system. acknowledgement that I’m missing reading. knitting. shoe shining. life

    outside of life. sentence which ends in endlessness. laws of indeterminacy




















    love of sisterhood and brotherhood of all beings


    healing breasts


    sweet kisses


    breasts strawberries


    buds kisses




    3080. day
    7th June 2013


    Cherevic, Banoshtor, Susek, Neshtin, then further into the woods, right away

    work for Nhandan Chirco Branko Popovic and Dragana Varadinac

    Diary 2003


    last night I was watching with great pleasure a film about Joe Strummer


    persisting in innocence


    dust from the road on the legs of a walker


    heroism through form


    cosmic dust on the back of a stranger


    ethics of shape


    for days


    ethics of means


    for years




    ancient bread of music


    with admiration


    with bowing


    with bowing to admiration


    with admiration to bowing


    with monastic fires of all-unity


    I started again to read the A People’s History of the United States


    human struggle for freedom is touching


    state is horrible because it constantly bans freedom


    faces of Indian chiefs are faces of God


    faces of white leaders of the USA are faces of clerks


    faces of Indians are beaming with freedom and light


    faces of white leaders are beaming with greed and crime


    every being is being born with the fire of freedom in their heart


    when enough of beings are guarding and keeping the fire of freedom

    the fire of freedom lightens up the Universe


    when majority of beings puts out the fire of freedom

    within themselves dark is ruling the world


    Joe Strummer




    Nadezhda Tolokonnikova


    Julian Assange


    sandy shores


    beauty of a magpie




    3081. day
    8th June 2013


    but to give life for Greek light – that’s already Hölderlin

    I said this morning to Ivana


    art of living art


    art of experience


    experiment of art


    it’s wonderful that art in Russian is experience and experience experiment


    I’m missing the foetal position in which I can’t

    put myself in because my sternum is not healed yet


    it seems to me that I could gain strength in that position


    to surrender to the goodness of the beginning


    to bathe in tears of self-joy


    I love art without experience and I love art of experience


    I could talk for hours about


    sensual art


    non-sensual art


    circles of fire




    blue of the blue


    God without God


    God of God


    constant poem


    infinite singing


    lilacs and hyacinths in the belly


    up to here is green from here is purple


    changing is changing



    at this time a month ago I was admitted for medical examination in Zemun Hospital


    heart surgery started after midnight


    I’m still in shock


    the same way I don’t know how I was born


    I don’t know how I was born again after the surgery


    it’s wonderful that poem is still here


    that singing is not stopping


    that all beings are even more all beings


    that loyalty is not dying












    3083. day
    10th June 2013




    first orgasm


    first drawing of the Blue Rose


    first recording of the Blue Film


    first drawing of the 64 Buds


    after the operation


    Edward Snowden


    only what is in interest of all beings is good


    everything that is in interest only of some beings is evil


    deer roaring


    milk of young cows is foaming


    hearts are beating in birds eggs




    sex appeal of daisies refines the world


    horniness of rain showers gives satisfaction to the soil


    unselfishness of the poor eroticises life without hope




    goodness depends of each being


    beauty of the world is experience of each being


    pain in my chests while sneezing is lessening


    the average of last week walking was four kilometres and eight hundred meters


    only life for all beings is life


    life only for some beings is death


    horses are whining


    cows are mooing


    wolfs are howling


    bamboos are growing up to the skies


    rivers are running wild out of the riverbeds


    flickers of the Universe are flickering by each being


    I thought of the mud of the river Avon which runs through Bristol


    I thought of the healing mud of the swamp near Melenci


    I thought of the dusks over the plain


    of the night in which everything blends into one




    3084. day
    11th June 2013


    I is singing to God

    Diary 2003


    the most beautiful is writing from the state of pure goodness


    goodness is the most creative


    everything is budding from possibilities


    one thinks of anything and that already is


    hobo writing


    to the bank of a canal overgrown with bulrush


    by the mudslide in which birds are nesting


    step into the water up to the knees


    stretching out on the warm sand


    feeling the grace of a small poem


    breathing the loyalty through all beings


    writing from the state of goodness is writing through loyalty


    goodness and loyalty are one


    light of creating


    hips in embrace


    thighs in kissing


    pleasure of sexual act permeates all shapes of life


    pleasure of loyalty surrenders each being to all beings


    pleasure of goodness fills each being


    surrender to each other each other are constantly saying to each other



    I just found out that my Bogdanka Poznanovic is gone


    I was addressing her as God


    she had beautiful tone of voice


    she loved me


    I met her and Dejan in Pula in nineteenth sixty nine


    she was always smiling


    today I will walk for her


    hobo writing Bogdanka and me will be walking


    there is no ending to vagrancy


    as well as to writing


    as well as to love





    3085. day
    12th June 2013


    carnations on the table are fragrant


    in the small bouquet of carnations there are ten buds as well


    vigour buds


    clitorises of constant horniness with life


    music is spreading from the speakers


    it gladdens me


    singing is love-kissing


    mystery of sounds


    forebodings of the one and only heart


    I’m moving on through swaying


    like a fish


    I’m just moving and sliding towards the next word


    I’m swimming through the water of writing


    I’m waving water water is waving me






    freedom of each word is a condition of freedom for any word


    freedom of creation is in the freedom of creation


    freedom of singing is in the freedom of singing


    simplicity always opens all the depth of simplicity


    sometimes I sigh heavily with no control


    birds fly towards birds


    fishes swim towards fishes


    roses smell with roses


    shapes of meaning float by shapes of meaning


    every soul runs towards the other soul


    everything trembles from running towards






    love flies fish-like


    love floats aerodynamically


    carnations on the table are fragrant


    kisses of constant horniness with life




    3086. day
    13th June 2013


    good morning goodness of the morning










    alone for everybody


    I’m anxious


    I’m afraid


    Edward Snowden


    Bradley Manning


    Julian Assange


    Nadezhda Tolokonnikova




    meat industry


    entertainment industry


    war industry


    all beings don’t know of enemies


    everything that are not all beings is divided on enemies


    it’s passed noon


    several buds in the little carnation bouquet have opened up


    with arched neck of a young horse I’m thinking

    of the book I am You are I which is waiting to be published


    I’m thinking of the book I am You are I am God


    I love book


    I am book


    I love to be on the road


    I am road


    I miss You


    I am You


    I poured more water in the bottle with the little carnation bouquet


    several more buds opened up


    if I had but two loaves of bread, I would sell one

    and buy hyacinths, for they would feed my soul



    I love flowers


    I am bud



    3087. day
    14th June 2013


    the beauty of the morning makes me shudder


    music carries away


    soon I’m going on outpatient appointment a month after getting out of the hospital


    I feel a bit nauseous


    I only want the music


    I’m in Mirjana’s cars


    I’m silent


    I feel pointless


    my leg is still painful and bleeding a bit


    I’m in the Clinical Centre


    it’s full of people


    I’m sick of everything here


    it’s hard for me to bare all of that


    the cosmic feeling of life I cannot sence while waiting for the check-up


    the check-up is over


    what a relief


    follow-up in six months


    I will keep on taking three preventive medications


    I will be carrying elastic stocking and sleeping on my back for another month


    after that I can even swim


    I’m walking slowly through the Clinical Centre in order to remember it

    by this amenity while leaving and not by the nausea with which I entered


    sun gives me pleasure


    I took off the shirt in Topcider and walked naked to the waist


    I’ve made the five hundred and third photo of the One Man


    Mirjana bought the ointment for regeneration of the scar tissue


    while writing the spot on my leg which is

    bleeding is without the bandages for the first time


    it feels nice


    it’s drying


    I am one man


    writing is much much more than writing


    sometimes just writing


    like I was writing on cigarette package foils in my youth


    walking by the ditches for irrigation which we were digging in the Neretva valley




    3088. day
    15th June 2013


    I am William Blake

    reading of William Blake’s poetry ten years ago in the Monastery of Time at 11 am


    the day moved away


    never in my life have I been for so long with no strength


    I’m surrendering to it the way it is


    sometimes I get swept over by joy


    I get permeated by eternal youth of all beings


    modesty strikes me






    in front of Your face I’m transforming into God and You’re watching but You don’t see


    in front of Your face God I’m transforming into God and You see it and You rejoice


    it’s tender with God


    even more tender by God


    by freedom


    by courage


    by innocence


    I’m becoming




    God God to God




    to God




    God God to God




    cherry in the mouth


    shaking with hips


    swaying with breasts


    we are joy one within the other


    only the two of us


    only You and I


    wind is carrying lavender smell over the stone reef


    Your love makes me

    I’m becoming You


    Your love kisses me

    I’m becoming every being


    Your love is kissing

    I’m becoming Your lover


    in front of Your face I’m becoming Your face








    3090. day
    17th June 2013


    power of morning




    love-kissing just love-kissing


    waterfalls are bursting


    a hind is flying


    a calf is licking the hand which is caressing it


    theory of theory is love-kissing of love-kissing


    water is whirling


    gentle gaze is writing these words


    imperceptible smile in the corner of the left lip excites my whole body


    I’m walking slowly


    I’m greeting big burdocks around which bees are flying


    the art of slow walking


    the art of unique existence


    consciousness of only-being is very sexual


    only-being – relating to everything and everybody


    harmony of harmony


    I’m watching-I’m watched


    I’m kissing-I’m kissed


    I’m watching-I’m kissing


    I’m watched-I’m kissed


    linden is fragrant


    through the linden fragrance I’m in love


    in love with the linden fragrance


    be good my male-friend


    be beautiful my female-friend


    bleeding of my leg has stopped


    I started smearing with a cream the scar on the leg and chests


    I can also sneeze without pain in my chests


    I’m overwhelmed with indescribable happiness while walking this slowly


    it’s warmer and warmer


    hot days are coming



    I bought cheese pie and yogurt to Robert and Ferdi




    3091. day
    18th June 2013


    I’m singing


    it’s morning


    my eyes are full of tears


    singing – only wealth


    non-explanation – only joy


    I believe You feel I love You


    it’s only about that


    great singing – I love-kiss You


    great creating – I love-kiss You


    great walking – I love-kiss You


    tail of the crocodile is slowly swaying through the low grass


    forest air is steaming from explosive insects’ flying


    somebody is passing through a quiet street in the night


    watered flowers are morning-smelling


    young girl is getting naked in the water


    a squirrel is swiftly climbing up on top of the tree


    the day is hot


    I’m sweating









    serenity because of the little-autobiography


    I remembered just now the game of throwing a knife into the ground

    I don’t remember how we used to call it


    first we draw a big circle on the ground and we half it if there is two of us


    then I’m throwing a knife into Your half and if it is plunged into

    the ground I’m drawing a new line on that place and taking Your part away


    smells of remembrance


    smells of easiness


    I love rebirth


    I love swimming


    even better is the absence of yearning for swimming

    when I know that swimming is impossible for me


    deepest bow to Ania Lisweska


    Ania I wish You to succeed in Your intention


    Ania I wish You to feel the joy for everyone


    Ania I wish You to make everyone happy


    Ania I wish You to become the very poem of love



    3092. day
    19th June 2013


    the moment I got outside I met Kemalj who

    went with his cart to collect paper on the Banovo Brdo


    the smell of linden thrills me


    Zarko Radakovic has visited me last night. I enjoyed in Zarko and with Zarko


    I see my shadow. I see – I’m going

    I feel – each walking is epochal thing


    mowed grass smells nice


    an old man is walking very slowly


    it’s passed nine


    sun is warmer and warmer


    my face is getting sweaty


    I’m wiping my forehead with hand


    a young man is caressing his dog with pleasure


    on the other hand I’m caressing with my gaze

    the edge of the road next to which I’m passing


    meeting with somebody – celebration


    being alone – constant celebration


    being alone for everyone – constant celebration with everything it is


    I’m sweating at the table


    I’m changing the wet shirt


    I’m enjoying in each time


    each time is good


    Universe is constantly good


    I’m happy that I saw in my lifetime how geese are flying


    heavy and big they are flying with great force


    my heart started flying with them while I was watching them


    good is the heart


    heart is compassionate with everyone


    heart is feeding everything


    heart will never die


    the word heart will never wear out


    the word heart is heart of each word


    because the word heart is heart of each word every word is heart


    because each word is heart each word is

    compassionate with everybody and everyone


    I’m writing with my heart to all hearts


    sweet apricots of the coming summer



    3093. day
    20th June 2013


    Zsuzsa is starting to walk in half an hour. on the

    ten year anniversary of her first walking up the stream of the Danube

    in Hungary. she will walk three days meditating the peace strength and joy

    Zsuzsa I’m with You


    yesterday I ran for the first time in the forest because I felt I can run


    Nada Petronijevic-Covic visited me last night. I enjoyed in Nada and with Nada


    I danced for her. it was the first dancing after the operation


    yesterday I finished reading the book

    A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn


    existing manhood is marked with the white man’s crimes


    with these hidden crimes man has no future


    the future of all these years is a fight of an individual and masses against crimes


    Nadezhda Tolokonnikova

    Julian Assange

    Edward Snowden

    Bradley Manning


    I am Bradley Manning


    all the horror of each state corporate wealth and

    military force is nothing comparing to courage of any individual


    I thought of writing about that horror of constant war

    which is in its core a crime against kids but I’m giving up thinking

    with greatest tenderness about everyone who has resisted all of that


    millions of innocent victims




    Black people












    queer people




    fight for freedom is the fight for goodness and beauty


    fight for goodness and beauty is the fight for truth


    fight for truth is the fight for sympathies and solidarity of all beings


    I am a runaway child


    I am a good boy


    I am Nadezhda Tolokonnikova


    I am Julian Assange


    I am Edward Snowden


    I am Bradley Manning


    one heart


    one love



    3094. day
    21st June 2013


    last night I went out just before midnight


    wind was cooling off the warm night


    I took off my shirt and was naked up to the waist


    I wanted everybody to be happy


    I was the maker of meaning


    I was the life itself


    the ocean of great forests


    all-little-cell of the cosmic vastness


    I felt like in lukewarm water in which life being born


    my steps were slower and slower






    with each moment I felt more and more beautiful


    at one moment the wind has carried a piece of paper

    which flew to me like a child into somebody’s embrace


    summer has begun this morning


    sixty forth summer of my life


    summer principles from this morning’s walking


    not to know but to believe


    not to believe but to love-kiss


    not to love-kiss but to be


    not to be but God




    I love universal


    everything that is in everything


    everything that makes everyone


    everything that is in interest of everybody


    Miroslav Mandic is second name for universal


    Miroslav Mandic is second name for all beings


    Miroslav Mandic is second name for everyone


    Miroslav Mandic through slow walking in the

    early morning sun is singing through Miroslav Mandic


    happiness for everybody


    happiness for everything


    happiness for everyone



    3095. day
    22nd June 2013




    I’m in the Pozeska Street


    joy of the morning


    trams. people. fruit selling shops. newsstands. papers. heat


    I would love if there was somebody I could share these

    miraculous slow walks with but there is nobody who I could call


    I’m gently thinking of Satie and his solitude


    I’m gently thinking of Helderlin and his solitude


    I admire lone ones


    the lone ones are joy of being


    staying on the path


    it’s hard


    staying on the path


    it’s miraculous


    staying on the path


    it’s Miroslav Mandic path


    staying on the path


    Miroslav Mandic is the rose on the path


    endure Miroslav endure


    another 42207 blessings are in front of me


    writing is a struggle for poetry


    poetry is a struggle for singing


    singing is a struggle for divination


    struggle without fighting








    embrace me with Your goodness


    accept me with Your beauty


    a turf of grass between four cut off bars


    a part of the big construction equipment thrown into the grass


    rotten sheeting left from concreting


    foam in the mare’s mouth


    young horsewoman is orgasming while riding a mare



    3097. day
    24th June 2013


    there is no insight without doing away with illusion


    a leg has made a step


    second leg has joined


    who was once permeated cannot live anymore without permeation


    who once permeated all beings with oneself

    doesn’t want to live without permeation any more


    there is no existence without cock


    there is no singing without pussy


    without cock everything is a lie


    without pussy everything is nothingness


    with cock – tenderness


    with pussy – joy


    under the tree on the bank an old wooden boat is rocking


    wheat is ripening and becoming sun


    apricots are falling into the dust


    everything is becoming from unimportant


    the most important is that everything is unimportant


    everything that is unimportant is


    the moment something gets important that is no more


    it’s hard for me to be unimportant but only in that way I am


    I’m not important


    the one who loves is unimportant – who is important cannot love


    who is loved is unimportant – who is important cannot feel that he or she is loved


    when I looked at the sparrow this morning I felt its body in my spine


    a leg is coming closer to a leg


    a leg is leading a leg


    a leg is following a leg


    unimportant is very important to me


    when somebody is really important that You’ll never sense


    it is so important to me that I was writing pussy and cock again after a long time


    I feel corrupted writing pussy and cock with no freedom and innocence


    corrupted with corrupted language which

    means nothing anymore but is with its literacy and its lies

    considerations and politeness’s only in function of violence and profit


    pussy and cock are one


    pussy and cock are one letter

