Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
it got colder it’s the same it moves on it’s not moving enough for the beginning Petar just told me that in blessings as well as on every day photos of my face all changes can be seen sometimes you’re ten years older sometimes you’re ten years younger I’m happy about it everything can be seen on the grass as well everything can be seen everything is known just goodness remains few days ago I saw vine in Zarkovo how with a lot of future grapes climbs towards the fifth floor of the building how only good is that vine it’s not shy to give itself away people are too shy to love they are afraid to shine they are hiding behind laughter they are hiding behind irony depression behind superiority knowledge habits world depends on everyone and everyone should know that one woman thrown her two children from the fourth floor and she herself jumped to her death I was shaken by that. in what kind of horror was she. I sympathise with her love-kiss just love-kiss swim across don’t imply midday bells are ringing they ring each noon bells of love are not giving up bells are good love rings at everyone’s door towards all floors grapes of love are climbing
when today on the Zamun open market a beautiful Gipsy woman who was selling sponges saw word love on my temple she shouted that it’s great is it really written. I approached her and showed and then she said well-done that’s the best thing I saw and then she lifted her thumb up to give me support and I felt greatest success in my life so far successes of mine future ones present ones eternal successes of every being you are God God’s modesty old nun and her two pairs of knitted socks my face in front of Your face I disappear within You I am a woman which looked at me today she surrendered herself to me in a moment she found myself within me for herself liven me up within her for all beings unknown forever gone beautiful woman in Pozeska street You are taking photos of me now take a photo of me so that all beings can see me so that they see how I love-kiss them take a photo of my love take a photo of the woman in Pozeska street take a photo of the Gipsy woman form Zemun open market make me immortal sing me eternal as well angles as my friend too photo camera in Your hands remind me to finish You a story about fucked up woman who is creating peace in beings also about a man who’s fucked up and sings peace to the Universe radiance p e a c p e a c e c a e p c a e p
I’m on the forest path enjoying it meanders it goes up and down it curves behind the trees on certain places it’s mottled with tree roots it’s sunny here and there great old uprooted tree lies next to it like a big whale whenever I’m on the forest path I always wonder how was it formed I feel the people who upkeep it with their walking through the narrower path I joined the wider where fresh horse shit is smelling wider path is like a bed of a precipitated creek I stop and watch the moss on the northern side of the tree it’s silent and regenerating in the woods a little bird saw me and flew away forests are interlaced with forest roads forest is calming me it embraces me it’s happy that I’m in it forest is humming forest is wooding great red butterfly on the rotten trunk yellow butterfly with black spots is here as well it walks over the land. it moves. it constantly lifts up and down its wings it’s nice for butterflies next to the rotten trunk butterflies are marvellously beautiful beauty of fragility this leaf reminded me how I was drawing leaves for ten years forest is calming the brain forest path has taken me down to the foothill I got out of the forest I’m thinking the forest I am the forest
I wanted to write about something but the dice told me not to now I’m free to write about anything about same thing in each thing Bach’s music that I’m listening to is calming me twelfth electronic letter of virtual beggary that I sent clams me as well like with each step I’m moving forward also with each blessing I’m coming closer there is no end to moving forward and there is no end to coming closer labia yearns for lips in vain yearns for in vain somebody somewhere for somebody somewhere all parts of Universe are interlaced in each particle dust is collecting on my desk f r a f r a g i l e i l e I hug You throat I’m sleepy but I should get going I’ll snooze while walking I should improve my the breathing how to receive soil and give back to soil how to receive water and give back to water how to receive air and give back to air how to receive light and give back to light how to constantly be lively how how to receive from soil and forward it to water how to receive from water and forward it to air how to receive from air and forward it to light how to receive from light and forward it to soil to love-kiss and just to love-kiss how receive death and transform it into immortality to love-kiss and just to love-kiss walk me love-kiss me sing me
this is a poem for third millennium this is a poem for forth millennium this is a poem for fifth millennium this is a poem for sixth millennium this is a poem for seventh millennium this is a poem for eighth millennium this is a poem for ninth millennium this is a poem for tenth millennium this is a poem for eleventh millennium this is a poem for twelfth millennium this is a poem for thirteenth millennium this is a poem for fourteenth millennium this is a poem for fifteenth millennium this is a poem for sixteenth millennium this is a poem for seventeenth millennium this is a poem for eighteenth millennium this is a poem for nineteenth millennium this is a poem for twentieth millennium this is a poem for twenty first millennium this is a poem for twenty second millennium this is a poem for twenty third millennium this is a poem for twenty fourth millennium this is a poem for twenty fifth millennium this is a poem for twenty sixth millennium this is a poem for twenty seventh millennium this is a poem for twenty eighth millennium this is a poem for twenty ninth millennium this is a poem for thirtieth millennium this is a poem for thirty first millennium this is a poem for thirty second millennium this is a poem for thirty third millennium this is a poem for thirty third millennium this is a poem for thirty fourth millennium this is a poem for thirty fifth millennium
it melts on my palate first sip of coffee I’m sipping bitter those are not my senses that is me fingers with which I’m typing this blessing are not mine but that is me You are not my yearning and You are not You but that is me John Cage’s book Silence that Vera gave me is not my book but that is me my thoughts are not mine but that is me my body is not mine but that is me my Dear is not mine but that is me my breathing is not mine but that is me my planet Earth is not mine but that is me my Universe is not mine but that is me my first kiss is not mine but that is me my friend is not mine but that is me my walking is not mine but that is me my art is not mine but that is me my poem is not mine but that is me my flaws are not mine but that is me my shit is not mine but that is me my words are not mine but that is me my humour is not mine but that is me my but that is me is not mine but that is me my dreams are not mine but that is me my origins are not mine but that is me my human species is not mine but that is me my horses are not mine but that is me my repetitions are not mine but that is me my I is not mine but that is me my God is not mine but that is me I g o d
my morning tenderness fragile fragility heats are starting everything becomes white from the light poem of mine I don’t even exist I am just you to live means to be worthy of great lives to live means to be worthy of all beings’ lives to live means to be worthy of life itself life doesn’t even exit it’s always in the making eternal beginning there are two reasons why I don’t take out certain blessings that are not so good first – out of reverence for poor people who are saying not to waste second – everything that became has its reason and therefore it’s good I thought of today’s poem I am god that is waiting for me to write it and I rejoiced it I wrote hundred and nine of them so far I’m watching them written down on the desk many of them have traces of everyday work on the computer spilled wine circles from wet saucer for tea worn out paper from the mouse I should only face it out to be the beginning and the end in each moment everything in between the end and the beginning to think with my heart to love-kiss with my mind to fly with my legs m o d m o d e s t y s t y freedom of love is within the love for freedom love of freedom is within the freedom for love meadow of wild flowers butterflies are blooming smells basil cherish me somebody
a girl moved so that I can pass by. I looked at her face and said thank you. her face lightened up with God’s smile in a second I’m crossing the street on the red light. a girl on the other side of the street is waiting patiently for the green light. when I approached her I said it’s great that you are waiting. she smiled shyly and felt that she’s not really a fool surrounded by rowdiness of this world here I am at the computer let’s get going with Riesling with grapes and light from the depths of the earth with sun’s fire sweetness of grapes grows just drink me my beloved I love the bitterness of sage swallow me I am an absinth in the wine I am elixirs of all kinds a man on the road a woman in the landscape I smell of sea I’m everywhere in every moment a poem of all poems a whore to the whores I bought today twenty four crayons for three hundred dinars every colour is beautiful how sweet are little lizards I rejoice Thursday – this year’s 14th July eternal teenager’s Saturday’s boogie-woogie wow what the fuck – it’s 5.04 pm already well does it have to be again with that fuck of yours modesty modesty – my joyous joy – I protect You modesty I tenderly think of Danube’s cold water come to swim across the Danube this year when the water is a bit warmer to swim it and to swim across it slowly swimming it and admiring it – surrendering to that great water that constantly and abundantly flows Danube itself enjoys in that great amount of water that flows everyone that surrenders excites me I respect anybody who gives their money to the others I adore everyone who understands that their money is not theirs and that’s why they are giving to the others I live for everyone who gives their life to everything and everybody I am blood that flows through the veins of all beings I love-kiss you with these movements
singling themselves out people are killing their being through which they are uniting
sweat is leaving traces of salt on my neck
we are missing one another – God’s glory
ask me to tell You about the thighs
don’t ask me since You haven’t asked me last time either
red currant next to the road
cabbage underneath the levee
shower over the orchard and garden
spaces are fucking and marrying through mystery
sexes in God’s love are resurrecting through mystery
bounty of daily bread
bounty of supernatural bread
bite me – be united
I gave myself up to Your surrendering
sunny valleys
undisputed innocence
longing of singing for fucking
longing of fucking for singing
singing of fucking for longing
long me longing
pleasantly with pleasure please me within You
open up through each pore of mine
reborn Yourself when good opportunity occurs
sunny valleys wow
so close and yet so remote
sweat is pouring down my chest
it slides towards the belly button
hey Tuesday – 22500th day of my life hey day which day are You to Yourself where is Your night my day everything that has been so far is in this blessing everything that will be is in this blessing everything that is now is in every blessing I would love to take photos of tiny lizards this day today or tomorrow forty years ago happened one of the greatest breakdowns and turnovers in my life I celebrate You heat revolution of not-hurting wherever you are I’m with you runaway children wherever you are I’m with you children who killed yourselves with knees of confession – with knees of redemption wherever You are Your love is the source of love to all beings I will yet be walking I will yet be love-kissing I will yet be creating I will yet be singing yet already I just remembered how one woman in my youth told me that the greatest curs for each woman is that he gets a softy with me for a woman it’s the same as for a man I was cock teased – she told me same is the same to the same a takes me to the a a takes me to the water feet in the sky fathers love to fuck their mothers love to fuck with their stranger walks in the heat nun over the levee with static electricity with beloved artificial intelligence
hey 22501st day of my life do you recognise me my foolery alive sentence which is shaping me I’m Yours innocence of the innocence rhythms of all rhythms freedom fraternity equality a circle spins within a circle truth is truthing within truth forest is a forester to the forest Mary Magdalene . – full-stop . – Gala I’m waving at You cosmically Nemanja Bjelogrlic princess of the beggars beggar to the princesses forester is loyal to the forest young cows are grazing in the valley wild-woman in the beginning of the blessing transforms through fucking in the end of the blessing into the noble-woman jaws of loyalty these days I’m swimming twice a day I immerse myself you’re swimming like an orca – says Mirjana who is swimming near by I immerse myself and think in the water I create shapes of mystical language to which I’m loyal mystical poet – a husband of art poet of mystical – a wife of art to the forester of loyalty lumberjack of friendship death is transformation sex of love
22502nd day of my life forty years ago I made first photo of One Man. today I made four hundred eightieth sexuality of all years of my life permeates me sexuality of every being permeates me a moment ago I read short diary of One Man. here are few notes I was swimming yesterday in Danube in the pouring rain each photo of One Man should be printed in 50x35 centimetres size and this series should be exhibited in the nature on the street in the city in the river in the air… at this moment this series is 168 metres long reasonless hope is the only hope for me alone. rejected. left. loyal to the boyhood I am a guardian of love. guardian of love creates love through peace and duration I create love condition of love precedes creation two days ago I glued the photos of One Man. I haven’t been doing that for two years. the work is more and more magnificent. it’s becoming more and more so live work. I’m grateful to God because he enabled me to be God as well I don’t know when I became God. as well as I don’t know when did I become a man but at this moment I named this diary One God’s diary. at this moment I’m making a decision to change the name of the work One Man into the name one man god 3rd August 2008 you are cuming in my mouth – God – one and only man keep on cuming in my mouth God and never stop last photo of one man god will be the photo of my face right after my death. if there is somebody to take it I salute You Miroslav Mandic who have exhibited Your face to all beings forty years ago miraculous is so ordinary ordinariness is the most miraculous truly nobody ever died truly every love immortalises every being truly I am a wedding truly every word is my face truly I wish success to every being truly the face of each being is the face of God truly there is no humour without renouncement of humour truly I’m dancing truly my pussy is a beauty loyal to a boy truly my dick is goodness devoted to a girl unimportance is truly regenerating unnoticed is truly divine presence love-kissing is truly one and only language one man is truly God g o d
day of my life wind on the naked skin wild mirabelle plum swim in the fresh water of this blessing sweat is pouring all over my body streams of sweat are caressing me smell of melons in the freshness of the morning art of consecution I picked up overripe apricot from the asphalt and ate it nobleness is not to hurt heat is creeping in the buildings and things the art of nomadic conversation is fucking good thing just look at me I give You my heart within the words I give You the sea deep blue science-technics-economy-profit child hero freedom brotherhood equality of all beings creation of love-kissing love-kissing of believing believing of being being of wandering wandering of the rose rose of the path path I sweat is leaking more and more it pours rain of sweat it slips me over myself I love You my friend grapes are ripening
don’t expect anything special from today’s blessings here I am I’m moving with the whole of my body I’m crying my frogs I love you warm up my knees I love-kiss – I love-kiss You – that’s why I’m telling You – You are not worthy of my love warm up my feet smells basil I’m gently thinking of olive and sunflower oil I found out this morning that the new economic crisis is coming that new wars are coming in order to draw attention from the misery and to fill even more the pockets of the winners don’t give up my love sing poem revitalise pussy wake up dick I’m not afraid of greed I’m not afraid of superiority I’m circling within little circles I create money for all beings I played football yesterday with Mirjana a ball was good today my Achilles’ tendons and heels are painful and I’m happy knowledge of path is nothing compared to the path itself knowledge of love is nothing compared to the love itself knowledge book is nothing compared to the knowledge of the book enemy of mine I love-kiss You it’s Saturday. a week in which there was nobody to celebrate forty years of one man god with my unknown woman let’s celebrate this moment the honesty of beggary breaks my heart gratitude to the poorness excitement with goodness god to god god
whoever wants to be in now they should read and be in my blessings now of the wind now of the orgasm now of the justice now of the insouciance now of the unreasonableness now of the heavy bosoms now of the blue veins on the thighs now gives its life to each now each Jovan a poem of the haemorrhoids love for the shrivelled feet loyalty to the big areolae boyish heroism cleanses each girl from importance girl’s loneliness brings closer each boy to love earth is happy to give birth trees are happy to spring up something yearns to be looked at I am all-fucking – the only cure from jealousy – one and only love I love to plough the Universe I love lo lick not-licked I love to embrace not-embraced here is one of the myriad combinations of the one and only for You happy birthday to my twenty three year old girl I’m sending You the joy of my body that is curling up around Your body while I’m listening to this music this is me swimming under water this is me signing under the Universe this is me kneeling in Your heart love-kissing all beings this is me acclaiming to all sprouting that has saved people from being stodgy I love to love-kiss because there is no end to love-kissing I love to fuck because there is no fucking without love I love to be fucked because one can’t be fucked without resurrection I love that I’m singing this blessing too
the heat of the day is coming in through the open window
they say that it’s going to get cooler tonight
I sleep naked but I sweat all night
everything is good. coldness as well as heat. rain as well as snow. as well as wind
every word is good. every movement. every number. every oath
big transoceanic ship is parting from the dock
cowbells are ringing
a donkey is braying
a mare is smiling
Fernando Pessoa is writing
it’s irretrievable what I’m writing
a strap is slowly slipping down her shoulder
he is slowly getting down the stairs
he is gazing into his own thought which is watching him
a ball is flying high
everything attracts each other
love is one
a column of ants is meandering
figs are sweeter and sweeter
sit here and put Your feet in the sea
the donkey is still braying
it’s Tuesday
water in the lake is warmer and warmer
never forget that You are loved
never forget that You are love-kissed
resin is slipping down the tree trunk
sexuality is surrendering to goodness
thinking is surrendering to singing
j o y o n t h e f l y
I’m still sleepy without will last night when I was swimming my left ear became clogged and it still is my tongue again began to sting I’m pitiful but I can only start from that I hope that I will get better with each blessing I’m really sleepy I’d love to read Keith Richards’ book Life I’ll buy it today on Ban’s Hill if they have it here I’d love to swim but I don’t know if it’s good to swim because of my ear the thought that I’m in God’s hands calms me good thoughts are so mellow last night I thought that during 33 day long writing of the Poem about poem it would probably be the best if I would read David’s Psalms sun light got stronger. I thought – I’ll be swimming if You think that something else would be better to read during those 33 days let me know let me know even million years from now this blessing is the testimony of that year 1.002.011 today’s blessings are really going hard but they’re moving now it visible even with a naked eye that I moved away I nearly started to fly bees swallows Gypsies I love-kiss you locked up ones I love-kiss you molested ones I love-kiss you life I love-kiss You immortal life You sing the life of immortality I bow to Your love a bitch is licking nobleness a picture of beauty sings the goodness of the words I’m carrying a handful of good words in my arms and I’m surrendering it to Your arms I’m dozing off I’m yawning
I drank coffee but I haven’t written a single blessing I’m struggling I didn’t feel like getting up yesterday instead of thirteen kilometres I walked just six all of it is good. that’s poetry as well crumpling softening sensations in my head I was scrubbing a bit over the bathroom stove and kitchen sink I cut my nails made the second coffee red cows love the purple sky this weakness is precious I love-kiss you monks and nuns I love-kiss so that anyone who is going awry can endure these blessings that I’m writing so hard are so glorious if my stomach wouldn’t hurt from too much coffee I would have made a third cup of coffee it’s heroic to write without coffee too it’s heroic to write without any heroism endure Miroslav endure great is yearning for tiny tiny are the stars on the sky planet Earth is not even visible from the stars these words can’t be seen either even though they can’t be seen these words exist they are they love-kiss they embrace whole Universe to their chests they kiss every being with their lips I stretched out from pleasure a drop of love is enough for the whole Universe in ten minutes noon noon
last night with help of Biljana Roncevic I made up for seven kilometres from two days ago and I made tree kilometres more we walked to Rakovica and then through the forest in the dark it’s wonderful how dark excites and scares after a long walk heels and Achilles’ tendons are hurting me more a problem with my ear is still there as well as the sensations in my head great glaciers are floating smells hay belly dancer’s belly is trembling each miracle is God’s life is not constant birth and dying but constant wedding the secret of being is within the secret of wedding of the one and only being lie is deadly and boring superiority is stupid and ugly butterflies and flowers are being wedded elephants and mice are being wedded spaces and times are being wedded my name is Miroslav Mandic First-Wedded Miroslav Mandic Your Only Husband Miroslav Mandic Your Only Wife may it be Your way palm of my right hand is on the greatest distance from the left palm all-embrace if my stomach wouldn’t hurt from too much coffee I would have made a second cup of coffee I love when small changes make that even more so I love always prescribes to everything always forever bestows everyone with forever washed grey laundry and clothes are drying on the poor people’s balcony yesterday’s twenty three kilometres are yesterday’s today’s kilometres are waiting for me every moment everything all over again wedding approving butterflies in words
nobody me to write the most beautiful poem ever written everything I write is a poem every poem is the most beautiful poem while the wind is blowing the smell of lavender into my face my heart is suffering after your heart all poems are singing love every poem is god in seventeen days I will start writing the Poem About Poem I’m more and more fragile I’m enjoying Keith Richard’s Life I’m excited with everyone’s life everyone’s life is a fucking good story everyone sings their own life what are you doing – I’m singing my life everyone’s name and surname is a mystery until recently this wouldn’t even be a poem from recently this is god itself I’m your glory all of a sudden peach a ball placed into the empty space my beloved crazy-woman you smell of loyalty centuries are needed so that this poem could be written not even a moment is needed for the life to liven up not even life is needed so that you my love could recognise yourself within this poem if you love somebody think of the rejected ones leastways for me fuck it keeps on pouring s i s i n g g s t a t t t a t t o o i n g i n g I’m delivering creation I’m creating singing p o e m i s o n l y g r a t i t u d e I swear by my mother it’s divine it’s good to read and live this poem Ivana just told me that Amy Winehouse is gone forever