Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    2526. day
    1st December 2011

    if You have ever seen a stone and immediately said stone


    if You have ever been writing poems if and

    called all of them if only you would read this poem


    if there You go even after so many years I’m again writing those if poems


    if is as exciting as when


    if You come


    if You want


    if until then the night already falls down


    if You feel me in Your veins


    if You have ever wished to be exactly what You are it will be the night


    if You have ever lifted Your hand like me now it will be the same hand


    if You have ever licked the salt of my tears


    if You have ever by licking clitoris regenerated the sea life


    if You have ever by kissing the penis head created the sea itself


    if You love hoar frosting


    if You are nesting birds eggs in Your heart


    if You are a student of high and ebb tide


    if You stroll through the Universe every day at list once


    if agreement and loyalty are the same for You

    as they are for me that makes path and for rose happy


    if You are radiant also in plainest joy You mean a lot to every joy


    if You have ever caressed the whole landscape

    You are the whiteness of the invisible circulations


    if You are a husband of existence it’s good for the existence


    if You are a wife to all beings it’s good for all beings


    if You are delighted with beautiful and good like me at this moment


    if sometimes You don’t know what to say right now

    and You say I don’t know what to say right now


    if sometimes gentle humour of life in Your bones takes You before the very God



    if You have ever hugged any youngling like God

    wow wow


    if You have ever kissed God like any youngling

    wow wow wow


    if You have ever said to somebody

    your name is I Don’t Know Who You Are But You Are Everything To Me


    if You love-kiss hundred nuns in the hearts of hundred

    monks who are praying for better yesterday today and tomorrow


    hey if You have ever stopped the orgasm

    so that instead of You all beings also feel the pleasure

    even if You have done only that it was enough for life to keep on living


    if You have ever recognised Yourself within You You will feel you and I and I are one I


    if You are all of this then we should be and let us be

    You and I and I and I and I and I and I and I and I 


    if sometimes You wouldn’t know how to finish

    something beautiful this is an opportunity to do so





    2527. day
    2nd December 2011

    I am joy


    I am joy of the great ones in the hearts of small ones


    I am joy of the healthy ones in the hearts of the sick ones













    I am tattoos on Amy Winehouse’s skin


    I am a nib and a feather and I’m waiting on

    the desk before I dip myself in the ink of Your heart


    I am a pillow for every I


    I am fucking conscience and fuckable consciousness


    I am water which trembles and soil that sighs


    I am a tambour of the plain and I celebrate the mountains of honesty


    I am every step that we are walked by Piece Pilgrim


    I am the steps through which Miroslav Mandic walked

    twenty three kilometres around the walls of Constantinople – Istanbul


    we are the choice

    only freedom


    I am the choice

    only God


    I am the poem of all beings in my mind


    I am all poems of all poets in my heart


    I am the most delicate delicacy and my nationality is one and only people of all beings


    I am poem of good people


    I am Your miraculous ass my beloved world


    I am a dusk of these words in front of Your eyes


    I am one on both sides


    I am one and only orgasm of opposites


    I am sublime plainness


    I am I that owes everything to the other


    I am I of the other that owes everything to the other


    I am the I am in Miroslav Mandic’s poems

    Miroslav Mandic I Am


    I am the language of mathematics that surrenders to the singing of music


    I am the mathematics of language and language of mathematics

    and we are both surrendering and giving ourselves away


    I am the most fuckable joy and I live in all beings

    I wanted to write and thing too but I reminded myself that things are also beings. as well as ideas. that’s even more incomprehensible


    I am Miroslav Mandic’s decision and I am going to help him to write I Am

    poems to the end of his life and then continue writing them in the eternity of every being


    I am the beginning

    eternal beginning in the beginning of eternity






    2528. day
    3rd December 2011

    tomorrow is my 62nd birthday


    22644th day of my life


    I’d love to spend it in the circle of one and only family of all beings

    at the round table of Solemn Sunday Lunch of All Beings




    alone in order to be with everybody


    alone so that I wouldn’t hurt anybody


    alone I am in Your arms


    alone I am in Your pussy


    alone I am in Your loyalty


    alone I am in Your writing


    alone I am in Your struggle with Yourself woman


    alone I am in Your struggle with Yourself man


    alone I am in Your oath


    alone I am in Your transformation


    alone I am in Your decision








    I’d love if all beings would make a cake of all-love for me tomorrow


    I want cake


    an I can cake


    an I am you are I cake


    a cake of greatest disgust over my own I


    a cake of all our future conversations agreements and fuckings


    a cake of Miroslav Mandic Success through

    which each being succeeds through all beings


    I would love if the first birthday cake of all beings would consist of

    biscuits of permeation

    fruits of compassion

    nuts of redemption

    chocolate of waiver

    cream of obedience

    vanilla of free-of-charge

    syrup of immortality

    rum of sharing


    I would love if the cake is in the shape of a ball and that each being gets a piece


    bud cake


    I would love if my birthday is a birthday of resurrection of all beings

    God just God


    Nikolai Fyodorov


    I’m first getting on my knees…


    …gratitude of gratitude of gratitude





    o h j  o y o h







    d a n c e








    2530. day
    5th December 2011

    these days from monastery Vracesnica into the monastery Kovilje also went

    Rafaila to the prioress Agripina, Hristina, Magdalina, Marta, Tekla, Haritina

    Petar’s e-mail from yesterday


    I’m rejoicing You









    greatest immodesty is not being God


    they have a trash can and they are throwing

    things around – says an older woman to her husband in the park


    a young man with cigarette leaned on a fence

    can’t take his eyes off of girl which is passing by him


    keep up poem








    No poetry concerning the people is authentic if fatigue does

    not figure in it, and the hunger and thirst which come from fatigue

    Simone Weil


    I’m going on the eight therapy of my left heel. I’m ashamed because the pain didn’t stop


    yesterday I wrote with enthusiasm a lot of blessings for this week but I put all of them

    this morning into the spare blessings so that I start the sixty third year from the beginning


    alone granny sitting on the bench is seriously talking with somebody


    here comes the drizzle


    drizzling is always good


    one man is calmly watching the ground while waiting the tram


    a woman patted her hair and pursed her lips


    I love how beavers are swimming


    when a moment ago I stood up from the computer I could hardly lean on one leg


    sometimes only joy remains


    falling of the dusk


    the smell of coming snow


    something that somebody once pinned up somewhere


    and it’s still hanging there


    and it will be hanging God knows how long


    somebody who feels good while calmly standing next to the wooden post


    somebody who feels joy in this blessing


    or in this mare-like blessing in which a horse starts nickering


    I’m enjoying writing blessings and if You also enjoy

    while reading it then we are both permeated by the same joy


    tranquillity of the hand in hand


    I really rejoiced when it started to rain


    one of the best ways for somebody to feel the sense is that there is no sense


    just drizzling


    just singing


    I love the most the singers who are talking




    2531. day
    6th December 2011

    I wouldn’t even know about Johnny Cash if you didn’t keep on mentioning him, that’s

    why I wonder and I’m asking you: why is he so important to you or why do you love him?

    she asked me yesterday in e-mail


    I didn’t answer because I don’t like to explain


    I’m really interested to hear why do you appreciate

    Johnny Cash so much? few words, like in a poem…

    she repeated today as well


    since I immediately had a lot of thoughts and reasons

    swarming I felt that it’s the best if I sing it through blessings


    I love trees


    I was first drawing them. afterwards I was thinking

    them through. and a bit before I was thirty I discovered them


    through the picture of a tree I’ve learned to think when I was

    twenty from Oswald Spengler and his book The Decline of the West


    I love music a lot


    I remember Nietzsche’s disagreement with Socrates’

    thinking because he wasn’t listening to music


    music is a lover of thinking


    thinking is music


    when thinking is not music for me it’s not even thinking






    dancing and singing


    roots of music is ethnic music


    trunk of music is popular music


    treetop of music is creative music


    fruits are the best


    authors and singers


    ego vanity and evil are the best overcome with music


    I love author singer the most


    the one who sings his or her song


    the song which is everything


    the one who really sings his or her song sings God


    who really comes disappears in love of all beings


    the best one is the most rare one


    I listen only to him


    I’m looking for him


    who knows me knows how much he means to me


    he is always she as well – she is always he as well


    Billie Holiday – Johnny Cash


    singing love

    I will be singing why I love Johnny Cash tomorrow the day two or three days after tomorrow




    2532. day
    7th December 2011

    I find it harder and harder to speak about anybody

    or anything outside of blessings that I sing every day


    everything is in them

    everything I do feel think believe create sing love-kiss

    I do feel think believe create sing and love-kiss in front of all beings and for all beings


    so is the answer why I love Johnny Cash

    I am public and open for all beings. no secret whatsoever. I don’t believe in no secrets and nobody’s secrets


    because of Ulrike Meinhof. because of

    Jean Jacques Rousseau. because of Andre Williams

    I only believe in the secret of God – I love It and It makes me


    because of the dance of life that lives for the light of all-dancing


    I am the singing of my words


    goodness of kissing


    beauty of surrendering


    runaway child

    Miroslav Mandic Johnny Cash


    every word of mine affirms Johnny Cash


    Johnny Cash affirms every word of mine


    my word is everyone’s word


    a word of fresh morning air


    a word of Your sweat under the armpits


    a word of loyal ideas to the disloyal senses


    all beings

    one and only loyalty


    liking of all things

    one and only love


    harmony of Universe

    one and only fucking


    I love Novalis who didn’t even know of Gertrude Stein

    I love Gertrude Stein who didn’t even know of Johnny Cash


    I love a lot of things even though these things represent 1% of

    all things but they affirm all things unlike 99% of things that deny all things


    99% are assumevities and I don’t like them because they are selfish and dead thinking


    it’s hard for me to live in the world in which what

    is important to me and what makes me is not known of


    I find that especially hard with those who are close to me

    and who think that I am I and I am not I but I am I of all beings


    voice of Johnny Cash


    I love Johnny Cash because I am Johnny Cash


    I love Johnny Cash because You are Johnny Cash


    I love Johnny Cash because everything is Johnny Cash


    when love is assumed love is dead


    when injustice is assumed injustice rules


    when one lives in ego everything that exists is meaningless


    from a high flying I’m pouncing with tenderness onto Your bosoms


    singing is the only answer


    surrender to my trembling





    2533. day
    8th December 2011

    I am Johnny Cash

    I love Johnny Cash because in the beginning of singing he says I am Johnny Cash


    I love Johnny Cash for the same reason I also love Claude Monnet


    Claude Monnet for the same reason as Plotinus


    Plotinus for the same reason as Cassius Clay


    Cassius Clay for the same reason as Simone Weil




    dancing of singing


    I love blues a lot and I love a lot that James Brown doesn’t love blues










    shame of a body


    body of a tear


    deep voice


    a poem of the jailed ones


    singing till the end of life


    freedom for which one lives

    I am forever pledged to the shine in their eyes


    singer walker

    singer leader


    when life isn’t surrendering it’s roughness


    when life isn’t acquiescence it’s immoral


    when in a singer’s voice don’t sing all singers

    of all beings that is not Miroslav Mandic Singer


    I love-kiss You Johnny Cash


    I love-kiss You love-kissing


    big particles are guarding small universes


    one and only being is Universe


    one and only love is love


    wind carries leaves. I’m deeply inhaling. a girl with

    the violin box is throwing a ball while climbing up the street


    jugular vein is straining while she is nervously telling something to her friend


    sometimes loving Johnny Cash is the only way of loving You


    I always love everyone  who is Johnny Cash – I always and forever think that everybody is Johnny Cash


    bread and margarine. bread and margarine.


    it’s been said that tomorrow is a new day as well




    2534. day
    9th December 2011

      in order to better manage this unstable situation, every one of us

    will need, especially to those who rule the world, five main personal attributes

    competence to understand

    empathy to feel

    courage to dare

    will to resist discouragement

    altruism to share

    Jacques Attali


    divide and rule is one of the cleverest ways of ruling. the only

    problem is that the ruling itself is one of the stupidest ways of existing


    conversation companionship sex are sanctities for me unlike dialog tolerance and need


    with bread and margarine always also goes this blessing about bread and margarine


    plain says I am the plain


    competence says I am competence to understand


    enjoyment says I am enjoyment to feel


    courage says I am courage to dare


    will says I am a will to resist discouragement


    unselfishness says I am unselfishness to share


    I love polyphony of one and only way


    walking walking


    sip of water


    unselfish tranquillity


    if You know where I misplaced the scotch tape tell me


    I’m thinking of children who are playing on their own


    I’m thinking of a woman who constantly has smile on her face


    I’m thinking of a doorpost on which those who are standing at the door love to lean on


    it’s clear from this blessing how one should think


    it’s clear from this blessing what one should do


    it’s clear from this blessing who one should love-kiss


    few months ago I saw this girl three times in a day


    street cleaner dropped his glove but he noticed that and came back for it


    I love theory


    life of theory


    art of theory


    theory of theory


    I don’t like workshops where new theories are invented


    Mirjana thank You for the calcaneus treatment. I’m returning with whole-healing of Your

    health and this book while I’m going up Kneza Milosa street to the tenth and last therapy

    inscription in the book The Anarchist Banker by Fernando Pessoa


    a woman is getting out of a tram and she sweet talks

    to the black dog I took a photo of few days ago


    a sip of brandy


    yesterday cooked beetroot on the balcony


    it been said to this day tomorrow is a new day




    2535. day
    10th December 2011

    love me like a deer



    like a cliff




    by Djordje Markovic Koder


    only agreeing everything else is unacceptable


    only all beings everything else is death


    each blessing that I write is not according to me but it’s according to what is


    not that this is a bitch but these are three bitches in the landscape

    and not only that these are three bitches in the landscape but all three of them

    are dear and gentle and not only that they are dear and gentle but these are three

    bitches dear and gentle towards each other


    I love-kiss you landscapes


    tails of constant joy


    all hymns of love are celebrating love of one and only hymn of love


    hymn of love in the eyes of a blind young man on the bus stop


    hymn of an aged beauty who is smoking on the bench alone with her beauty


    hymn of water drops with which public transportation bus is sprays citizens


    hymn me with love


    love-kiss me with hymn of loneliness which is

    the only one that sings through all-love and to the lonely ones


    I am constantly alone with everybody


    husband to everyone


    father to all


    only mother


    sister to all brothers. brother to all sisters


    daughter and son of all beings







    I’m enjoying the orgasms of all women and men


    I love-kiss eyes of all jennies and donkeys


    yesterday I made two wallets – says a young woman passing by


    if You experience in depth of this blessing monastery of all sacred

    and profane texts which fascinate me and with which I constantly live then

    You would be my friend like Cira Acanski called Osim my good a year older friend


    I was twice on the seaside in Mali Losinj with Cira while we were in

    primary school. afterwards Cira asked me to come and play football in Slavija

    junior team where he was already playing as a left beck. we were going together to

    dances. Cira was irresistible droll and seducer. I loved him a lot and I still love him even

    though I haven’t seen him for fifteen years. later we went few times with his little car to

    Trieste to smuggle clothes which Kaja would sell latter on. Cira was a mechanic

    expert for typing machines of all kinds even though he wasn’t writing himself

    nor he was into sacred texts except if a sacred text is the sanctity of

    life itself



    wow is the same as oh God of a woman before she comes



    wow wow wow



    they say tomorrow is Sunday – a new day. a day of God’s rest


    they say saying makes a poem of anything somebody says


    they say joy is salt of every saying




    2537. day
    12th December 2011

    revolution of the heart

    not revolution in the heart


    revolution of the mind

    not revolution in the mind


    revolution of the world

    not revolution in the world


    Lao Tzu runs towards Lao Tzu


    anyhow and somehow

    words I dreamt of


    with an apple


    Miroslav Mandic


    walking creating singing


    every moment everywhere love for everything


    eternal art in the poem of all beings



    063 8591069


    behind every step of mine there is buried treasure



    I am accused of imposing and nobody felt that those were only cries of love


    only thing domination yearns for is to set itself free from itself


    calamity of domination is in absence of its struggle to beat itself






    if You touch me You will hear the music of each heart


    practice of theory is theory of practice


    theory of practice is practice of theory


    approving agreeing is agreeing with approving


    agreeing with approving is approving agreeing


    I live in order to survive


    I survive in order to live












    Our Father who art in heaven

    when I go to bed

    when I go to sleep

    may I dream of no evil

    that’s how I was praying before going to sleep when I was little








    o  p  e  n  d  o  p  e  n  e  d







    I am tiny and unnoticeable o

    one and only openness towards everybody and everyone


    openness of a tear


    openness of a smile


    opened innocence


    opened bud



    2538. day
    13th December 2011

    Tender Determination


    Touching Tenuity


    Innocent Openness


    three bitches in the landscape


    never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed

    citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has

    Margaret Mead


    always believe that the one and only God has

    created world, world is changed only with one and only being

    Miroslav Mandic


    Velimir Khlebnikov


    Steven Wallace


    William Carlos Williams


    name is enough


    it sings on its own


    it sings me


    it makes me


    I care a lot about goodness because I live for goodness and I live from goodness


    I care a lot about beauty because I live for beauty and I live from beauty


    I care a lot about loyalty because I live for loyalty and I live from loyalty


    I care a lot about approving because I live for approving and I live from approving


    I care a lot about agreeing because I live for agreeing and I live from agreeing


    I care a lot about modesty because I live for modesty and I live from modesty


    I care a lot about dedication because I live for dedication and I live from dedication


    I care a lot about that so that everyone who meets me feels that they are loved forever


    I care a lot about that so that everyone feels it’s only worth working what you believe in


    I care a lot about that so that everyone feels my life as their life since one is the life


    I care a lot about that I have felt that Van Gogh is Christ


    I care a lot about that I have felt great tenderness in Nietzsche’s experience he is Christ


    I care a lot about that I have never been disappointed in those who I admired


    I care a lot about not betraying my childhood and youth


    I care a lot about not betraying myself


    I care a lot about not betraying havens


    I care a lot about not betraying rose


    I care a lot about not betraying bud


    I care a lot about everything I care a lot about because I live for that and I live from that


    I care a lot about everyone who cares a lot

    about something and lives for that and lives from that




    2539. day
    14th December 2011

    whenever I don’t know what to write I can just start writing


    I wander through writing


    I’m meandering through language globe


    on the language path


    nobody around


    only the presence of silence


    language landscapes


    speeds of God’s particles


    vibrating goodness


    flickering beauty


    horse lips


    joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy


    while You are reading these words they are already here


    forever here


    but a moment ago they didn’t even exist


    they just were






    they were just love-kissing


    they were giving live to everybody


    now they are here just for You


    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away

    receive give-away


    writing is walking


    words are traces of walking


    steps of steps


    in this whisper You can hear the scream of all times


    in this babble You can see the flames of all spaces


    through this caressing You can be out of time and space


    we are


    I-am-he and I-am-she


    I was whispering babbling and caressing around the

    bridge Gazela walking and taking money for the Nest to Vesna


    a woman is washing the window of her little shop with crumpled newspapers



    Miroslav Mandic

    approving and agreeing

    lecture-surrendering. art talk. art performance. confession


    in the Nest

    invited are Violeta Ivana Mirjana You and all beings



    2540. day
    15th December 2011

    what I couldn’t precisely remember few nights ago goes like this:

    man is a creature of fear and people in fear can be divided in three groups:

    ones are running towards people

    others are running away from people

    third ones are running into the aggression and attacking people

    Srdjan Valjarevic this morning in e-mail


    everything I should do for tonight’s Approving and Agreeing is to celebrate God


    You say potatoes


    potatoes as well of course






    recognition recognition only recognition my beloved A


    refreshing the pelvic bones which are hurting me from sitting


    I will wipe the dust in the Nest bowing to it as always


    it’s really exciting loving particles


    that’s I-Am-He love-kissing I-Am-She


    night has fallen


    it’s raining


    I’m tenderly sad


    I hope I will have strength tonight


    even if I don’t have it it’s going to be good


    if everything is good that will be God’s success and glory


    if it’s unsuccessful I will be the guilty one


    I really love to write


    I really love to draw


    I really love to walk


    I really love to speak


    I really love to listen


    I really love to pray


    I really love to read


    I really love to love


    really is so gentle


    all beings of mine you are really gently in my embrace


    I would really love if You would look at me for a long time while I’m listening music


    I would really love if You would look at me for a long time while I’m fucking


    I would really love if You would feel me while I’m identifying myself crying


    I would really love to once again feel a beak of a small bird


    I would really love if Violeta and Mirjana would strongly

    testify tonight’s Approving and Agreeing to You and to all beings




    2541. day
    16th December 2011

    last night towards the end of the Approving and Agreeing while everything was burning

    like a candle and in the midst of failure which was enveloping me I felt it succeeded


    it was like another unopened book


    like horses which are riding people


    like a river that has never been swum across and that keeps on peacefully flowing


    list night I woke up several times and I felt that burnt down candle. that

    unopened book which somebody else will read. those people who are ridden by horses

    because it’s time for things to change. that river made of air which I’m inhaling right now










    I was rejoicing to get up and start writing blessings right away


    blessings about blessed sayings


    blessings about circles teams and betrayals


    about thoughts which run away from thoughts in order to become poems


    here comes Count Basie with Good Morning Blues


    sun is also shining


    I Fall in Love Too Easily sings Chet Baker


    I’m thanking Jasuka and Zeljko for walking

    three hours by the ocean few days ago for me


    I am the ocean of goodness


    changes in language are rolling over ocean waves


    there are many things that are leading towards the change in language

    in this blessing about which I was thinking before I started writing this blessing


    they say that winds from north bring coldness and those from south bring gale


    they say that on the highest mountain tops

    even today flowers that nobody ever saw can be found


    they say that one can learn the best about remembrance from old trees and stones


    they say that the one who carefully listens speaks most beautifully


    they say that for years there was no such a drought like this year at this time of year


    they say that if You nestle up with Your whole body

    to  tree trunk You can feel love You are yearning for


    they say that it’s very good walking barefooted and touching the ground with bare hands


    they say that the greatest sayings are those sayings that are being said now


    they say that all sayings have become from now and that

    they are later on transmitted through time onto each now


    they say that some sayings are the very poems and some poems are saying themselves


    God knows what are they as well as those that man never even says









    You say strawberry


    strawberry as well of course


    our ear is the same





    2542. day
    17th December 2011




    it will rain


    they say it will rain


    they say that Lee Po is alive


    it’s raining














    changes in language are rolling over ocean waves

    I wrote yesterday


    transformed language is trembling through my being

    I wrote just now


    language of innocence

    have you ever read Lazarov Miodrag Pashu


    first language

    yesterday was 2541st day in Miroslav Mandic Book or 77th time 33 days

    but I forgot to put that in a title as I do it every 33 days


    thoughts run away from thoughts in order to become poems

    I wrote yesterday


    runaway children are already a poem the moment they run away

    I wrote


    if You find out what goes on in the heart and mind of a runaway child You will

    discover what everybody is in search of ever since the beginning of time and space


    they say that before new year’s eve will snow for the first time


    they say that people are full of and wrapped

    around with happiness when snows for the first time


    they say that the one who stops betraying once they will never betray again



















    one of the reasons why is a good man silent lies

    in the fact that rarely do people are capable of hearing goodness


    when they can’t do something people later on proclaim that they don’t even want it


    nothing is more stupid than later wisdom


    I adore breasts of geese while flying


    with great pleasure I’m writing the letter to eight of them


    Meister Eckhart


    I imagine how all sayings are flowing into this saying


    they say that outbursts are male and flowing female


    they say that the one who wants to love-kiss flows everything up the river


    they say that the richest one is the one who doesn’t need anything


















    they say that the one who doesn’t think evil already sings

    and that he or she is on their own already the most beautiful poem


    they say goodness is a belly to the world


    naked God


    I naked






    Bo go ja go da




    Meaning: Godstrawberry as well as God-I-Strawberry




    2544. day
    19th December 2011

    art is always art


    kitsch is always kitschy


    art is the only thing better than art


    kitsch is the only thing better than kitsch


    love for art. love for kitsch. love for kitschy


    Only the publishers and some journalists believe that people want simple

    things. But people are, actually, tired from simple things. They want challenges.

    Umberto Eco


    Only Umberto Eco and some Umberto Ecos believe that

    Umberto Ecos want simple things. But Umberto Ecos are, actually,

    tired from simple things. Umberto Ecos want challenges.


    simplicity is the only challenge


    the challenge of simplicity is in the simplicity of challenge


    they say that every saying is a challenge for the saying itself


    they say that in every saying there is a challenge if it will manage to say anything at all


    they say that the moon has drowned in Li Po


    they say that all people are singing one song


    they say that every sip of wine is for the health of all beings


    they say that something is tender only if it is contradictory as well


    they say that in Hebrew language the root of

    the word playing means melting forces of evil


    they say that the root of the word sing means to cut the forces of evil


    they say that poem means to see


    they say that prophets were asking for music

    in moments of preparation for telling the prophecy


    they say that on this and on the other world there is nothing more exciting than repetition


    they say that every saying is whispering love me


    they say that a man has no future if it doesn’t stop killing


    they say that a man has no future if he was growing up on false human history


    they say that You can’t be a man if You don’t rebel against wars and their leaders


    they say that sayings are the best weapons against the mighty ones


    they say that nobody can resist the charm of any saying


    they say that the gates of heaven are the gates of anus


    they say that those who say don’t even exist but that are just sayings


    they say that not giving up is the same as carefulness


    they say that admiration is the same as to be


    they say that that God-love-kissing is the same as walking creating and singing


    they say that whoever says sorry for what

    he was writing he only says to always be forgiven


    they say that over the rough surface rain drains slowly



    2545. day
    20th December 2011

    one say keep on writing sayings


    others say stop writing them


    they say that one always say one and others something else


    they say that it’s not important what others are saying but who you are


    I’m saying that I will do how my soul wants


    I’m saying that I will dare how my spirit makes me


    I’m saying I love-kiss all domestic animals


    I’m saying I hug all wild animals


    I’m saying that venomous animals are lovers of poisonous plants
























    I’m saying Cesaria Evora


    I’m saying that wet rotten leaves are smelling nice


    You’re saying elastic in my briefs has ruptured


    he says that he would love not to lie any more


    we are saying that we cannot agree at all


    you are saying that you are not agreeing with us

    that we can’t agree because you think that you cannot agree


    they say that agreeing is a matter of eternity


    I’m saying here comes the first snow


    look how it’s snowing – says a mother to a child who just started to walk


    I’m saying that I should explain thing about blows

    tomorrow because right now I find it a bit complicated


    I’m saying that more and more so I cannot

    stop wondering about the wonder of what I’m writing


    I’m saying that I have always experienced otherworldly in the plain


    in rain pattering


    in the absence of any kind of effects


    in millennia time-frame that participates in everything


    in wine flies


    little white snails


    gentle granny who doesn’t have anybody and she gently rejoices everybody


    bread soaked in pussy love juices



    2546. day
    21st December 2011

    if I would receive blows like carpet receives blows with

    a carpet beater I would enjoy because the carpet would be cleaner


    whenever I look at the little globe on the desk I always rejoice


    I would love to be everywhere


    and while all those seas and oceans are

    permeating me I feel only with this here I can be everywhere


    even not being everywhere but just being that everywhere


    I am everywhere in the arms of snuggling


    snuggling and nestling


    from everywhere and here two new pairs were made in my collection of pairs


    I’m nestling with these words which are stretching and thinning me


    I’m nestling with childhood in which I was saying words for the first time


    word table for the table I was standing underneath


    word wall for the wall I was told don’t do it over the wall


    word cup for the cup which I was feeling both in my hands and on my lips


    table. wall. cup


    every word is a mystery of the beauty itself


    waking of all-soul in a soul


    everything can be done only with a little bit











    I nestle the word nestling with misty memory of that I

    could put something like that to be nestled with something else


    nestle with my snuggling


    snuggle with my nestling


    writing is constant admiration and celebration of the very miracle of writing


    joy because of saying ground for a ground


    to fall on the ground


    to roll on the ground


    ground and ceiling


    watching the ceiling – hey – watching the ceiling


    word innocence yearns for the innocence of every word


    word loyalty yearns for the loyalty of every word


    word love yearns for the love of every word


    word snuggling yearns for the nestling of every word












    2547. day
    22nd December 2011







    language homeless


    language wanderer


    I wander from word to word


    I’m going through villages of words


    I’m roaming through cities of words


    I’m radiant in landscapes of words


    I huddle in someone


    I sleep over in someone


    I feed myself with someone


    I get drunk from someone


    I get sad from someone


    I’m rejoicing someone


    I make someone happy


    word picture


    word music












    languages are love-kissing each other with language of love-kissing


    they are darting


    trembling through skin of singing


    all my words are tattooed on the skin of all beings


    every word of mine is a queen of all-dancing and You know what that means


    every word of mine is a boy in a girl’s embrace


    every word of mine is a girl with a boy within herself


    a boy wanderer


    a wanderer language of wanderer


    a wanderer languages of language


    wandering language both wanderers and language


    wandering bud of language




    2548. day
    23rd December 2011



    sadness thank You for sadness


    the year is coming to an end


    there is so much sadness in New Year


    I thought of wishing a happy New Year with a message I wish You a sad New Year


    maybe it will be a bit less sad as it is often

    with wishing You a happy New Year less happy


    sadness don’t be alone


    alone one don’t be sad


    today I will be walking to Karaburma


    yesterday I walked to one thrown away scarf that I saw

    two-three weeks ago in the grass so I went to pick it up. grey-blue scarf


    it was wet and dirty with a lot of rotten leaves on it


    today I will be walking with it


    things are touchingly loyal


    all man is left with is to constantly thank to everything


    to cranberry tea


    to stuffing-free pie


    to the one that doesn’t understand me


    to the rectitude that delights


    to just about anything


    anything but exactly that


    to that unnoticed all-presence


    to that constant wedding of transient and impassable


    to that in palms


    to that in curves


    to that in sorrows


    do You feel that




    exactly that


    that within that


    if You also feel it then we are happy


    wedded with sadness and happiness


    the only happiness


    when I saw you a moment ago while coming towards me and lifting your hand saluting

    me I felt excited because I recognised your thoughtfulness and buoyancy of your

    body same as fifteen years ago when I saw you for the first time

    on your lecture Miroslav Mandic About Miroslav Mandic

    Violeta Jovanovic



