


    30th April 2011

    fucked is fucked through God – all of us are a bit Andrej Pejicv


    29th April 2011

    it will be raining for suresais one woman to another. there comes rain. that’s what you asked for sais an

    older worker to the younger one. I didn’t ask for it but I ordered itresponds the younger to the older one



    28th April 2011

    will they help my heels and Achilles tendons


    27th April 2011

    Bank of Water

    26th April 2011

    that’s what I telling all the time — first poppies this year


    25th April 2011

    nicely piled wood



    23rd April 2011

    Easter nest


    22nd April 2011

    in couple of steps I’ll pass under these leaves 



    21st April 2011

    two thirds of my work is immaterial and this is the list of my immaterial art in the making


    20th April 2011

    first wearing of pinhole glasses


    19th April 2011

    hundred or so drawings of Good Walker with the number of walked kilometres per day – from

    four hundred and six to today and over three thousands until 31st December 2019


    18th April 2011

    I have coiled half way of the fourteen year old book-ball. the other half of the rose is left to be coiled and sung. the half of the Miroslav Mandic

     book has happened three days ago in the seventh book out of which only three were published – gratitude gratitude I love-kiss you


    16th April 2011

    the glare of the first kiss


    15th April 2011

    this is my world - 10


    14th April 2011

    this is my world - 9


    13th April 2011

    this is my world - 8


    12th April 2011

    this is my world - 7


    11th April 2011

    this is my world - 6


    9th April 2011

    this is my world - 5


    8th April 2011

    this is my world - 4

