Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
everything is in language language is in everything it’s past midnight I’m in bed I was praying to God I’m happy I’m happy because I’m praying I was telling Him that He’s splendid that through Him I am splendid myself that we are one one and only God and we were and we are I felt that everything is in words also unspeakable because unspeakable is in the word unspeakable I was two thoughts everything is in language language is in everything I got up to get the voice recorder and record it I have already pronounced that slowly in the dark under the blankets in the warm bed I would love to write in bed how do I feel in bed once or twice I was doing it I was struggling not to fall asleep until I write 33 blessings I was drifting off to sleep but I was waking up in order to write them all down sometimes I will write bed-blessings the same way I was just before midnight being half asleep dreaming happiness the very happiness happiness was happy happiness was only happy happiness and happy only happiness
I know only one writer better than Beckett that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one poet better than William Carlos Williams that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one philosopher better than Wittgenstein that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one mystic better than Meister Eckhart that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one artist better than Ad Reinhardt that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one singer better than Billie Holiday that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one walker better than Robert Walser that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one woman-author better than Gertrude Stein that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one thinker of common cause better than Nikolai Fyodorov that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one actor better than Lee Marvin that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one Srdjan Valjarevic better than Srdjan Valjarevic that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one Violeta Ivana Mirjana better than Violeta Ivana Mirjana that's Miroslav Mandic I know only one day better than this 33rd day of the year that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one horse better than the horse that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one sparrow better than the sparrow that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one revolution better than the revolution that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one mountain peak higher than the Mount Everest/Kilimanjaro that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one plain more beautiful than Vojvodina that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one ball better than the ball that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one anything better than anything that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one change better than the change that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one modesty more modest than the modesty that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one simplicity more simple than the simplicity that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one courage more courageous than the courage that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one life better than the life that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one woman better than a woman that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one man better than a man that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one humour better than the humour that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one path better than the path that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one rose better than the rose that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one poem better than the poem that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one Miroslav Mandic better than Miroslav Mandic that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one oneness better than the very oneness that’s Miroslav Mandic I know only one God better than God that’s Miroslav Mandic the essence of God is that God is God of the better ones than Himself
mother Earth is a child of the Universe mother Earth is a sister to the Planets in the Universe mother Earth is a wife to the Sun mother Earth is a mother to each being on the planet Earth mother of fairy-tale to the child Earth mother of creation to the sister Earth mother of singing to the wife Earth mother of walking to the mother Earth I’m lulling You Earth I’m hugging You Earth I’m fucking You Earth I’m caressing You Earth good morning to You every morning Earth child good day to You every day Earth sister good evening to You every evening Earth wife good night to You every night Earth mother I’m dancing through Your circling around Yourself Earth wanderer I’m dancing through Your circling around the Sun Earth wanderer I’m dancing with You in Your circling through Your galaxy Earth wanderer I’m dancing with You while You’re dancing with all galaxies Earth wanderer through love created You’re giving love Earth through love raised You’re providing love Earth through love kissed You’re radiating love Earth through love protected You’re cherishing each being with love Earth I love Your earth my Earth I love Your water my Earth I love all beings that live on You my Earth I love Your story and fairy-tale about You my Earth child Earth of mine I’m loyal to You always and forever sister Earth of mine I’m Your brother always and forever wife Earth of mine I’m Your husband always and forever mother Earth of mine I’m Your tenderness always and forever snuggle up on my chest Earth of mine
Universe of enjoyment Universe of efflux Universe of blessed states Universe of self-recognition Universe of joy of the very life Universe of the grace of dancing Universe of the first letter Universe of the first number Universe of the first music Universe of the first physical exercises Universe of the first kiss Universe of the first love pain Universe of miraculous fuckings Universe of the sacrificing for ideals Universe of self-creation Universe of discontinuations Universe of guilt Universe of renunciation Universe of decisions and all-redemption Universe of new innocence Universe of one and only work which is more from all human works altogether Universe of the great path of wandering Universe of one and only rose Universe of one and only man who is more than all people together Universe of the Blue Rose in the Universe universe of the poem this is a tattooed poem to god through which god sings Universe of the temple of love on my temple Universe Your name is Miroslav Mandic Universe of all beings Universe of one and only I Universe of the one and only language of all beings Universe of the Hymn of Freedom of All Beings Universe of the universe bosket of God
a sparrow has flitted God a bitch has given birth God a snake has moulted her old skin God over there… in the distance… in the horizon the sky has fallen into the earth’s arms God galaxies of the Universe are wandering in the head God blossomed nest in the heart God a hand is caressing a paw God wind is carrying a condor with spread wings God a sea shell releases itself from the bottom of the sea and surrenders to the gulf to carry it God a soul is ripening through an oath God purple is curling up into itself God words in numbers. numbers in music. music in step God somebody somewhere God love spasms God clearness of unknowable God presence of unspeakable God invisible of the obvious God running towards God eye’s speech God indescribable beauty of genitalia God fathomless importance of the unimportant God incorruptible holiness of the plain God Gypsies God recognising oneself as the other God jackstone bud youngling child little angel are recognising themselves in God God budded blessings God rectitude of the unprotected ones God bread crumbs God victim God gift God smile God mind-ohm God a swallow in the blueness God
one is the Earth one is the Universe one is God God Universe Earth they are one one body one soul one mind one will one and only love warmth is spreading through the body of all beings through each particle I’m a mother of all beings through each atom I’m a father through each cell I’m a child I am Earth Kaja is transformed into the mother of all beings I am Universe Milomir is transformed into the Universe God each being is a child for Miroslav I’m running through the street of existence I’m hopping through galaxies I’m vastness unity of beds a nerve one everything oneeverything everythingone face to face grace kiss bud
I’m reading my diary from ten years ago
everything is so different and yet even more the same
it was a year of the Monastery of Time
I was reading poets
every fifteen days new poet
twenty four poets throughout the whole year
I was reading in front of ten or more people in several apartments
I started reading at midnight of the new 2003
I continued on 15th January 2003 at 1am
that’s how I was circling through the whole year
meandering through time
the symbol of the Monastery of Time is meandering cross
I was reading and being a poet who I was reading
I was reading and explaining with enthusiasm
it lasted four-five hours and even more
I was being a poem and a poet
being William Carlos Williams
1st January 2003 at 12am
being Samuel Beckett
15th January 2003 at 1am
being Jorge Luis Borges
1st February at 2am
being Petar Miloradović
15th February at 3am
being Charles Bukowski
1st March at 4am
being Fernando Pessoa
15th March at 5am
being Gertrude Stein
1st April at 6am
being Robert Walser
15th April at 7am
being John Cage
1st May at 8am
being Friedrich Nietzsche
15th May at 9am
being Arthur Rimbaud
1st June at 10am
being William Blake
15th June at 11am
being Bible
1st July at 12pm
being Lazarov Miordag Pashu
15th July at 1pm
being Jean Genet
1st August at 2pm
being Allen Ginsburg
15th August at 3pm
being Slobodan Tišma
1st September at 4pm
being Velimir Khlebnikov
15th September at 5pm
being Emily Dickinson
1st October at 6pm
being Jalaluddin Rumi
15th October at 7pm
being Antonin Artaud
1st November at 8pm
being Friedrich Hölderlin
15th November at 9pm
being David Henry Thoreau
1st December at 10pm
being Srdjan Valjarevic
15th December at 11pm
the Monastery of Time is the yearning of my body of my soul and my mind for poetry
everything originates from poetry and is going back to poetry
I was reading patiently
I was repeating
created the Monastery of Time
it was fucking good
I was reborn through the Monastery of Time
it was beautiful how universality of the world of a one
poet replaces the universality of the world of the other
ten years ago at this time I have already red W. C. Williams, Beckett and Borges
from fifteenth of April I will be reading them again
after ten years and I will mention them in the Miroslav Mandic
and all important things that I read in my diary I will mention in the Miroslav Mandic
it will be a work
What Was Ten Years Ago
in 2014 what was in 2004
in 2015 what was in 2005
in 2016 what was in 2006
in 2017 what was in 2007
in 2018 what was in 2008
constant love and constant singing
God only God
my dear friend we don’t have to see each other ever again but if we do see each other I would love it to be innocent like buds in a fairy-tale we are born innocent through living we are losing innocence we are losing innocence through worry the life in which and through which we have lost innocence is the best place to create new innocence in innocence of freedom innocence of surrendering oneself innocence of giving oneself innocence is the only hope innocence is the only faith innocence is the only love if You’d love to keep on loving me please help me finish my life and work every day so that I carry on living walking creating every day in one and only Fairy-Tale of All Beings to God You and all beings grace fairy-tale is coming onto me more and more more and more do I see that everything is only a fairy-tale a wife is God’s innocence to a husband a fairy-tale dear to God You and all beings a husband is God’s loyalty to a wife a fairy-tale gentle to God You and all beings a bud of fairy-tale is a fairy-tale of bud I am the resepath walking in the Fairy-Tale of All Buds for the first time rose and path are joined in one word I am the bud creating the Fairy-Tale of All Beings I am fairy-tale singing All Buds of the Fairy-Tale God god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey You god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey all beings god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey rosepath god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey fairy-tale god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey bud god you all beings rosepath fairy-tale bud hey one and only poem
I saw That Girl With Earrings several times always on the street first time four-five years ago several times on the Boulevard once in Pozeska Street and on Saturday in the Bread and Rolls restaurant she was always alone special through self-observation which walks with huge earrings short hair unusual new but old-fashioned clothing with small purse very noticeable she was walking by firm and fragile steps stamping the heels on the asphalt a sparrow I wished to show her thumbs up as a sign of support I love her because she is so noticeable but unprotected I admire everybody who is courageous That Girl With Earrings is courageous I’m tenderly thinking of You That Girl With Earrings I’m tenderly thinking of anybody who is courageous courage is love love is unity of all beings unity of all beings is freedom That Girl With Earrings rejoice That Girl With Earrings be serene That Girl With Earrings You are a sanctity of unknown ones That Girl With Earrings be a hostess to everything and a guest to everyone That Girl With Earrings meander through Yourself like a Universe which meanders through You That Girl With Earrings thank You for a long brave look You gave me on Saturday That Girl With Earrings You are in my heart forever
wind is blowing it excites raises it carries plastic bags over the road it flutters through the smoke from the poor people’s chimneys it’s triggering my tears I’m going up the Marshal Tolbuhin’s Boulevard towards Zarkovo I’m going to Bread and Rolls to give five Coffees of Courage to the kind bakery woman it’s a year now that I feel pain in my chest it was followed by the pain in my stomach as well I’m smiling hoping it will go away I would really love to have a jacket which reaches the ankles I gave Coffees of Courage to Jagoda I love unknown ones I’m going down and surrendering to Zarkovo streets I slanted my head I’m swaying with my body I believe in You as agreeing follow-up and complementarity divine sameness alone – one to everybody alone – everything to everyone wind is more and more exciting I’m enjoying in branches which are swaying the roar of the wind revives anciency within me when the wind blows in my back I feel it like hands of a gentle friend leftover snow in the grass looks like white flowers I’m walking with my eyes closed I’m caressing my face with the face of the world splendour of the struggle for all people hideousness of the violence against all people soon buds will start coming out I am a grapevine I just thought to myself a man accidentally hit my hand with his bag and I dropped the voice recorder on the asphalt I’m holding voice recorder in my hand and quietly crying
in spite of yesterday’s shock i’m love-kissing just love-kissing I’m singing i’m singing and love-kissing incomparable gentle prettily dear I love-kiss the very shock I love-kiss in spite as well in spite is not a spite in spite is all-joy one and only joy nobody is alone everything is good what is beautiful about everything is that everything is good I’m afraid to get into anything said to me on Thursday 23rd May 2002 one young woman a crack is in front a crack is not in-between or at the back in front of a crack one should step on and fly over it flying over is wholeing people freeze up in front of a crack one doesn’t need neither talent nor knowledge for flying over only courage courage I bowing down in front of You for courage one needs fear of God what is fear of God to religion it is paranoia to atheism i’m dancing and singing not stopping I’m receiving God I’m constantly getting into God whoever wanted to kill God God let them kill Him Woman In Early Middle Age Who Are Afraid To Get Into Anything I love-kiss You getting into is an experience of God the very God God is getting into God divine service is getting into God mild smile i am god unexpected joy today’s poem i am god
I’m reading my diary from 2002 because to the work What Was Ten Years Ago? I’m joining year 2002 as well here’s what was eleven years ago 6:32pm Oath to Love as always. decisions. opting this Oath to Love I’m dedicating to Dragana Varadinac Rajka and Kaja Monday 14th January 2002 I’m terribly alone. it’s a dangerous living Tuesday 22nd January 2002 Kebra gave me his new CD If I’m Not Good What Happens Then? on which I’m singing the Rose of Wandering Wednesday 30th January 2002 my guides – my loyalty – my marriage great artists great art one man friends dedication God 6th February 2002 Nandhan and Branko came for a Neighbours’ Coffee I want to be the most beautiful birth in the most beautiful world 17th February 2002 I’m looking for allies for my poem 26h February 2002 alone. that is the struggle with myself for which I opted in my youth. it’s what young people from the sixties were calling drop out 13th March 2002 one beautiful maybe new so far unknown to me feeling about respecting myself 15th March 2002 wow – for a moment I don’t even exist from solitude 16th March 2002 finished the book I am You are Him 3 19th March 2002. the book I later called I Name the most important is walking. you and Robert Walser understood that the best – said Slobodan Tisma to me a drawing of radiance of the Blue Rose which I created in the Universe next to which is written this is my primary work 20th March 2002 I signed the Thin Line to Violeta. a work worth 5700 DM 28th March 2002 I’m not taking part in the census because I don’t belong to this state and this human system 2nd April 2002 I’m enjoying solitude and inactivity. that is an art of caressing 4th April 2002 for ten days now I’m shaving my hair by my temples it is dedicated to Indians and all disappeared nations 10th April 2002 morning silence. being happy for the happiness of all beings 16th April 2002 the most important is one man = all people 19th April 2002 little sparrows are plucking the shoots of the geranium in the evening I felt worthless. that’s why the most important is to be constantly aware that life lives from my breathing and to joyfully breathe 21st April 2002 poet of the universe performer of the one and only body artist of the soul 26th April 2002 I’m walking barefooted. that is so important 29th April 2002 this morning I saw a swallow for the first time this year and I said to myself I am the harem of love 1st May 2002 thank you God for the wonder and beauty of sex with which you have bestowed me like joy of your being 3rd May 2002 cosmic rose garden – consciousness. temple of the soul – conscience. harem of love – joy that is basically what I am. and what I am that’s what I do 13th May 2002 my problems with others because of my shyness and great strength therefore I can hardly blossom by the people because nobody can receive the whole story 22nd May 2002 this morning during the walk my school friend Mita Bajic told me I admire you even though people consider you as a madman Thursday 23rd May 2002 I would love to read poetry to somebody 30th May 2002 I would love to do: 1000 Times Thrown Balls to Unknown Girls and Boys 2nd June 2002 when I get into you solitude will start singing 6th June 2002 it would be nice to write about pussy like deity cock and pussy like hidden God 7th June 2002 I am very fragile. frail. I would flare up. quickly burn out. I don’t have experience with people. and I’m also infinitely bored with their warriorship 19th June 2002 at the moment I’m sensitive like a penis head. I’m ashamed see you tomorrow as well in 2002
swallows are flying like the very joy. when I’m watching them I get excited
23rd June 2002
ach – I am a citizen of the Universe
everything is changing only love doesn’t and stays the same – I said to Nandhan today
25th June 2002
I found in the Rose of Wandering 2 wonderful Maximus the Confessor’s
sorrow is connected with resentment and if being reviled you are blessing
2nd July 2002
Vera phoned me from Budapest and told me that she thought that if she died in
an airplane crash nobody would miss her. and then she thought Miroslav would miss me
10th July 2002
I’m enjoying the fact that I have read all ten books of the Rose of Wandering for
ten days and saw that main event was creating the blue rose six days before the end
11th July 2002
I feel more and more isolated. almost the only one outside of the system
17th July 2002
I’m ashamed because I suffered so much for women that
I loved and that I missed. I would love that from today I suffer less
(for Dragana Varadinac) and to be more happy and only to love. God give
19th July 2002
I bought blue velvet to make bracelets for sleeping
to be love in sleep as well. so that each heart beat is love
22nd July 2002
while swimming I’m thinking and shaping books and ideas. I’m enjoying. that is
God which lives in me. which swims with me. which swims with my help in his Danube
29th July 2002
beautiful feeling of confidence in my balls and cock for you my God – my woman
11th August 2002
it’s heroically being alone
18th August 2002
at 2:50pm I put an earring on my left ear. remembering today’s miracle of
God’s love. so that my woman is with me. because I’m the only son. the only son of God
22nd August 2002
11:46am I feel good only when I love and when I wish good to the other
26th August 2002
after fifteen days my confidence is back a bit. I’m glad that in all that
great pain, loss, emotional tornados I never lost values. I never betrayed
the cause. God. woman. myself. I am God woman art. in the evening I became
sad when I felt that nobody ever believed in me to the end. that gives me strength
6th September 2002
crazy solitude
it’s simple. to a man who is for one man greater than all people together
one woman who is for one woman greater than all people together is coming. everything
depends only on one and only man. as for me everything depends on one woman
14th September 2002
at 3:26pm I experienced something miraculous: God is alone because not even I
love him enough. then I started to cry and say: I love you, I love you, I love you God
at 4:18 I wrote down: God You are not alone any more, my life is Yours
16th September 2002
morning greeting from seventeen year old neighbour girl from the fifth floor
this morning meant a lot. she smiled along with the greeting like a sixteen year old girl
I’m crying in order to live
17th September 2002
completely alone. God art me. and you. I won’t be praying for Dragana, Violeta
Mina. I’m alone. everything is starting all over again. alone for you completely forever
in next eight days eight blue icons are coming
18th September 2002
I’m sick and tired of people’s weaknesses. of falling in love. of relationships
of betrayals. sufferings. self-pities. lies. seductions. conquests. no! no! no!
19th September 2002
I’m on my path which I started on 9th August 1973
towards you, because it was already back then your path, dear God
24th September 2002
a man is afraid to look at its own light – Bela Hamvas
I’m aware that without dedication of a woman to my work and my God I’m remaining
alone. thank you my cock, my mild innocence – towards the light within me, towards God
25th September 2002
in the afternoon I was crying because I got sad recognising that I’m not
a good man and when at moments in a day I feel my innocence and purity as
well as goodness, I’m happy. I’m happy and my heart is filled with joy. God give
26th September 2002
miraculous sufferings which are very painful and so liberating
I was talking about my sin because I was working more than I loved
27th September 2002
100% into 101 % is art
29th September 2002
I’m ashamed because I’m alone. delightful experience when I watched people in
the street and all of them were beautiful. only to watch and love them. how delightful is
that you can’t do anything so that somebody loves you. what a powerlessness is that! it’s
even more delightful that I have freedom to love or not love. of course, to love, to love
unconditionally. guilelessly. not even to know that I love. God give
7th October 2002
to do everything to love. to be lover – and to forget that. to love and not
even to know that I love. I’m ashamed that I’m alone. I should be gentle like a girl
8th October 2002
a beautiful feeling that forty eight days after 20th August 2002 in my hellishness
were the clearest days of my life – a period of love. that is the work of God, Dragana
and me. a poem of love which is not dying. magic which is pouring. Violetamo called
12th October 2002
before midnight magical love making. every love making is dedicated to God
17th November 2002
God give that when it’s time for me to die to die with joy as a gift to You
1st December 2002
oh – a wonderful idea. 24 readings of poetry on each 1st and 15th of a month
a temple of poetry. poetry of a temple for monks and nuns of poetry. thank God
22nd December 2002
I’ve cleaned Zuza’s and Zoltan’s miry shoes. that made me
joyful. remembering Kaja who was doing that for guests. remembering
a girl form the seaside who cleaned my shoes on the First Walking for Poetry
29th December 2002
first I called Alexander my Tisma. he is sick. I was getting worse and worse each
minute – he told me. he smiled few times during the conversation. live wonderful man
30th December 2002
I Am William Carlos Williams
reading of William Carlos Williams’ poetry in the Monastery of Time on 1st January 2003 at 12am
I Am Samuel Beckett
reading of Samuel Becket’s poetry in the Monastery of Time on 15th January 2003 at 1am
I Am Jorge Luis Borges
reading of Jorge Luis Borges’ poetry in the Monastery of Time on 1st February at 2am
I Am Petar Miloradović
reading of Petar Miloradovic’s poetry in the Monastery of Time on 15th February at 3am
tonight Aleksandar Tisma died
said Zilnik about Aleksandar Tisma to me over the phone ten years ago
whenever I was going to see Aleksandar
I was so happy as if I was going to see a girlfriend
we were formal in addressing each other
sometimes we would be so carried away with walking
and conversation that our shoulders would stick to each other
I’m walking over the bridge
dusk and fog are setting in together over the river and city
I’m tenderly thinking about Aleksandar
he would be eighty nine today
I gathered around fifty true stories about Aleksandar
Aleksandar’s koans
we were often walking by the Danube
I’m thinking while crossing the river Sava
he loved to swim
after tenth year of the Rose of Wandering from 1991 to 2001
the work What Was Ten Year Ago is carrying on from 2002 until 2022
I love ten year works
ten year roads
ten year circles
I put my hood on
I’m enjoying even more
I’m gliding through the air over the river
I stopped to breathe in the beauty
river disappears upstream in the fog
one ship is slowly sailing
cars are rushing and easily as well as quickly are crossing the river
I’m happy that I never had a car
Aleksandar also never had a car and couldn’t drive
lordship on the bridge is the bridge which is connecting lordship of all beings
seagulls are flying over me
I’m flying
I’m gently going down the bridge
slowness is very arousing
may each word of mine be within You God may each word of mine be Yours God living words are god i’m living living words i’m a living god living words living god living poem lives living words live god living poem sings through living poem I’m also alive i’m not a man i’m only a poem i’m not a superman i’m only god understanding God constantly changes God’s love and love for God never changes god created my i as well so that i could also be god to god nobody ever believed so easily that God is like God nobody ever believes so easily each moment that God is like God living means believing – that is my faith Marcel Duchamp air is here today as well loyal air supple and mild air poem of the air suppleness is the only loyalty poem is cock loyalty is only supple one pussy poetry loyalty and suppleness are one I’ve betrayed everything so that I wouldn’t betray God You all beings and poem through God You all beings and poem I’m always loyal to everyone forever today as well I will take photo of my face the face of walking Bud of Walking I’m enjoying the moss next to the concrete wall I was walking slowly around the lake and writing poems about fucking divine fucking fucking is the innocence of the rejected ones I wrote 33 divine poems about fucking it’s indescribably captivating captivatingly indescribable fuck me fuck me fucking my only singing
this morning when I wanted to write in from the voice recorder yesterday’s 33 poems about fucking I wrote only oh I deleted all yesterday’s poems about fucking I thought to myself that it is their destiny and then I calmly wrote again 33 divine poems about fucking yes fucking is innocence of the rejected ones nothing more innocent than fucking and nobody more rejected than the innocent ones like any other human being I was born through fucking and I was born within the system I was raised within the system I rebelled against the system through art I got out of the system I lived and created outside of the system I created much greater system. one and only system within which is the system from which I got out one and only system of all beings I call it a fairy-tale I live the fairy-tale in the fairy-tale mother fairy-tale everybody would love to live in a fairy-tale but not to live the fairy-tale they love fairy-tale but they are running away from the fairy-tale into the system they are rejecting the fairy-tale because of the safety in the system fairy-tale is rejected and that’s why fucking is the innocence of the rejected ones system is reality safe haven reality is the name for personal interest and it rules this civilisation civilisation is a surrogate of the fairy-tale reality is lost virginity reality is betrayal realities are replacing one another fairy-tales are confirming one another fairy-tale-love always in me for everybody fair-tale-love forever in the other for me fairy-tale is always innocent fucking
I don’t have a wife – You are my wife I don’t have a companion – You are my companion I don’t have a supporter – You are my supporter I don’t have a skin colour – You are my skin colour I don’t have a species I belong to – You are my species I belong to I don’t have a church – You are my church I don’t have a family – You are my family I don’t have a nation – You are my nation I don’t have a state – You are my state I don’t have a house – You are my house I don’t have a pool – You are my pool I don’t have a garden – You are my garden I don’t have property – You are my property I don’t have health insurance – You are my health insurance I don’t have social security – You are my social security I don’t have years of service – You are my years of service I don’t have a salary – You are my salary I don’t have savings – You are my savings I don’t have a bank account – You are my bank account I don’t have money – You are my money I don’t have working hours – You are my working hours I don’t have a studio – You are my studio I don’t have a publisher – You are my publisher I don’t have a museum – You are my museum I don’t have a library – You are my library I don’t have a biographer – You are my biographer I don’t have a bicycle – You are my bicycle I don’t have a car – You are my car I don’t have a plane – you are my plane I don’t have weapons – You are my love I don’t have tools – You are my instruments I don’t have an estate – You are my property I don’t have a property – You are my being
i am god everything that i’m singin you i’m singing about myself god today’s thirty third poem i am god on the first of June will be seven years from the defeat and brake up with Kaja Cirilovic on the 1st June 2006 seven years of famine were following seven years of defeat loneliness of the miraculous miracle of the miracle of all beings of the miracles of porn sites of the loyalty to the miracle on the loyal site the miracle of the Bud which is budding within me I’m hugging you all my defeats you have saved me from reality you are the humus of the Bud of Fairy-Tale wet snow is falling I’m going down the Boulevard from Cvetko’s Market my stomach and my chests are not hurting me like yesterday and the day before so I feel nice I don’t know how will it be after the first of June as far as I’m concerned I would love if it remains the same like all these years from 9th August 1973 when I got out of jail and went towards the sky I was a runaway child during these forty years I was a heavenly boy from the first of June I’m heavenly young man young man of fairy-tale Miroslav Mandic Fairy-Tale it is all one singing one being through god to god god that miraculous through god to god god that’s that grass through god to god god that’s that robin through god to god god that’s that uniqueness of repetition through god to god god that’s that unpredictable consistency through god to god god that’s that glass through god to god god that’s that I through god to god god that’s that oh through god to god god that’s that m through god to god god that’s that ohm through god to god god
who are You is the first question in the work 24 Days 24 Questions 24 Answers every day I will ask the same question Violeta Jovanovic Ivana Djokic-Saunderson and Mirjana Lukic and they will answer and send their answer to me and to each other I wrote there these blessings twenty four days ago every morning I was asking Violeta Jovanovic Ivana Djokic-Saunderson and Mirjana Lukic a question and they were answering and sending the answer next morning to each other and to me what do you Violeta think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with you from the 1st of June? what do you Violeta think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with Ivana and Mirjana from the 1st of June? what do you Ivana think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with you from the 1st of June? what do you Ivana think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with Mirjana and Violeta from the 1st of June? what do you Mirjana think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with you from the 1st of June? what do you Mirjana think should Miroslav Mandic brake up with Violeta and Ivana from the 1st of June? was the last question in the work 24 Days 24 Questions 24 Answers which I sent this morning I don’t know if Violeta Ivana Mirjana will change I don’t know if I will break up with the work and socialising with them love will never break up because love never breaks up after 24 Days 24 Questions 24 Answers I believe know and certify that Violeta will be a better person Ivana will be a better person Mirjana will be a better person my liver is rejoicing my stomach is rejoicing the heart in my chests is rejoicing chests of mine are rejoicing everybody in my stomach are rejoicing blood in my body is rejoicing blood vessels and capillaries in my body are rejoicing every cell in my body is rejoicing my cry is rejoicing my worry is rejoicing my weakness is rejoicing my pains are rejoicing my unreasonableness is rejoicing my joy is rejoicing my joy be a joy to every being my joy rejoice through health my joy rejoice through freedom my joy rejoice through haulage my joy rejoice through shivers my joy rejoice through surrendering my joy rejoice through shimmering my joy rejoice through God through god to god god only joy
this is the first out of fourteen Saturdays until 1st June after that it will again be first of June again my gentle work about transience before I was thirty I felt cruelty of transience but also the need of the very transiency to be gentle towards it and so on one first of June I said first of June again I believe in authorship but not in copyrights all Your ideas are my authorship ask me just ask me that You are reading symbolically it’s an essence for me I don’t even live. I redeem. I don’t live but I live I live fairy-tale I think everybody should live fairy-tale second-rated often manifests itself as more important than the first-rated and at one point allowing that becomes betrayal of the essence and everything crumbles deep reading recognises decisions pains in my body scare me and bring me down I lose my strength. I’m becoming corrupted with life when I’m afraid my life is the most dear to me but I deeply disagree with that what I find more important than my life through: singing creating walking live itself all beings You God I sing and I work immortality that’s why I should engaged in immortality even when I’m afraid of death and so be immortality hop. garden of all beings is the Fairy-Tale not just change but radical change if a man doesn’t change radically he or she keep on being more important to themselves what are claws to instincts that is education to culture what is lie to culture that is a career to art conceptual art doesn’t produce art pieces but it reflects upon the very essence of the art. conceptual art is the art of reflecting the art art is not expressing one’s I but the radiance of the very I radical change begins with the first step reality doesn’t mean anything to the fairy-tale fairy-tale means everything to reality reality is unfolding according to the fairy-tale not according to reality and their children people from the reality are stealing the fairy-tale for reality and their children instead of living the fairy-tale for fairy-tale and all beings if I observe things from the reality fairy-tale is the most important if I observe things from the fairy-tale poem is the most important through poem through each word through young hooker who we saw a moment ago working on the road