Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
everything consciousness letter letters what You feel that is me in everything poem which occurs out of nothing I’m budding I’m pouring out through maturity through the path of self-love through the bud of sameness a bit drunk from beauty tamed by goodness I became mild just a breath juicy leisurely easy to hard casual to strong strolling snuggled by loyalty nestled with rising I’m swinging swaying daydreaming through the woman I don’t have to the woman I don’t have
I affirm cane I sing cane I serve the cane science affirms God art sings God religion serves God I affirm You I sing You I serve You through affirmation I sing and serve through singing I serve and affirm through serving I affirm and sing cane science art religion God wheat of words words of decision freedom sprouts through decision decision is blessing of gentleness gentleness is art of surrendering to be grass to be cane in the wind to be wind it’s gentle grass is mellow cane is swingy wind is young mud You talked about horse’s eyes pus bit
tears from watching Josipa Lisac and Saban Bajramovic which You pointed out to me and now I’m drawing Your attention to attention and carefulness I discovered on the Second Walking for Poetry I hug You by-attention I love-kiss You carefully
if a day goes by without me thinking of death it is a failed day who will I love first if not death death yearns to die forever death has always yearned to resurrect in life I’m not a genome and not a single gene exists within me I am Miroslav Mandic all words that I have written and spoke out that I am writing and speaking out all the pictures that I have created and thought of that I am creating and thinking of all the rhythms I have walked and danced that I am walking and dancing I’m not of quant nature I’m sexy by myself willow over the water I live in language through language through little sister through bleaching out through laughter through mellow unnoticeable unnoticed water weeds road is approaching the road some things you told me hurt me I’ve been thinking of them throughout the night being half awake as it usually happens when it comes to things like that struggle with myself anguishes of the soul that is cleansing and regenerating itself I’m enjoying the language I’m love-kiss-wording I’m inhaling I’m exhaling language sings breathing dances to a certain woman
I live I’m creating I’m singing to God through God God to Universe through Universe Universe to All Beings through All Beings All Beings to You through You I I live sing create committed to Miroslav Mandic Art committed to Miroslav Mandic poem committed to Miroslav Mandic walking I live sing create 84600 poems pictures rhythms every day I live sing create site dedicated to God You All Beings hey joy joy joy joy joy I live in the Nest of My Art on Ban’s Hill in Belgrade I live in my mobile phone live me I live and I am through Your reading of these words I am regenerated through Your rested reading compromise never – agreeing always without decision there is no storm without storm there is no thinking I think through decisions I think one thought I’m overwhelmed by overwhelming I’m clamed by calmness grinding of the sameness is within the sameness of the grinding I’m grinding I’m grinding I’m grinding I’m grinding I’m grinding I’m grinding I’m ginding I’m grinding I’m grinding art of creating – creating of art art of becoming – becoming of art creating of love – love through creating salt on my neck salt on Your tongue
two words it’s enough one only one I saw her I Saw Her is a title of the poem which will arise if I see her 33 times. so far I saw her three times today I decided that on Monday I will start second 33 days long virtual pilgrimage let’s get started I love to fill life with what life could be filled with with water lilies with first swallows with first of June with first kiss that constantly lasts with history of humming for a while I’ve been thinking of these things and today the decision came by itself I’m starting on Monday I would love to invite a lot of people but I won’t invite anybody nobody join me let’s go on pilgrimage together with our knees with pussy and dick with heart with mind with kissing every year from 9th August to 15th September I will go on and create pilgrimages yesterday somebody said for the first time that I’m God I was talking to Z. yesterday about you. trying to explain the best I could what my relationship with you is, that is to say who you are, so I said that you are the one who completely is, which opened a passage to the sentence: He is God which was taken with understanding and approving God is God as it is with what is dreamt of you are on my doors bathed in light you already surrendered your life to me surrendering it to everybody’s life
from 9th August to 15th September 2010 I will be bowing to non-violence every day I will research and discover on internet people and phenomenon connected to non-violence I will mostly be using Wikipedia deepest gratitude to the innocent children that are creating Wikipedia a circle on my desk picture on which I'm writing for a month will help me colourful circle in the middle of the circle of non-violence as well as I love-kiss You in it was already there same as God Goddess Bud I love sketches the same as the work of art itself because of the perfection of the work of art I love sketches even a bit more than the work of art itself I will take photos of that circle on the desk every day and I will put it on the website blooming of the non-violence circle let's bloom I'm beginning from myself I shaved myself — I'm getting to know myself I washed the floors of the Nest. cleaned the bathroom — I'm looking after myself few days ago I heard that beautiful principle looking after ourselves attention admiration carefulness bowing today I couldn't have begun bowing to non-violence if I hadn't make a decision to go towards the sky on this day 37 years ago. I was getting out of the prison and I felt tremendous pressure to be useful member of society but I was attracted to... I was attracted to the sky blue sky that I watched from the bus window I was attracted to the blueness it's in my chest today as well I surrendered to the skyway unknown — to the innocent Sky thank you society that has been persuading me has fell apart and that's why I'm doing the pilgrimage to that boy who was courageous to listen to his heart one is always more than everything else doing the pilgrimage to him I'm bowing to everybody who dared and went down the path of their heart path of the heart leads to the one and only heart God 37 years on that path 37 years of the Sky for 37 years of life of Milomir Mandic. my blood father who killed himself so as I would give birth and love-kiss all beings within myself I would love to do next year from 9th August to 15th September 33 bowings to something else. and to do that every year. till the end of time I'm starting with the bowing to myself because for the past 37 years I'm fucking with non-violence surrendering my self to it with my body soul and spirit fucking is the seed of non-violence — who doesn't love-kiss fucking he/she love-kisses violence I'm bowing to myself and 37-year-old decision to fight with myself I'm bowing to myself — watch the world with my eyes love-kiss it with my lips I'm bowing to myself within her — I'm bowing to myself within him I'm bowing to myself discovered I'm bowing to my love for bowings I'm bowing only to everything and everything that is rejected and unnoticed to Your shit isn't it so my beloved isn't it so
last night I saw Natasha for the first time. Ema’s and Milion’s mother
we were going towards Ada. I told her that I started with the bowing to non-violence
Natasha asked me how is it going with non-violence. I begun to explain to her and all of
a sudden a big ball hit me hard in the face. I fell down while pressing my eyes with
hands I felt that glasses are broken but I wasn’t hurt too much even though the
blow was really hard. I still feel the pain in my nape and neck vertebras
where did the ball come from. who hit it. how comes it hit nobody else’s but my face
it was shocking and horrible
afterwards I was enjoying in Natasha and her meekness
she told me wonderful story about woman who gave birth
to Ema who was adopted by Natasha who became her mother
when I find out her name I will write her story as well
today I’m bowing to Shelly and his poem The Masque of Anarchy
I didn’t know about its influence on Thoreau and Ghandi
I found that out couple of days ago. I was rejoicing and that
inspired me to make the 33 bowings to non-violence
today to the girly Shelly’s face
to Shelly boy who was bullied by other kids in school
to his poetry
stand ye calm and resolute
like a forest close and mute
I’m bowing to the peace
I’m bowing to decisiveness
I’m bowing to the quite firmness
with folded arms and looks which are
weapons of unvanquished war
I’m bowing to folded arms
of a granny
I’m bowing to the lowered look
the most sexual one
receiving is non-violent
I’m going for a swim. I went to the optician. new glasses will be finished in the evening
I’m tenderly thinking of wanderers who are spreading non-violence through the world
by non-possessing
I’m tenderly thinking of synchronicity through which I was hit by a ball last night
I’m tenderly thinking of big violent men that have repented
and became the very source of non-violence
non-violence is not opposed to violence it rather kisses it and transforms it
strength is non-violent
non-violence is brave as well as witty
I admire You my beloved
non-violence is a little flower
non-violence is winking
live in me – in my web-site – in my mobile phone – in this book – fondled and cared for – eternally
I was swimming yesterday as well and one could feel that the summer is going away
and that autumn is coming
chill is flowing through the air and excites with beauty of cold autumn and winter days
that are approaching
light gained green colour of certainty
You are beautiful
between cowardice and violence I choose violence clear words – clear thoughts – clear work I’m bowing to Ghandi and jail in which I was reading Ghandi I’m bowing to all the books and their authors that I have read in jail I was drinking the words of freedom and I was eating the words of truth everything is in words I just looked at the list of books I have read in jail I’ve also read Gertrude Stein in jail as well as Maeterlinck’s The Life of the Bee like a bee I’m bowing to Romain Rolland who introduced me in jail to Ghandi Tolstoy and Ramakrishna everything flows into each other all beings are flowing into me – through all beings I’m flowing into You to take a walk – to walk – to get somewhere walking through the river of non-violence I’m flowing into the salt of non-violence Non-violence through which I agreed to a certain, different world. Since non-violence resurrects. Non-violence – salt in the sea. Non-violence to flow through my veins instead of blood. Really. I wrote in book Boy Child Ghandi You are within me Ghandi Ghandi in fruit blossoming Ghandi in determination of love Ghandi in everybody’s name Ghandi You are within me Ghandi Ghan I never stop admiring You Ghan I breathe You through admiration endless and irrevocable is love incommensurable is admiration through Your example I fight for lightheartedness and causelessness for holly un-importance every being everybody’s poem for everybody to each and everybody everything that isn’t for everything and everybody is worthless Ghan I’m Ghandi Ghandi Bud
there was no coming back love is irreversible I remained with You Tolstoy forever here on the here in the beauty of goodness in the of the heart grass poem liberating the yearning from yearning liberating violence from self-hurting cuddling is nonviolence I cuddle you all beings I cuddle you no hopers beauty surrounds us – a moment ago I found out about you we are all children to each other last night I found this 198 list and I got really excited because for six years now I’ve been writing 198 blessings every week 6 x 33 = 198 – a number of nonviolence not opposing the evil not resisting the goodness surrendering to the other I’m going for a swim for You my Tol I’m struggling with new glasses. it seems to me that I’m higher for twenty centimetres so I feel as if I’m falling through while walking eyes of walking constantly towards goodness walk me my eyes watch prettily and cuddly – non-violently – always and only loveably one is the childhood of all beings – one is the radiance of God warmness in the hearts of these poor people who are harnessing the little horse in the woods have made me delicate and that’s You Tol Tol I remember how Your divine smile over the coffin of Your dead child transformed me and led me to God Tol I remember Your struggles with Yourself and Sonia that have always kept me vigilant Tol I remember Your encounter with God in the woods that opened me up to alive God Tol I remember Your thoughts about art and wavering from it that has led me to eternal art Tol I am Tolstoy Tolstoy Bud
welcome to godly sameness I love-kiss you nameless ones I love-kiss you unknown ones I love-kiss you unrecognized ones I love-kiss my heroes of nonviolence you are my youth eternally young joy everything started with Your pretty face my Thor through the face of walking if it wasn’t for Thoreau walking there wouldn’t be Miroslav Mandic walking I walk I observe I love-kiss I dance I sing I write using walking style it’s all You Thor it’s all me through You Thor if it wasn’t for Your disobedience Thor I wouldn’t come to like obedience I cry to Thee Thor like Your birds in the forest through crying to Thee I’m bowing to You Thor what one can do not everybody can Thor You have experienced and wrote that only the rarest ones know that the walking is the highest art Thor this smell of goats in the woods is for You my darling Thor this thunder over Ada lake is a greeting for all the rains on the Walden lake Thor this smell of the first rain drops I dedicate to You and Your smells through which You were thinking Thor Thoreau You are so much Thoreau Thor I am Thoreau Thoreau Bud
I’m crying over You my you have disappeared in beautiful whiteness you have disappeared like all young people who give their lives for freedom of other people without you there is no living without you loving couldn’t be possible white lambs white buds white clouds white petals whiteness of blackness whiteness of all colours whiteness of whiteness white words six-leaved white rose whiten whiten whiter and whiter White Rose whiten through the whiteness of nonviolence in the autumn of 2003 on German national television Germans under the age of forty on competition of The Ten Greatest Germans of All Times placed Hans and Sophie Scholl in fourth place. in front of Bach Goethe Gutenberg Brandt Bismarck Einstein women readers of the mass-circulation magazine Brigitte had voted Sophie Scholl as the greatest woman of the twentieth century White Rose is the heart of all beings heart of all beings is nonviolent White Rose I learned about You while I was walking one cosmic Blue Rose White Rose I’m bowing to You through the Blue Rose White Rose You are your beautiful faces White Rose through Your chastity everything begins all over again White Rose I’m the White Rose White Rose Bud
but what right did I have on those greatest pleasures when everywhere around me there is only misery and struggle for mouldy piece of bread; when everything I spend in order to live in that word of higher emotions must be taken away from the very mouth of those who sow the wheat and don’t have enough bread for their kids. I have always felt how goodness radiates from You my Krop I was excited by the title of Your book The Quest of Bread I love the taste of Your bread Krop I love the nourishment of Your bread Krop bread is hungry as well for Your bread of righteousness Krop here is the bread Kropotkin’s bread bread of compassion bread of the hungry ones bread of the sanctity supernatural bread everyday bread bread out of bread crumbs bread of one piece of bread bread taken from the mouth bread of gratitude bread of nonviolence give me Krop’s bread I believe in Your bread Krop I believe in Your life Krop I imagine You in Siberian forests how You measure and survey the spaces with the geography of an all-soul I imagine You how You observe the nature and ways in which all species live together in it jointly self-sufficient self-sustainable breading of the Krop’s bread unpowered bread where there is powered there is no freedom where there is no freedom there is no bread either freedom of bread – bread of freedom Krop I am Kropotkin Krop Bud
few days ago all of a sudden at first left and then right knee as well started to be painful. I got worried and I remembered the Wounded Knee I remembered the words of Black Elk I did not know then how much was ended. When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people's dream died there. It was a beautiful dream . . . . the nation's hoop is broken and scattered. There is no center any longer, and the sacred tree is dead. I bow to the live holly tree I bow to all the victims of all violence we are all victims of violence we are especially victims of soft and unnoticeable violence acknowledged and respected violence we are all victims of the violence we commit over ourselves we are victims of the violence of our own laziness violence of our own non-compassion violence of our own prejudices violence of our own selfishness violence of our own thinking violence of our own ambitions violence of our own vanity not noticing our own violent nature we don’t notice killed in concentration camps killed in gulags killed in prisons killed in madhouses killed in sports killed in wars killed in working places killed in pogroms killed like redeemers I bow to all those who have suffered and are still suffering from my violence grace within me regenerate them all Cosmic grace resurrect the killed ones grace in my knees spread throughout all the hearts kne of mine caress all beings and among them all killed ones kne I am the knee Knee Bud
good morning Petra Kelly I bow to Your energy the cursor is flickering on the screen and I don’t know how to carry on my dear Kel You Kel – I Kel You were the victim of the violence of inheritance of the violence of secret You eye – I eye You nose – I nose You ear – I ear You skin – I skin You tongue – I tongue You soil – I soil You water – I water You air – I air You light – I light You I – I I Kel allegory Kel hyponoia the principle of benevolence the sense of the speech and behaviour of others, even the least normal behaviour, requires from you to grasp a great part of the truth and reason within them whether we like it or not, if we want to understand others, we have to regard them as being right when it comes to most of the matters if we truly want to understand somebody else we have to assume that they are telling the truth Kel my Kel beautiful face beautifully thinks The universe is only self-referential reality in the phenomenal world. It is the only text without context. Everything else has to be seen in the context of the universe. The significance of story, and in particular the universe as story. The universe story is the quintessence of reality We perceive the story. We put it in our language, the birds put it in theirs, and the trees put it in theirs. We can read the story of the universe in the trees. Everything tells the story of the universe. The winds tell the story, literally, not just imaginatively The story has its imprint everywhere, and that is why it is so important to know the story. If you do not know the story, in a sense you do not know yourself; you do not know anything. Kel I don’t believe in criticism – I believe in face Kel I believe in step and the next step Kel joy Kel humour of a live life Kel I am Kelly Kelly Bud
ode to loyalty actually there is only one philosophical virtue: loyalty. I quoted Your sentence Ser on 16th November 1992 in the Rose of Wandering 2 book ever since then I’m loyal to You Ser as well as to loyalty itself I’m loyal to Your face Ser I’m loyal to how You are looking at me Ser on 21st November 1992 I walked with friends 37 night circles and on 22nd November 1992 37 day circles with friends on a square in Timisoara with Your message I’m asking for love for the Earth Ser Earth has its rights like any other being I believe and I know that You Ser have fought well and nicely for the Earth rights I trust Your thoughts Ser I trust Your actions Ser I trust Your love Ser I celebrate Your loyalty Ser I’m loyal to Your smile Ser in Your blue eyes I see sky of loyalty Ser in the tranquillity of Your hands I feel skin of loyalty Ser in the wrinkles on Your forehead I feel layers of all times Ser You are the messenger of loyalty Ser message of the messenger voice of the voiceless because of yesterday’s misunderstanding with another person an Elder Paisios’ sentence that I found in my accordion in which I wrote around hundred things to guard and lead me in moments of languish or when I’m lost helped me a lot the most sweet spiritual joy I felt was in injustice I rejoice You Elder Paisios I rejoice You Ser one is the voice Ser voice is the same Ser one is the message Ser all in all loyally Ser hands on the knees dosing off Ser loyalty Ser I am Serres Serres Bud
through the heavenly roses I bow to you anonymous ones I love-kiss you ano-s ano-s because You want to be ano-s ano-s because nobody can notice You ano-s because good deeds are mostly ano because often you can’t be find out about ano-s I enjoy the Wikipedia because one can find out everything in it to discover all those wonderful people and ideas I bow to to see their faces to feel them in the body to become them selves but one sixth of people are starving one third doesn’t have electricity many don’t have computer richest ones are talking only of themselves existing obvious picture of the world is the picture of the powerful ones invisible of mine I see you I fell Your prayers in the beauty of the world I recognise your good deeds I love Your name I love the name of the nameless ones I’m caressing Your face ano-s we are on the road ano-s always love for ano-s love for ano-s now love forever for ano-s we are the rose ano-s all beings are within You ano-s all names are within You ano-s a n a n o n a n a ano-s I am anonymous ones Anonymous Bud
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson my nose is running already a third day and I should bow to the scorned why now that sco rope becomes thinner and rips and a bird lands on an overseas ship to rest and a wind stops and a stranger sometimes peacefully falls asleep my the disliked, I am bowing to you with images of peace who is thinking s/he is scorned sco who is independent s/he is scorned sco who is joyful s/he is scorned sco who loves God s/he is scorned sco And when they had made sport of him, they took the robe off him, and put his clothing on him, and took him away to put him on the cross. Matthew Chapter 27, Verse 31 who is different s/he is scorned sco by scorning you, people are discharging themselves and ejecting their violent energy by throwing rocks on you, people are hiding their own guilt who is loving you, his/her eyes are shining because they are looking at God along this fence small road leads to the shade bellow the old tree one woman is leaving the village the old dog will die on this place this thing will rot here it is not possible to climb this ladders anymore this isn't anymore a spoon, but rather a distorted corrosion a blind woman is singing on the square peace doesn't have anymore time for restlessness landslides are running into coves a top is love-kissing a bottom a bottom embraces a top now I have reminded myself on Godard's film Contempt and the sky in it through you curves the path of love sco you are protecting the unprotected ones sco you are overshadowing all beings not to be scorned sco I am scorned Scorned Bud
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson I am bowing to You, the mother of the freedom movement you are beautiful, the tailoress tailoress of a better world for everyone I am bowing to You, the mother of all beings Your breasts are feeding everything that exists by one and only milk exist everything that exists I am fucking You my love, You are fucking me with life I am bowing to You the goldenmouth (goldmund in German) words are beautiful like the air I am love-kissing You devotedly, my devotion I wanted to send You this message yesterday but the dice told me not to send it to You I am walking on the wireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I am pussy for take-off to all beings I am the same in everyone the same light in all beings the same boy in every girl love is one – says ever-since love is one – says now love is one – says forever you are recognizing me in every cell of yours I am nothing else then Your shame, my beloved You are my language in which there is no female and male, nothing but You, Par woman man woman human — man human human being I God Par If anyone knows Tomislav Sedmak, the psychiatrist, please say warm greetings to him goodness is bathing landscapes Par Par I am Parks Parks Bud
ever since Ally's health problems started and I went to Scotland English translations are sometimes late and I'm sorry about that I hope Ally will get better actually I hope he will soon regain his health and blessings in English won't be late following few days blessings will be translated by Branka Zgonjanin Ivana Djokic-Saunderson sometimes life is nothing more then a shame I am a horse I am a donkey I am a nothing thank You my mare, for making me ashamed I am walking – I am dreaming Your dream I am creating – I am dreaming Your dream I am singing – I am dreaming Your dream children are running into water – released droplets of water joy are flying in the air warm air is filling my nostrils with scents of thistle and tare my feet are gurgling through the forest I am bowing to Your decisive feet Kin I am bowing to nameless feet of peace Kin I am bowing to sanctity of nameless (beings) Kin nameless (beings) are celebrating a name Kin a name is giving a life to nameless (beings) Kin children are running out of the water and throwing themselves into a hug of a warm sand which embraces them loyaly meteors' rain lit up the sky before children's eyes of a future name my feet are gurgling through universe of a constantly self-renewing goodness dedicated to a beautiful madam which gave her telephone number to a seller of watermelons and said to him visit me I am alone words were dancing on Your lips Kin song was opening Your heart Kin feet were liberating Your mind unstoppable are feet Kin unstoppable is singing Kin unstoppable is repeating Kin happiness in the eyes of all beings You are in every girl Kin You are in every boy Kin Kin I am King King Bud