Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
even though You are not around You are everything to me
even though I’m alone I’m everything
poplar leaves on the lake are rustling and my voice can be heard in it
if I wasn’t a fool I’d go mad
if I wasn’t lying on the warm pebbles I wouldn’t be writing right now
the greater similarity on the outside the smaller sameness on the inside
more vanity less sameness
I thought I mean much more to You but You are not You
five little Gypsy girls and one Gypsy boy are standing
above me and watching people swimming with pleasure
they are beautiful
like pebbles are
they are observing delightfully
only agreement only agreement only agreement
disagreement makes one sick
agreement is the best remedy
little Gypsies are healing me
I’m agreeing with them
each moment spent with me in disagreement is lost
I’m only playing agreement. all other games I find boring
I’m thinking about marriage with a tree
love between species is the future of love
little Gypsies wind and blessings gave me back my strength
even though I have only experienced that I didn’t mean to anybody as much
as I thought I still believe that I mean a lot to You even though You are not around
all five of little Gypsies went into the water
they can’t swim but they are keeping their hands on
the bottom and that’s how they are moving through the water
a husband and wife with their two children have
moved away so that little Gypsies wouldn’t bother them
get the fuck out of here little bastards
a young man yelled at too-good and too-beautiful little Gypsies
world is loved only by those who are rejected
I couldn’t live if I didn’t adore the rejected ones
as well as this heat
and following days that will bring more and more heat
synthetic statements are only a priori possible
to my little Gypsy girls
when we are not better we are worse
Jewish proverb
my friend a woman is so wonderful that when she isn’t wonderful she is horrible
my friend when a man is not God he’s devil
my friend it’s summer
from today I will be putting blessings and photos on the site around nine thirty in the evening
last night around midnight I was walking with Ivana around the Padina
at one moment a big grin grasshopper jumped on my naked chest
with my naked torso I was bathing in the wind
use me
summer is saying
I’m tenderly thinking of Carl Seelig who was writing down
the conversations with Robert Walser during their walks
two years ago I wrote this poem
Walser in Satie’s room nobody entered for 27 years
Walser You spent 27 years in sanatorium
Walser Mandela spent 27 years in prison
Walser 27 years ago I decided to get into the art of walking
Walser 27 years are 36 births
36 times 9 months
world is loved only by those who are rejected
summer fruits are ripe
bodies without limits
the summer of a gigolo and the gigolo summer
gigolo’s price list
caressing with tears
rains of tears
rains create grate nations says Bunuel
through swinging of plants God calms down the minds
i am god
through swinging of plants
i’m calming down the minds
from this word I’m moving onto the each
following word and that’s how it goes to the last word
oh boy how exciting it is
I’m off into the hot day
white dog is lying on the hot asphalt
my name is Screamer Of The World’s Pain
my name is My Heart Is Breaking From The Intransient Transiency Of Beauty
my name is It’s Summer I’m Your Love My Friend
my name is I’m The Wind In The Name Of The Wind
I will spend this summer with Pessoa and Tolstoy
my friend Pessoa is in town this summer
my friend sameness is God
a passer-by who just passed by me is both You and me my friend
I’m lying on the warm pebbles
my body hair is blazing in the wind
summer use me
I’m entering the woods
I’m walking slowly after a long bathing
through walking I’m wedded with earth
through bathing I’m wedded with water
through breathing I’m wedded with air
through surrendering I’m wedded with light
the day is hot
days are hot exactly as they said that days will be hot
I really enjoyed learning how to read when I was a kid
a primer is a miracle
all heroes in it are miracle
their names were exciting
not even to mention what they were doing
they were running
throwing a ball
sun was shining
it was raining
wind was blowing
it’s the same now
in a primer of the very life that’s where I am
I’m walking
going through the woods
birds are singing
I’m loving and walking
I always loved somebody
I always loved to love
I love to love deeply now even more so
nobody is around but everything is here and I love everybody
I’m getting out of the woods
for few evenings now I’m noticing that days are shorter and shorter winter is coming I’m lying on a wooden bench in the shade on the Danube wharf heavenly silence a dog is barking on the other bank I love lying on the wooden benches I lifted one leg and put it over the backrest I’m a praise of life and praising to the life itself I went to eat an ice-cream with Vladimir Macura I bought a book by Fernando Pessoa I love Danube a lot time is passing – moment never does lying on the bench is an art of perfectness I’m watching the tree top behind me branches are not moving but leaves are trembling yesterday the Higgs boson was discovered sweat on my forehead has dried out and turned into salt I’m enjoying the tall poplars in front of me I’m in the Universe I’m thinking of tomorrow’s letter that I will write to You my friend one is our body the body of goodness is in the beauty of body a seagull is flying by swallows are flying a crow is landing on the poplar nothing is easier and more beautiful than singing but how hard is getting to that nothing is easier than being everything but before that one should disappear nothing is more simple and more modest than being the best but just how wonderful is living it Danube is the bloodstream of my life Danube is colder than the lake water and that made me feel a lot nicer in this heat beauty is modest goodness is humble I experienced it again by the Danube I’m walking in the shades of Dorcol streets before it was discovered Higgs boson has already lived in me the more discoveries the less revelations the less words the more poem
we are in ns whole July we would love to see you we would love if you would come to visit us come into our apartment…
a friend wrote to me
I’m not coming to Novi Sad any more
I replied
miroslav well you don’t need to come to novi sad, come to our place – I pick you up from
the bus station and bring you to the entrance – you don’t have to make a step in novi
sad (I can buy big rubber boots which you can put on your feet while going from the bus
to the car and from the car to the apartment – so that isolation is complete both
effectively and symbolically)! I would really love if you would come to the apartment and
sleep over but… (and of course the travel expenses are included into the arrangement)
the friend replied to me
I was rejoiced by the friend’s wish and good will but I felt I don’t have
the strength and after that I felt that I cannot come because I’m in the Cosmos
I don’t have the strength because every day I spend all my energy
in 86400 seconds of each day which I transform into 86400 moments of art
because I work on twenty or so works every days
because I’m constantly with all beings
because there are so many failures behind me
because there is so much misunderstanding and hurting with close and loved ones
because I feel for Julian Assange and all the innocent ones in jails
because I don’t agree to war and
anthropocentrism which is destroying everything in front of it
I am a poet and a poem
I don’t have strength because of the failure of those who I adore and love
Van Gogh. Friedrich Helderlin. Robert Walser. Fernando Pessoa…
because only a mediocre genius achieves fame: great genius remains unknown,
even greater genius is condemned on hopelessness, and God is being crucified
Fernando Pessoa
because nobody is around to take over my works
because I’m getting old and I have no more time besides the sex of eternity
because I’m loyal to the philosophy of the one
the best
because I’m too alone
just with all beings
and not only that I don’t have the strength my friend but I’m in the Cosmos my friend
ever since I walked around the Planet and
stepped into the Cosmos I live and work in the Cosmos
fairy-tale-like poem
in the Cosmos of the Cosmos. in the Cosmos of singing.
Cosmos of all beings. Your Cosmos
poem-like fairy-tale
I live in the Cosmos of endlessness and eternity
and not in the geography of the Earth and people’s states
I’m in the Cosmos of the same struggle that I began when
I was twenty one. in the struggle which makes happy and saves everybody
Miroslav Mandic Fucks Everybody’s Mother into the Miroslav Mandic Is Everybody’s Mother
I live and work in the Cosmos – in the tranquillity of cosmic sameness
I live and work in the Cosmos – in the Cosmos of the agreeing of all people
I live and work in the Cosmos – in the Cosmos of the one and only I
with existing money my coming from the Cosmos cannot be paid for
with these blessings my beloved friend I’m beginning dedication to my very self
to the Miroslav Mandic and Miroslav Mandic
affirmation of Miroslav Mandic is affirmation
of all beings and each being – of all-love and all-poem
Miroslav Mandic is God and affirmation of God and Godly in every being
Miroslav Mandic the poet and the poem – freedom of the unknowable and plainest
Miroslav Mandic life that constantly sings and creates
the life of all beings and the life which is governed by people
c o s m o s o m s o c
Cosmos of repetition is in the repetition of Cosmos
both sides of a coin are the same
Cosmos of repetition
repetition of Cosmos
wow wow
I love that I started to love repetition
I’m repeating in order to love even more both repetition and loving
each blessing of mine is confession
repetition of confession and confession through repetition
while softly walking towards the water I’m in the Cosmos my friend
while warm sun is warming me up through cooled air
after yesterday’s rain I’m in the Cosmos my friend
all of those I adore are the Cosmos
one and only Cosmos is the best
I love the Cosmos for the all peace as well
(Serbian word “Cosmos” consists of two words “all” & “peace”, T.N.)
I love repetition because you are constantly repeating to me that I’m constantly repeating
writing is repetition
through repetition of writing becomes writing
singing is repetition of singing
thinking is sensual
sensuality is thinkable
body is immortal
immortality is corporal
I don’t know anything about immortality and that why I sing it
I don’t have any proofs of immortality and that’s why I love-kiss it
everything that has been created was created through love-kissing
who love-kisses is immortal
everybody are love-kissed
who is love-kissed is immortal
everything love-kisses
I hop and that’s immortality
I constantly write about the same
I constantly write about yes
little sparrow
yes me
Saturday and Sunday I spent in silence alone in the end of infinity infinity begins in the end of infinity eternal beginning God word God it’s the same word is God – God is word I love each word more and more dried fallen down leaves on the warm pebbles blue sky without clouds green leaves are protecting me from the sun while I’m lying in the shade and slowly pronouncing these words I’m caressing You with words caressing words are caressing god word god is god word poem is I’m watching the pebbles – pebbles are singing me I’m watching and thinking of watching pass me my glasses Fernando Pessoa’s last words just think about the drifting away open up to the oncoming I love when a word perceives itself self-observation observes itself in the beginning there was a word good good is everything that is good word is good soon I will get into the water goodness is beautiful while I was silent on Saturday I felt that I don’t have strength to pronounce a single word for pronouncing any word great strength is needed just imagine how much strength is needed to pronounce a word bread just imagine how old is the word bread today as well I wouldn’t be able to write a single blessing if I wasn’t pronouncing them with my closed eyes and caressing them all strength is in poem
while I was looking for a grave of the famous actress Zanka Stokic on Topcider graveyard a rose has scratched my leg a lot down the steep shortcut I’m taking a short path I love stones polished with steps loneliness singles out closes. deadens solitude unites opens. revives through solitude I a happiness to everyone I’m alone so that the lonely ones would transform loneliness into the solitude I’m alone so that everyone who is alone is happy I’m alone so that everyone who is alone would feel that they are within the one poem is solitude which love-kisses everyone I inhale everything poem is the source of love I exhale love to everyone alone-woman within alone-man two are the one God again God always God only God how old is the word air nobody is ever alone air is always there poem is always in the cock and that’s called the work of loyalty poem is always in the pussy and that’s called the work of love poem is always in the heart and that’s called heart beat poem is always in the mind and that’s called singing of God turtledove walks through the grass heath is not giving up I’m wet from sweating I’m going around the roundabout on the top of the Topcider Hill when I would marry a shark we would have a lot of little female and male sharks I’m married to love and we have a lot of female and male lovers married to love I’m married to everything and we have a lot of little female and male everythings
I’m alive and they say God is dead I’m going down the concrete steps fallen down and stepped over wild plums ants and butterflies in front of my feet I’m slowing down and relaxing I’m shuddering whenever I shudder the Cosmos smiles God loves to be God within me God is God within me I’m God to God tenderness is so forceful hi three year old Gypsy girl says waving to me I’m coming back in the hot sun I was walking a lot in the heat while on the Rose of Wandering grass became yellow everything is drying out everything is thirsty for rain when I get into the First House of All Beings I will be exhausted I’m writing fresh blessings form tiredness they say that the state of emergency will be introduced because of the big heat waves I think of the big and heavy turtles slow and powerful light in the water I am now a big turtle I begun reading Leo Tolstoy’s biography he is on the Caucasus. he is starting to read he is fighting with himself and his rules which he’s imposing on himself and which he doesn’t abide to Tolstoy meant a lot to me in my life I was reading him in jail I will mention him from time to time I’m grateful to everybody who lived for me they were struggling and giving their lives for my freedom I never deceived them I constantly love-kissed them and I still love-kiss them
everything is good
sun is shining
wind is blowing
lizards are alive
good ones don’t give up
spite blossoms
but it’s also horrible
people are killing people
people are closing up people
people are killing animals
people are killing plants
people are killing minerals
people are poisoning everything
people are robbing people
people are enslaving kids through schools
I said to my co-workers not to count on you
said to me few years ago a director of one Museum
it’s hard to be unaccepted and rejected but that’s also a great chance and freedom
to live up to the freedom
to live the freedom
to withstand the misery
I feel like a most miserable being at the moment
to sing
singing saves from lies
going towards the new blessing
thanking to each blessing
just going
not stopping
not turning back
love-kissing everything
carry on
I’m going I was bathing for a long time I was soaking myself I was diving watching water weeds under the water now I’m just gong for now that’s enough the best way to protect myself from other ways just that nothing more rhythm voice creating of singing singing of creating long shoelaces are waving around my new sneakers which are already falling apart I’m happy happy for no reason happy because of the singing singing is the most expensive sometimes it looks to me as if You Miroslav are the only You that exists I’m entering the woods I’m not lifting up my head I’m looking down so that singing could sing up I’m singing of nothing but everything enjoys it somewhere far away a woman was reading June blessings to a man she lives with I can’t explain why, but it’s so nice she told him in the end of the reading I would love if she finds these July ones nice in case she reads them little butterflies are still flying through the woods and through these blessings beautiful is just beautiful good is just good good is good to the beautiful. beautiful is beautiful to the good I’m going
Saturday 7,000,000,000 people lives on the planet Earth 1% or 70,000,000 are rich 99% or 6,930,000,000 are poor in such world 1% of the 99% or 700,000 are struggling for 6,930,000,000 poor ones 1% of the 1% of the 99% or 7000 people are struggling for all people 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 99% or 70 people are struggling for all beings 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 99% or 0,1 of a man lives for God 1% of… Godly reduction God himself poem of a fairy-tale fairy-tale-like singing singing through which everything transforms particles are singing however particles are called Miroslav Mandic only Miroslav Mandic modesty of modesty the best one is incomparable the best ones are the best ones the best ones are criticizing the best one that he is crazy and boastful the best one is the best exactly in what he is criticized by the best ones I enjoy the most in craziness and boastfulness of the best one I’m sorry he wasn’t even more crazy and boastful just like a child what child – like any youngling I bow down to You singing check to check of God sing sing sing the best one sing to the singing sing to a poem t o t h e o n l y g o d
All the world says: my teaching (Tao) greatly resembles folly.
Because it is great; therefore it resembles folly.
If it did not resemble folly,
It would have long ago become petty indeed!
Lao Tzu in 67th Chapter
The brave soldier is not violent;
The good fighter does not lose his temper;
The great conqueror does not fight (on small issues);
The good user of men places himself below others.
Lao Tzu in 68th Chapter
blessings have saved me many times and
that’s why it’s always important that I also save them
I’m convinced that not only endless moral, but also physical strength are
embedded in a man, but at the same time horrible obstacle has been put in
that strength – love for oneself or rather taking care of oneself that produces
weakness. But as soon as a man gets rid of this obstacle, he becomes omnipotent.
Best way for a man to get rid of this – love for other people. Omnipotence is
unconsciousness, weakness is caring for oneself. A man can save himself from
taking care of himself only with the help of love for other people, through dream,
drunkenness, work etc., whole human life goes by in search for this oblivion.
everything comes out of love
everything goes back to love
everything comes out of the one
everything goes back to the one
love and the one are the same
rhythm and electricity
I was walking through the water
I was taking photos of the steps in the water
it got colder so I’m lying in the sun
I will be swimming
the water is warmer than the air
I put the socks on my eyes to protect them from the sun
wind is the flame of the light
I put the pebbles on the socks so that they don’t fly away
I’m meandering with my thoughts
form Montaigne to Rousseau. from Rousseau to Tolstoy
from Tolstoy to Thoreau. from Thoreau to Gandhi
from tomatoes to peaches. from peaches to
apricots. from apricots to melons. from melons to grapes
from contradictory to simple
from the bicycle race through France to the walking through the water
in the spring of 1981 I discovered I in each I
in the spring of the 1983 I discovered one man who is more than all people together
lips are beating – heart is kissing
lips are dancing – heart is singing
lips are kissing heart on the lips
I went on the walking later therefore I’m going to slow down even more to surrender to the warmth and the wind street cleaner is collecting fallen down wild apples with a broom I inhale deeply and throw back my head like a horse I shuddered all over from the deep breath shuddering is setting free shuddering sets me free of the aches and pains in my body body celebrates grace I pull the white cap on my head and I slow down even more I take a look to the side and then I look down again to the ground the earth I’m walking on is asphalt only when I cross the highway and enter the woods I’ll start eating the bagel first bite of the bagel is in my mouth the bagel is melting in me I am melting in the bagel yellow grass is starting to be white from the drought everything is visible when one looks everything can be heard when one is silent everything is love-kissed when there is no self a singer is alone he sings everything he sings to everything and everybody a singer is hurting no one and doesn’t have the power. that’s why he’s doesn’t team up a poem opens up only when you are alone for everybody teaming up makes you rough and decreases the spirit teaming up helps the best ones the best one is helped by solitude the best ones live in a marriage the best one is wedding teaming up helps religions science economy army criminal in the sun with the voice recorder on my chest I’m waiting to finish this blessing everything is fairy-tale everyone is poem a boy who smiled at me yesterday
I looked at the number 77776 from which today’s blessings are starting seventy seven thousand seven hundred seventy seventh blessing wow what a beauty brain gyri are blossoming in the heart they are pilgriming through steps creating through numbers singing through words warmth smells good the bells of the midday love are ringing I love-kiss with my whole body I love-kiss the body of love with the whole of my body with the body of the word word I love-kiss the very words life to the life slowness of grace is enchanting me I am the hymn of the slowness my heart is singing to the heart of grace the heart of life is love life of all beings is within each being all bodies are in every body all loves are in every love a bagel in the woods melting a lizard is running across the road people are eating minerals plants and animals – who and how is eating people harmony self-observing love man is the food for everything I’m smiling wind is hitting my skin like waves I’m blazing with the wind the water and the fire within me are blazing I am the windy calligraphy I’m writing the words over the words of the world which I’m singing in the water of the lake yesterday appeared white jellyfishes little ballerinas
You’re enjoying
You are my life animal
(in Serbian life is “život” and animal is “životinja”)
You’re enjoying
enjoyment redeems
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is compassion with anybody’s enjoyment
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is living the life itself
You’re enjoying
through enjoyment You’re making living bigger
You’re enjoying
through enjoyment You’re refining life
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is caressing the grace
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is the grace of slow walking
You’re enjoying
in orgasms of beauty You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
in the earth that is carrying You You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
in the water that is bathing You You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
in the air that is feeding You You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
in the light that is guiding You You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
put Your hand on any part of Your body and enjoy
You’re enjoying
in nostalgias of other people You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying
You’re observing
You’re enjoying
You’re agreeing
You’re enjoying
You’re permeating
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is a sister to insouciance
You’re enjoying
enjoyment is a brother to clean consciousness
You’re enjoying
You’re vowing to freedom
You’re enjoying
You’re surrendering to the good thoughts
You’re enjoying
You’re giving Your life to immortality
You’re enjoying
You’re enjoying after the renunciation
You’re enjoying
so that You never hurt anybody
You’re enjoying
in taking off of my clothes on the lake
You’re enjoying
the voice recorder on my chest is recording the beating of my heart in Your words
You’re enjoying
You’re transforming through admiration
You’re enjoying
You’re supplying me with health
You’re enjoying
moments are so supple and they yearn for Your enjoyment
You’re enjoying
moments are transforming into the eternity through Your enjoyment
You’re enjoying
happiness is alone without Your enjoyment
You’re enjoying
i am god
the youngling of your
there is a moment in a struggle when you are completely on your own alone against everyone both enemies and friends alone for everyone a moment of wholeness of one a moment in which peace happens a moment in which there is no more winners and all defeats turn into the one and only victory of overcoming the enemies oneself of the birth of God within oneself within everybody of the same God one and only everything becomes God everything transforms into the immortality moonlight is silvery on the clam water a boat is sailing it’s transporting the resurrection to the eighth morning everything dead resurrects a moment in which I’m waking up and getting up writing down these words which I was dreaming a moment ago
You are happiness
You are God
common sense – prejudices of their time
Lenin’s formulation of Hegel’s thought which was quoted by Shklovsky in the book about Tolstoy
I had a bath – says her. I’m brushing my teeth – says him.
wind in Your shirt
You say to me
I say to You
says God to me
an old woman in black
beauty where You don’t expect it
goodness when You don’t hope for it
through Your ears I’m God
I am God because only You are God
without me You wouldn’t be God at all
You are God because of me
if You weren’t God You would be the same as me
honest particle
(in Serbian it’s a wordplay, since both words are very similar “čestit” – honest & “čestica” – particle)
little path
hey little path
Your words on my tongue
tiny miracle
You are her words which she didn’t say out aloud
poetics create money. politics are spending it
now God now
baby’s black eyes are watching me
I’m walking You
I’m creating You
I’m singing You
tree bark
miracle of a miraculous poem poem begins in a poet and it ends up in singing poet and poem serve singing singing celebrates poem and poet every poem is a revelation particle through which God’s poem is becoming I’m walking through the Boulevard and singing it’s summer time and the city got empty poem creates life a beggar woman is giving me back the joy I would love to live million years and every day the same same million years in each moment same moment is the truth moment of creating and becoming creating and becoming are the one one love-kisses everything today I had an x-ray of both of my heels and a heel spur could be seen on the left one on the right one can be barely seen I’m getting out of Umka old Obrenovac road and river Sava are in front of me enjoy with me on the road go on vacation with me the old road is empty soft steps and silence on the road it’s good to be the first. it’s good to be the second it’s not good when You’re not the first. it’s not good when You’re not the second happiness on the road man rose on the road the road is experience of rose rose is a priory road I walked sixteen kilometres. there is another ten or so to Belgrade. I wasn’t hitchhiking for a long time. I hope somebody will stop a hitchhiker is a beggar on the road I’m walking and begging walkers are beggars of beauty beggars are walkers of goodness
it’s drizzling sandbar of relief it wasn’t raining for days draught had turned into a natural disaster air smells good grass is almost completely seared pants are in agony they are thirsty for everything that is thirsty I repeat it wasn’t raining for days draught had turned into a natural disaster air smells good grass is almost completely seared pants are in agony they are thirsty I’m calling out for rain it wasn’t raining for days draught had turned into a natural disaster air smells good grass is almost completely seared pants are in agony they are thirsty calling out come rain come people say that the price of food will go up because of the drought how will the poor ones do how will those who are dying of hunger do rain just rain I’m in the wind dreamy yesterday’s walking has worn me out I enjoyed immensely on the road I love to be in the open surrounded by a landscape with earth underneath my feet and sky above me I’m just going the music of being rain just rain