Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
pussy and character are the most important for a woman
said a friend to me on the last day of the old year
pussy is a character
I said to a friend on the first day of the New Year
first this year’s walking for God You and all beings
I’m walking with Mirjana from Ban’s Hill to Karaburma
I hope that Mirjana will help me this year to walk with many other people
with Goddess
that she will help me so that everybody has enough money
I’m not yearning for anything just for what God wants from me
everything is wonderful
everyone is wonderful
John Hurt Mississippi
bamboos on the table
words of mine I beg you to get out of my mouth only as a truth
I’m scratching myself above the right hand joint
I’m looking at the letter i tattooed on a woman’s neck
simplicity is so simple
just like that
just like that and no other way
I love You because You are ready to take what I don’t even know if I can take
I often had it hard
but I came to love the often
near each tree I love to think of who I am
next to each foot I love to love-kiss unconditionally
sometimes I’m nothing else but lover of tenderness
I shouldn’t exert myself at all I just had this thought
especially not when it comes to this writing
You are writing it
I am reading You
I’m singing
beginning of the eight book
hey this is a book
only book
bud book
the bells of midday love are ringing
I am professional revolutionary of love volunteer of uncreated activist of non-undertaking hero of thoughtfulness inexhaustible source for the other I’m crossing the new bridge on Ada for the first time I crossed it in two thousand two hundred steps I’m enjoying the river Sava the wind over the river this tugboat excites me it sails slowly it’s coming from God knows where down the river down the rose of a river down freedom down the water way I love You tugboat I love You river travel and travel my metaphors rose is for me a symbol of all goals path is for me a symbol of all paths and ways I love you symbols neither rose nor path are of any good for me at this moment when I need to carry on creating blessings from nothing with music I’ll do it with music with pleasure in my stomach God Gog with God God write about river says a woman to a man in passing I’m writing about river as if it was a woman about a woman as if it was a letter a about a letter a as if it was a letter a fuck off knowledge fuck off self-pity tugboat is sailing
intensive socialising yesterday and day before yesterday
they have worn me out just right all I’m left with is to write through rags of rhythms through pulsating through easiness that renews me frequent writing is nothing else but everything of what can’t make it into the writing beauty which has left in thoughts and feelings in spoken words many good deeds I’ve done are left unrecorded they live in the others in all beings in miracles that are happening transforming into myth conjoining with good deeds of good people flowing with rivers and falling with rains like Gertrude Stein’s last words which Vera Varady will send me ask me a question ask me about oo ask me about wonderful idea that I had two days ago. I hope it will help me as well as many others ask me about wonderful idea for V. that I had today ask me about Borka ask me about Milomir who just called me as a boy I used to carry him on my back I loved that child which called me a moment ago as a fifty two old man I used to leave him high on the staircases he would then with confidence jump into my arms bodies are arising out of bodies and they are going back to bodies body of text makes soul that is singing it with one body all bodies are close with one word all words are one body body of this peach father in my arms
Mohamed’s fire in awaken people burns forever
Mohamed Bouazizi is the most important human deed in last year
a mine of awaken consciousness
for last ten or so days it was crossing my mind that
I should write about the young man who initiated everything
I didn’t even know his name
street vegetable salesman
twenty six years old
the sparkle of the Jasmine Revolution
the embers of the Arab Spring
eternal fire of conscience of all beings
Bouazizi’s mother Manoubia called on new leaders to help
poor people like her son was and who gave his life for others
Mohamed Bouazizi You are food
free vegetables
Mohamed Bouazizi You make me
free light
Mohamed Bouazizi You are the one and only
scent of the brave ones
Mohamed Bouazizi You are great art
sex of the determined ones
Mohamed Bouazizi You are the bread of oneness
poem of identification
Mohamed Bouazizi You are one and only temple
God of grace
Mohamed Bouazizi You are red beetroot
sisterhood and brotherhood of fruit and vegetables
Mohamed Bouazizi You are the meaning of life itself
sacrifice through the fire of love
Mohamed Bouazizi You are the love itself
I love-kiss You Mohamed
Mohamed Bouazizi You are Mohamed Bouazizi Bud
name of the one of 64 Buds which are singing to the Bud of All Beings
with maelstrom
river maelstrom is sometimes on the left sometimes on the right side and sometimes in the middle only the analogies are the guaranty today is for me Valentina’s day of Christmas Eve Valentina Nikolic made me a lunch girls are bringing food to workers I crossed the bridge with Mirjana so that broken arms of Andja and Borka would heal up as soon as possible constantly sadness and joy the list of Petar’s women is getting bigger Svetislav Stefanović. Pavle Stefanović. Ivana Stefanovic eighteen year old Stanislav Drča yesterday walked for the first time from Novi Sad to Celarevo may yesterday’s thirty kilometres of walking guard You for the whole life my Stanislav constant sorrow and joy means one and only joy fuck off everything – it’s music I love wind over the river I love the story that that Mirjana told me on the bridge about the wheat that twenty eight years ago Beba Vuckovic’s father sowed in Nadalj. missis Beba now eighty years old sawed last autumn that seed in Herceg Novi and that wheat seed has sprouted the way to Nadalj takes over Srbobran and Turija you can also go over Backo Gradiste or from my beloved Curug or from famous Temerin all New York next to New York Beijing – present navels of the world every place in the world is the centre of the world everyone who is from Konjarnik as if they are from Hampstead people from Podbara Dorcol Brooklyn same cock only cock Lazarov Miodrag Pashu personally Little-God’s light everything that is Little-God is everyone who love-kisses Little-Goddess is everything that flies through light flies fuckable is fucking overlapping tenderness of the tip of a finger next to the eye swaying of the pubic hair notions daily bread m-you-e
I’m in Obrenovac. empty streets. it’s Christmas. a man here and
there. a car here and there. street dogs are celebrating Christmas in the street to the left is picnic area Zabran. to the right is road to Valjevo. straight to Belgrade I’m crossing the river Kolubara I’m taking the photo of Kolubara while a dog is barking on me I’m on the road. sun is shining. it’s cold. I’m happy with my feet on the ground and rooted in heavens God on the road I’m entering Baric here is Baric river island in Sava I’m getting out of Baric I’ve heard that Maljen is covered with snow and that low clouds and cold air are going towards Belgrade from it I’m lordship on the road opened monastery I’m entering Umka I’m singing along I’ve always been singing along on the road I’m in front of the computer it was great on the road I was really cold I’m radiant poet of walking artist of walking walker of walking I’m disgusted with irony I’m love for Micko Jovanovic And, what is the answer? asks Gertrude Stein herself on her death bed and after a short break she answers with question But what was the question? I always have a good time with Gertrude Stein I’m gently thinking of a kind young man who I exchanged few words with in the centre of Umka road is my home rose garden whole world in-laws the word word is an incredible word w o r d r o a d
showered after the walking
whiteness on the screen is whitening I’m writing as if on the snow mottling I’m looking forward to writing eighth year it leads me sings returns me to the whiteness holiness of holiness touching a fence every day love-kissing nuns and monks I expected You to give me a call You didn’t I took photo of sparrows bathing it’s hard to take photos of them since they quickly fly away they disappear like snowflakes whiteness is pliable vast open innocent writing makes me innocent words are gentle gentle gold (in Serbian it’s the same word: blago blago) unrepeatable ones are repeating I’m loyal to you words immortal my little sisters days are longer and longer summer is here – within the light look me in the eyes and You’ll see that I cherish light I cherish it like all those who were doing it for millennia world of light everybody and everything Go
first I spread my arms
then I start typing with my fingers over the keys of heart quieting with words down the neck and flank to the heels exactly a year ago my heels started to be painful a circle of pain I close my eyes open my mouth stretching Achilles’ tendons I’ll put the water for tea fragrance of washed hair is spreading around I’m gently rubbing the edge of the table with my thumb I’m thinking about table table is good it’s steady it’s a beautiful word table it’s strong I had a lot of wonderful moments at the table table and chair I could write a lot about table this one that I’m writing on is Ivana Djokic-Saunderson’s I love table in a landscape I love everything in a landscape nobody around rain which is falling merging invisible goodness is visibly overflowing from beings to beings visible beauty invisibly trembles in all beings I’m daydreaming dusk is setting in at the table I’m calling all the landscapes the table is a good host to the dusk and every landscape
I put my hand on my bare chests
that’s where the heart of the world beats an oath of goodness where are the lizards now withstand my male-friend don’t give up my female-friend something indescribably beautiful makes the world something is someone someone who is everything to everybody I’m entering the blessing through the oath to goodness one discovers that the goodness itself is already pledged everything that can be measured doesn’t even come close to immeasurable to the measurable is only to love-kiss immeasurably meandering love-kisses wriggle when a moment ago I took an apple from plastic bag in which I’m keeping them a scent of apples reached me head bent to the knees taken off soul bread feeds bread water soaks water there go these words down the road d i s a p p e a r i n g i n t h e d i s t a n c e permeate me permeation love-kiss me love with warm soup of kindness feed me with warm nest of harmonising wake me up with warm word of comfort unite me unique one I’m uniting myself my unification I love-kiss You beautiful patch of mine the patch has reminded me of broken pots and pans in my childhood that were waiting for the street repairman to patch them broken pots and pans are reminding me that in hundred and so years all present IT trades and masteries will disappear and they will be replaced with some new patch makers heart’s tear love-kisses the face’s smile a heart of the heart is a smile of the smile calmness and tranquillity newest couple
I’m waiting
repeating I’m waiting for repetition I’m repeating the waiting there is no road just a path not even a path just writing being overflowing breathe me wrap me unwrap tiny me wave me encourage unite with seagull’s screeches with pathways of vastness with beauty of a back with miracle of a prayer with sexuality loyal to all beings with little chapel which moves through good deeds I am a takeaway blessing along the way I love to have a lunch on the road while walking I’m a lunch on the road eat me I would like to tell You something about silk but I’m telling You about walnut whiz crack of a whip in the landscape
whiz of a whip in the landscape is the picture of the sound in the landscape
like other things as well I love to repeat in my books with the whiz of a whip beings whiz landscape is trembling with beauty beauty is consisted of all beings horses are grazing they are waging their tails their hoofs are hitting the ground they are shaking their skin they are sniffing the air the slope of the hill is calming them eyes are enjoying watching trough is full of water I enjoy watching cows drinking water everybody loves water horses are so beautifully gulping a lot of water I enjoy their gulping everything is thirsty of water and love bees are flying around the well I’m excited by the wells in the landscape dug out so that animals would have their water trough whiz of a whip in the landscape is writing over the landscape a hymn of omnipresence whipology through air soil drinks water water drinks air air drinks light I’m standing amazed I’m shepherding amazed by writing drink my writing drink bees and cows breathe the whiz of freedom shepherdess
I took a piece of paper and wrote on it moving out
Vesna told me yesterday that she needs the apartment and that I should move out in two months I partitioned the paper on six parts and I named them close person how and where I would love to live who moves from place to place money little flat-nest-museum miracle that’s what I am going to write about on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday on the link Bud I will be putting the photos of what I should move out of the Nest anxiety joy the most important is that everything is dear to God that I feel think create and make everything through calmness and tranquillity that I don’t betray nine year old Miroslav Mandic that I believe even more in path that seventeen year old Miroslav Mandic has chosen not to make a slightest compromise with the decision that was made by twenty three years old Miroslav Mandic that my conscience consciousness and love are even more honourable for all beings that I rely on God’s-mine poem that I make decisions with God’s-mine creativity that I am more courageous more insouciant more reasonless I was anyways preparing myself to take some action with Your help because I don’t have any more money to pay for the Nest I’m losing and gaining strength I’m drinking weak Saturday wine in God’s glory I cut twenty or so papers on which I will make models of what I am doing every day I will watch them – I will focus myself – I will surrender to them my Milionia will be with me one is wealth – wealth of all beings – wealth for each being I hope that the idea from few days ago and the one I had yesterday not only help me but that they will also help You All Beings your lips are kissing word kissing my lips are kissing word budding one are the lips of kissing and budding
with this blessing my moving out has started
I’m inviting I’m calling writing actually is inviting and calling it means I should tell you if I hear something said Srdjan to me it also crossed my mind to offer to be a cotenant when I come back, in a bigger apartment, so we can share the expenses… if I think of something else, I will be offering it… wrote Ivana to me wow how it got me excited. I want to talk to you about the moving out so that I can help you in best possible way said Mirjana to me renting the apartment on Dorcol, 34m2 bright, warm, south side, a minute away from river TA, AC, internet, renovated five years ago price is 200 euros + one month rent upfront as a deposit or 170 euros for a year ahead. free from 1st February Maja sent me one ad I’m reading about the moving out – I had some ideas going through my head – but let me first read what you have to say wrote Branko to me about the moving out and those kind of things I would be glad to come and trawl those enormous amounts of art on my back, but certain ocean is preventing me Djordje wrote to me may Macura house be your home wrote Macura Sun just let me know that my beloved Slobodan Tisma won NIN’s Prise 198 this week’s blessings about poetical moving out will help me because that’s what I know to do the best and to realistically move out that I don’t know but I hope that I will find that out this week from blessings this week’s blessings are a guide for moving out moving out of transportation is transportation of moving out metaphor of metaphor moving out of the trauma of moving out into the joy of moving out moving out of hopelessness onto the salvation road straight like an arrow Friday – a day when Lazar Risar comes to Belgrade new whirlpool of one and only love by moving out I remain loyal to what is left behind a priori loyal to the unknown I will ask my friends to read this week’s blessings and in that way help me move out where I am needed for all beings the most important thing is that it becomes Miroslav Mandic Moving Out most helpful would be close person idea apartment-present money there is no close person and that is why I’m writing to You close person is always the most important close person is the most important to everybody close person I’m creating You I’m creating You for yourself me and all beings close person thinks the same divine sameness I can tell her everything because she can receive everything only her receiving leads me ahead I’m singing
with last night’s snow which was falling slowly
a hill is spreading and rain quietly soaks it Pavese’s verse that got me excited last night a lot when I was younger I gave up dwelling with the Rose of Wandering my life on the roads of Universe has begun poetic with path and rose publicly like public servant and female public workers like a little chapel. like a moving temple. like an open monastery like a working rook in which there is nothing else but two tables and seven computers unnoticeably protected with unprotectedness and complete openness with open God. open sex. open money without administration. according to the laws of all beings and not human laws homelessly and without-property confirming the sameness with address IN YOUR HEART nationality LIFE state UNIVERSE religion GOD membership ALONE FOR EVERYBODY feature GOD’S CHILD profession POET ARTIST WALKER meaning independent and illegally – lovably and only in benefit of all beings the most important thing is that the place has internet and that I can listen music loudly I would also love to dwell in some artistic work about dwelling for example to move out every three days from apartment to apartment to change the place of residence every two three months in larger places in Vojvodina I would love to live with my Goddess I would love to live with a person that will take over my work I would love to live with several people I would love to live in circular architecture with hundred and so people anywhere in the world in hotels on the seaside by the river in the middle of the city in all villages of Vojvodina on the website in Your heart in and for God in the ideals of my youth loyal to the ideals of all younglings anywhere but always like a guest like I am a man stranger no matter how but always as a host to all beings as a being I am one and only host to all beings anywhere and anyhow it is it will be good because it already is good God
I’m beginning the third day of moving out with
Branka sent me this morning news about this beautiful Hooligan Sparrow I wanted to show You the cranes migrating but this that will open up for You is beautiful galaxies are moving all of the thirteen huge plates of the planet Earth are moving as well as are soil and water and air and light moving plants and animals are moving poor and hungry ones are moving expelled ones minorities exposed to violence beloved nomads moving out helps getting to know the world and realising that everywhere is the same anywhere I am everything else is there basic moving in life is moving from birth towards death even though I would love to live and work for a long time this moving also means coming closer to death loneliness God when I was young I wanted and I decided to live in such way so that everything I have could fit in two bags to exist but only in such way that I bother anybody as little as possible not even to exist but just to be wonderful difference between existing and being I heard today from Episcope Danilo not to make houses on this soil since there is too many of them I live like that but for six years now I live work and dwell with my work as its guardian since I don’t have a publisher or gallerist I have to move out together with all of my work are we going to move out together or we will separate I don’t know it depends on that if I will be dwelling in order to create Miroslav Mandic Museum or I will be creating Miroslav Mandic Museum and then I will dwell in it since I’m already moving out I would like to leave all the surpluses above all worries fears pains gluttony expectations envy and vanity I would love to take with me all my failures so that I can turn them into success all my believes and youth ideals new beginning innocence Goddess Hooligan Sparrow You are guarding me – I love-kiss You God’s Sparrow
when on 1st March I rewrite from Red Notebook the Letter to Friends
which I wrote forty years ago and which contains first big breakup with friends will I still be in the Nest or I will already move out on some other place in Miroslav Mandic Museum in Hotel of Life in Atelier of Art in God’s Homelessness for free in somebody’s apartment with several people in rented apartment on my own in some cheaper from the Nest apartment for five and a half years I was living and working in two rented apartments. I don’t have any more money to pay for them I don’t believe in working and earning I believe in creating and giving I love to work money art of money sanctity of poorness art with money mystic of money people work and worry for their children I care and create for all beings God’s enjoyment sometimes I’m too anxious because of my vulnerability and not having money which is not good nor beautiful and that’s why I am ashamed I’m looking forward to even greater vulnerability and exposedness oh peacefulness I never owed anybody anything I don’t believe in debt I believe that creating new money will also bring me a bit more money I love when people are giving me money the art of receiving precedes the art of giving those who give me money will have more money average salary in Serbia is around 380 euros lowest salary is around 180 euros I would love to find out how much average and lowest salary on the planet Earth is I love guideposts like these I love warmth and basic power that comes from a little bit of money everything that is being done and created with big money is evil and it destroys everything around including itself help me make a list of all people that were giving me money throughout my life wreath of glory of course I don’t believe in authors rights nor in intellectual property of course that I love-kiss the gratitude for every moment I live through gratitude I love-kiss each among 86400 of my works that are becoming in 86400 seconds every day on my knees I’m writing this blessing about all-gratitude no matter the years illnesses pain in my heel economic crisis great loneliness failures life with no chances death I believe I will survive money of all beings is mine I’m the author of the idea money of all beings is mine but all the royalties belong to all beings Yours I just got this e-mail thank you for the hymn of love, thank you for the support in my struggle with, I see now, my greatest enemy, myself. it’s hard but it will I believe become dearest
a moment ago I spoke to Lazar Risar. we will meet up at eleven
I walked with Mirjana and Lazar – grace – and Lazar also often says grace Miroslav Mandic Museum museum of grace Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of Miroslav Mandic Poem Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of Miroslav Mandic Art Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of Miroslav Mandic Walking Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of Miroslav Mandic Name Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the Bud of All Beings Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the Eternal Art Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the one and only poet of all beings Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the one and only artist of all beings Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the one and only walker of all beings Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of Eternity of one and only time Miroslav Mandic Museum – museum of the Universe of one and only space Miroslav Mandic Museum – dedicated to God You and all beings the name of the Miroslav Mandic Museum could be This to You Miroslav Mandic Museum can be anywhere on the planet Earth where human laws won’t be ruling but all beings’ love or it will be somewhere illegal and unlawful until all beings’ love doesn’t set it free Miroslav Mandic Museum could remain packed and be at somebody’s place Miroslav Mandic Museum could be packed in a public place like some sort of add through which would be searched for the person interested in making Miroslav Mandic Museum Miroslav Mandic Museum – credit with which an apartment for MMM could be bought Miroslav Mandic Museum – circular architecture in which MMM would be lived and worked Miroslav Mandic Museum – a quest for somebody who will take over and set up MMM Miroslav Mandic Museum – Monograph of Miroslav Mandic Museum Little Apartment was my first apartment and I was fifty seven I was paying for it thanks to several people who were giving me ten euros a month thank You Little Apartment has transformed into the Nest. I was paying for it through people’s donations for 64 ten year old pictures 64 Buds are Singing to the Bud of All Beings thank You thank You next is the museum of grace thank You thank You thank You I wish You the money which has all beings embedded in itself my theorising about moving out is coming to an end t h i s t o y o u
sixteen year old Vesna Kuvara and eighteen year old Lazar Risar
that’s that miracle of love sings creates and walks through the love of miracle that’s how feels thinks and believes one boy Miroslav Mandic Eternal Boy Miroslav Mandic Eternal Girl in the end of this week’s poetical moving out the miracle of priorities is in front of me let’s go with the priorities of miracle the most important is that everything I am and I do is dear to God God has it dearest if I am the one and only God the most important is the close person. someone who thinks the same. divine sameness Goddess Monograph of Miroslav Mandic Museum not to betray either nine year old nor seventeen year nor twenty three year nor sixty three year nor hundred year not thousand year nor million year old but always and forever today’s Miroslav Mandic poetically with path and rose on the paths of the Universe the most important is that the place has internet and that I can listen music loudly publicly like male and female public servant like a little chapel. like a moving temple. like an open monastery like a working room in which there is nothing else but two tables and seven computers open through God. open through sex. open through money without administration. according to the laws of all beings and not human laws unnoticeably. homelessly and without property. confirming the sameness with address IN YOUR HEART nationality LIFE state UNIVERSE religion GOD membership ALONE FOR EVERYBODY feature GOD’S CHILD profession POET ARTIST WALKER being independent and illegal – lovable in benefit of all beings where human laws won’t be ruling but all beings’ love or it will be somewhere illegal and unlawful until all beings’ love doesn’t set it free anywhere but always as a guest anyhow but always as a host to all beings in somebody’s free apartment in a rented apartment with several people in a cheaper than the Nest apartment in the museum of grace Miroslav Mandic Museum the name of Miroslav Mandic Museum could be This to You or Museum of Grace or Grace of Museum Miroslav Mandic Museum can be anywhere on the planet Earth since the cosmic museum is in the middle of the Universe and the universe of Your heart Miroslav Mandic Museum is a quest for somebody who will take over and set up the Miroslav Mandic Museum I believe that creating new money will also bring me a bit more money those who give me money will have more money hey do You know somebody who... at this moment and with this the poetical part of moving out is over I hope that You have felt – experienced – that I have all the time been thinking of You I expect everything from You braver. more insouciant. more reasonless now is the most important that I calmly work every day to write and sing beautifully to walk and create well to think well to be love miracle God bud
I love analogies because they are pliable
and they are opening the world with their innocence the most tender thing with analogies is that analogies with God don’t exist I came back from walking I’m tenderly feeling the painful heel I’m tenderly thinking of Judita Salgo my feet and knees are cold body soul spirit fifty six more poems till the end of the book I am You are I they are all written on the table on some places they are worn around the hands which I’m holding on them while typing on the keyboard I thought of Charles Bukowski’s daughter who bought him first computer one potato. one carrot. one leek two hundred and fifty grams of mushrooms. oil. bread I am every dot on the ball presenter of words the very word I am word my wordful path sensual word of mine the notion of blessing everything within everything Your hand on my shoulder art lean your face on my chest I’m smiling at how You see me and how I see myself earth and sky I am a poem of all beings when I felt Your painful bitterness I disgusted mine when I saw Your crazy need for affirmation my need disappeared whenever I write ugly things about You that is never about You only nice things are about You a necklace of light is shining around Your neck budding is vibrating through shimmering
my dear
my Branka
I like a lot the ideas for the Museum
she also thinks of six photos that Ana Djordjevic sent me for Miroslav Mandic Museum
and Solemn Sunday Lunch is fantastic!!!!
she thinks of two minute recording of Solemn Sunday Lunch of All Beings from two days ago that I sent her
thank you
I would love if one of those ideas gets accomplished
I would really love if you would open I-Publics in
a way that the Art of Miroslav Mandic deserves and that
it’s at the same time available to everybody. that is to say to come to
everybody as it was for a short while with I Name. all those people every day. at least
fifty people have heard about Miroslav Mandic. about I Name. I’m sorry I’m lacking
Serbian words. I want to say that the idea about being in public space, but in a way
of Miroslav Mandic is really strong and somehow truthful, according to
what I know about your work
ah what to say. the most important is to continue doing what I am already doing. and that
requires everyday dedication and tranquillity. I’m working on almost twenty things a day
the most important are the blessings and I should be writing them almost for next
seven years. there is no close person for a long time who would be doing it because
it’s not my job. then there is a problem of administration and money
I totally understand. but there are friends
thank you for understanding
and if every friend gives a bit, in the solemnity of a round table, maybe I can/we can
make something decent, worthy of Miroslav Mandic. in any case, what you are doing
within now is important and there is a lot of it. even if the Museum is tip-top put in order
and open this now would again be important to you. in that way, if there was a mobile
house for Art of Miroslav Mandic, you could live and work in it and be open for visits
at certain time, maybe not every day. and when you are showing your work you could
show only a part and the rest of the work should be on the safe place, not in the moving
house. so that mobility is connected with your present work. that is Museum your
present. I don’t know if I’m clear enough?
for me it is already happening through my web site – all beings
yes. but I also know that you also love the holly unpredictability. that
somebody pops in like on the Rose. that’s so good! I know that you are missing
that. and that exposedness, which is most importantly framed after all, would enable it
for now I don’t even have enough to survive
and the experiences with people are horrible
I understand you
when the wind goes over Branka’s hair and she immediately follows it with her eyes
this blessing that will be in the book is the most important
and if you would move out in Zagreb? Sarajevo? some other city
in any case thank You for love
where the same language is spoken. just not Belgrade
difficult because of the administration
Belgrade takes away a lot and somehow prevents things from happening
no. everywhere is the same
it seems to me that things are easier when you are
a foreigner. there is less subaudition from the surrounding
essences are important to me. and that is DIVINE. not human. I live in
the Universe. not in the administration in states and geographies. but I live in a poem
I know what is important to you, I’m just thinking how would it be possible that
what you are doing shine over here also. and… uh I’m missing the words. I’m
sorry. here’s what I’m thinking. your work and the essence that you are creating
and that is important to you is one. another thing is the world we are living. how
to show your work in this world in your way, so that it doesn’t lose it’s essence
or do you think that the world we are living is the same essence
everything is one. everything that we are talking is one and everything
is in this conversation and that is already live Miroslav Mandic Museum
yes that’s what I thought while I was writing one-other
castle between heaven and earth
I am
a glimpse
a moment
path and rose
miroslav mandic
love. one and only love