Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    1919. day
    3rd April 2010

    I don’t like nor I know how to buy. even less to trade or

    to achieve my intentions or goals secretly and with the help of fraud

    I love openness and honesty which makes me excited


    Vera and Tibor gave me money to buy a new computer

    thank you Vera and Tibor – the essence of gratitude is in the footnotes


    few days ago I phoned Sun and asked him to help me buy new iMac

    responsibility is on me


    two days ago we bought iMac – 20 inch widescreen computer for 99000 dinars


    a shopkeeper told us that he will order it from the warehouse but he made a remark

    that the keyboard is not included and that they will deliver us after Sunday


    the shopkeep called Sun yesterday and said that the computer has arrived

    I’m not mentioning the name of the shopkeeper and the shop not to hurt anybody


    Sun took the iMac yesterday and took it to his place to install basic programmes

    Sun actually gave me his iBook G4 on which I’m writing at the moment and which I call Robin


    in the evening Sun brought me Bud and when I started to get to know it

    and compare it with Robin we noticed that it was well used computer

    we will erase it when we buy the keyboard nest week


    when Sun left I started to feel bad because it wasn’t a new computer


    it was bothering me all night since I didn’t know what to do and

    who knows which time I had a confirmation that I was incapable for life


    when I got up I started to feel even worse because instead of

    the joy for the Bud of Every Day Life I had bad thoughts

    about frauds lies and incapability




    why were we saving and bought the cheapest iMac... what is actually in it...

    is it functioning properly... how comes it doesn’t have a keyboard even though

    there is a photo with the keyboard on the box... what is it all about... maybe it isn’t

    an original product... everything is going to be all right... I’ll call Sun...

    I don’t want to hurt anybody...


    I made a tea. shaved. made coffee. prepared myself for the day. was

    more and more free and open. more capable for what I love and know to do


    to accept


    to solve


    to make decisions

    decision to write about all of this


    to transform the trouble into creation


    to make the blessings out of the trouble


    to rejoice the misery

    misery Your name is Misery


    maybe to go to the shop and ask the shopkeeper what is it all about or not to do that

    in any case I wish the best to the shopkeeper


    maybe we will return it


    maybe we will get the money back and buy the one for 122.000 dinars


    maybe this one that I already called the Bud is the best one even though

    it was already used


    maybe it is defected but actually because of that

    I will make on it – to God to You and all beings – dearest things

    countless number of examples of the most successful people who started their lives with huge handicaps


    to accept it like a adopted child

    to call it Bu as term of endearment


    Bu – young one of all beings


    Bu’s mission has already begun even if it stays

    with me or if it doesn’t since it already came to life


    if it goes to somebody else Bu will

    have a reputation of the first young one of all beings

    I wish all the best to the one who already used it


    a voice of somebody who is with mild humour

    rejoicing all beings. someone who is thanking to all beings

    and people who worked on bringing to such a beautiful product

    I bow down to the Virtual Pilgrimage that still cannot be opened from the Old Site


    life is humour – humour is poetry


    Bu – my poem – I kiss You



    1921. day
    5th April 2010

    My Dear, here are few words about me. I will try not to snap any more in front of you

    but in front of everybody. When it comes, I’ll remember you and because of you

    I won’t do it anymore. In that sense it’s good that it happened. I wish you placidity.

    you will probably see this letter in the morning, and I would like if it saw you off

    to sleep. In that sense I’m left with possibility just to hug you within my thoughts

    so as our little clash doesn’t hurt.

    I kiss you. See you. 

    this letter from a friend waited for me


    thank You for this letter and this great decision 


    I’m not saying Your name so as the transformation of the snapping from pain into

    the snapping through compassion and creation would begin in peace


    big snap of love


    big snap of grass


    snapping of the bud


    snapping through mystical speech


    snapping through dancing and singing

    shake baby shake


    whenever possible it’s good to brake the circle of lies and frauds because

    everybody gets damaged especially those who are lying and deceiving

    since they are disabling themselves for joy of creation


    Dear Miroslav, I’m following your internet activities

    Where do you live now? Greetings from Brooklyn, Kaca

    Kaca Celan

    God’s glory – this morning this letter awaited for me as well


    my dear Kaca


    you made me really happy


    big snap of love


    we haven’t seen nor heard from each other for 24 years from Your play

    All and Nothing

    24 years – one day of our acquaintance


    big snap of love is in the mystery of big bang


    I’m writing You like this publ-I-cally in front of all beings because love is the only one


    I live in the Universe

    within the internet activities of the site


    I live within Your heart


    I live in my AutoBioGraphy to which I will add the work with You




    the role of Shakespeare in Kaca Celan’s play made after Borges’ story All and Nothing


    I live within 84.600 seconds of Eternal Art of every day

    Miroslav Mandic Bud – dancing-singing-creating

    love in every moment everywhere and for everything – eternal art within the poem of all beings


    I live in hearts of all beings


    I live in Miroslav Mandic


    I live in God and Six Buds



    for God – success through creation

    Miroslav Mandic is the art of God


    Bud of All Beings

    for higher intelligence – love through love

    Miroslav Mandic is art of I


    Bud of Every Day

    Miroslav Mandic is art

    for people – loyalty through belief

    Miroslav Mandic is art of poem


    Bud God-Sex-Money

    for spirits of nature – transformation through will

    Miroslav Mandic is art of face and face of art


    Bud Nest

    for animals – freedom through thinking

    Miroslav Mandic is art of rose


    Bud Universe

    for plants – health through feelings

    Miroslav Mandic is art of path


    Bud Walking

    for minerals – joy through body

    Miroslav Mandic is art of walking


    in human language said my Kaca

    I live in my sixty first year

    like a subtenant of my works that are placed in the Nest40 square meters flat

    next to the football stadium of Hajduk from Lion in Belgrade

    alone with God

    alone with You

    alone with all beings

    with money that I get every month from 15 donors for creation of

    64 Buds that are Singing to the Bud of All Beings

    330 Euros for the Bud

    110 Euros for my life and work

    65 Euros that I give to the beggars and unknown people

    I hope that in time there will be more donors – and that all people will have a bit more than they need


    I wink at the Mystery – Your and Send’s daughter – my dear Kaca


    dear Miroslav, I’m translating this text on my own.

    Since Ally is not here to check it, I apologise for all the mistakes I made




    1922. day
    6th April 2010

    as long as there are weapons wars and killings will exist as well


    as long as the sexes are using weapons that

    most horrific of wars – war of the sexes – will never stop


    I love the sexes without weapons


    I love sexual organs because they are not weapons


    sexual organs are love


    bathed with shame




    in selfish hearts and lazy brains sexual organs are used like weapons


    weapons of defense are killing just the same as the weapons of attack


    defense is just a type of attack same as attack is just a type of defense




    rain is raining


    chaste man is on the path


    rain is raining


    one rose is smelling


    chaste woman is on the path


    rain is raining


    the chaste man and the maiden


    mild smile is in their hearts


    they are one


    one being of all beings


    rain is raining


    they are path


    they are rose


    I’m dancing


    we are mixing




    rain is raining


    I’m singing


    we are mixing circling mixing


    rain is raining




    as long as Miroslav Mandic exists kissing and peace will exist as well



    1923. day
    7th April 2010

    one swallow – that is me


    one grass blade – that is me


    one whirlpool and whirlwind – that is me


    all beings one existence


    God through God




    Himzo Polovina – that is me


    ball is flying – that is me


    down the spine over the hip on to the thigh – that is me


    God to God


    everything that eyes see


    mother in amorous embrace


    Universe in Schuman’s melody I’m listening to


    father horse


    all Your words










    of mine


    just only just only






    or there




    or two






    a touch




    that is





    1924. day
    8th April 2010

    not saying anything so as everything would sing


    somehow like that – certainly like that


    if it would only flow


    so as everything would be in every word




    guise and call


    face of all beings


    unbelievably small in the chest






    precision of the trans-sense


    when we were crossing the river


    God in every word


    God in every colour


    God in every sound


    God in every smell


    God in every taste


    God in every touch


    God – birth of God in every being




    happiness is beautiful


    happiness is alone


    hey – history of journeys


    faugh – I’m walking through air


    ouch – I’m within myself


    is it so – I’m everything


    and – You


    face on the belly


    eyes are caressing eyes


    I love You


    in Your heart my mind


    we are trudging



    1925. day
    9th April 2010

    now is always a beginning – beginning is always now


    everything else is obsolete


    the most obsolete moment is the one that just passed


    the most illusory moment is the one that follows


    God is God


    love is dying within the second one and resurrection within the first


    every time I met a good man I died

    in his goodness and immediately resurrected in his beauty


    every time I came across goodness and beauty of eternal artists

    I died in their work and immediately resurrected in their heart


    with every orgasm I die and I resurrect right away in God’s love


    thank you for saying sorry

    I said yesterday to a shopkeeper



    that’s how greeted me the shopkeeper from yesterday


    acceptance of health is the best cure


    to single oneself out from the existing is hardest and the most important


    who singles out oneself from the existing they save the existing as well

    because the existing is dying within itself


    greatest opponents of present banalities are those who

    live from banality of the past that are declared to be classical


    I think in order to transform myself and not only to think or exist


    will the drama around iMac will be resolved today


    mister N.

    from entering the virtual world computer is for me a garden and a temple of all beings

    I’m trying to make everything around it and everything within it dear to everybody

    therefore I would like to continue in same manner with new iMac

    but regarding the remarks I have about the computer I bought

    about what I wrote on 3rd April in Miroslav Mandic book

    could You please

    the only weapon in which I believe is please and thank you

    give me back my money so as I could buy an iMac with the keyboard

    with this letter I want that everything around iMac

    that I named Bu is good and of use for everybody

    dear N. I wish You all the best in life and work

    I gave this letter to the shopkeeper before we started the conversation


    first to be dear to God and then to You and all beings


    good and beautiful is useful to everybody


    I’m walking – waiting for Sun to call me so that we go with Bu to the shop


    I love to endure in my story only if it is dear to God and all beings


    I love not to endure in my story if it is not dear to God and all beings


    everything is so simple


    through same – love is. through love – it’s the same


    Sun and me just got out of the shop. young gentleman N. was wonderful. he set

    the whole company in motion so the new 21.5 inch iMac will get here from Budapest

    on Wednesday for 22.590 dinars


    when it’s good for everybody it’s a poem


    yesterday I bought a book about beloved old man Porfirije. old man Porfirije

    like old man Tadej went to the monastery as a twelve year boy. more and more

    I see those old men like brave boys that devoted themselves to God


    boy Porfirije – boy Tadej


    in the name of Bu I will call new iMac Bu


    I wish to Bu long and good life as well as to the one who gets Bu


    I’m walking – on the face of every passerby I see God




    1926. day
    10th April 2010

    something that old


    something that ancient


    something that that


    my beloved fool


    fed by tears of sex


    compassion with just anything – but of course – compassion with just anything


    with this that flies


    with dance of a bow down


    unsung got into a mood of singing


    great poem in sad hearts


    I am a whore – loyal to a fool


    fool – whore’s humbleness


    poet – an innocent whore


    hey enthusiasm Your heart is kissing me


    caress my face with Your thighs


    fool is dreaming in the poet’s heart


    fool wakes within the artist’s heart


    theory is preceding theory


    everything that is alive lives out of my love


    everyone that kisses from my life kisses


    I am a word within Your wish


    You are pronouncing me


    colour flows into colour


    sound into sound


    You are my taste


    a boy guards an old man – an old man kisses a boy













    You are not around – I love You


    You don’t exist – I kiss You


    I’m singing with my mind – I’m creating with my heart


    I know You – I can do You


    I kiss the fool of Yours


    we are trying crazy love with love




    1928. day
    12th April 2010

    I kiss you from afar, enjoying our brotherhood in loneliness.

    Yours Kaca 

    this is what Kaca wrote me in electronic letter which yesterday made my Sunday morning beautiful 


    I kiss You from the closeness enjoying in our sisterhood in quiet joy

    Yours Miroslav

    Kaca give great greetings to Natasa Kelhar


    brotherhood kisses the sisterhood – sisterhood embraces the brotherhood


    courage based on loneliness and quiet joy


    courage of budding


    not to kiss each other but to kiss everything


    Universe is the neighbour


    only everything is the closest neighbour


    I have to sew on the button on the right back pocket of my velvet pants


    velvet words – the name of the knitting


    I’m walking through the conditions


    I’m writing with the sensitivity of all beings


    I’m walking from one form of life to the other


    from a butterfly into the Wittgenstein’s hands


    from Wittgenstein’s hands into the tree fibres


    from the tree fibres into the Roman Jacobson’s statement But when is

    poeticity present? – When the word is felt as a word, and not a mere

    representation of the object being named or an outburst of emotion.


    word sings


    word sings sing


    word sings word


    ocean of the ocean


    shoulder of a shoulder


    shoulder me


    watch me well


    I’m breathing You


    one is the navel


    nakedness of love


    naked Go


    every word breathes through the nakedness of the ideals


    who knows God is first from God

    who kisses God is first next to God


    I’m intimate only in the embrace of all beings


    I’m intimate only when everybody knows everything about me


    I’m getting up...

    I danced about the room






    1929. day
    13th April 2010

    the sun is shining – joy is tingling me in the heels


    I’m caressing our backs through walking


    I all I


    I of all I’s


    I to all I’s


    yesterday Simon contacted me. he was a good host for me in Bristol and

    Glastonbury from twentieth to the thirtieth day of the Rose of Wandering. I haven’t

    seen him since then. he is coming at the end of the month. I’m looking forward

    to seeing his warm heart


    he taught me a children’s song about Robin


    Who killed Cock Robin?

    I, said the sparrow,

    with my bow and arrow,

    I killed Cock Robin.


    violet who did You opened to so violetly


    join me to kiss everything every moment together


    I’m resting my eyes over the greyness of the river

    as far as the yellow-green of the other bank


    black dog is running through the green grass full of yellow dandelions


    within the fact that I don’t know a lot of things about countless

    number of things lays my love for each and every one of them


    does my brain smell of grass or grass of my brain


    I’m standing and listening to this little sparrow who is jumping

    from brick to brick and giving me a lecture about the Bud of All Beings 


    as I’m watching and listening him more carefully he is speaking to me

    clearer and clearer


    beings are yearning for each other


    little yellow bird flew on top of the wall and little sparrow got upset


    little sparrow is trembling but carries on with his lecture to me


    he drew back within the bricks since his nest is there


    I am not the same being after these words of Yours my little sparrow 


    we are not dying – today I said to Srecko Stankovic


    it’s such a great dignity to lean on the metal post

    while waiting for the green light to turn on the traffic lights


    little boy moved dandelions from one to the other hand

    in order to take his grandpa by the hand


    a boy on the other side of the fence an me have smiled to each other and then he

    came running after me in order to rejoice me once more with his smiling face


    drink this tranquillity


    eat this modesty


    they are so watery and mild these watery lettuces


    tree tops have become covered with leaves and yellow ball that I throw

    nicely fits in with their greenery


    I really enjoy this step by step staggering


    like word by word after a long silence


    let’s go


    can we do a word or two





    1930. day
    14th April 2010

    it arrived yesterday. the Bu. it has a cordless keyboard and cordless mouse


    I hope that in couple of days I will start working with the help of his beauty


    today I will also make a four hundred sixty fifth photo of One Man


    in toady’s 33 blessings I will give You as a gift one word


    You can do whatever You want with it


    only the greatest weakness can receive with oneself the greatest strength


    God is God through God


    I am God through God


    what’s not happened yet already happened


    that word is salutary


    the most tender




    trans-sense in its clearness


    God is through itself I


    I am through God I


    few days ago I said to the granny beggar who cried

    because she has to beg be goodI will – she replied


    through her I will the whole Universe has shifted


    girl grannies


    I’m travelling through the geography of blessings


    galaxies are the nests in the Universe


    granny’s heart is a little cosmic church


    within the heart of just born younglings is the whole Universe


    still unpacked cordless Universe


    Universe made to measure the Universe


    be everything to me


    create me within You


    call me by Miroslav Mandic name


    call me I Can’t Live Without You


    let’s be the same




    rush towards me


    here You go – take me – take her


    I will




    1931. day
    15th April 2010

    I am a youngling of this word


    I’m getting on my feet


    I don’t see anything


    it’s warm


    somebody is here


    I’m in the soil


    I’m in the water


    I’m in the air


    I’m everything in everything




    I am so I am as well


    my name is I-am-I-am


    a horse as well as a bird – first word within the last one


    through sprouting – through the mind of health


    devine creative force is burning within me


    through the oppositions of divine mind I’m permeating and harmonising Universe


    through strong circulation of the blood of all beings

    I’m splashing with love within the body of every being


    I’m fire in juices of passion


    I’m water in the waves of tranquillity






    becoming of a word becoming


    face of the word


    face to face


    word of the word


    word God


    word word








    I’m a bud of still unborn and uncreated younglings



    1932. day
    16th April 2010

    I’m writing on Bu. I’m writing with Bu


    Rore installed it yesterday. it’s big. it shines


    Bu is braking the movements in my body and in my mind

    because I got used on working with Robin


    Robin and Bu


    Robin is a lap-top. Bu is iMac


    objects are beings


    objects are kissing and they are working on kissing


    I forgot how to work with a mouse


    I feel pain in the neck because the position of my head is different


    Bu has blocked the altar on the window and is casting bigger shadow on the desk


    it’s a lot faster. the sound is stronger


    new Word is shifting left & right


    once more thanks to Vera & Tibor for the Bu


    Sun gave me Robin and I started working with him on 1st September 2005


    from today he is in the Bud Nest with all my works


    with all my sneakers in which I walked and came to this blessing


    from today Robin will witness all the words I wrote with him and within him


    from today Robin will celebrate all beings that with their

    life have brought to such a beautiful being as Robin – iBook G4 is


    from today Robin will start transforming the pain with which beings have hurt each other


    I thought of lending it to somebody so as they could work on it

    but Sun have reminded me well that in a way that sneakers from the Nest

    are not in use the same way shouldn’t Robin be


    from now on Robin will be working through not working


    not working but celebrating


    Bud of All Beings

    Bud of Every Day Art

    Bud God-Sex-Money

    Bud Nest

    Bud Universe

    Bud Walking

    that I created within him


    not working but quietly singing like Universe


    not working but embracing younglings of all beings


    Robin brought me to Bu and Bu will be celebrating Robin


    let’s go Bu let’s go


    spread the tranquillity and love through the internet


    emanate the enthusiasm and loyalty within all beings


    drink beauty and eat goodness


    enjoy in Miroslav Mandic the same way Miroslav Mandic enjoys in you


    through Goddess


    through God


    bud Bu





    1933. day
    17th April 2010

    I’m walking in new. soft. purple

    cheap. crocs shoes. best footwear for me


    I’m a little bit lost because of my new computer


    word is a bit unknown to me. I’m struggling. I’m insecure


    whenever I’m insecure I also feel some kind of guilt

    thrown away butt in front of me is still smoking


    insecurity is as if I’m floating. I don’t feel

    good until I start flying. I’m starting to fly with everything


    with this manhole... this manhole is beautiful as well


    with covered edge of the road. with snail set in concrete

    with cracked asphalt




    every look contains thousand pictures


    every picture contains thousand words


    that’s how every look contains thousand words


    every minute has at least hundred looks


    that’s how every minute contains at least million pictures


    that’s what words can do


    here is a wedding in front of the church. sorrow made out of grieve and despair

    is coming out from the celebration


    bikers have gathered in front of the Parliament


    they live in the same story. enthralled with speed and air

    enjoying in their suits while their bikes are resting


    I move the neck – my vertebra crackles


    in the distance I see myself by chance in the shop window

    and then I hide not to get ashamed


    last night I enjoyed the explanation of Elder Porphyrios about the difference between

    the tranquillity and inferiority and the difference between melancholy and atonement


    I’m really enjoying Elder Porphyrios. as well as in

    Bu. as well as in goodness that always helps me


    while I’m crossing the street near the “Horse” I take an oath

    to all beings that I will be alive and kiss them in all times that are coming


    bikers on their sport bikes gathered at the “Horse” are informed

    by the organiser over the megaphone that there is ten minutes till the start


    one of the most important things that I have learned

    from the computer is what I want I save


    I kiss You – save


    You are immortal – save


    all beings have each other – save


    all beings are immortal – save


    all beings are worth the same – save


    all beings making one and only being – save


    when You read these words know that I wrote them just so as

    it is once more conformed to You that I love You forever – save


    bikers are blowing their horns because they have conquered the city

    car drivers are also blowing their horns because the bikers have blocked the city


    but how to be liberated from the liberators


    1935. day
    19th April 2010

    spring rain is falling


    I heard it last night being half asleep


    warm bed and sounds of rain


    four lines made with a pen and black ink on the drawing paper on my desk


    thin and thicker in the middle


    I drew them in order to straighten and clean the tip of the pen

    from dirt that gathered in ink


    four masterpieces


    close to them is written with a pencil twice how can that be


    first how can that be I wrote with lead 0.5 2B


    second how can that be I wrote with lead 0.7 2B


    I wrote them next to each other to compare them


    this fantastic one with 0.7 lead Srdjan Valjarevic gave me few days ago


    I hope that Petar Miloradovic will give me a waistcoat soon


    word and Pup are some kind of pen

    (*so far I was translating the name of Miroslav’s new computer as Bu, but from now on it will be Pup, as it is in Serbian)


    a style itself


    light instead of lead


    joy is the same


    spring is within the heart of all beings


    spring is the spring


    heart of the spring


    spring of writing


    it stopped raining. it’s clearing up


    it’s a pure wonder that I’m writing these words


    a possibility to write these words makes a wonder out of every possibility


    writing is wonders to a wonder of writing


    from the screen on which I’m writing emerges music


    every word is a screen








    keyboard of writing


    pencil of admiration



    1936. day
    20th April 2010





    I like You a lot




    blue distance


    gentleness in the eyes


    body loyal to body


    morning is passing


    fog is lifting up


    I like You even more


    I love to watch You


    I love to listen to You


    I exist because of You


    sneakers are waiting for me to go


    hearts of all beings are within the heart of every being




    towards the horizon


    h   o   r   i   z   o   n




    h      o      r      i      z      o      n


    loyalty forever


    h         o          r          i          z          o          n




    blue distance


    You like me


    two swallows


    blue just blue


    act bit/beat/essence


    holly heels


    I adore You


    one will





    1937. day
    21st April 2010

    my sameness are these words


    my features are these words


    the greatest football game is playing within these words


    I’ve got everything just to get myself an old man

    grocery selling woman on Cvetko’s market is joyfully shouting


    it’s easy to earn the money but how will I find an old man – she carries on with her tirade


    last night I dreamt of hugging


    she was hugging me hugging


    she was coming closer to me with her lips


    hugging and hugging


    constantly hugging


    warm and soft




    she was hugging and kissing my shoulders neck and face


    ever closer to my lips


    hugging hugging


    I’m walking – I’m hugging her


    I’m walking – she’s hugging me


    she was absorbing me and penetrating me


    absorbing me like a green colour absorbs light


    penetrating me like light penetrates the greenery


    soil started to smell. I took it with my hand and took a photo of it


    I stopped to observe first green cherry stones


    sweet and sour cherries as well as apricots and plums and peaches are coming soon


    I’m looking forward to the fruit that is coming

    as well as the fruit is looking forward to coming again


    I’m confirming the beauty of the world by walking slowly


    I’m celebrating the hugs within the last night dreams by walking slowly


    six hours has passed since I woke up and I still feel how she hugs me


    yards are filled with flowers


    flowers are creating good people


    good people are growing flowers that creates good people


    leaves are growing everywhere


    leaves remind me of the fact that I was drawing it for ten years every day

    from my twenty fifth to my thirty fifth year. leaves. Leaves – Tree of Life


    leafing hugging



    1938. day
    22nd April 2010

    twelve years ago on this day with

    52.732.360th step I walked around planet Earth


    it was the first big circle that I’ve created


    after each experience I’m no longer the one I used to be


    I’m more the same


    more the same with all beings


    more the same with God


    with next step I carried on walking around the

    Universe. and from then on wherever I am I am in the Universe


    in the Universe of Love


    wind is carrying the white petals from the fruit trees


    air is a lover


    a spark in the eyes of a girl that is begging from her mother’s arms caressed me


    I’m walking – I’m caressing


    I’m caressing the circle – the daily bread


    I’m thinking – I’m caressing


    I’m caressing the verb to caress


    to caress somebody’s head


    to caress somebody – to set them free from guilt


    caressing is setting free from the sin


    Universe is caressing all beings


    all beings are caressing the Universe


    caress me


    tongue of caressing is licking one and only tongue of all beings


    rain caresses my head


    with each step I caress the soil


    through caressing steps I’m setting free all beings from the sin


    second big circle is the blue circle of the Blue Rose in the Universe

    that I created several days before the end of the Rose of Wandering


    third big circle are all circles that the book-ball Miroslav Mandic consists of


    four big circle is this one that I’m walking every day – endless circle of caressing all beings


    everybody who struggles with his or her sin and guilt

    is helping others to set him or herself from the sin and guilt


    caressing is the highest stage of knowledge


    revelations are happening through caressing


    greatest discoveries are happening without money or guns through caressing


    caressing is forgiveness and farewell to the old man and old word

    dedicated to Bozidar Mandic who I met by chance on the crossroads near the “Horse” the same one from the other day



    1939. day
    23rd April 2010

    through walking I am Universe


    through dancing I am all beings


    through singing I and You


    through creation God


    writing is dangerous


    writing is salvation


    everything is dangerous


    everything is salvation


    flies are sunbathing


    half an hour ago after many years I’ve remembered that

    in my childhood I was collecting flies in one carton box


    I was plucking their wings so as they wouldn’t fly away


    I wasn’t feeling guilty because of that. I thought it was good for them too


    everybody I have caused pain have helped me to feel that I’m guilty for everything


    feeling guilty for everything helped me change myself and live and love everything


    flies I’m walking in your glory


    I feel quiet joy because You also feel You are guilty for everything


    I’m joyful because You also kiss everything


    while people are coming towards me on everybody’s face I see God


    everybody is God


    God is that everybody is God


    God kisses and everything is God


    who kisses is God


    she never managed to be in the centre of anybody’s world – one girl says to another


    swallows are flying through the skies


    grass is being cut in all places


    I’m enjoying big tree tops of the wild chestnut


    after the stones trees are the wisest creatures


    all creatures are stones as well as all beings are trees – wise as much as they kiss


    forgive me for every word of mine


    caress every word of mine


    affirm every word of mine


    I’m reading You – You are writing me


    through every particle we are kissing – we are kissing every particle



    1940. day
    24th April 2010

    decisions are liberating me from daydreaming and improvisation


    characteristic for decision is that it respects decisions of others


    decisions of righteousness


    particles of decision are made out of righteousness


    particles of decision are binding


    yesterday I picked up a stone from the ground so it would be my spiritual leader


    while writing this blessing I’m holding it in my left hand


    in this blessing the stone is in my right hand


    sometimes I will be writing with it


    it lies next to the Pup


    righteousness permeates all beings


    freedom is righteous


    truth is righteous


    I felt tranquillity on the road crossing. I turned around

    and saw the warmth in the old woman’s eyes


    joined loved


    I gave it to somebody and I never read it. I got it from its

    author and I would love to read it. few days ago I couldn’t find it in

    bookshops. I will now look in some other bookshops. Slobodan Tisma’s book Urvidek


    there is no Urvidek. why do publishers and bookshops

    exist if they don’t have Slobodan Tisma’s Urvidek


    I love pictures that think slowly and deeply


    I love that he loves things that he loves even though I don’t like those things


    I would like to take photos of the noses of all people. six billion noses of one picture


    two and a half year old boy is running after pigeons in the park

    when the pigeon flies the boy flinches really hard


    those who have made for years many people redundant

    are now very surprised by the fact that it is them that are redundant


    I’m not giving up also because of the rare ones who never gave up


    lasting enables creation


    creation celebrates lasting


    become what you are – somebody pasted the paper with these words on the metal

    post on which I lean on while waiting for the green light on the road crossing


    book is everywhere and book is everything


    it is so boring to listen to the people who are living form books how they moan

    about young people not reading books. they have forgotten how they have terrorised others with reading books


    sometimes famous people are moaning because the most important profession today

    is to be famous and anybody can be famous. in their time other things were more

    important and only they have been famous. all times are the same. spirit of

    time is terrorising everything that isn’t in the spirit of time and those who

    were terrorising others in their time are the ones that moan


    I just remembered two blessings that I wrote with the stone in my hands


    this morning I wished to give the stone – my spiritual leader – name

    but I didn’t know which one. now I felt I’ll call him Miroslav Mandic


    I bought two lettuces – May Queen – you need to be gentle

    with her like with a woman – vegetable selling woman told me


    round bread – 30 dinars

    tartar sauce – 70

    two lettuces – 120 dinars

    underlined – royal lunch




    1940. day
    24th April 2010

    decisions are liberating me from daydreaming and improvisation


    characteristic for decision is that it respects decisions of others


    decisions of righteousness


    particles of decision are made out of righteousness


    particles of decision are binding


    yesterday I picked up a stone from the ground so it would be my spiritual leader


    while writing this blessing I’m holding it in my left hand


    in this blessing the stone is in my right hand


    sometimes I will be writing with it


    it lies next to the Pup


    righteousness permeates all beings


    freedom is righteous


    truth is righteous


    I felt tranquillity on the road crossing. I turned around

    and saw the warmth in the old woman’s eyes


    joined loved


    I gave it to somebody and I never read it. I got it from its

    author and I would love to read it. few days ago I couldn’t find it in

    bookshops. I will now look in some other bookshops. Slobodan Tisma’s book Urvidek


    there is no Urvidek. why do publishers and bookshops

    exist if they don’t have Slobodan Tisma’s Urvidek


    I love pictures that think slowly and deeply


    I love that he loves things that he loves even though I don’t like those things


    I would like to take photos of the noses of all people. six billion noses of one picture


    two and a half year old boy is running after pigeons in the park

    when the pigeon flies the boy flinches really hard


    those who have made for years many people redundant

    are now very surprised by the fact that it is them that are redundant


    I’m not giving up also because of the rare ones who never gave up


    lasting enables creation


    creation celebrates lasting


    become what you are – somebody pasted the paper with these words on the metal

    post on which I lean on while waiting for the green light on the road crossing


    book is everywhere and book is everything


    it is so boring to listen to the people who are living form books how they moan

    about young people not reading books. they have forgotten how they have terrorised others with reading books


    sometimes famous people are moaning because the most important profession today

    is to be famous and anybody can be famous. in their time other things were more

    important and only they have been famous. all times are the same. spirit of

    time is terrorising everything that isn’t in the spirit of time and those who

    were terrorising others in their time are the ones that moan


    I just remembered two blessings that I wrote with the stone in my hands


    this morning I wished to give the stone – my spiritual leader – name

    but I didn’t know which one. now I felt I’ll call him Miroslav Mandic


    I bought two lettuces – May Queen – you need to be gentle

    with her like with a woman – vegetable selling woman told me


    round bread – 30 dinars

    tartar sauce – 70

    two lettuces – 120 dinars

    underlined – royal lunch


