Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
loyalty makes a poem from everything and everyone
from everyone who watches the river for a long time everyone who out of honesty becomes a poem who walks for a joy of all beings who constantly smiles so that everyone would be glad from a child who surrenders and begs the powerful ones of the world to free the world from injustice and pain from innocent that were tortured and imprisoned in the all-prison Guantanamo as long as there are Guantanamos human society is in Guantanamo wood in a woodcutter – woodcutter in a wood poem is loyalty to one and only youth poem is loyalty to all those who gave their lives for ideals from which others are living poem is loyalty to the play to which just born beings are surrendering poem is loyalty to the mind which guards the wholeness of the one poem is an ode of loyalty to the loyal ones poem is loyalty of my gaze to everything I’m watching poem is my loyalty which You feel while it butterflies in Your belly poem is my loyalty which You feel while it meanders up and down Your spine poem is my loyalty to words through which I sing within Your ears poem are my touches with which I’m caressing particles of Your loyalties poem is my loyalty to the water in which I will be swimming today as well poem is loyalty to the smell of the woods which I’m going through poem is loyalty to all the smells that are plentiful in this world poem is loyalty to my loneliness in which all beings live loyalty is God God is loyalty poem is loyalty both to God and loyalty poem is loyalty of my loneliness through which I love-kiss everything that I love-kissed and everybody that I love-kissed poem is loyalty to these moments through which I am loyal to all past and all future moments poem is loyalty to this deep peace after the swimming in which I pronounce each word after a long break poem is loyalty to that girl which I see in the distance on the forest path she passed by me walking slowly and with her head lowered poem is loyalty to dancing and singing through which each poem lives poem is loyalty to Michel Serres who wrote that philosophy is loyalty poem is loyalty to Miroslav Mandic who is the source of all loyalties poem is loyalty to the heart which is lifting me up the hot Ban’s Hill’s concrete staircases in the greatest heat
priori poem poem in poem poem with poem ohm of poem poem to heels three word poem come poem poem and branches i is poem to poem each word is wording each word is singing each poem love-kisses here’s a poem for you poem heals the wholeness poem beautiful on it’s own poem good only through you plain poem poem on the corner poem of spite cinnamon poem poem of gazes poem of steps breath of a poem simp lic it y limb of limb to limb limb news of the conscience is poem swim me swimming sing me singing cherish me I’m your poem your immortality they say it’s going to rain with poems this afternoon they say that they love to have a say fuck what a beautiful poem fuck repetition is so beautiful if it is a poem and only if it is a poem as well as when it is a poem and how it is a poem and why it is a poem and because it is singing
yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself where
she may lay her young" even Thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God
Psalm 84.3
when you hide your trauma you’re lying yourself
absence of poem
when you’re hiding your guilt you’re lying the other
hatred towards poem
when you can’t bare your guilt you attack and accuse the other
destroying poem
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
addressing – only to You – to anybody – to holly nobody
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
Miroslav Mandic fucking – love-kissing of the sensory and mental
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
all that what I wasn’t accepting while it was lasting
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
joy with which I’m writing what-how-to who poem is
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
what nobody so far doesn’t recognise that poem is
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
book Philosophy of Football that I will never write
You write it
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
boys that haven’t yet betrayed ideals through power
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
girls that haven’t yet betrayed love through motherhood
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
setting oneself free from slavery. tastes. taboos. indifference
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
when a stone starts singing and waves prance like horses
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
everything that flutters in the wind while steps are not stopping
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
singing of pain through which pains are easing and disappearing
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
constant and wild dancing in my youth through which
I was vowing to the existence that it will exist as long as I’m alive
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
sexual hunch of the incorruptible ones
that everything in this world depends only on them
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
feat. hips. flanks. genitalia. spine. shoulders. eyes. hands
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
ecstasy of the rolling stones on towards the blue heights
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
plum brandy. barley beer. grape wine. word poem
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
going away passing by coming. going away
passing by coming. passing by passing by passing by
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
nothing in this world is my – all this world is actually myself
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
rocking and rolling within the blood of all beings
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
sublimity of something unimportant and unimportant ones
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
book Religion of Jazz Blues Boogie-Woogie Rock’n’Roll… which I will never write
You live it
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
mixing of all and everything gives cleanest primal one
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
cock in the eyes. pussy in the head. love in the heart
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
one and only language turns pains of all beings into one and only joy of every being
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
dictionary of philosophical terms which I downloaded and which I’m enjoying immensely
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
plain people live trying to be worthy of rebellion and rebels
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
when you feel me dance and never stop
poem is blues. jazz. boogie-woogie. rock’n’roll…
when you see me sing and never die
the allies and companions which are helping me
all these years since the Rose of Wandering are following poem is a walker – poem is a walker of the poem I’m walking and singing on the road straight like an arrow through circling singing poem is a poet – poem is a poet of the poem you are that man because of which I will never be alone. I felt that in one of those afternoons – you wrote to me in an e-mail and I’m singing it in my poem poem is a fool – poem is a fool of the poem poem celebrates me and me the fool am guarding the poet and poem from the ridicule poem is a gardener – poem is a gardener of the poem I’m digging You pruning feeding and nourishing my poem poem is a wanderer – poem is a wanderer of the poem to withstand and to last – to love-kiss every moment poem is a beggar – poem is a beggar of the poem I’m celebrating the prayer and gratitude and I guard people so that they wouldn’t become beggars poem is a lover – poem is a lover of the poem I love-kiss the lone ones and not love-kissed and I’m improving all beings through love-kissing poem is a mystic – poem is a mystic of the poem I’m the experience to the inexperienced. an idea to the incomprehensible. spoken to the unspoken poem is a monk – poem is a monk of the poem more and more so I’m transforming myself through loneliness into my nun poem is a miner – poem is a miner of the poem each word that I’m singing is gold which is for free poem is a philosopher – poem is a philosopher of the poem I’m a poem to the idea. I’m an idea to the poem. sing me idea sing poem is a shepherd – poem is a shepherd of the poem with a stick in my hand while it’s raining all over us I’m a shepherd to all beings and all poems poem is a hero – poem is a hero of the poem I’m inspiring each vibration for heroism and each particle I turn into a hero poem is an artist – poem is an artist of the poem a wonder through which with only few words I’m creating a wonder of a great poem poem is a runaway child – poem is a runaway child of the poem I am the escape into the arms of freedom love and God poem is a dancer – poem is a dancer of the poem everything what a body wants to please with the other body poem is a performer – poem is a performer of the poem with the tongue in my mouth I’m tonguing over each word in the language in which I’m singing poem is a conceptualist – poem is a conceptualist of the poem the beauty of conceiving. everything is in the beginning. everything is just the beginning poem is a computer scientist – poem is a computer scientist of the poem I’m forming and uniting all information into the beauty and goodness of one and only information poem is an anarchist – poem is an anarchist of the poem life in everyday joy. life in joy of all beings poem is an economist – poem is an economist of the poem I am one and one is enough. enough is the only wealth poem is a pacifist – poem is a pacifist of the poem understanding and compassion with acts of all beings poem is an activist – poem is an activist of the poem I’m massaging the ground on which I’m walking with my soles poem is a rebellion – poem is a rebellion of the poem tranquillity through which each word enjoys my love for each word poem is a mathematician – poem is a mathematician of the poem number one in the word one. mathematics of words adores poetry of numbers poem is a musician – poem is a musician of the poem I am music of Your breath poem is a gigolo – poem is a gigolo of the poem everything that any given word ever wanted somebody to do to it I’m putting my palms on my knees to warm them up. I’m a gigolo to myself. a very poem I am it’s beautiful that everything is poem poem is grapes – poem is grapes to the poem this fall as well I will have a lunch with Zelimir Zilnik eating bread and grapes it’s good that everything is poem poem is a bud – poem is a bud of the poem all roses that are transforming on the road into the eternal bud
poem is rebellion of God sex and money
poem is God-sex-money – holy trinity of innocence God-sex-money – three biggest taboos God is sameness sex is goodness and beauty money is walking creating and singing of God sex and money poem liberates God from misuse of God poem liberates sex from violence and puritanism poem liberates money from uncreative selfish and greedy through singing and rebellion despised ones hurt nobody through singing a virgin life liberates itself from death through singing of the poor ones both the poor and the rich ones are liberating themselves from the ghetto through singing of the masters masters are liberating themselves from stupidity and ugliness through singing money liberates itself from profit through singing poets are liberating themselves from the abuse through singing of the children words are enjoying because they are used for the first time through singing of the adolescents ideals liven up singing of the middle aged ones begins with forgiving repentance and redemption through singing of the old ones every being is loved through singing of the mothers motherhood liberates itself from mothers through singing of the fathers property liberates itself from males through singing of the minerals God-sex-money is joy to the bodies through singing of the plants God-sex-money is health to the souls through singing of the animals God-sex-money is freedom to the spirits through singing of the spirits of nature God-sex-money is transformation of the pliable ones through singing of the people God-sex-money is loyalty of the meek ones through singing of the artificial intelligence God-sex-money is love of the harmless ones through singing of the higher beings God-sex-money is success of the unselfish ones once You told me I was born for your cock and I received only him within me You encouraged me to sing the pussy again and everything that poem expects from singing everything what singing gives to the poem. if I’m thinking through Your pussy I’m creating the most beautiful poem through singing Your labia are open and Your lips are closed Poem about Poem is the poem of Your immortality poem is love-kissing and constant one and only fucking egoism puritanism and richness are destroying God and sex and money poem – singing of God is poem – singing and fucking of sex is poem – through singing fucking and creating money is
from the book Anthology of Ancient Poetry with
greatest admiration and joy I’m rewriting the following
with all primitive people, one of the main sources of magic powers is a word
speaking good is indistinguishably connected to doing good,
so we can understand why Indians consider lie one of the greatest sins
primitive world can be rather called civilisation of the word
for example in one African language asking is expressed in
eleven ways and singing or walking in twenty or so different ways
poetry in primitive societies is much deeper inwrought in
everyday life then it is the case in contemporary, civilised world
primitive poetry, unlike the most of the European poetry, is very
rarely just recited, in most of the cases it rather represents unique mixture
of music, singing and dancing and often mime as well as acting or visual expression
percussions are almost always used, which is a proof of
distinct and tight connection of the verse and music rhythm
with all primitive people heeler, shaman
can be considered as some kind of protopoet
many of the songs are becoming through visions,
what is preceded with isolation, fasting and wandering rituals
poems are thoughts that are rising with a breath when people are possessed with
great powers and when plain talk isn’t enough anymore. a man is shaken like a peace
of ice that is floating here and there, carried by the current. mighty power is putting his
thoughts in motion while he feels joy, fear, sorrow… we are afraid to use words. but it
will happen that the words we are looking for appear on their own. when the words
we want to use occur on their own – that’s when we have a new poem
God and ancestors,
thank you for letting
me see this day
Ibo tribe, Africa
a woman can’t look at the male genitalia – and not be glad
Yoruba, Africa
when butterflies come to the place where a cheetah shits they disperse all over
Yoruba, Africa
a drove of reindeers on Varanger Peninsula
are running over the rocks and rocky highlands
beautiful beasts are beating the tips of the rocks
Laponya, Asia
how can possibly someone who is satiated and healthy
understand the frenzy of hunger?
we only know that we all tremendously love life!
now on the east
white beans and big corn plant
are getting tied with white thunders
listen! rain is coming!
a voice of a blue bird can be heard
Navaho Indians
I thought
it was
a grebe
it was
splashing paddle
of my beloved
Chippewa Indians
my flaring horns
Chippewa Indians
blue, floating
gives me an answer
Chippewa Indians
while the day heath was coming
I was standing there
Chippewa Indians
while my gaze
is wandering the prairie
I feel the summer in the spring
Chippewa Indians
in front of me is peaceful
behind me is peaceful
underneath me is peaceful
above me is peaceful
peace is all around me
his voice is peaceful when he nickers
I’m eternal and peaceful
I’m with my horse
Navaho Indians
when the earth was made
when the sky was made
when my poems started sounded for the first time
where the wind blows
were the wind whistles
where the wind roars as well
I’m standing turned towards the west
the wind
is whistling
the wind is roaring
I’m standing
Teton Sioux
my walk is beauty
beauty is in front of me
beauty is behind me
beauty is above me
beauty is above me and around me while I’m walking
and my walk is ending in beauty
my walk is ending in beauty
Navaho Indians
corn takes root and the rose is opening…
gods are singing
hills and mountains are singing
and roses are singing
Huichol Indians
I was climbing to the place where roses were singing
where gods were waiting
for the blue stairs towards the sky
Huichol Indians
and we are walking the earth
this is how we should be thinking…
we are thanking the grass and plants
we are thanking the things we named
we are thanking the bushes, the forest, the maple
we are thanking the strawberries
we are thanking the animals which walk the Earth
on this day we are thanking the birds that are flying through the air
we are thanking the air for dispersing the Air over the Earth
we are thanking the sky
we are thanking our Brother Sun
we are thanking our Arch Father Moon
we are thanking on this day
this is how we should be thinking
Seneca Indians
even if I remain alone
even the tiniest tremor of the branches and grass – I cannot bare!
poem rises to the gods
verve inspires a drawer
beat the drums, drum within a circle!
black sea swallow
flies in with her wings spread
her black colour falls on the skin
poke well and duly
you who are tattooing
Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Pacific Ocean
I bow to you I love-kiss you my singing sisterhood and
brotherhood. I love-kiss you because you have been dancing and singing
through love-kissing since the beginning of time mothers and fathers of mine.
brothers and sisters of mine. wives and husbands of mine. daughters and sons of mine.
my only family. my only tribe. my only people. my only state
do not stop
do not stop
do not stop
I live
I walk I create I sing through rhythms 86400 moments every day rhythm of day and night rhythm of 24 hours rhythm of week rhythm of month rhythm of seasons rhythm of year rhythm of decade rhythm of 33 years rhythm of century rhythm of millennium rhythm of hundred thousand years rhythm of eternity rhythm of 33 blessings in Miroslav Mandic book rhythm of 198 blessings in Miroslav Mandic book rhythm of 33 days in Miroslav Mandic book rhythm of 81 days in Miroslav Mandic book rhythm of 129600 blessings in Miroslav Mandic book rhythm of my mental vibrations rhythm of my heart rhythm of my breathing rhythm of my steps rhythm of my fingers that are writing rhythms of spaces rhythms of sensual and mental rhythms of tranquillities and fervours rhythms of music that I’m listening rhythms of dances I’m dancing rhythms of mystical talks that I’m talking rhythm of birth dying and resurrection all rhythms are flowing into the one and only rhythm rhythm of god poem
atomic bud
unknown person and the unknown are guarding the world from destruction I put 33 pieces of paper on which I was writing atomic bud poems in 33 bills and gave them to Branko Popovic to throw them all over Novi Sad atomic bud home of all beings atomic bud when I think of Your palms which are holding the piece of paper with this poem I feel that the world is permeating atomic bud theory of everything in Your hand atomic bud You are holding patience in Your hand atomic bud particles are dancing and vibrations are singing within You atomic bud vibrations of Your thoughts harmonise the surrounding atomic bud health in Your body. peace in Your soul. beauty of Your spirit atomic bud buds through the wholeness and untidiness in each atom always and forever atomic bud restores all atoms that exploded and those that are just being smashed atomic bud unnoticed in which live hope lives atomic bud rejected in which live faith lives atomic bud tenderness in which live love lives atomic bud earth water air light will not give up on life atomic bud swallows are flying over the Ada lake before they fly away from here to the south atomic bud black puppy is licking its snout and watches me while I’m writing this poem about him atomic bud radiates joy that You need atomic bud radiates health that You need atomic bud radiates freedom that You need atomic bud radiates transformation that You need atomic bud radiates loyalty that You need atomic bud radiates success that You need atomic bud radiates love that You love-kiss atomic bud smile within this poem leads You to the constant smile on Your face atomic bud I remind You through winking to wink at someone or something atomic bud each good deed of Yours liberates the world from horror that is waiting for it in case there is not enough good deeds atomic bud what You feel right now is Your present and good thoughts that You wish now are the future which You will create atomic bud reminds You on splendour of air that You are breathing right now atomic bud gratitude to each day atomic bud each good undertaking of Yours is dear to all beings atomic bud through Your contemplation whole world feels love-kissed atomic bud right away effort enables You tranquillity forever atomic bud beings live through good deeds that they do to each other ever since the beginning of time
that all these 13 years
since we have known each other
I think of you every day
here they are poem and love in an e-mail that a friend sent me last night
poem are all failures in life and art that I had hard time taking and which I am taking
hard but which inspire me more and more and lead me towards one and only success
thank You fool
through love towards uncreated poems and through uncreated art
I am a poet of all future poems and an artist of all future art
same way the director of love is director of love the poem of love is poem of love
I didn’t say yesterday to the director of love to also be
a director of money but I’m telling him through this blessing
fuck it’s so good that director of money – director of money that’s a great idea where the very money is
poem is love to God. love to sex. love to money
love is much more than what is implied by word love
love is indivisibility
I won’t manage to write all of what I think of love
but what I don’t write will be a work of love itself
however it’s important that I write that love is
everything and that everything exists through love
poem is made out of love and that’s exactly why poem is love
an eye is love
a concept is love
Universe is love
You are love
everything came to existence through love and everything came out of goodness
love belongs to everybody – goodness is everything and everybody
I am a whore of love and a gigolo to goodness
without money
I am a whore and a gigolo to money
without money
I am money to money
without money
richness destroys God sex and poem
money is destroyed for money
I really didn’t think I will be writing like this but
that’s how I’m really writing and that’s both poem and love
never try to understand anybody’s love
never try to understand anybody’s poem
the only thing that is left for You is to be ashamed because
of Your love which is not worthy nor God nor poem nor love
same way goodness can only be God
can only love and be love-kissed. and can only be poem
thank You poet
before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth
and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God
Psalm, 90.2
God is a childhood of God
baby God is God in all younglings therefore in babies as well
this body is God
this feeling is God’s creatures
this thought thinks through God
this will is God’s
through this faith I hold on to God
this love love-kisses God
this creating through God sings God
this singing through God creates God
don’t resist all your ideas are Mine
I’m grateful to You God for writing poems-blessings
I’m grateful to You teddy boy who is not
afraid of anybody but You rejoice love-kissing God
I’m grateful to You horse who obediently pull
the cart in order to announce the mystery of God
I’m grateful to You nail which nails down and rottens for God
I’m grateful to You rope which gets rotten and sets
the dog’s neck free so the dog can bark in God’s glory
one God
one I
one You
one poem
when in 20th March next year I finish writing poems I am God
in the book I am You are I I will continue writing them until the end
of my life. those poems I am God. those poems I am Miroslav Mandic
God thank You
a programme for putting the photos of my face on the link Walking
on my web-site froze up so I also got frozen up and sad – poem is God
I’m imagining the cane that started getting golden colour on this autumn sun
a poem just like God loves unnoticed
poem is an oath to God which they are carrying within them
body full of goodness
soul full of poems
spirit filled with God
through poem I thank You God on poems-tattoos on Your body
poem is dancing and singing on Your legs
poem is goodness and beauty on Your hands
poem is carefulness and joy on Your shoulders
poem is the name Miroslav Mandic on Your chest
poem is the love temple on Your right temple
poem is the Universe temple on Your left temple
poem is God on the right side of Your neck
poem is the bud on the left side of Your neck
poem is this is a tattooed poem to god through which god sings on Your back
as for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth
for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more
Psalm 103.15,16
origins of poem is in a poet
origins of a poet is in God
s a m e m a s
identity (from Latin idem = same), sameness, equality, identical. in logics:
a relation which turns each object entirely towards itself. the principle of
identity, which is for the first time mentioned by Aristotle, can be formulated
like this: each being is just what it is, that is to say it’s determined to be what
it is and not at the same time something else, each being is what it is –
“A = A” – and it expresses same content of a certain idea
everything that a poem sings about is poem
poem of beauty is beauty
poem of bravery is bravery
poem of freedom is freedom
poem of apple is an apple
poem of warm wind is the warm wind
poem of God is God
I began loving everything through poem
I experienced God through poem
I look at You – I see a poem
I feed myself through poem
I am through poem
goodness is in everything
only one can guard-love-sing everything
only one poem – only one poet
same poem in each poem
sex of the clarity and simplicity
warm soup – warm palm on the back
poem is a poet with all his troubles
sameness is the cosmic consciousness of love
sameness is inconceivable conscience particle
poem is my identity. who has an identity has a sovereignty. he who
has a sovereignty over it doesn’t have a sovereignty. poem is sovereign
my identity card
address POEM
nation POEM
state POEM
religion POEM
membership POEM
attribute POEM
profession POEM
from my computer great blues is coming out – the computer is my poem my web site
on the screen I have a front page of the web site. it’s blue sky-like. grassy. sandal-like. bare footed. with joined palms of bowing and gratitude. a welcome to any visitor. to each bud it’s dedicated to God You and all beings the most important on my web site are my decisions which I made before I even made it with the help of Zoltan Varady blue tranquillity which is spreading the internet community from my web site permeating of Universe and internet which makes the nervous system of my web site the most important decision is that the web site should be a work of art by itself and a place for all beings but it should be the being itself which will feed all beings with beauty and goodness the web site has embedded within it my excitement for computer and internet which I discovered when I found out basic things about them from Zoltan Varady before I started working on it and especially when I found out from Zoltan about Alan Turing Ada Byron… and when I’ve decided that before the work on my website I will make Virtual Pilgrimage to the virtual world within the virtual world the same way I was in my childhood and youth delighted with radio book film I was now delighted with computer computer is God’s beauty it’s so tender and sensible too beautiful and too good full of music pictures knowledge plants animals God’s pornography Diana Washington is actually singing to us every day I put 33 blessings on my web site a photo of the bud – time and place of every day work being and creating a photo of walking – the face I’m walking with towards You and all beings every visit to the web site I call the bud – bud is a welcome of sameness I would love if Zoltan would make me two or three more programs so that I can put on it two or three more things every day the site sometimes gets broken and Zoltan then fixes it some things on the site are not finished. there are few mistakes on it I hope one day Zoltan will be in the position to come so that we could finish and upgrade all of that especially to carry on talking thinking and philosophising about the web site I miss a lot not having somebody who I could sometimes think through with the web site computer internet God that goes also for the rest of my work creation and singing even though every day around twenty people visit the site I feel more and more alone and more and more open for God You and all beings I’d love if the number of visitors-buds would get bigger let’s go poem it’s a real wonder that this blessing will be read already today by twenty or so people that makes me excited and thankful – the source of hugging and kissing – a gaze a scene a view a look the art of poem – the poem of art thank You for visiting me every day thank you Zoltan Varady thank you all beings for visiting you every day thank you Violeta Jovanovic for editing blessings every day and Ivana Djokic-Saunderson for translating them every day to English I love-kiss You God thank You my Bud – thank you all people who have since the beginning of time worked on creating the computer and internet community – a platform of a poem which with beauty goodness and love floats through Universe to God You and all beings a little chapel of art that through tranquillity and ecstasy sings in the heart of each being to God You and all beings
Miroslav Mandic Poem is Miroslav Mandic Poem
tautology which I adore. tautology (Greek ταυτολογία = repetition of what’s already been said), marks the sentence in which a subject and a predicate have the same meaning (for example living being is the one that lives). marking the same with the same. in modern logics: logical operation that is always true Miroslav Mandic Poem is Miroslav Mandic Poet Miroslav Mandic Poem is rebellion against the male culture and power when I was sixteen rebellion against women that is waiting for me when I’m sixty two Miroslav Mandic Poem is the beginning of writing poems Miroslav Mandic Poem are two hundred poems which I burned down when I was twenty two Miroslav Mandic Poem is disappearing and refining through a poem Miroslav Mandic Poem is a break away Miroslav Mandic Poem are fallouts through which I was guarding poem and love Miroslav Mandic Poem is giving blood Miroslav Mandic Poem are decisions that I made in prison Miroslav Mandic Poem is Miroslav Mandic Autobiography Miroslav Mandic Poem is Walking for Poetry Miroslav Mandic Poem is rejecting the reputation in society Miroslav Mandic Poem are admirations Miroslav Mandic Poem is being excited with goodness and good people as well as with all of those who dared when nobody else dared Miroslav Mandic Poem are meekness and modesty through sex Miroslav Mandic Poem are Poem on Poems Miroslav Mandic Poem are oaths to love poverty the rejected and imprisoned ones Miroslav Mandic Poem is the wine which I was ritually drinking and incenses that I was smelling Miroslav Mandic Poem is constant music listening Miroslav Mandic Poem is the Monastery of Time Miroslav Mandic Poem are the words dance and poem tattooed on my hands Miroslav Mandic Poem is the poem through which nobody is alone Miroslav Mandic Poem is a scream of every just born youngling – passing away of already passed away olds Miroslav Mandic Poem is a poem and love of One and Only Family of All Beings God to God Miroslav Mandic Poem are the words which I’m writing and singing as if they were said created and sung for the first time Miroslav Mandic Poem is the first poet which existed while there still wasn’t a single man around and let alone a poet Miroslav Mandic Poem serves creates and sings all former present and future poets Miroslav Mandic Poem are the prayers I beg You so that I would always have enough money I beg You to take over my work and emit it to all beings I beg You to help me operate the fat tissue on my back I beg You to learn how to beg I beg You… Miroslav Mandic Poem are all days of my life since the Genesis 86400 poems every day Miroslav Mandic Poem are gratitude and orgasms through which I’m writing each poem Miroslav Mandic Poem is being alone – unprotected – love-kissing God You and all beings Miroslav Mandic Poem is the drawing Atomic Lullaby Poem about Poem is the Poem about Film
hey neighbour could you turn down that music at least in the morning
shouted to me yesterday a young man from the window across the street
ouch ouch ouch
how that disturbed me scared and humiliated
poetry of life in midst of the life of art
joy of mine don’t give up
I closed the windows
music of mine I love You
I’m creating You through the poem – You love-kiss me through life
paprika is being baked tomatoes are being cooked
my beloved kisses
senses of my ideas
sense of my consciousness
consciousness of my senses
taking heart in the palm and sowing love over the landscape on the way
horizon I miss you
surrounding I miss you
caressing I miss you
I love-kiss You missing – immediately I don’t miss anything any more
my blessing you are really pelting but you are true
my painful heel – my painful Achilles tendon – that’s it for us
I immediately felt the presence of everybody who has exactly what they have
Jean Jacques Rousseau
explanation of mine I’m not explaining You
exposed to love
music of cosmic blood permeates me I fill Your spine with goodness the undivided meanders I belong to You birdy while You are flying on Your own over the ocean I’ve never seen an ocean – I am the ocean I’ve never been in the Universe – I am the Universe I’ve never impregnated a female elephant – I am the female elephant I’ve never been You – I am You writing excites me more and more the face of everything appears out of nothing the beauty of tautology wins over the tautology of goodness my unique one You are giving Yourself to my wholeness I’m heeling You with wholeness don’t give up my fragility don’t give up water lilies don’t give up rejected ones don’t give up eternity You have Your bed and Your home in this blessing I fuck your I only few words are enough so that the affluence would start singing I won’t call You now because of the tenderness but now I love You also in eternity Friedrich Nietzsche while stirring the stew You have only an apron on Your naked body my being’s joy overflows into You and into all beings the poem of the despised ones liberates both the oppressed and the oppressors ecstasy cherishes me also after ecstasy hug my legs with Your legs protect my belly with Your belly love-kiss my back with Your breasts danger transforms into tranquillity wholeness heals itself on my shoulder I resurrects into I while it’s getting dark and dusk is still on fire Your insides tells great stories about tiny poems
around the motif of a river the most modern
detail has always been and will always be a rowboat
last night I dreamt this sentence
I just wanted to say
it’s noon. warm wind is blowing before tonight’s rain and storm
but my Dictaphone was broken. I dropped it on the ground on Saturday
and now it’s silent
I really wanted to write while walking and now I’m tired and I don’t really feel like writing
I quite like this really at the beginning and in the end
love for writing will open me up and loyal writing will pour out
the music I’m listening to will swirl the blood within me
I will fly
with words with words
with warm wind which was lifting my hair
I enjoy when the wind blows goodness over my bare skin
everything that is is for everybody
I like even more this is at the beginning and in the end of the sentence
sing Miroslav sing Miroslav
all the cells in my body are telling me at once
sing Miroslav sing Miroslav
all the cells in all bodies are telling me at once
the world is the way I say it is
blue blends into green
with sense in my nostrils
fury transformed into obedience
water confluences into the water
wind blows over the waters
today I wanted to write about the light
daily light and everyday of light
about its meandering and refraction
about friendship with light
nothing but that – light burns within blood
it washes my sandals on the balcony
loving is beautiful because everybody can be loved
the wind was today at one moment the sea that was roaring above my head
swim in my sea
I would love if a friend of mine would go again to the seaside
Louis Armstrong
wind is spreading goodness
wind is blowing with goodness
being in the wind means being in goodness
around the motif of a river the most modern
detail has always been and will always be a rowboat
I affirm the sentence from my dream also in reality
I am god
of the wholeness
which pulsates
within the tiniest
and in the biggest it
transforms into me
today’s poem from I am You are I book
today is the half of I am You are I book
buds of God
they are like little piles of stones
like lumps
just begun and already finished
singing lullabies
I am god
lilacs are smelling
your love
makes me god
13th April 2011
I’m editing them again
they are leading me like flowers are leading bees
I am god
white irises in the wind
everybody’s face wants to be god
everybody’s face is my face
27th April 2011
I would like to print them as a book
I can see that book. I can feel it in my hands. it feels good in my pocket
it’s cloudy. it’s raining. I’m reading little poems of God
I am god
light yearns
for the poem
of runaway children
in the dusk
9th May 2011
I am God’s glory
it’s cloudy
it’s raining with autumn rain
I’m reading small poems
God’s poems
God is not fashionable any more – I love You even more God
I am god
wanderer of joy
freedom of singing
you want me through god
10th June 2011
I just now realised the fact that on my screen are at the same time open both books
on the left side I am You are I and on the right side today’s blessings from Miroslav Mandic
book in which I’m reacting to what I’ve read in the book I am You are I
that’s how two rivers are flowing
they are going their ways towards the only way towards the only book
God’s beauty before my eyes
on the screen and at the desk on which I’m writing every day poems I am You are I
I am god
god in each conversation with you
I’m discovering the language through which you dear god are
8th September 2011
happiness You are really happy
go towards new innocence
I said last night to a certain person. I thought of telling that to the
second and third person etc. but I’ve decided to tell You and everybody
I was twenty six when I got disgusted with myself and the fact that I’m more
and more spoiled through getting older so I decided to go towards new innocence
I wouldn’t have survived if I didn’t do that
I would have killed myself
the beginning of innocent path is realising my own turpitude
awareness that people are justifying their turpitude with the life itself
that they are glorifying it through family education and culture
innocence is a child of the new beginning
of creation
I’m winking You through innocence
thinking = speaking = doing
the name of Miroslav Mandic tattooed on the skin of all beings
I’m touching my belly button – touch Your belly button – we are innocent
I’m caressing the goodness of air – caress the goodness of air – we are innocent
I’m licking my lips – lick Your lips – we are innocent
listen to me my beloved listen to me
obedience makes me innocent
path makes me being path
I see the sun through the sun within me
sex is the child of innocence
goodness is sex to beauty
feet are caressing hands
hands are vowing to innocence
my words are the sperm of innocence
I have tender thoughts about the effort that transforms You into the innocent
I’m rejoicing the grapes
every day of ours is innocent
through effort you are more enceinte my labourer
(it’s a word play in Serbian based on the same base word– trud, TN)
through effort you are more enceinte my pregnant woman
(same as previous, TN)
more innocent man more innocent woman
You are a child of innocence
boy and girl of my innocence
every being is a child of my innocence
10.000.000 STEPS
today I will make ten millionth step of the Bud of Walking
five hundred and forty days of walking. five hundred and forty Good Walker drawings seven hundred kilometres of the First Time Second Ten Year Walking unnoticeable like my nose that I’m not noticing. like my eyes that I don’t see swarm and choir of all beings within me glory to my painful heel and Achilles’ tendon glory to the mortal body which is testifying and celebrating immortality I’m loyal to You my loyalty white butterfly reminded me that swallows have flown away I adore migratory birds like on the Rose of Wandering I’m reading again Rousseau’s Solitary Walker the fact that I can’t explain what is so magical in the Bud of Walking makes it’s walking so magical as if all horses are pulling the Bud of Walking as if all beings are walking within the Bud of Walking I’m walking – gathering all energies in one and only energy energy through which God love-kisses himself within every being I’m walking – intelligence is not even close to the thoughtfulness I’m walking – You are within me I’m walking – it’s beautiful I am a condition and attribute of beautiful good goodness sun is peaceful within me my palm is enjoying while I’m writing these words gasoline smells on the crossroads. unloaded coal smells. I love-kiss Your womb Earth love of my steps smells – I love-kiss Your mind Universe I’m walking – bees are flying on sweet grapes I’m walking – I’m thinking about You so that Your heart would smile I’m walking – I love-kiss You so that Your mind would calm down I’m walking – every pussy feels nice I’m walking – every cock is artless I’m walking – I’m walking the notion of walking through the landscapes of infinity and eternity I’m walking – I miss You a lot – I love-kiss You – I don’t miss You I’m walking God
I am a wisdom on Your lips
autumn is coming at 11.04 am I am beauty in your upper lip not virtuosity just steps walnuts are falling down I’m enjoying the endlessness from Ban’s Hill I am You are I remembered Iam he wasn’t around for a long time Iam wanders in the heart of all beings I’m going slowly – You say figs I’m going slowly – You say you are my love I’m going slowly – I say You are my God wind is carrying her hair air is spreading her nostrils pain in my left heel suddenly appeared on 10th January this year I’m thinking that it would also that suddenly one day disappear I surrendered to You – I’m cowering – green tram is coming the art of being cherishes the being of art I feel You strongly – You resurrect – You’re coming to me – we are walking together a man carries two bottles of beer – his face shows joy that he will share with somebody I’m a prayer in Your heart world is God’s pregnant woman world’s yearning to give birth to God in this world I’m glad you are within me I picked up around ten walnuts on Ada a girl is picking yellow flowers on the slope covered with grass I’m always joyful when I see this man on Ada a therapist is patiently teaching an old man to walk again I jump and there is immortality air is goodness two thirteen year old boys a bit drunk from a little bit of beer are lying on the bench after the school nine year old boy is jumping down the street carried by the joy of jumping I am the sameness in Your mind