Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
soul is trembling with love soul is kissing with throat through sacrifice of love soul love-kisses the victims of love mystics of sacrifice liberates all worlds through horses throat it’s great that you gave him money – I said to a girl who was giving money to a beggar. she blushed and smiled gracefully a flash of innocence love flashes grace sparks the secret of love is that every being can love-kiss all beings the secret of love is in the light through which each being can light each nook of the Universe the secret of love is in a poem which shines with impossible poem is a horse which is talking to us my male friend poem is a mare which is singing to us my female friend boulevard of saturday in the poem of boulevard everything has started and all of that has started now the secret of now is that everything has happened now that everything is happening now that everything will happen now the beauty of now is that it also happened now imagine that what happened now I love words when they get out of body I love body when it gets out of word I love words when they are getting out of heart I love heart when it comes out of words I love words when they come out of mind I love mind when it comes out of words I love words when they come out of words I love words when they come out of words I’m thinking of hooligan sparrow whose love I constantly feel free of charge is sexiest and the most expensive I love-kiss You my beloved hooligan dusk is setting down I am constant gratitude and admiration
today is my Jean-Luc Godard’s birthday eighty second miraculous life is happy in anyone who is miraculous Ye Haiyan is holly Ye Haiyan or Liumang Yan or Hooligan Sparrow I admire her I admire sparrows Ye Haiyan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova Julian Assange while walking in the strong wind next to the lake I’m a little boat in the open sea I’m whining while thinking of locked up Nadezhda locked up Julian and wonderful Hooligan Sparrow I’m trembling with love from love in their actions I’m trembling in the beauty of crow’s wings with which happiness is flying towards me I’m crying and I’m happy happiness is freedom freedom is happiness I’m crying and imagining how with this cry happiness is flowing in the blood of all beings I’m crying thinking of tranquillity and non-aggressiveness of Lionel Messi the best football player of all times here they are on the road shy freckled girl and frozen runaway boy through strings of stamping through jaws of wandering through dear burdocks through the spine which twists from liking all beings to fall into the enthrallment of the other through open nostrils to accept with bosoms the other into one’s own tranquillity shy her and frozen him freckled her and runaway him miraculous happiness in the blood of all beings chirrups yes it is yes
today is my sixty third birthday twenty three thousand eleventh day of my life midday bells of love are actually ringing from my mobile phone I’m in the house. on Saturday and yesterday I got a bit cold. maybe I also caught a virus sun is shining outside I’d love to go outside but outside I can’t go Ivana will bring me medications and food and one birthday cream pie I will grind lemon and mix it with sugar as my father used to do I’m taking a photo of my face for the link walking I will drink two glasses of Petar’s wine i am miroslav mandic i’m singing miroslav mandic am i Ivana brought plenty of things. we spread it on the floor. it was a real birthday today I’m starting to read Bertrand Russell I’m preparing myself for Wittgenstein’s Tractatus I’m on my own g o d enchanting reduction this morning Zelimir Zilnik sent me a photo which he took on December 1st 2012 in Taiwan in which can be seen one very old tree underneath which Zeljko is sitting and in the subject was written You, tree and me you tree me reduced enchantment both sides of the same I’m thinking of poets I’m thinking of Zineta who said about her life with her late husband whole life child-like and friendly love iTunes is playing at the moment Six Days on the Road coachman-like truck-driver-like walker-like coachmaning oneself managing oneself being both road and rose on the road on one and only God’s road innocence of the rejected ones used handkerchief light of serving seven hundred and twenty eight of those who saw this video
I’m completely knackered my nose is constantly running my eyes are sore and full of tears my forehead is sore I’ve no energy it looks that I’ve got a bad cold a drop of tea has fallen onto my desk yesterday I took off the desk the thirteenth table picture and put on the fourteenth one it is now just whiteness of the paper I love art which becomes on its own through tramping a path by steps which are polishing the stone by accidental traces of pencils on the wall I was in the bed for two hours I put the hat on my head Ivana brought me food today as well I will make Russian salad I have one more glass of Petar’s wine left only when I droop do I see how tired I am exhausted the road is long God will give I’ll get up I’m breaking a sweat for moment to moment music lifts me up but then again nothing I’ll manage somehow Russian salad then to the bed again by now everything is already wet on me I have to change poetry is in everything throughout this week I’ll be listening to Henriette in the end of the day the light of serving seven hundred seventy of those who saw this video dedicated to Ye Haiyan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Julian Assange
nose is suffering eyes are full of tears already a second t-shirt is wet the fact that everything is poetry saves Ivana just brought me food ajvar and beetroot margarine and thick juice fuck what a lunch and diner then Bertrand Russel and film tonight Gloria by Sydney Lumet with Sharon Stone made in 1999 a remake of John Cassavetes’ film with Gena Rowlands from 1980 I really love John Cassavetes some people were always exciting me and they excite me more and more people without power people in whose hearts the hearts of all beings are beating Cesaria Evora song Henriette poem gives everything and poem asks everything heroic in almost nothing in the very it that is approval of goodness approval of miraculous approval of approving another changing of the wet t-shirt it’s more comfortable in dry ajvar and beetroot are already waiting for me but I have seven more blessings in front of me another t-shirt will be soaked with sweat loyalty feels like singing some more singing is nothing else but loyalty serving of all particles of all beings serving to all particles of all beings serving to poem and singing the light of serving eight hundred forty of those who saw this video dedicated to Ye Haiyan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Julian Assange
I’m happy that I’m going to listen to
Henriette today and see what the number of visitors is
I feel a bit better even though while drawing 64 Buds I started
feeling coldness from the window and immediately felt the sensation in my throat
when the House warm up a bit more I’ll dust it and clean the floor
before that I’ll go to porn sites
I despise made up stories in the literature
last night I’ve changed wet t-shirts several times
today I’ve changed them third time already
later on three-four times more. and God know how many until tonight
it’s very pleasurable after the wet t-shirt
and sweaty skin to put on warmed up dry t-shirt
this morning I managed to shave after several days
I won’t go out till Monday after all
and I hope that on Monday I’ll be able to walk
then slowly
like viewers of the video Henriette whom today is eight hundred ninety six
like when Rachael shouts wow after Bridget’s solo on the bass
I can’t avoid mentioning Gretchen Molannen and her passing away
not only to mention her but to express my love forever
Your life and Your passing away Gretchen have not only great
sense but will be an inspiration and salvation for a lot of people
I would have been sad if I didn’t write these blessings about Gretchen
love is one
that’s why I’m writing next two blessings
I don’t like barbarianism of the civilised ones whose violence and evils are countless
number of times greater than those who are called barbarians by the civilised ones
I love you civilised ones even though you don’t know what you’re doing
I was on porn sites
wiped the dust and floor
cooked pasta
I’m listening to Amy and Rachael
radiant from the light of serving
eight hundred ninety six of those who saw this video
dedicated to Ye Haiyan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Julian Assange
first snow has fallen last night there was four or five t-shirt changing last night today will be Henriette with whistling to horses which are rushing through the snow philosophical depth whose most recognizable characteristic is obscurity Bertrand Russell two ideas are hanging around and intertwining within me one is about that I should be thinking much more free second one is about linking everything with everything pussy with an axiom dick with a principle paradox with kissing fucking with rhythm prayer with a breast compassion with feet joy with birds everything with everything because everything is one with everything and everything is one with itself Rachael sings everything Rachael sings one Rachael sings Rachael skirt of compassion raising oneself on toes mystics of words is in the beauty of silence in each word voice of God hay of hay event hand in hand feeling of infinite joy through all-merging uniting love surrendered to freedom freedom loyal to love mystical wedding marriage of all beings grace and compassion through the light of serving nine hundred thirty two of those who saw this video dedicated to Ye Haiyan Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Julian Assange
god god god you are god god god god god i am god god god god god swallow is god god god god god grass is god god god god god goodness is god god god god god beauty is god god god god god path is god god god god god road is god god god god god tree is god god god god god horse is god god god god god word is god god god god god number is god god god god god blue is god god god god god dancing is god god god god god walking is god god god god god giving is god god god god god receiving is god god god god god cock is god god god god god pussy is god god god god god fucking is god god god god god particle is god god god god god loyalty is god god god god god smile is god god god god god repetition is god god god god god tautology is god god god god god innocence is god god god god god sameness is god god god god god carefulness is god god god god god orgasm is god god god god god bud is god god god god god poem is god god god god god we are one god god god god god only you are god god
language is the form of physical behaviour, the same way as walking, eating or drinking
Bertrand Russell
language is the form of physical behaviour, the same way as walking, eating or fucking
it’s a pity Russell didn’t write it like this
if walking eating and fucking are not at the same table language is sad
if yearning and logics are not in the same bed empty is the bed
if life and death are not together in immortality tasteless is the immortality
only in one language labia and lips are putting on the same lipstick
there is no truth without a cock
there is no lullaby without a pussy
there is no cognition without fucking
I love when clitoris preaches and luxury simplifies
I love when penis head is caressing and claims are smiling
if a tiger and but are not from the same mother then what are words and mothers for
if Borges and hoof are not from the same
story made then what are the gauchos and writing for
if a heart isn’t a house then nobody’s house won’t be a heart
if prostitution isn’t the core of the education then what are the schools for
if a belly isn’t serving the forests then what are the snowdrops in snow for
if You don’t find what I’m writing beautiful then what is Your self-confidence for
if chemistry and physics are not talking the
same language then what the fuck do they want
if a dialogue doesn’t sing who is it talking to
if a first teacher isn’t what a first kiss is then everything was in vain
making a path in the snow is a calligraphy in white
a wooden saw horse for sawing wood is cold
for white geese on the white snow dreams are white as well
bud reconciles everything
bud is Universe
bud is peace for everything
(these three blessings are word play, since “reconcile everything”, “Universe” & “peace for everything” are very similar in Serbian . “sve miri”, “Svemir” & “mir svemu”, T.N.)
through licking tongue is cleansing itself
through licking language is conscience
through licking everything is swaying me
lick me lick one and only language of all languages
language herald
lick me lick
one and only language of all lickings
cock of one and only language is the cock of all languages pussy of one and only language is budding of all languages fucking of one and only language is caressing of all languages love of one and only language is all-permeation of all languages birth of one and only language is innocence of all languages cradle of one and only language is solidarity of all languages alphabet of one and only language is joy of all languages table of one and only language is shame of all languages play of one and only language is non-violence of all languages principles of one and only language are the first-fruits of all languages universals of one and only language are the language of all languages particularities of one and only language are the language of all languages speech acts of one and only language are the language of all languages freedom of one and only language is patience of all languages courage of one and only language is creation of all languages gratitude of one and only language is a red cherry of all languages whinny of one and only language is a horse-hind of all languages flutter of one and only language is a swallow-sparrow of all languages oath of one and only language is horniness of all languages path of one and only language is a garden of all languages uneasiness of one and only language is honesty of all languages solitude of one and only language is a poem of all languages determination of one and only language is now of all languages decency of one and only language are screams of swearing of all languages first step of one and only language is testimony of all languages in step of one and only language is heavenly of all languages fallout of one and only language is tenderness of all languages agreeing of one and only language are younglings of all languages fruit of one and only language is mind of all languages temples of one and only language are a temple of all languages aging of one and only language is identifying of all languages funeral of one and only language is resurrection of all languages God of one and only language is God of all languages is God testimony of a decision which I made while writing today’s blessings
one and only language of all languages is the language of flickering
one and only language of all languages is the language of blinks
one and only language of all languages is the language of dawning
one and only language of all languages is the language of rippling
one and only language of all languages is the language of shimmering
one and only language of all languages is the language of stimulating
one and only language of all languages is the language of arousing
one and only language of all languages is the language of shuddering
one and only language of all languages is the language of winking
one and only language of all languages is the language of shading
one and only language of all languages is the language of harmonising
one and only language of all languages is the language of harmonising
one and only language of all languages is the language of interlacing
one and only language of all languages is the language of confession
one and only language of all languages is the language of foreshadowing
one and only language of all languages is the language of fulfilment
one and only language of all languages is the language of creating out of nothing
one and only language of all languages is the language of everybody’s singing
one and only language of all languages is the language of whispering
one and only language of all languages is the language of delights
one and only language of all languages is the language of herbs
one and only language of all languages is the language of the mind
one and only language of all languages is the language of ohm
one and only language of all languages is the language of butterflying
one and only language of all languages is the language of the most fuckable innocence
one and only language of all languages is
the language of the innocence of the most fuckable ones
one and only language of all languages is the language of admitting
one and only language of all languages is the language of thanking
one and only language of all languages is the language of transformation
one and only language of all languages is the language of wedding
one and only language of all languages is the language of identifying
one and only language of all languages is the language of obvious mystics
one and only language of all languages is the language of the mystics of the most obvious
through one and only language of all languages all beings are one and only through one and only language of all languages all beings are bread under the one and a book under the other arm then hit the road through one and only language of all languages all beings are liking each other through one and only language of all languages everyone is loved by the very language in one and only language of all languages muscles of language are full of ruddy blood in one and only language of all languages I wrote every word of mine through one and only language of all languages thrown away blue pot is a beauty of all beauties through one and only language of all languages upturned cup is a great poem on its own through one and only language of all languages the bending body is raising itself within the cell of each body through one and only language of all languages the notion of beauty is revived in each thing through one and only language of all languages one and together are upper and lower lip of golden-mouthedness through one and only language of all languages big tree is not alone through one and only language of all languages first beginning makes one and only beginning out of each beginning through one and only language of all languages runaway child is the first to speak through one and only language of all languages all beings are cherishing and guarding each other through fuckability through one and only language of all languages birds are swimming through the cosmic vastness through one and only language of all languages fishes are flying through the infinity of atom through one and only language of all languages I’m kissing Your knees through one and only language of all languages I’m kissing Your curving spine through one and only language of all languages I’m kissing tranquillity in Your hands through one and only language of all languages each a is an embrace through one and only language of all languages each letter is a kiss through one and only language of all languages the smile which is actually appearing on my face is through one and only language of all languages that something in the voice from which all beings get horny is through one and only language of all languages goodness of strength which makes beauty of tenderness cum is through one and only language of all languages anything which is cuming with anybody is through one and only language of all languages somebody who is cuming with nobody is through one and only language of all languages cuming through which eternity lulls is through one and only language of all languages bread of cuming with those who don’t have even for bread is through one and only language of all languages I easily let myself into cuming through one and only language of all languages cuming is feeding and giving water to all beings through immortality through one and only language of all languages cuming is only the beginning of constant unselfishness of cuming through one and only language of all languages wedding through all-cuming of all beings is
I’m discontinuing writing of the tables about one and only language of all languages it should be lived walked created sung sixteen days till the end of the year I feel more and more that mystics is poetry and poetry the very mystics my YouTube is not working that completely disrupted me I lost it I’m sad feeling like crap that’s that mystics of singing I’ll manage somehow hit and miss with a bit of brandy more fragile that the very fragility indescribably helpless I’m flowing I’m exposed unprotected like water flowing down flow is drifting through all currants – that’s the flow drifting through me through empty landscapes through shelters without shelters through consolations without consolation alone I’m alone singing mystic of singing singing mystic the face of a runaway child the face of the world
ever since I’m writing electronic letters I’m writing them vertically one word in one line primarily so that everything I write would be beauty and poetry and so that every word is poem
God sex money holly trinity of innocence solemnity I’m counting how much money I got and spent this year this is how it was per month money was given to me by angles Mirjana Lukic 160 euros Vera Varady 85 euros Ivana Djokic-Saunderson 70 euros Vladimir Macura 60 euros Yasuka and Zeljko 40 euros Arti Sombaty 28 euros Tibika Varady 22 euros Sun Mandic 20 euros Dule Pejin 16 euros Violeta Jovanovic 15 euros Branka Zgonjanin 10 euros Petar Miloradovic 10 euros Maja Klisinski 10 euros Mina Novcic 10 euros Zoltan Varady 5 euros Vesna Lopicic 5 euros Nemanja Radovic 2 euros Enes 1 euro altogether I got 6828 euros plus I got two months rent free from Vesna Lopicic for rent. costs of living. space for the archive. working space in the Nest and First House of All Beings I gave 3340 euros for healing of my heel. photo camera. repairs of mobile phone and voice recorder three pairs of sport shoes. four glasses. tapes for the Blue Film. crayons. foils. mattress blender. shorts. shirts. insoles for my heel. repairs. hygiene. and some more trifles 1188 euros 900 euros for food through Coffees of Courage and to beloved beggars I gave away 900 euros I have 500 euros left for next year I survived money is goodness of love keep on blazing beautiful goodness blaze angels blaze with love through each word I write
I was nodding off sitting at the desk I nearly fell asleep my head has slipped down the hands on which it was leaning I wanted to carry on writing about money and angels but I gave up now I don’t know what nor how there’s nobody around I’m closing my eyes again I’m exhausted after each blessing my eyes are closing if there wasn’t for 33 blessings I would have stopped writing several times during these eight years I was struggling not to fall asleep over the text it’s very exciting once I was driving a van with my eyes closing and opening it was foggy down below river Drina in front of me curves traveling companions were sleeping I was driving slowly the same way I’m writing slowly right now I would close my eyes rest for a split of a second I would quickly open my eyes fog was there curves were there the light of headlights was breaking through the dark I was driving life now I’m driving love through the hearts of all beings by blessings I’ve awakened myself a bit like that night grateful to the miracle of the very life to the miracle of singing with lips on lips
in yet unknown world I’m trying to smell today’s blessing beauty of thinking is that thinking can also love-kiss everything that is unknown to it seagulls are landing near grebes to steal their fish when they come out of the water two seagulls are flying after one grebe to seize the fish from its beak with a kiss one is not stealing but giving saliva is exchanged and it’s flowing from mouth to mouth muscles of a tongue excite whole body kissing feeds all cells life is kissing the experience of a first kiss permeates all kisses of life everything moves through the Universe in order to kiss one another nobody is kissed by the biggest as much as from the tiniest sex of the tiniest permeates and fills the sex of the hugest I don’t know if Wittgenstein’s confessions were published. I would love so much to read them everything I’m writing is confession as well my words are tempted by Your eyes Your ears are embracing them in my heart they’ve just been born Innocent-Eared-Her and Golden-Mouthed-Him how much I would love to tell You about these wet leaves about that how You are everything to me even though You are not around about that how I believe that You will show up about that how the word that excites me like this pile of gravel on the path as well about the white stone roadside which I was observing yesterday and which I’m walking over today winter is beginning tomorrow and the day after tomorrow days are getting longer and longer for the first time I’ve experienced that on one of the bridges over the river Rhine on the last day of autumn I’m rejoicing the first day of spring everything has calmed down now to welcome the winter everything will be awakened in the spring to welcome the summer the world is an offered hand of the world which nobody sees – a hand with which the world is looking for salvation the world is an offered hand which is offering salvation – a hand nobody even knows for yesterday I arranged with Edi to take him Kemalj Kemana Sebastian Robert Ferdi Ljilji and Ersan if he is here to MacDonald’s for a burger and a shake or coca cola nine days to the end of the book Miroslav eighth book of the book Miroslav Mandic i love-kiss you and i sing bud kiss
sun is shining there is no snow winter is beginning in an hour I’m on an empty road Kiss and Bud are kissing budding eternal youth of surrendering Kiss is kissing Bud Bud is budding in Kiss I love the mixture of races I adore the mixture of all beings freedom now for Julian Assange freedom now for Nadezhda Tolokonnikova freedom now for all the imprisoned fighters for freedom Kiss now Bud now 12:12 pm while winter was beginning at 12:12 pm somebody touched my back Robert my friend he asked me to print again Robert’s Poem because he dropped it in the snow and the paper got wet and ripped apart last night he couldn’t sleep because he was afraid of the end of the world which was announced for today if the world doesn’t end today and tomorrow then it never will – he said the mist has covered the sun so the air is filled with milky light milky light is snowing Kiss and Bud are constantly kissing and budding on the road even though they never said a single word it’s enough for Kiss that is a kiss and the word kiss and that’s why he’s kissing without any words it’s also enough for Bud that is bud and the word bud and that’s why he’s just budding Kiss is a beautiful event just like the word kiss is beautiful Bud is a beautiful being just like the word bud is beautiful green colour is beautiful like the word green. violet colour is beautiful just like the word violet. I saw that on the green-violet sign on the doors of one of the kiosks on the lake they are kissing budding it’s winter
a rare snowflake sometimes falls down a drop of rain a snowflake a shudder of wind I’m thinking of a fairy-tale A Scamp and a Snowflake a lot of snowflakes has melted on a scamp’s face. one day when the scamp saw one snowflake for the first time he wished that his roughness melts in a snowflake I’ve never been thinking or feeling so deeply about a snowflake the same way I replaced the word energy with the word goodness. the same way I’m replacing the word ethics with the word snowflake snowflake – a soul of transformation snow are people snowflake is a man all of the lonely walkers who are passing by me are snowflakes just look at somebody who is alone and You will see how he or she looks like a snowflake not because they look like a snowflake but because You feel love for that somebody like for a snowflake I’m really happy because I’m writing about a snowflake never ironically always fairy-tale-like I’m tenderly thinking about the scamp from the fairy-tale everyone is scamp as well everyone yearns that their roughness melts in a snowflake what else is sex if not snowflakes of ego which are melting in God’s goodness what else is a smile if not snowflakes of snow which are freely flying through the air what else is reading if not snowflakes of snow which is winnowing through Your body when I went into this grey day I never knew that I will be writing only about the snowflake white snowflake in the white Miroslav Mandic book all words in the book Miroslav Mandic are snowflakes the book of snow the book in which singing transforms into snowflakes and snowflakes are melting in all-love for all beings a white dog is lost and he’s feverishly looking for his owner the smell of a white hyacinth in the air if one swallow doesn’t make a spring one snowflake doesn’t make a winter then I’m even more so loyal to the swallow and the snowflake the art of the snowflake is eternal art
I’m trembling for few days now I don’t know if in the next three days and these ninety nine blessings I will manage to say everything I should and want to say it started ten days or so ago when in the conversation with one of my close friends I experienced horror and the abyss among us I felt I’m surrounded with the abyss I realised that the same abyss is with other five close persons to me that’s when I decided to come up with some decisions to write about it to You even though You are not around I made a decision about possible breakups next year the decision has scared me and set me free like last night’s occurrence with another from my six close persons again the abyss being alone is hard and dangerous salvific because I can uncompromisingly do create and sing through all beings being corrupted by life borders bread attachment money is death already I hope I will succeed to say all of that clearly and simply what is the deepest and what is the tallest God You all beings God sex money singing creating walking I’ve been writing about that already but those who are close except for You think that it is only symbolical and not the essential oath of love to immortality hymn of freedom of all beings 86400 moments in a day i am you are i am god 86400 works in a day Miroslav Mandic Miroslav Mandic personal ID i am God God God God … all of that should be and live I’ve entered the tenth sequence of seven years of my life the reason for changes and transformations four middle years of the Bud of Walking are beginning the ninth Miroslav Mandic book is beginning if it’s not better then it’s worse I’m more peaceful I’ve started I’ve started writing about what is bothering me