Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I have never listened to a song for so many
times as this one which I’m constantly playing
I cannot listen to it enough
when the bass kicks in after the whistling
constant swinging
Amy’s voice which is rearing and plunging
back vocals
tenderness which is swirling
cuddliness which is plating
ends of the same walking stick
drum road
rhythm of yearning
voice of longing
hart on the road
heart on the palm
heart in language
drum-road my beloved
invisible cannot be seen in anything as clear as in the most wonderful nobody sees
hey splendour You’re Gypsy-like
hey simplicity You’re Gypsy-like
life is a constant concert of life
life is a constant jumping into the arms of life
life is a constant transformation of selfishness into the unselfishness of the life itself
I’m moving so that there won’t be and hurting
I’m moving so that there won’t be and self-hurting
life and death are constantly intertwining in one and only life
in one and only love
only loving
a fly is flying through the air in the First House of All Being
drum-road Gypsy-like drum-road
tap tap tap dub dub dub drum drum drum by soles through drumming through roading gypsy-like – through a poem language is guarded by a poem life is enriched by a poem spirit is cherished by a poem through poem heart is singing that everyone is important like everything through poem mind is whispering that everyone gives their life for everything through poem God is rejoicing to Himself tap tap tap dub dub dub drum drum drum Gypsies shouldn’t become like those others but those others should become like Gypsies leaves are falling from last spring to nowadays a tree was feeding the leaves. from now on fallen leaves will be feeding the tree poem is the most gypsy like with Gypsies as I’m getting older poem is being more and more important as the Planet is getting older poem is being more and more important poem is the other I’m crossing the street it’s a poem two sparrows in the grass are a poem a man with the mobile phone in one and folded newspaper in the other hand is a poem drum steps rhythm rose I no longer know what poem is I love to sing through one word through dawning through every word through the dawning one a boy has close his eyes and he’s trying to walk I also closed my eyes. lavender and rosemary are smelling first I’ve met Robert. a year ago. I was going through the shopping centre in Padina. we’ve met by the shop of healthy food. he asked me to buy him something. he picked salty snacks when I moved to Padina half a year later I was seeing him more often and that’s how it all begun with those gorgeous God’s chiod tap tap tap dub dub dub drum drum drum
Saturday. a stray dog’s day. last day of writing about Gypsies I’m rejoicing the Saturday and the dog and wandering and writing and Gypsies I’m rejoicing the writing about the kids which I’m meeting almost every day on the Padina Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Muja Jasmina… I’m meeting them in passing while they’re begging or collecting old papers dear Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… I am a poet and my encounters with you are my poems that’s how You Robert are my poem that’s how You Edi are my poem that’s how You Ersan are my poem that’s how You Sebastian are my poem that’s how You Kemal are my poem that’s how You Kemana are my poem that’s how You Vidan are my poem that’s how You Mujo are my poem that’s how You Jasmina are my poem whenever I see You my heart starts trembling and singing Your poem Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… within You apart from Your heart Your poem is beating too I wish You to live and sing it every day I wish You to sing it in health beauty and goodness whole life I wish You to fulfil everything God expects from You and what he made You for exactly what You are – one and only unique in the world Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… rejoice every day make one poem of Yours out of every day I wish You to look up into the sky every day I wish You to feel the love for earth You’re standing on every day I wish You to feel the children delight while drinking water every day I wish You to enjoy every bite You make and be compassionate with those who don’t have I wish You to feel joy in whole of Your body in each breath You take I wish You to discover Your treasure that is hidden waiting for You be the best healthiest and richest man in the world and show everybody what that means to be the best healthiest and richest man in the world Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… may Your body always be clean and smell of Your soul may Your heart always be full of love for everybody may Your brain always be calm and simple and joyful Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… whole planet Earth with all the stars belongs to You and therefore care for them the way I felt You care for me Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… may this poem guards You every day and may it give You the strength throughout whole of Your life and in the end celebrate You my dear Robert Edi Ersan Sebastian Kemal Kemana Vidan Mujo Jasmina… this poem I will print to each of them separately and give it to them in an envelope with a chocolate
writing is a light of presence singing is the very light poem of light within the flanks of swinging I’m writing so that I can always feel I’m here only for You i’m singing so that you would experience that i am you You are my poem singing Universe of Love everything is good exactly the way everything is good everything is love a womb of the one and only love Monday of love just started to walk new-born eternal art of the bud Miroslav Mandic bud walking creating singing every moment everywhere and for everything love eternal art in the poem of all beings si me my so sing me my soul one and only soul of all beings in each being what you’re feeling now is transformation which makes from you my poem of all-love
sex – God’s miracle money – God’s sanctity God – God’s love I don’t imply implying nothing is cleaner than sex nothing more unselfish than money nothing more simple than by God on the model in which I’m writing Miroslav Mandic every day the following is written in colour T O M I N E R A L S 33 blessings for Monday T O P L A N T S 33 blessings for Tuesday T O A N I M A L S 33 blessings for Wednesday T O S P I R I T S O F N A T U R E 33 blessings for Thursday T O P E O P L E 33 blessings for Friday T O H I G H E R I N T E L L I G E N C E 33 blessings for Saturday incomprehensible transforms simplicity refines I’m walking by the lake and hunting the seagulls with the camera yesterday I wrote fly seagull fly today I wish to write flying seagull is flying while hunting seagulls I see how pigeons crows sparrows butterflies are flying heart within me cheers fly leaves fly fly stones fly fly loyalty fly fly not giving up fly fly incomprehensible fly fly sex fly fly money fly fly sky fly fly flight fly fly Bud of Walking fly it’s hard to take photos of flying beings especially since I’m using the camera with a slow focus each photo I make is some sort of a poem I just thought of making the series of 33 photos with numbers
there is swirling behind the word swirling I love when all knowledge is within one and only knowledge I love when all loves are within one and only love all poems in one and only poem when all knowledge is not within one and only knowledge that’s not the knowledge but professions when all loves are not within one and only love that’s not love but selfishness when all poems are not within one and only poem those are not poems but culture I would love if all expert terminology would be replaced with the sameness I would love if all loves would be replaced with the resurrection of all loves I would love if all poems would live within the poem of the life itself i’m off to love you I looked at the grass and I felt that I love it – that I love You when I love the grass I love You when I love You I love the grass I saw a paddle and I felt that I love it – that I love You when I love a paddle I love You when I love You I love a paddle I’m watching and everything I’m watching I feel that I love – that I love You when I love You I love everything when I love everything I love You I love grass because it’s grass I love paddle because it’s a paddle I love everything because it’s everything I love You because You are I a young man who is coming towards me has bent down and lifted a dinar. you’ll be rich – I told him. I recently started doing this. until now I wasn’t picking it up – he responded today is Nadezhda Tolokonnikova’s birthday I love You Nadezhda freedom like the hurricane Sandy is conceived in one moment at one place during one event freedom is already conceived in Nadezhda’s heart freedom breaks all the shackles hurricane is rushing towards in which all suppressed rushing towards is breaking free freedom is conceived in the heart of Julian Assange even though Julian Assange is also imprisoned I love You Julian freedom is joy whenever I feel freedom I’m setting myself free and I’m liberating within freedom I love-kiss You is love which liberates You
I’m bathing You with tears my Gypsy beauty on personal struggle for freedom is the same beauty as in sexual surrendering path only path my sensitivity is greater and greater solitude more and more loyal solitude is a refuge to the loyal and identical ones blessings are nakedness even when I don’t say a thing words are saying everything and if I’m silent about something being silent about sings me here the face of this old woman I could have been silent about following blessing is beautiful …the essence of the Tractatus is ethical… my work consists of two parts: one which is set out here and everything else that I haven’t written down. and actually that other part is important… Ludwig Wittgenstein I’m slowly going down the Boulevard to heal myself from Your injuries cold sunny day. autumn colours of plane trees are enchanting me this craw has reminded me of the craw from few days ago who hid a walnut in the grass and covered it with leaves I’m releasing the injuries and surrendering myself to the street street is a miracle. festival of body and face. festival of hope and despair I’m smiling to the street I’m enjoying and I already can thank You for injuries I’m enjoying that such book as Tractatus exists have I ever written the word veering the glow of old cobble under the asphalt shines like a poem sun is warming my cold nostrils I’m half way through. I’m tired. I’ll go slowly by the river Sava I’ll call goodness to join me I remember how on the Rose of Wandering when I was exhausted I used to surrender to the tiredness and it carried me diamantes melt away in front of tiredness goodness and love I’m tenderly thinking of millions upon millions of people who did hard physical labour in order to be worthy of those people I myself am mining 86400 Moments each day in order to thank all those poets of work I’m singing them every day 86400 poems I’m thinking of all different ways through which people have been liberating others of hard and slavery work one of the best ways is silence I was never doing what people were expecting me to do but on the other hand I was doing cities. doing love doing insouciance doing unreasonableness. doing sameness. doing smile… after so many ways of doing everything came down to walking creating and singing and walking creating and singing to one and only poem which sings everything I love-kiss You Gypsy
today is the Day of All Beings Velimir Khlebnikov’s birthday the day I went to prison forty years ago the day I started the Rose of Wandering twenty one years ago I’m listening to the black mother fucker mister Andre Williams as soon as possible outside on the road of forty years that are gone by forty years of making a poem from life forty years of making a life from poem outside for hugging through walking walking is fucking with everything that is surrounding me and everything is surrounding me everything begun with some sort of death that I experienced in jail and with rebirth which vegetarianism nonviolence and all other decisions I made in jail brought to me. decisions that were protecting and leading me through life it carried on with love pain which has always reminding me to be worthy of love and then the first step on the great road of the invisible and patience in the visible on the great road ten years of dying of my I brought me to the spring and revelation of the I of the very I with the decision about walking I took upon myself everything that all people do for several thousand years with the prayer started oncoming to God and transformation into God the Rose of Wandering has lead me into the heart of the Universe and universe of the heart of all beings Your constant presence all these forty years even though You are not yet around an earring of the one and only and one and only love in the left ear with Miroslav Mandic book identification of everything with everything and everyone with everyone has started with innocence of solitude I’ve discovered solitude in offspring of all beings I love-kiss you runaway children a temple of love in the tattooed word love on my right temple I’m a mother a father a sister a brother a daughter a son to all beings Bud God getting old and after forty years here I am in the beauty of this sentence for all these years I couldn’t have been a man if I lived like people I wouldn’t have been a man also if I carried on being a man and not God as well now i’m god now that I am God You are God as well and everything is God God is God one god one poem one bud
last night I was listening to John Coltrane what a splendour listening to John Coltrane God God blues God jazz God rock God hip-hop God electro God God boulevard of music as soon as possible outside to the Boulevard into the music of walking 9.58am I at the Cvetko’s Market. from now on I’m going down the Boulevard Saturday stray dog is wagging his tail love-kissing all beings I’m thinking God and I’m thinking of a worm in the ground who is feeling fine and I feel how that makes me feel fine as well not believing in God but being God not believing You’re love-kissing me but being love-kissing I love-kiss all of those who believed and hoped and love-kissed God so that I would also be God God worm I’m tenderly looking at everything I’m passing by and I feel that tender look is God look tenderly over things and You will feel that it is God looking it’s wonderful when I’m singing to God but it’s even more so when I’m singing God walking makes me a man creating an angel poem God sun is warming my back and both a stray dog and me are warm on this corner my Gypsy beggar Ruzica was begging now coffee papers and pleasure – says one older woman to another in this kiosk by the Djeram Market is the best rye bread in the city there is a big line on the street in front of the post office because the pension money is being distributed a trumpet player is sitting on the street and begging through sad melodies a man behind me is constantly talking to himself while going down the Balkanska street I’m thinking weather to go through the Savska or Sarajevska street Sarajevska is tamer so I’ll go through it. I lifted up the collar and a smile appeared on my face and that would be it for this Saturday
I’m reading again the Narrations of a God Seeker grace music above music goodness of God makes God out of anybody and anything flickering everything flickers God flickers God in each being I’m watching the pigeons jigging the grass and I feel flickering of God within them I’m watching the leaves of a plane tree and I feel trembling of God within it I’m watching the yellow leaves of a walnut tree and I feel trembling of God within it within whatever God is it is God the writer of the Narrations is anonymous I adore anonymous ones Miroslav Mandic is a glory of all anonymous ones through the name Miroslav Mandic I’m cleansing myself from Miroslav Mandic and I’m becoming the name of God everyone’s name celebrates nameless ones namelessness serves the name name celebrates namelessness my beloved god-love-kisser and god-seeker I love-kiss You You are the light within things everything is shining and everyone is shining I’m going You’re singing me hey hey hey every word is poem of light within any other thing
11.38 am I came with a city bus to the end of Sremcica I’ve never been to Sremcica it feels good to be where I’ve never been I’m happy because I’m somewhere a tear is falling down my face I’m rejoicing the road in front of me from so many impressions not a single word is coming to me when words are not saying anything then they are pointing out everything it’s colder and colder and that is also wonderful wavy hills on the edge of Sremcica are disappearing in the fog which joined with the greyness of the sky while You are reading this I’m walking by the street called Reader’s in Sremcica I’m thinking of You Nadezhda Julian and god-seeker from all of these impressions in Sremcica I could write a huge book but instead of all of these words only two it’s raining in two-three hundred years there won’t be even a trace of all of this everything will turn into goodness and beauty of invisible and unspeakable how happy I am not having a house how happy I am to socialise with this rain how happy I am that these words are singing me I’m walking – embrace I’m creating – love-kiss I’m singing – fuck You on the left side of the road there are no houses any more so the wind is stronger and it pours slight rain on me I’m getting out of the Sremcica I went through Sremcica in 7645 steps in sixty seven minutes alone on the road being on the road means being in sex of the very life in the sex of all beings who are intertwining and whirling above the road being on the road is the wedding of enthusiasm and tranquillity being on the road is the embrace with faith hope and love I’m in Zeleznik fuck how good is in Zeleznik as well from Zeleznik I’m turning into the Obbrenovac road I am the constant God’s glory cars are speeding. nobody wants to stop. it’s really wonderful
I never liked to draw attention to myself but on the Second Walking for Poetry I discovered and started to love both attention and carefulness (in Serbian attention and carefulness are similar words: “pažnja” & “pažljivost”, T.N.) walking draws attention through attention everything is becoming carefulness attention is mild carefulness dear God is walking walking is God every day is a victory of every day anything is a victory of anything everything that is wins through the fact that it is I don’t believe in existing model of the world existing models of the world are closest to the world but because of their wide expectance they are also farthest from what the world is I am the world word world words of the world holly poem of the word (in Serbian “holly” and “world” used in this way are the same: “sveta”, T. N.) God is art art is God the language which I’m speaking all beings are speaking the language in which I’m singing all beings are singing the language through which I am all beings are the language with which I’m walking all beings are walking the language through which I’m love-kissing all beings are love-kissing the language of the first time first spoken word the language of the first time every spoken word the language through which myriad times repeated word I’m using as if I’m saying it for the first time melodising melody of the language is in the oath to the first word melody of the language is in the first time spoken word melody innocence of an oath protects the innocence of the language human languages divide language unites God is poem poem is God
I’m on the Ostruznica levee it’s completely covered with grass nobody is walking over it so there is no path I’m enjoying the beauty of its body which I can see in its mild bend when I was a child I was watching how one levee was made hundreds of horses and hundreds of workers were working from dusk till dawn peasants were working on the ground and workers with soil soil is wondrous it gives birth channels are done in the soil. levees are done from the soil elementally I’m under the influence of elemental and I’m in the element walker singer rhythm of all beings I live what I live I sing what I sing late autumn vermillion salutes winter snow whiteness earth is heavens life on the earth is heavenly people make atrocities to each other and to other beings and they make hell out of the earthly heavens this morning as well I was reading about atrocities one nation does to the other nation I never say the names when hatred is in question so that hatred wouldn’t spread greatest evils are done in the name of family nation and God greatest killer is the feeling that You are right committing the crimes in somebody’s name is selfishness and stupidity greater than any other selfishness and stupidity biggest lie of them all even though I am sad because of those everyday crimes and atrocities the joy of the very life is invigorating me while gardening with my steps through this levee heavens I hope that this garden will bare more and more heavenly fruits heavenly compassion of all beings towards one another heavenly love of the powerful ones towards the powerless ones heavenly freedom of the powerful ones within the powerless ones heavenly elementally I live what I sing I sing what I live
we are one sure we are only ones everybody melody and harmony are one all rhythms are one you excite me you excite me as well I fuck Your heart it’s yours with irony man defends himself from his own weaknesses with wittiness man hides his imperial and colonial crimes I’m crying I’m also crying sweet is agreeing as sweet as it can be agreeing is the road rose on the road president of the world Julian Assange holly bird of the world Nadezhda Tolokonnikova again I feel like crying from beauty and me from goodness everything is so simple and innocent all boys are mother-fuckers all girls are fucked mothers swearwords are mine… …my lullabies everything I say You already thought of everything that you say creates me Bud is budding
I thought of writing in next ten or so meters 33 blessings from what I see while I was writing them I felt within myself unreal beauty in that simple reality ripped off little branch on the big surface of concrete I will write slowly through these five kilometres with which today’s walking finishes goodness is sometimes nothing more than the very solitude what is here everything is nobody sees that I am God for the very same reason I should see that myself You god is a courage to see that i am god in anybody’s warm tears I slowed down and I’m enjoying more and more in tiredness that is mildly overwhelming me not only that tiredness is overwhelming me but the beauty of the word overwhelming is overwhelming me as well overwhelm me overwhelming overwhelm wonderful is the encounter with words I’m writing and suddenly I’m meeting the word suddenly once and suddenly for one and suddenly yearns my soul I’m in the arms of a runaway child in the arms of all particles in tranquillity birds particles whoever You are I feel more and more Your love I just wanted to write say anything before I turn off on you when my voice recorder turned off after the splendour of the very writing writing aids are also splendid in writing tools stiles pen and paper. graphite and pencil. typewriter and computer. voice recorder even though I’m against weapons and against instruments I admit I love some tools tools for writing. tools for listening music. tools for fucking all of a sudden I got excited with the female one who guards the male one that is guarding all beings within himself happiness of solitude is in the very happiness whoever wants can drink from this blessing whoever wants can feed from this blessing whoever wants can find a bed and love in this blessing whoever wants can get wedded and find a home in this blessing
not even a sun ray wants to shine without you
I’m listening to Ljiljana Petrovic Batler
during the Walkings for Poetry I was singing
Gloomy Sunday in unknown places during gloomy Sundays
I’ve listened to her many times
Billie Holiday
Billie Holiday is Billie Holiday is Billie Holiday
sorrow sings marvellously
suicide attracts marvellously
marvellously day is crumbling
I crumble into crumbles
I’m a stranger above all strangers
small slights alienate, small courtesies integrate
Timothy Garton Ash
only love for all beings is worthy of love
it’s very hard for me to write and that’s very beautiful
it crumbles
looks like my subwoofer is breaking and that’s what makes me sad
I love to listen to music with strong basses
strong basses are like heavy sacks
slave liberation
grapes are gone
I’m listening again how Ljiljana is singing
whole of her body is in her throat
she embraces with the throat of sorrow
flowers are in her mouth
everything is in vain but only in vain is singing
sometimes only epidemics of suicides are not in vain
multitude of whales stranded on the shore
sometimes only child suicides are preventing and redeeming horrible wars of grownups
grownups stop the wars your children will kill themselves
hey Miroslav
yesterday evening I bought a new subwoofer since the old one got broke basses are even deeper heart beats sacks sacks beat brother beat beat only beat beat of all-peace-universe beat of all-myth beat of all-beat beat of being words beat music beat they are one beat beat of the one and only mind in all minds beat in all beats beat in all bulls (beat and bull are similar words in Serbian: bit & bik) steps steps steps beat of a moment beat of eternity beat of a fly beat of an elephant beat of goodness beat of beauty beat of road beat of rose beat of sweat beat tears beat of God beat god three words beat two words one bud
I’m alone so that I wouldn’t be alone I’m alone for everyone I’m alone so that a beloved other one wouldn’t separate me from a third one I’m alone so that a beloved third one wouldn’t separate me from one and only I I’m alone so that beloved I wouldn’t separate me from God I’m alone so that the beloved family wouldn’t separate me from one and only family of all beings I’m alone so that the beloved nation wouldn’t separate me from all nations I’m alone so that a beloved man wouldn’t separate me from minerals plants animals and higher beings I’m alone too much to be alone – I’m with all beings I’m alone too much to be alone – I’m with everyone I’m alone too much to be alone – I’m happy with everybody I’m going only to the market to buy bread and chrysanthemums for Slava the rest of today’s ten kilometres I hope will walk several from twenty or so visitors of my site I bought three big white chrysanthemums they smell of snow in my childhood for St. Archangel Michael’s Day almost every year would snow the smell of chrysanthemums apples and pure children’s souls and no one will ever know that in the letter is you only you my love and I’ll be watching in the distance and searching the silence more and more the fact that you are here in my bed without any clothes on from Banat all the way to Srem clouds are low fuck me Slava I’m Yours God’s glory I would love to read again a collection of Serbian swearwords Red Bank swearwords are prayers of innocent ones beggars’ love is gratitude and love of God cling on and curl up with me all beings – we are one nobody is less alone then me I’m off to the other table. that’s where are waiting for me wheat. candle. bread. wine. chrysanthemums bigheartedness of the rejected ones and generosity of the imprisoned ones beloved Nadezhda and Julian and myriad anonymous one in jails and all beings at one and only table of the one and only family in one and only cosmic Slava – Slava of all beings in each being Cosmos for me is – everything and piece – Universe of everything visible and invisible
I am the Universe of everything visible and invisible there is a vast field of visible which is still invisible only invisible can never be visible actually that invisible with visible and still undiscovered visible makes me the Universe not what is still incomprehensible in comprehensible but the very incomprehensible which is forever incomprehensible not what is still inexpressible in expressible but the very inexpressible which is forever inexpressible couple of days ago Srdjan Valjarevic brought me Wittgenstein’s Tractatus I was very excited I thought to myself it is the most beautiful book of the twentieth century turfs barefoot toe sores skinned elbows squeezed out ulcers cuts disturbing salvaging wasteland liberates road and rose are then in virginal fervour innocence redeems everything cling to me cling curl up curl up meander You’re within me i’m within you tomorrow I’ll begin the work While… it will be hundred and thirty two plainest photos photos of Your sex and Your immortality while You are doing anything during the day You will be able to live my love while You’re sleeping while You’re licking Your lips while You’re calming Your heart while You’re writing the sentence which You’re taking the photo of I’m in a jiff powerlessness permeates me with love it will be a road of hundred and thirty two photos every day through the winter until the spring
while sleeping You can feel my love for You is the first out of hundred and thirty two photos of the work I’m calling While… I’ll be putting them every day on the Bud link of the website last one I will put on April 25th 2013 it will be a story about the source of holly everyday from which You can drink love every day while feeling not loved You can feel that I love You while rejoicing You can feel that I love You while doing and being anything You can feel that I love You I’m walking down the side rail tracks in Bele Vode many people who lived in last hundred and fifty years feel nostalgic about trains platforms railway stations people who lived two hundred years ago didn’t feel nostalgic about trains because there was no trains at that time they also didn’t exist three hundred years ago when Spinoza in 1677 in his Tractatus politicus defined four ways of enslaving a man put him in chains take his weapons and possibility to defend paralyse him by fear give him plenty material goods a flock of sparrows on the branches of not picked rosehip six pigeons are squatting on the electric wires workers are demolishing what they previously built so that they can build again vine leaves are withering oak leaves are yellow like yellow-brown pears I remember how last summer I was taking photos of grass on this road I made 33 photos of grass 33 photos of leaves hundred and thirty two While… photos are four series of 33 photos winter dream in the den of love in that den I will be reminding You that somebody always loves You I love this mudslide on Bele Vode I saw rocks and felt aliens live in rocks everything is so close world is created now while I was going through Bele Vode I was sad while getting out of Bele Vode I’m joyful on the edge of Julino Brdo ten waste containers are placed like ten crows keepers I’m tenderly thinking of Spinoza some people are the Universe tender like a breast brave like milk