Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I am the Bible
reading of Bible poetry ten years ago in the Monastery of Time at 12pm
I love poetry more and more
I live of poetry more and more
I life for poetry more and more
I cannot stand literary in poetry more and more so
here are the poets of June who helped me sing June
Zarko Radakovic 22600
Mirjana Lukic 19000
Ivana Djokic-Saunderson 9000
Vera Varady 6660
Sun Mandic 2000
Violeta Jovanovic 2950
Petar Miloradovic 1111
a poet does not look like any other poet
a poet is a poet
a scroll
these days I’ve been reading Vasily Rozanov with the greatest pleasure
to give yourself away
to surrender yourself
how wonderful is giving money
how wonderful is receiving money
money is poem
sensitivity which gives itself away and sings
unprotectedness which guards all beings
here’s money for You
give me money
receiving and giving are one
one love
one orgasm
one poem
I love to give depleted pencils
little pencils
we are one
a lamb to each other
one lamb
washed shirt smells good
I bought it on the flea market four years ago
it’s colourful
I ware it every day around the house
I’ve put patches on the sleeves
it’s missing one button
it’s thin
I need a new one
colourful and thin to ware it every day
to warm me a bit but not to be too hot in it
I love having small amount of clothes
shirt smells really nice
I love cleanliness
sanctity of sex
virtue of enjoying
warming up in the warm sun
happiness of all beings
crocodile’s eyes
pig’s teeth
rhinoceros’ back
courage and dedication of anonymous people
ecstasy of love couples
dirty feet of poor children
who experienced being saved by
unknown person will spread the trust among people
who experienced being transformed by
the unknown will radiate sameness among species
who experienced God will believe he or she is God
I am
wonderful are all those people who are fighting for others
for the unknown
rejected ones
each heart protects all hearts
I love when I drift away with a certain thought
and end up in some completely other thought
I love even more so when I circle and wander
with certain thought and end up in a little poem
singing transformation
singing resurrection
Sarah I’m dancing for You
Sarah I sing love to You so that You have it every moment till end of Your life
Sarah a girl within You nobody can hurt
everything is thanking to everyone who thinks of everything
everything protects everyone who nurtures everything
everything love-kisses everyone who love-kisses everything
through the blueness of freedom free beings are flying
through greenery of loyalty beings are surrendering to each other
I love when I say something once
I love when I say something twice
I love when I say something three times
I love when I’m repeating something
I hop and there is immortality
everything that doesn’t exist comes to existence through singing
I love-kiss You – You are love-kissed my beloved
the link between God and gender is greater than the link
between mind and God, stronger than the link of conscience with God
Vasily Rozanov
I was never yearning for anything else as I was yearning for humiliation
Vasily Rozanov
I love You Sarah Harrison
I love You Vasily Rozanov
let’s dance
let’s rejoice freedom
baby corn is growing
a sparrow has fluttered away
a little ant is strolling over the table
by the time I finished writing today’s blessings there was four of them strolling
the Bop Street Radio speaker is talking about rockabilly of the fifties
I love music from the fifties the most
it awakes preteen joy within me
innocent corporeality
clear sensuality
morning sun
that music carries me away
parents and their peers were at that time in full force and sexuality
they were impressing
they were unfathomable
through sexuality they were attractive and frightening
music of the blood
music of growing up
music of eternal youth
space of hips
time of sweating
miracle of mating
splendour of joining
running out on the street as soon as possible
doing something still unheard of
being film on one’s own
mesmerizing the world with hips
here I’ve just found the Bop Street Radio
until now I was listening to it on the iTunes radio
I’m a boy
You’re a girl
we’re dancing
flying with our feet and arms
we don’t get tired
today as well one ant is strolling over the table
today as well I’m listening to the Bop Street Radio
each blessing is a drop of water on the palm of a hand
each being is inviolable
empty road
nobody on the road
the light of mind in one leg
the music of soul in the other
agreeing invigorates
harmony transforms
goodness is so beautiful
beauty is so good
I’m constantly writing about goodness and beauty
that’s my boyhood vow
alone for everybody
goodness is sex of all beings
beauty is love of all beings
goodness is the road
beauty is the rose
rose on the road that’s what I am
if You are – You are everyone
if You are – You are for everyone
if You are – You are everything
every day I’m writing 33 blessings for You
every day You’re reading 33 blessings for me
we are one
one love
one sex
one path
one rose
I live for the goodness of words
I sing through the beauty of words
that is so rare
all the more
everything for that
a sparrow in front of my feet is for that
everything else is no worth if it’s not that
that’s why everything for that
only for that
even though that is rare
I actually write only for that
I actually sing only that
that is within You
that is within me
that is within everything
nothing is more present than that
nothing more inexplicable than that
only without that life is not possible
exactly because only without that life is not possible nobody knows anything about that
rarely somebody lives for that even though everybody lives from that
that is rare. that is rare
anything I might say about anything I will say that
I’m talking about anything because I sing only that
that is a constant gig
that is like togetherness
that is like an orgasm
that is like only-being
that only that
with my mouth half open I’m running towards that
joy within me for that
joy out of me for that
goodness of words for the beauty of words
swallows are flying over the old buildings in the Savska Street near Train Station
today I drank first to glasses of vine after the heart surgery with Tibika Varady
today is the last day of the two month recovery after the heart surgery
I’ll treat myself with Ralf Waldo Emerson’s thoughts
every revolution was first a thought in one man’s mind, and
when the same thought occurs to another man, it is the key to that era
common souls pay with what they do, nobler souls with that which they are
Emerson quoting
the true poem is the poet’s mind; the true ship is the ship-builder
to believe that what is true for you in your
private heart is true for all men, — that is genius
an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man
to be great is to be misunderstood
as soon as the man is at one with God, he will not beg
for first or last you must pay your entire debt
the thief steals from himself. the swindler swindles himself. for the real
price of labor is knowledge and virtue, whereof wealth and credit are signs
every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults
blame is safer than praise
every evil to which we do not succumb is a benefactor
thus do all things preach the indifferency of circumstances
the ancients called beauty the flowering of virtue
all nature is the rapid efflux of goodness executing and organizing itself
whilst we converse with what is above us, we do not grow old, but grow young
in nature every moment is new; the past is always
swallowed and forgotten; the coming only is sacred
the one thing which we seek with insatiable desire is to forget ourselves
nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
the way of life is wonderful; it is by abandonment
a man never rises so high as when he knows not whither he is going
Emerson’s citation of Oliver Cromwell
after two months of recovery I’m doing everything as before the surgery
I’m walking ten kilometres a day
I weighted myself today for the first time
I put on four kilos. even before the surgery I had two-three kilos
more therefore I want to lose seven kilos in two three months
today I will wear elastic stocking for the last time
from today I don’t have to sleep only on my back
from today nobody will be bringing me food
these two months Sun Mandic Mirjana Lukic
Ivana Djokic-Saunderson and Violeta Jovanovic were taking care about me
thank you my beloved
they provided me with health insurance card. they were taking me on changing
bandages. taking me on check-ups. bringing me food two times a day. washing
my laundry. making my bed. cleaning the room. putting on the elastic stocking
putting shoes on. taking me for a walk. putting the scar cream
I hope that from now on I will be doing all of that on my own
I wanted tomorrow to toast the new beginning with the close ones but
my close ones don’t want to be close to each other therefore I’ll go on my own
for the first time after seven years I went out
this morning right after I got up and brushed my teeth
that’s how I’m going to do every morning
outside into the air right away
one or two kilometres
singing God
one young man was walking his dog
one young woman was talking over the phone while walking in fast pace
I was walking slowly
it’s noon now
I will go for a walk to Ada
when I come back I will drink the Wine of Heart
and I will toast to God You and All Beings
the beginning of walking excites me
go-off is separation
transformation towards joy
I feel like a child
I’m watching my little-accordion where all things I’m doing are written down
there are nineteen of them. thirteen of them I’m doing
every day. all those works are making me and I’m making them
I saw Sebastian smoking. he smokes one or two
cigarettes a day for five years now since he was fifteen
white dove is pecking in the grass
I hope that in ten days or so I will go twice for a swim every day
the smell of warm herbs is reminding me of childhood and sea
I start thinking of Knut Hamsun’s walks when he was very old
I’m enjoying the white butterflies and high burdocks
they are good friends to me
I am the walking love
I am a love-kissing poem
I am walking which is singing and love-kissing
during my two month long recovery an average of my daily walking
has fallen for 375 metres. from 13,126 kilometres to 12,751 kilometres
I’m coming back from the lake. slowing down on the mild acclivity
sun is roasting. today I will walk 13 kilometres for the first time
living means living life. the life of everything. the life of all-life
I’m thinking of writing. of transformation through writing and transformational writing
writing is constant transformation of writing
constantly being in love with writing
with the glass in which bottom are three spoonfuls of
the Wine of Heart I’m toasting to God You and All beings
I wrote down these words into the Red Notebook
I didn’t manage to write a single word at the table
I’ll do it while walking I thought to myself
I’m coming back from the walking and I haven’t manage to write a single word
several times the word was close
after each giving up I was feeling worse and worse
then I surrendered
surrendered to the belief that I will write today’s 33 blessings after all
that belief in words in absence of words is exciting
it brings me back to the very beginning
to unimportance
to the very flickering
at the lake I noticed one sparrow flying down in front of me
each sparrow is a poem
I thought to myself
I wanted to write that down right away but I
thought that each being also is a poem so I gave up
each sparrow a poem is
each being a poem is
each thing a poem is
on the lake I wasn’t a poem so I couldn’t write that down
these two dragonflies as well a poem are
everything that is a poem is
everything that is everything a great poem is
everything that is and is also everything the one and only poem is
sweet apricot a poem is
solitude a poem is
today I washed the laundry on my own for the first time since the surgery
solitude is the same what You feel as well
solitude is the most common thing that exists
that’s why there is a lot of love in solitude
that’s why everything is possible in solitude
that’s why we are together in solitude
fruit is ripening
there is no end to simplicity
there is no cream from water
nights are warm
I’m sleeping naked only in my panties
during the night I change three covers
I start off with the plain sheet then I change it with the
terry sheet and then I change that in the morning with the blanket
I’ve noticed that I should cut my toe nails
sometimes I hear the car noise under my window like sea waves
I’m writing these blessings in my bed
it has just dawned
a dream about simplicity has woken me up
simplicity in art and art of simplicity
the more simple the more miraculous
miracle is simple
uncreated already created
just carrying on
I’m going back to sleep
I’m surrendering to the body
I’m thinking of Your body
each body is beautiful and good
I’m thinking of the Red Notebook’s body
I was fast asleep
I’m fast asleep only just before dawning
just carrying on
I’m going to the lake
on today’s sixth kilometre I will go past
fourteen thousand kilometres of the Bud of Walking
in the moment of crossing the highway I felt that I am
some man crossing the highway and I felt nice because of that
the one thing which we seek with insatiable desire is to forget ourselves
I took photo of the twenty millionth step of the Bud of Walking
twenty million steps of seventy centimetres is exactly fourteen thousand kilometres
both pair of my sneakers are torn
I’m silent
modesty modesty
just carrying on
sometimes I’m nothing else but eternal testimony of eternity of life
last night’s thought before falling asleep
i am god
when everything becomes three
three two and two
of us one
this morning’s poem I am God
let’s go baby I say to myself
blessing by blessing
without thinking
just go ahead
like an ant
like corn
like breasts buds
this morning before I woke up I dreamt of anima
that woman loved me
I always feel great throughout the whole day after such a dream
she was watching and loving me
we were one
two eyes one watching
two legs one walking
a man and God one God
I love You girl
You are my friend my girl
You are my girl my friend
girl Your name is Girl
Girl You have such a nice name
everyone who loves is Girl
I love You because You love Girl
when leaves are trembling Girl I feel Your love
when somebody smiles Girl I feel Your love
when I feel the meaning Girl I feel Your love
I didn’t know I will be writing about You Girl
that You will capture me that much with Your name Girl
I feel Your body all over my body Girl
You are so beautiful and good my
sometimes yearning for You hampers me
it seems to me that I cannot do without You
it seems to me that You are everything to me
everything solely
need for You hampers me but admitting That need sets me free
Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations
of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to
prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring
principle declared at Nuremberg in 1945 cited by Edward Snowden
existing of everything excites me
existing of everything calms me
I’m climbing up the mild hill
morning sun is still young
we are harmony
mystical agreeing
You are everything thath everyone wants to be
enjoy in Yourself
rejoice Yourself
surrender to Yourself
in Yourself within me You are
I am the new paradise
I am the eternity of each moment
I am a poem in everyone’s heart
simplicity is so simple that it cannot be communicated but with miracle
miracle is so miraculous that it can be experienced only through simplicity
I am a guardian of the innocence of each being
I am a reformer of the innocence of each being
I am a poem of the innocence for each being
I am an alcoholic who is not drinking for nine years now
I am I am which is intoxicating me sober for 33 years
I am a scar of the first sin with which I’m bowing to the spirits of first parents
I am serenity
we are tranquillity
not good for anything
feeling lousy
I’ll go back to bad
I will huddle
I slept for two hours
I’m drinking hot chocolate
I’m always drinking hot chocolate with cold water
it’s not working – writing is not going
I’m going outside to buy food for lunch
it’s pleasant outside
life is slowly getting into me
letting the life into oneself – letting oneself out of oneself
I felt mild difficulties in my chests and head on Saturday and that gave me a scare
yesterday I felt dizzy
this morning diarrhoea
Violeta put the ant repelling powder yesterday
and they’ve appeared again on the table this morning
little stones in the shoes are pinching
while walking and writing blessings joy is coming back to me
I love writing facts
facts are exposing
facts always contain humour as well
last week I’ve read the book A Truth About my Life by Djordje Karadjordjevic
terrible and astonishing life of a royalty
although ex heir to the throne he was healthy
locked in the insane asylum for sixteen years
he was marvellously struggling for his truth
constant nervous tension is omnipresent in the sixteen years of his imprisonment
I love-kiss You – through not giving up
I’m walking so that You feel good and nice
so that You can be good and nice for somebody
I’m walking so that each and every one feels good and nice
I’m walking so that everybody feels good and nice
the state in which I’m good and nice for everything
everybody and each and every one is very nice
I’m singing so that everything everybody and each and every one feels good and nice
beauty is on the side of the rejected ones
goodness is on the side of the despised ones
beauty and goodness are in the heart of
everyone who love-kisses the rejected and despised ones
travel my friend travel
I’m singing You my Girl I’m singing You
every day is my friend’s birthday
our skin is shuddering my beloved
we are the flame of sex
we are the fire of love
embrace my body
be compassionate with my feelings
think my thoughts
surrender to my will
let’s fly
my sneakers are falling apart
they are on the balcony in the sun
covered with purple socks
I’ll wear them for two three more days
when I saw them a moment ago I saw beauty in them
fallen apart sneakers covered with purple socks on the sunny balcony
that beauty gives me the creeps
if I really see anything it will permeate me
like me and my young friend watching the rain yesterday
seeing beauty and goodness in everything
giving is goodness
receiving is beauty
rejected ones are liberating the world
despised ones are rejoicing everyone in the world
giving is goodness
receiving beauty
light of this world
I’m in the early morning
as if being on the seaside
wildflowers in front of my eyes
a pigeon is pecking a bread crust
street cleaner is impaling thrown away paper on a stick
young woman is crossing herself on the sound of the church bells
beauty of words is enchanting me
goodness of symmetry calms
I’m off to the porn sights
it was marvellous
constant giving and receiving
circling of goodness and beauty which are interweaving in each other
sex is goodness
love is beauty
indescribable goodness of giving
incomprehensible beauty of receiving
for years I’ve been writing about goodness and beauty
I feel beautiful when repeating goodness
I feel good when repeating beauty
they are the echo of my steps
they are the essence of my pulse
goodness of echo
beauty of essence
it’s about words
it’s about loyalty
it’s about innocence
goodness of the word beauty
beauty of the word goodness
with goodness I’m pulsating between Your legs
with beauty I’m pulsating in Your heart
with goodness and beauty I’m pulsating in Your mind
two are one
a bud of goodness and beauty
I’m excited with the life itself
I’ve shaved myself for life
I’m dancing life
life music
living life like music
living music like life
wow wow
at one moment in the shade I heard silence
the music of silence
in twenty days I’m starting fourth 33 days-long bowing
these days I’ve been thinking of what to bow to
a moment ago I’ve decided for sex
it’s sweet
I love bowings
bowing is unconditional love
bowing is art of admiration
divine unconditionality
fostering unconditionality
writing is a sort of bowing
bowing to the very writing
music of writing
I’m rejoicing the bowing to sex
all my art is also a bowing as well as my sex is bowing to art
art of pilgrimage – pilgrimage to art
sex of pilgrimage – pilgrimage to sex
life is pilgrimage to life
art is pilgrimage to art
sex is pilgrimage to sex
pilgrimage me
I’m in the woods
whoever You are I love You
I’m thinking
tiny bird has flown in front of me
I’m a stranger among people
I cannot stand and I don’t accept human wars and laws
hatred among people is foreign to me
hatred among races and nations
power and wealth are foreign to me
education and culture are foreign to me
elite and commercial art are foreign to me
many people are wonderful
I believe that every man is good
I’m getting out of the woods
I’m on the lake
sky without any clouds is blue
surface of the lake is green
my leg is again bleeding a bit. it’s questionable if I’m going to swim this year at all
doctor on duty on the lake told me few days ago that he wouldn’t recommend even
to the healthy people to swim in the lake because the water in the lake is very polluted
even though being a stranger I feel that many others feel and think like me
dry mowed grass is nice smelling
I believe that every man yearns for all beings
I believe that all beings live in every man
I believe that only constant love makes that every being is
I’m entering the woods again
fruit is expensive
forest is free of charge
birds are chirping
I’m singing to God
I love
I love You whoever You are and You are always exactly and only You
You all – all You
holly Nobody
I’ve opened a new document What Do I Have to Do
in following days I’ll try to make a list of everything I should do
these days I will open two more documents
What Should I Be Doing
Who Should I Be
there is enough work for thousands and thousands of years
on the other side I should finish all of that every day as if it was the last one
I need those lists to guide me
protect me from chaos
I’m forgetting more and more and it’s not easy for me to keep it in mind
sometimes I’m missing wine with which I was working longer and in fervour
if I was younger I would be sitting at the computer
and working with music and wine for hours and hours
for days
I would sing each little hair of Yours
I am singing each little hair of Your
with indescribable joy everything dead resurrects within me
one of the first things which I should do is writing
a text which would accompany the faces from the Bud of Walking
next thing of which I’m thinking for years is to count how much is my work worth
I’m seductively shaking my hips
I thought of that curve on Fruska Gora up which I was walking several times
a lot of the road is within me
a lot of horizons
a lot of sky
lips are close to lips
through God we are one
through God everything is one
joyful and resurrected
bells are ringing
morning sun
fruits are falling off
it’s summer time
braches are bent
they yielded apples
other is
one is
flowers are blooming
flowers are blooming
lips are brave
lips are brave
fool is alive
fool is alive
freedom is gentle
freedom is gentle
dust on the roads is smelling nice
dust on the roads is smelling nice
yearning for is relentless
yearning for is relentless
sunflower is turning towards the sun
sunflower is turning towards the sun
legs started to go into the heights
legs started to go into the heights
don’t you stop butterfly
don’t you stop butterfly
being focused is leading us
being focused is leading us
towards I only towards I Kaja of life
(in Serbian name Kaja consists of two words “ka”, meaning “towards” & “ja”, meaning “I”, T.N.)
towards I only towards I Kaja of life
the monastery of life is guarding one and only life
the monastery of life is guarding one and only life
everything in this world depends only on me
everything in this world depends only on me
with carefulness and gratitude I live this life which depends only on You
with carefulness and gratitude I live this life which depends only on You
a boat is carrying us on the other bank Girl
a boat is carrying us on the other bank Girl
You are carrying Your tits for us both
You are carrying Your tits for us both
all poems of this word are God’s
all poems of this word are God’s
all poems of the other world are love songs
all poems of the other world are love songs
the heart of a beggar is full of begged loves
the heart of a beggar is full of begged loves
the heart of a wanderer is open for all impossible loves
the heart of a wanderer is open for all impossible loves
the heart of a stranger is marrying the heart of a beggar and the heart of a wanderer
the heart of a stranger is marrying the heart of a beggar and the heart of a wanderer
a poem is an oath to goodness
a poem is an oath to goodness
a poem is a sacrifice to beauty
a poem is a sacrifice to beauty
fruit is thriving
fruit is thriving
milk of all beings is boiling
milk of all beings is boiling
carefree is healing
carefree is healing
insouciance I’m thinking You
insouciance I’m thinking You
our belly is trembling
writing identifies
identifying marries
each word of mine is marrying us
each blessing is wedding
writing identifies
identifying marries
each word of mine is marrying us
each blessing is wedding
I’m marrying
I love wedding because it’s so mystical
I love mystical because it’s so marrying
I’m repeating
I’m drawing attention on repetition through repetition
I’m drawing attention on repetition through repetition
I’m drawing attention on repeated through repetition
I’m drawing attention on repeated through repetition
I’m drawing Your attention on Your attention through repetition
I’m drawing Your attention on Your attention through repetition
in order to be modest I am one and only
in order to be modest I am one and only
in order to be modest I am first
in order to be modest I am first
in order to be modest I am the best
in order to be modest I am the best
I love-kiss everyone who is one and only
I love-kiss everyone who is first
I love-kiss everyone who is the best
I love-kiss