Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2496. day
    1st November 2011

    tears are running down my face

    I love-kiss You Beate Niman


    consciousness of conscience


    conscience of consciousness


    adrenalin of goodness


















    practicing the other cheek is the only martial art


    I rejoice You even though You don’t exist yet


    I rejoice You only when You are here






    I’m traveling You path


    You’re traveling me rose


    I just thought I’ll tattoo a path and a rose on Your body dear God


    a picture of a path underneath which is written rose


    a picture of a rose underneath which is written path


    I’m just a game of all beings


    I’m playing on my own


    pulsating with one and only heart


    I love everyone who loves heart


    I love everyone who loves brain


    I love everyone who loves pussy


    I love everyone who loves cock


    yesterday it opened up to me that


    word I is the name of God


    pronoun I is the pronoun that is used by people who are talking just about themselves


    sometimes I feel as I don’t have wings


    tears feel like they should keep on pouring


    I’m flying through tears


    tears are pouring more tears

    I love-kiss You Lazar Risar


    wow how Your heart is good


    wow how Your heart is beautiful








    2497. day
    2nd November 2011



    The life of the world goes on by somebody's will – somebody is doing some kind of

    work with the life of this world and with our lives. In order to have the hope of

    understanding the meaning of this will, it is first of all necessary to fulfil it,

    to do that which is wanted of us

    Leo Tolstoy


    I’m excited by somebody’s will which is doing some kind of work


    I’m imagining and surrendering to that miraculous work



    if You touch Your nose then we did the same thing in joy of all beings within that work




    with violins




    with street corners




    with horse’s neighing


    sometimes my writing is nothing else but neighing


    continuation of our conversations on the corner


    violin-like between the fingers


    I’m thirsty of You my male-friend


    I’m yearning for You my female-friend


    I love You more and more with all Your faults and I’m

    more and more against each and every one of them


    only the soul and goodness of a loyal whore can save You from Yourself


    every group accepts with deepest respect somebody who admits

    the evil deeds that members of their group committed

    it’s not too clear the way I wrote this but everything is so clear that it can’t be clearer


    every group in most horrible way condemns as a traitor everyone

    who admits the evil deed that they themselves have committed


    evil deeds are done by our mothers and fathers and their mothers and fathers


    we are doing evil as well as they are because we are hiding evil done by our mothers

    and fathers and on top of that we are obliging our kids to hide our evil


    through all beings both ours and theirs are gone and the

    goodness of one and only being permeates all beings


    sex is surrendering ourselves to the other


    love is surrendering ourselves to everybody and everything


    I all beings


    I of the knee-kneel-down


    I joy of a soul


    I You


    with the word I I sing the pronoun I in every being


    I am Your I. You are Your I

    pretentiousness is sometimes the only unpretentiousness


    I am I of everybody and everything

    unpretentiousness is sometimes the only pretentiousness


    I of the radiance

    modesty is sometimes the only radiance


    I of the modesty

    radiance is sometimes the only modesty



    2498. day
    3rd November 2011

    admirations. prayings. redemptions


    confessions. identifications




    friendships. recognitions. fuckings. wholeings


    tendernesses. carefullnesses. patiences


    musics. readings. lonelinesses. agreeings


    loyalties. perseverances


    receivings. givings. thankings


    solidarities. compassions. making decisions. carrying on










    becoming-more-beautiful. approvals


    emotions. obediences


    creations. revelations


    approvings. being-more-beautiful


    simplicities. repetitions


    reductions. enlargements


    enthusiasms. tranquillities. calmnesses


    circlings. interweavings


    walkings. budding






    to all beings


    breathings. harmonisations


    considerations. immortalities


    vowings. overcomings


    beings. joys. transformations. becomings


    one. resurrections


    truths. freedoms. courages. weaknesses


    writings. drawings. photographings. silencings. speakings. sightings






    2499. day
    4th November 2011

    I’m going




    just words




    goodness of beauty


    all beings


    a horse in a mare


    loyalty of the heart


    sameness of the mind


    word after word




    I am every word that I write


    life of all beings


    love for every being


    mathematics of the specific


    music of the abstract


    film of the words







    beauty of goodness


    one is the fucking


    one the wedding


    Angelus Silesius




    don’t pander yourself my son


    I’m looking at you my words you’re beautiful like roses


    I’m looking at you my words you’re good like a path


    I enjoy watching you appearing before my eyes


    mystics of creation


    mambo of hips


    joy for writing the way I do


    gratitude because I can’t write differently








    2500. day
    5th November 2011

    revolt against women


    a sudden one


    revolt through love


    revolt through refinement and non-hurting


    Miroslav Mandic Revolt against women is dedicated to You my wife and

    to all women who were created through beauty and fertilized with God’s nobleness


    Miroslav Mandic Revolt doesn’t hurt a single

    woman it rather encourages for beauty and nobleness


    I never met a woman who revolted against female culture


    I know only two men who revolted against male culture


    when I was sixteen I revolted against male killings

    and crimes that are celebrated through myths and schools


    men are killing each other. women are stultifying each other


    I spent whole life being compassionate towards women


    now I’m disgusted with all of that because a lot of times I felt women insensitivity


    primarily towards their partners which they are

    insidiously crazily and to extinction fighting with for domination


    women are unbearable with their seduction and

    inability to open up and let everything into themselves


    they are egotistical to nothingness


    by abolishing their sexuality they are in constant incestuous connection with

    their children not allowing them to brake off from them and conveying all sin onto them


    men are cheating on women with their property and weapons

    women are cheating men with their motherhood and children


    men are dominating over women with their heroisms and systems

    women are dominating over men with their sacrifices and chaos’s


    men are celebrating killings and they rule through them

    women are dazed with motherhood and they rule through it


    of course

    as long as there is property women are entitled to the half of it like with all other things and

    of course a woman in existing system is exposed to male violence and that is unforgivable


    my woman join me – all women join me

    this is non-violent revolt against women and female culture



    all women revolt against women and female culture

    all men revolt against men and male culture



    all women revolt against men and male culture

    all men revolt against women and female culture



    women look up to those rare women

    love-kiss each other


    to Penelope. Mother of God. Rabia. Mother Theresa. Emily Dickinson. Gertrude Stein

    Nadezhda Mandelstam. Simone Weil. Billie Holiday. Isidora Sekulic. Amy Winehouse…

    my beloved ones I’m loyal to you and I love-kiss you


    nor female nor male but a child


    not even a child but all younglings


    not even all younglings but each being


    not even each being but all beings


    not even all beings but You


    not even You but I


    not even I but God





    2502. day
    7th November 2011

    two women have told me that they have also revolted against women


    five people have supported me in revolt against women – therefore

    I announce the revolt finished so that it wouldn’t end up winning and being triumphant

    I’m guarding sanctity through the sanctity of humour






    only everything is everything the rest is pain


    all or nothing

    because of the trepidation of light and fear from nothingness one chooses mediocrity


    mediocrity or nothing

    because of the unbearable mediocrity and fear from nothingness one gets into misery


    misery or nothing

    because of the fear from nothingness one remains in misery


    by rejecting everything human progress ended up in misery


    You don’t have a problem with others You have a problem with me


    You don’t have a problem with me You have a problem yourself


    with me You have splendours that You don’t foster nor live and

    hence the problems that You have with me and with yourself and with others


    my beloved-man nothing in this world is mine because all of it is me


    my beloved-female when I address somebody with my I’m talking

    about the quality and sameness and not about taking hold of and affiliation


    my particles you are my pigeons


    my cells you are my doves


    my vibrations you are my lullabies


    my light You are my lamb


    my walkings you are my swallows


    my faces you are my grasses


    my pussies you are my snails


    my cocks you are my sparrows


    my theories you are my clouds


    my tiny one You are my big one


    my big one You are my tiny one


    my soft-speaking You are my cognition


    my cognition You are my arch-confidence


    my arch-confidence You are my resurrection


    I’m happy when the beauty of a poem makes me cry


    all poems are hymns


    the climax of walking are silence and dancing – this is what I would go on for days


    the climax of creativity are love-kissings and fuckings

    – this is what I would go on for years


    the climax of singing is becoming the same

    – this is what I would go on for days


    one two three – let’s go again





    2503. day
    8th November 2011

    ten years ago on this day of 8th November 2001 I finished the Rose of Wandering


    I was walking for ten years


    I was drawing for ten years


    I was writing for ten years


    I was building the bridge between millenniums for ten years


    I was creating the Blue Rose in the Universe for ten years


    I walked around the planet Earth and carried on walking through the Universe


    Universe became the measure of my steps


    love became the quality of my breath ins


    creation is transformation


    singing is identifying with


    by now all of that was finished. I felt as if I have taken

    off a great mountain of my shoulders that I was carrying all the time


    Nada Petronijevic-Covic was forty four at the time

    Nada was the only one who was at the beginning and at the end of the Rose of Wandering


    imagine pleasure in my chest


    that is you Miroslav in my chest

    you say


    light is bending down


    I enjoy immensely in Your cleverness that nobody notices


    I enjoy immensely in Your defeats which are only affirming You


    have ever been thinking the way the female elephant does


    have you ever come like a Universe


    have you ever fucked with coming winter


    have you ever been opening a book as you were opening your heart


    have you ever doubting yourself exchanged for the faith in the other


    have you ever in the tail of your spine felt heaven


    have you ever experienced that You are William Blake


    have you ever followed me in heights


    have you ever supported me in taking off


    have you ever asked me everything that You cannot even ask at all or Yourself


    I have finished the Rose of Wandering with 82.025.168 steps or 62.339 kilometres


    today I’m on the 7522nd kilometre of the Bud of Walking. one completely different walking

    on the Rose right Achilles tendon was hurting me. on the Bud left as well as the left heel


    I took the photo of the first and last Grass on the Rose and

    I will put them on the site. I also took the photo of my face on the

    first and the last day of the Rose of Wandering and I will put them on the site

    for few months now the programme for the site has been making problems and that exhausts me and makes me powerless


    ten years ago it was also sunny and warm day like this one


    I can’t put the photo of my face ten years ago on the link Face on which

    through everyday photos of my face I’m singing the walking of the Bud of Walking

    it’s Your glory God





    2504. day
    9th November 2011

    twenty years ago on this day of 9th November 1991 I started the Rose of Wandering


    Nada Petronijevic-Covic was thirty four


    everything was scary possible


    Atlantic Ocean in front of me


    nobody was preventing me from swimming it across

    and I flew over it


    never until then was I so small in front of something so big

    that’s now in my bones


    nothing ever depended so much from me and I was the only possible answer to that


    becoming a path on the road


    becoming a rose through wandering


    blue rose of the Universe


    after the first step which took me to the ten year long wandering I burst into tears


    a flock of geese flew over me


    there was no return


    during the preparations for the ten year long walking I was

    calling the Rose of Wandering by the name Wandering Through Europe


    the idea for the Wandering Through Europe was born on 10th October 1988 in Tubingen


    one year later on 9th November 1989 Berlin Wall came down


    I don’t remember if I already knew it and then forgot about it or I found out

    today that the Berlin Wall came down also on 9th November nonetheless I set out

    from London on 9th November 1991 on ten year long walking as I went to jail for a year

    in Sremska Mitrovica on 9th November 1972. that day as well thirty nine years ago

    was same sunny day like it was twenty years ago when I set out on ten year

    walking. sunny like today as well when I’m writing about all of that


    I wanted to begin the ten year walking before January 1992 when the

    European Union was supposed to start forming and I wanted to create a

    sanctuary over Europe with my steps. I wanted to affirm boundlessness of space and

    timelessness of time. I decided that the first step of the ten year long walking

    will be on 9th November 1991. latter on the forming of European Union was

    postponed since not all the conditions were created and I set out

    without any conditions

    in Days of My Life I proclaimed 9th November the Day of All Beings


    lights and joys of wandering

    for Rose of Wandering in 200… 2000… 20000 years…


    sun wanders to this very day

    for every moment. every point. every being


    Bud of Sameness

    finished book of Rose of Wandering for the book Miroslav Mandic which I’m currently writing


    Bud God

    Bud of All Beings

    Bud of Art Every Day

    Bud God-Sex-Money

    Bud Nest

    Bud Universe

    Bud Walking

    finished walking of the Rose of Wandering for the walking of the Bud of Walking which I’m currently walking


    today new Berlin Walls are being torn down


    light buds through love


    alone for everything

    You-I and I-You










    love is alive


    life is immortal


    singing is creating is walking


    sing me creation


    create me walking


    walk me budding




    2505. day
    10th November 2011

    thirty years ago on this day on 10th November 1981 I was thirty two


    in the book I am You are Him which was still in manuscript at the time I wrote


    I am a glass of vine, a book page, a child’s kiss, a gram of heroin,

    municipality authorities, vestibule of vagina, foundation of a new house. Reasons


    it was two hundred and thirty fifth day since I started writing I am…


    I lived within the discovery of I and I was singing

    it is beauty that I was discovering in everything


    I of spring


    I of cold night air


    I of the swallows in the air


    I of the morning shadows


    everybody’s I was setting me free from my I and was filling me with beauty of

    any I. identifications with anybody’s I was making me both being sung or poet of I


    I was singing


    me the spoon in the compote of quince


    I embarrassment in writing


    I the iris


    I yearn for fucking


    I bud


    I didn’t know anything nor I could have nor I should have known about


    the Rose of Wandering


    Bud of Walking


    Miroslav Mandic


    Vera Varady who just sent me these words

    from that how somebody who you just briefly looked at

    while passing by them beholds the world, from his or her blessing or

    benevolence everything depends on. you see their look and you are in the other place.

    I didn’t know yet. I will meet her a year later and she will be during these almost thirty

    years my most steady friend


    on the last Leave for 10th November 1981 from the

    painting Leaves – Tree of Life I wrote black on white like day and night


    I loved more and more the very simplicity


    simplicity in everything and simplicity


    after the jaundice that I had in April that year fears from death

    began that were in some moments driving me insane and annul me


    living sometimes isn’t anything else but just surviving. celebrating the life

    itself. but let me go back to the I and art of I that I discovered and that opened up to me


    that mathematical ecstasy through writing


    through which I lived thirty years ago and which was happening parallel

    to the fears of death through which my I was dying and God’s I was getting born


    one and only I through which I’m singing and to which I’m singing for thirty years now


    through everyday repetition and with the repetition of the everyday


    singing through writing


    Miroslav Mandic Writing


    may it never stop with singing

    we’ll carry on – all beings are singing to me




    2506. day
    11th November 2011

    forty years ago on this day on 11th November 1971 I was twenty two


    I was disgusted with army since I was sixteen. now I was in it


    today I’m sixty two and I can just confirm that everything connected to army is evil


    it’s sad how human males are engaged in such miserable ideals like killing

    I admire anyone who transforms and from war within him or herself makes paradise in the other


    killing slows down the development of brain

    of the male who are fertilizing their females like killers

    males transform yourselves and create a world without killings and enemies with your courage


    army enslaves and rules the man

    army or shopping it’s the same


    I experienced paranoia for the first time


    it was in the air


    I could touch it


    I was in the cage


    I was a bullet that kills


    a target for shooting


    I didn’t know anything at the time nor I could nor should have known about


    the jail I went to in a year and a half


    ten year works that were waiting for me to obey them


    obedience as the peak of creativity


    the book I am You are Him which was waiting for me ten years later


    pussy love You were nowhere around


    I was exposed


    youth has ended


    it was killed


    I was left only with life


    in couple of months the power of life in February kisses has regenerated me


    that’s when I started loving buds


    my brain has budded in my heart

    let’s dance forever


    a boy within me has survived and saved my Godly sex that they were killing

    we are singing


    tonight as well I am bowing to that boy


    tonight as well I am praying with that very same sex


    with the sex of innocence I have survived


    through the innocence of sex I am eternal


    tonight me the twenty two year old am walking


    towards the tomorrow’s twelve year old one

















    2507. day
    12th November 2011

    fifty years ago on this day on 12th November 1961 I was twelve


    I didn’t know back then that in two years I will have my

    first kiss with Oljenka and that eight years later Ljubica will die


    I knew we are poor but I felt free


    I’m coming to You world – that’s how I was growing up


    child people


    little boy of goodness


    boy of life joys


    I was becoming more and more myself


    all sorrows and joys were in my glands and sperm

    that was accumulating and getting ready to rush out of me

    like the blood of girls that was at that time beginning to flow out of them


    I was surviving for three years Milomir’s death

    because of which I thought I was going to die as well


    I survived – sex won over death – the sex of wonder of life itself


    sex towards older women

    I am twelve this afternoon as well and You are thirty three my beloved


    physical ecstasy of the surge of life was unstoppable


    running running running


    football football football


    standing long jump


    listening the radio. cinema. reading books


    I don’t remember what happened on 12th November 1961

    but I know that in twenty days our saint day was coming


    new fustian shirt


    indescribable celebration of light


    with each cell within me I was rejoicing every cell in the Universe

    I’m loyal to every being through sex


    there is no fucking with childhood and boyhood


    everything that exists was me


    That Is Me Love Is My Name




    while I’m writing about that twelve year old boy

    as if I’m writing about this sixty two year old one





    my selfishness throughout all these years was complete surrendering to You

    the one who knows me will know what I am talking about


    my song throughout all these years is singing for You every moment my friend

    who love-kisses me knows who am I singing about



    I enjoy writing innocence


    innocence love-kisses moment


    moment sings innocence



    You say




    2509. day
    14th November 2011

    I spoke a lot of words on Saturday and Sunday


    I believe good words


    my speech has opened up


    it was speaking me




    through God


    it made me tired


    and now my web-site is not working






    lead me my words


    to Ethiopia


    everything in each heart


    to achieve




    companionship of love


    of one


    and only




    when the seed of chestnut flies


    when You don’t understand anything but You believe me more and more


    when You don’t understand even that

    You don’t understand a thing but You love me forever


    if my grandpa would sing now I would be listening

    to him with my mouth open but when I was a kid I would giggle

    these are Your words but don’t think that it is You and that this is about You


    speeded up will while celebrating makes people love each other


    the renunciation does not take. the renunciation gives

    it gives the inexhaustible power of the Simple



    and tonight I need to the most important – to testify the modesty – modesty


    get into it a bit


    through sieving


    sieve me light


    only shyness liberates from false shyness


    only innocence liberates from shyness


    my heart hurts a little bit


    I jolted myself

    potatoes carrot sunflower oil ajvar and brad in two




    2510. day
    15th November 2011

    when I love You I love You as well


    when I love anybody I love You as well


    wen I love everything I love You as well


    only when I love You I love You as well


    only when I love everything I love You as well


    only when I love You I love everything as well


    only when I love I write that I love


    writing is love


    everyday love everyday writing


    with my writing You can


    wash Your face








    be compassionate


    be a violet


    be a fellowship of love


    swim in confidence


    start loving the rivalry






    bow down to an enemy


    tattoo Miroslav Mandic name on Your body

    I did – You say


    lead Yourself towards Yourself










    identify with








    in the morning wash Your face and all over again




    2511. day
    16th November 2011

    the female always overcomes the male by tranquility

    Lao Tzu in 61st Chapter


    why did the ancients highly value this Tao?

    did they not say – those who seek shall have it and those who sin shall be freed?

    Lao Tzu in 62nd Chapter


    just to write today as well something simple and easy






    through music


    just like that


    just simple as that


    through the spine


    in the belly


    through harmony


    through doodling


    through the house in my knees


    through being silent


    through refinement


    through the sand carried by the river


    through the walked sea shore


    through Charles Mingus


    through the theory of theories


    through contemplation


    through great whales


    through ocean depths in the heart


    through the law of all-love


    everything is the husband to everybody


    everybody is the wife of everything


    through long walking


    through the beans after walking


    through nails over the skin of music


    through musical fucking


    through the smell of tranquillity


    through agreeing in serenity


    through enjoying the happiness of all beings


    through satisfaction in every being

    plainest immortality of all beings now



    2512. day
    17th November 2011

    thanks to Mirjana Lukic I was yesterday at the doctor’s

    Vera Uzelac on braking up the calcaneus with sound waves


    therapy was done by nurse Ljiljana. when she would reach

    the thorn in the heel it would hurt but nurse’s care and carefulness were pleasant


    doctor advised five therapies


    during those two weeks I shouldn’t be walking


    I will surrender to the life in the Nest


    It would be wonderful if both thorn and pain in the heel would disappear


    almost a year now I’m walking with the pain


    I’m thinking of the children who are not talking of but suffering the pain


    I’m thinking of the animals with pains


    of plants in pain


    I will be taking a photo of the face of the walking in the Nest during the therapy


    on the Bud link I will be putting the photo of the Blue Rose for that day


    patience is heroism


    grace is refinement


    I love You God


    I went just to the market


    I bought bread potatoes carrot celery cayenne pepper


    I’m thinking of tender skin of grandmas

    who are kneading the sourdough for big airy donuts


    their skin is just so soft


    a being just yearns to satisfy the other being


    trees just grow high


    cold air and decomposing autumn leaves just smell so good


    although trees are not growing to the sky they are heavenly


    the one who loves is not alone


    who knows too much doesn’t love


    the one who winks will feel exactly what he or she yearns for


    the one who rings a bell in his or her heart will experience the sameness of all beings


    the one who imagines how all over his or her brain gyri curves the whisper

    I love-kiss I love-kiss You he or she will know that they became the home to all beings


    the one who touches his or her knees they will feel the knees

    hey what an experience


    I fell in love


    I fell in love with You my sunflower seed oil because I cannot

    stop being astonished by the beauty of sunflower from which You originate


    this is the reminder of the idea about the three lunches


    these are the words of today’s last blessing





    2513. day
    18th November 2011

    the one who loves is not alone


    the one who is alone loves the most


    nakedness of beauty surrenders to the goodness of nakedness


    whoever saw me naked knows how much I surrender to the theory


    to the medium of theory – to the mental observation


    to the body of theory – to tranquillity


    to the gaze of theory – to leniency


    to the technology of theory – to barefootedness


    to the biology of theory – to immortality


    to the politics of theory – to the free of charge


    to the event of theory – to the efflux


    to the architecture of theory – to the small poem


    to the textuality of theory – to the leap into the text


    to the screen of theory – to the ethical surrendering


    nakedness of goodness is loyal to the beauty of nakedness


    whoever saw me naked knows how much I love the theory of surrendering




    get up – I get up


    shave. wash your hair. take a shower… 


    …I shaved. I washed my hair. I took a shower


    I drew the Blue Rose


    recorded the Blue Film


    took a photo of the Face of the Walking


    took a photo of the drawing of the Blue Rose


    in one hour I will go to the second therapy of the painful heel


    Violeta will be walking instead of me all of these days during the therapy


    the theory of walking I’m applying while walking


    the walking of the theory I’m applying in the theory


    the theory of theory I live through the life


    I live life observing the theory


    theory – experience of being silent


    theory – love through acceptance


    silence of the experience – accepting the love





    2514. day
    19th November 2011

    few days ago I thought that the notion of

    energy should be exchanged for the notion goodness


    not the energy of the wind but the goodness of the wind


    not electric energy but the electric goodness


    not sexual energy but sexual goodness


    not used energy but used goodness


    silent brightness


    tender vehemence


    every moment is God’s glory


    grated beetroot mayonnaise bread and margarine


    I love little pictures of Virgin Mary which I’m getting from the beggars


    I’ve never met a single whore but I deeply respect them


    I am a husband to each one of them


    the being of goodness lives behind the horror


    being of beauty lives behind the atrocity


    every moment is a mystery


    every event is a miracle


    every being goodness of love


    my eye sight focus has shifted so everything is trebling in front of my eyes


    whole day today I’m gently thinking of a friend


    my name is

    Beloved Friend Lean Your Head On My Chest


    if you touch my legs You will feel the singing and dancing


    I am a good woman to myself


    sometimes I’m nothing else but what You want me to be to You


    I’m always what all beings expect from me


    goodness of the poem which is singing within me


    we are walking next to each other as if we are lying skin-tight


    I’m thinking of the snowstorm from thirty years ago which started all of a sudden

    in the woods and scared a friend and me that we will remain forever sweep covered with

    snow just like the woman found dead in the snow in the same woods around that time


    this goodness that I feel now You can spread over the bread


    my focus is back


    I’m lifting my hand in order to write the word slope


    and here is the song that is mobilising my whole body


    not the technology of high energies but the conscience of high goodness


    I Am One And Only Body Of All Beings




    2516. day
    21st November 2011

    it’s glory it’s family saint


    it’s God’s glory


    St. Archangel Michael


    children’s joy


    my family saint is the saint of beggars and travellers


    of God’s chests


    a barer of the small turn of the moment

    my Vera Varady would say


    my glory Your volcano


    I’m only sorry for being stupid. I should have enjoyed more

    this evening as well my granny’s words spoken out before her death are warning










    white chrysanthemums


    hey white chrysanthemums


    the smell of cold air and soil before the coming winter in those white petals of theirs


    Greg Brown


    sometimes I think that I would enjoy immensely

    writing about things describing them with a lot of details


    oh my simplicity I’m loyal to You forever


    the only detail is wholeness


    the only yearning is the only yearning


    I am God’s success


    smile within Your stomach


    pancreas of joy




    You’re nothing if You’re not Johnny Cash


    one is the only one


    we have been celebrating it. God’s glory. snow was up to the knees


    it seemed as if the life was immortal

    coming back from school. guests. cookies. white wafers. table full of food. children’s screaming. singing of the adults


    tonight being sixty two I know that life is mortal


    mortality is God’s glory




    shoulder movements – the very goodness




    2517. day
    22nd November 2011

    I love fair game


    the day before yesterday I saw for the first time breasts of one woman over the Skype


    I couldn’t touch them but I was watching them


    it was exciting because it was for the first time


    virtual is natural






    not communication – but nakedness


    not squaring a deal – but fucking


    not getting along– but agreeing


    not the law – but singing


    my baby

    baby is “beba” the best translation of the English baby. I like a lot when

    I hear that baby. it looks to me as if it refers to all that wants to be just like any baby


    my love You are my baby


    how beautiful are the white chrysanthemums


    I miss walking


    the pain in my heel is not receding


    I’m too much in the Nest


    I’m drinking a bit of rakia and watching the screen in order to see the blessing I’m writing


    I am a brother to the big trees


    our juices are the same


    I wouldn’t have survived if I lived according to the human rules


    birds have saved me








    patience with which the life circles the Universe


    I’m thinking of the particle that wanders through

    the Universe and tears are rolling down my face from joy


    I think of everyone who has lost the sense and I say You are my sister


    I cannot stop wondering to the wonder of words


    just as I write any given word it already sings


    every word is a hymn to God in every being


    what would the two of us be if we were not meeting each other in these words


    my baby You and I are together always and forever




    2518. day
    23rd November 2011

    how sexual is the granny’s touch


    yesterday I experienced it


    through touching her


    through being


    to the end












    innocent through suppleness








    soft like a goodness of just born girls


    like any other a miracle of nature is a testimony of God’s love


    of sugar canes in the wind


    of eternal granny


    tenderness that is rolling over all vibration


    implying immortality


    immortality is neither hope nor consolation


    immortality is the only certainty in the world without certainty




    I don’t know


    but I wrote it


    I believe You my writing


    today I’m going on the fourth heel therapy


    I feel a bit guilty because the pain didn’t disappear


    I’m thinking of the birds’ wings


    I’m thinking of the feathers of which I was never thinking


    granny’s hands are soft like feathers


    through granny’s fondling soul is flying


    it delights the landscapes


