Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog





    1851. day
    25th January 2010

    who kisses never dies


    who kisses resurrects those who are not kissing


    who kisses resurrects the kissing


    I am loyal to Your love


    I am everywhere


    just don’t ever tell me that I’m not the Universe


    I kiss the abstraction although it has been misused


    I kiss figurative although it has been misused


    I kiss donkey’s ears


    I am the money of all-soul


    I am the Scotsman in Serbia


    I am everyone who is somewhere and somewhere that is in somebody


    I am sentimental Miroslav in glory of sentimental Johnny


    it’s sunny but it’s very cold. the leftover snow sparkles


    I’m walking for the first time in new Kronos sneakers


    beauty in front of me gives me the strength


    all my attention goes to protecting myself from the cold


    only all beings love and guard every being


    I’m kissing you all beings


    I wink at all keys


    bell is ringing. take me. I’m watching the ground. I gather myself within the goodness and I’m having a nap


    for a while now a fat cyst on my back is hurting me a bit


    I noticed it for the first time in Timisoara in the beginning of the second year of the Rose of Wandering 


    the back is ever so lonely


    neglected. unwatched. unloved


    misery gathers on the back 

    twenty years ago Ljuba Gligorijevic told me


    cherish my back


    make from my back Garden of Love of All Beings 


    I picked up this white pebble to be in the centre of the Garden of Love of All Beings 


    I’m also walking so as everybody can speak to me about is bothering and hurting them


    speak out yourself and you will feel better and it will slowly go away


    today I was attacked three times by dogs because they heard the ringing of my bell


    I am the gratitude itself – I’m in a warm room





    1852. day
    26th January 2010

    yesterday I caught a cold. I felt it whilst I was walking


    I wonder what to do. should I go walking or not


    how to know what is good


    what should I do to close the circle of walking around Earth on 31st December 2019


    for last few years I am more frail


    if I don’t walk how to make up the kilometres


    I will be walking in the evening and on Sundays


    I don’t like when I’m ill


    I feel guilty like every boy


    boy don’t feel guilty

    I say to every boy


    accept guilt like a man and transform it into the deeds of love


    live life in the joy of life


    celebrate life since life has been given to You


    I decide that I won’t be walking today


    I will only go to the shop and pharmacy


    two margarines 79,80 din

    homemade noodles 42,50 din

    vegetable additive for cooking 48,90 din

    vegetable stock cube 65,80 din

    red onions 25,72 din

    potatoes 22,64 din

    carrots 24,24 din

    apples 36,53 din

    two hot paprikas 49,98 din

    two rye melba toast 61,80 din

    mineral water Heba 36,90 din

    mineral water Jamnica 43,90 din

    paper napkins 81,90 din

    toilet paper 59,90 din

    tooth paste 57,90 din

    three children soaps Becutan 134,70 din

    three times 150 grams of olives 185,00 din

    six sachets of Fervexa 180,00 din

    two bars of vitamin C 45,00 din


    kiss from a Glacier Bud

    an e-mail waited for me when I came back in the Nest


    a man regenerates a man


    this is a photo of my face while I’m writing this blessing


    I’ll go to make myself a soup and sleep for a bit


    I was sleeping and I still feel sleepy


    in one moment I felt like a baby and that was healing


    I just got this

    and Miroslav enjoy – Art


    I enjoyed


    love never ends


    I became lively for a moment


    and immediately lost strength


    my arms are weak


    my fingers start caressing my palms on their own


    I’m thinking on grinded lemon with sugar or honey


    I use toilet paper for my nose that is constantly runny


    how just kisses feel cold








    1853. day
    27th January 2010

    I had a runny nose the whole night


    at the moment I’m just staring at the screen and playing with cursor


    I don’t have what to write but I know I will write 33 blessings


    I’m waiting for the sea waves to come to me


    it’s only when I lose strength do I notice that I don’t have it


    when it’s here I don’t feel it


    it’s snowing


    there is no wind


    snowflakes are slowly falling


    I never saw the snow falling on the sea but I love that image


    as well as the branches which bend under the snow that fell


    I’m drinking warm tea


    warmth in my lungs is pleasant


    I rarely saw the deep blue colour of the sea


    ear throat and nose are very connected


    I’m listening to wonderful music on the computer


    I should draw the Blue Rose and record the Blue Film while I’m drawing it


    I should draw 64 Buds


    here is Billie Holiday. she is magnificent. all shades of blue are in her voice


    I really love You my Billie Holiday


    it’s beautiful with artists that they love me and surrender to me completely


    they are loyal to me and they never betray me


    I have learned loyalty from creators and creativity


    I write loyally


    writing is like walking


    it moves away


    feet like words are leaving traces


    ground is constant palimpsest of traces of life


    again and again one on top of another


    sweat bedews my forehead


    enjoy your strength


    enjoy loyally





    1854. day
    28th January 2010

    Jelena Besir phoned me yesterday to suggest that she walks instead of me today


    at first I said no but then I accepted 


    I wanted after a while to suggest 

    to people to walk sometimes instead of me


    I have always been doing it. letting others do something


    that is an exercise in trust and identifying


    I didn’t want to do it now since I wanted

    to make some rules by which people would be doing it


    now I am lagging behind 39 kilometres


    last night I watched dog races in Alaska on TV. sixteen dogs are

    pulling the slays and a man on them. the race lasts for ten days and is exhausting


    I’m sweating. yesterday I felt worse than first day


    today I got up feeling shattered


    I’m all confused. even routine things are slipping away from me


    in moments of clarity I cheer myself


    footballers are training in the snow and coldness


    some dogs would be too exhausted to continue the race


    one had a painful ankle of the left front paw


    you could see in their eyes fear of death and hope for life


    I made myself a second cup of tea. put on my sweat shirt

    with the hood. it’s my job to cure myself


    yesterday I cooked potatoes and made puree with margarine. there is something

    simple in potatoes what is healing. that simplicity itself is healing


    like Gertrude Stein’s texts


    writing is creating of beauty


    sweat is starting to drip


    I’m deciding not to shave today either


    would it be good if I take a shower


    yesterday I remembered several times how

    in childhood my mother used to put warm compresses on me


    life is a huge race for life


    do bees race as well


    I’m starting. here comes the sun. I’ll give you a call from the half

    Jelena sent me a text message at 10:39


    I’m thinking of big turtles


    I’m watching the footballers running on the snow and I smile


    I wink at Jelena who is walking for all beings instead of me


    it’s warmer in the city. the city warms up. everything is truthful

    Jelena at 12:02

    conscience permeates everything. everything is visible. the city is warmer but also more dense

    people are here and we should be careful with them not to bump into them. it’s truthful again

    Jelena at 12:31

    while I’m writing this message I can see on my hands that I’m cold

    body is warm. walking is warming up. it’s only important to walk

    Jelena at 13:31

    I have crossed over beautiful green tram bridge. first time I crossed it with

    you. now on my own. I see that everybody is doing their job. now slowly... a bit more

    Jelena at 13:56

    here I am near my working place. I don’t feel like getting into the bus. step by step I feel that I have finished planetary walking

    I’m getting into the ordinary one. when I sit down I will write the final message

    Jelena at 14:32


    it’s a heaven for butt cheeks and legs when you sit after the walking

    Jelena at 15:37


    I was enjoying in Jelena and Jelena’s walking





    1855. day
    29th January 2010

    yesterday I was better and from this morning even better


    I start thinking how beautiful it is to go outside 


    but I’m staying at home for next few days


    Dear Miroslav, as much it made me sad that you are still ill, that much I was rejoiced and happy by Jelena’s walking! Wonderful! If nobody else would, if you wouldn’t go, and you shouldn’t, and if it means something to you, tomorrow I could also contribute to the 39 km you couldn’t do through illness! I would go to Ada and back and walk the circle around the lake which is even a bit more than 13 km!

    Last night Ivana Djokic-Saunderson sent me an e-mail


    it means a lot to me


    while I was drawing the blue rose I was saying aloud hello-healthy healing


    it’s nice that the word healthy also means greeting hello

    (in Serbian word zdravo means both healthy and hello)


    healthy-hello health


    when I was playing football we were greeting the audience

    in the beginning of the game with hey, hey, hey

    (healthy-hello, healthy-hello, healthy-hello)


    to greet somebody means to be healthy


    it’s wonderful that somebody else can at least take your place a bit

    Sun sent me a text message at 09:56


    Bud Walking is watching over


    to watch over is to love


    loving endlessly – watching over constantly


    watching over – guarding buds


    if there weren’t those who are watching over human life would be extinguished


    I’m watching over – I am


    I am a watch-over


    I am blossomer


    I am a provider of words


    I love those words that are ending with er


    er beat-essence


    rhythm and essence


    I am a rhythmer


    I am a beat-essencer


    oh I am oher as well


    pather and roser




    live – life doesn’t die


    I going on walking, on circling, on watching over

    the Planet. wonderful sunshine, snow, me and You. kiss

    Ivana at 13:36


    enjoy alive enjoy

    I sent a text message to Ivana at 13:37


    it’s warm. I already unbuttoned myself and I’m waiting to cross the second half

    of the street. I crossed it. I’m near Ada, with things well arranged in my pockets

    Ivana at 14:01

    Ada is so beautiful in the winter, and in this new light…

    I’m breathless. birds are walking over the icy surface of the lake

    gray-haired man with naked torso is exercising. cats are playing in the snow

    Ivana at 14:17

    a minute ago, two women out of the blue stopped in front of me and started

    to hug each other friendly while loudly laughing. I’m approaching the half way

    stage of the lake while I go around them. it’s alive. it’s beautiful. I kiss you

    Ivana at 14:43

    not until now, when it is becoming a bit hard, with mild pain in right foot and

    left hip, have I felt the humbleness that is giving me the strength. 4-5 km to go

    Ivana at 15:19

    a circle around Ada finished. last 3 km

    in front of me. this was a circle within circling…

    Ivana at 16:15

    this first out of I hope first 33 Buds of Walking, caressing of the Planet

    is coming to an end. Thank You Miroslav! … I’m entering my building

    Ivana at 16:15


    I suggested to Ivana and now to all beings to make 33 Bud Walkings




    1856. day
    30th January 2010

    I am a ground


    a strength of these words


    nobody was here until now


    the Bud of All Beings is sprouting here


    I am awake dreamer


    I am a founder of the Spiritual Inheritance of All Beings


    wow it’s so beautiful


    wow it’s so good













    … Ally must have liked my red cheeks when

    I came back, so he said that tomorrow he will be walking for you and also in his

    Scottish (ghille) shirt and socks:-)), in order to take a part of Scotland for you!:-)

    Also Bojan signed up for Sunday, but I told him that you might give him some

    instructions and Ally and me told him shortly what you are doing and how…

    Ivana wrote me in her e-mail last night


    I am the wings of all steps


    the way I live is the way I sing


    I’m kissing still unborn


    I’m creating still uncreated


    I am a touch to every skin


    I am a childhood to all young


    to tell everything and not hurting anybody


    I am a sharp knife of poetry that celebrates everybody


    I am a broken knife of a story that encourages everything


    singing everything kissing everything






    all beings make everything


    Bud of All Beings is taking on ourselves the undertaking as a principle of love


    Bud of All Beings is the principle of love in which there is not any undertaking


    Bud of All Beings is a journey like this which has never been undertaken so far


    Bud of All Beings is a journey into the history of every word


    Bud of All Beings are the eyes of the hen which is laying an egg


    Bud of All Beings is all within me that I have been given by a worm


    Bud of All Beings is one and only wedding


    Bud of All Beings are Your 33 Bud Walkings

    Bud of All Beings are Your 2nd time 33 Bud Walkings

    Bud of All Beings are Your 3rd time 33 Bud Walkings


    Ally has just left on his walking and he asked me to translate his messages to you

    Ivana told me at 15:42

    My journey for MM has brought me to Ada. It’s empty apart from two girls

    running. It is peaceful. It reminds me of the open spaces of Scotland.

    Ally wrote to Ivana at 16:02

    As I pass the Sunset kafana I can see the sun setting at the bottom of Ada

    It has turned the clouds a beautiful shade of pink. It makes me walk slower

    Ally at 16:23

    As the sun sinks lower in the sky it is changing the shape

    and colour of the clouds. The sky is now bright and the clouds

    resemble my favourite place in Scotland. The place is called Glencoe

    Ally at 16:35

    As I stop to watch the sun finally set I will tell you about Glencoe

    Ally at 16:45

    Glencoe is a part of the oldest mountain range in the world

    Ally at 16:46

    For me Glencoe is the one place where I truly feel Scottish. When I enter

    I always stop at the side of the road and get out of the car. The reason

     I do this is that I connect with all the history that has happened there

    Ally at 16:52

    This makes me feel sad but it is a good sadness. It makes

     you feel alive. Then when I start to look at the mountains with their

    carpet of beautiful purple heather and lush green grass reaching to the

    sky I realise how lucky we are to live on this planet called Earth

    Ally at 17:01

    I am stopping for five minutes as my hips are hurting so I will tell you where my

     sadness in Glencoe comes from. I get the feeling that the mountains are speaking

    to me, telling me of all the bad things that have happened over the centuries there

    Ally at 17:13

    Six pm. Finished Ada. Hips still hurting which I think

    is through sitting at computer all week Bad computer

    Ally at 17:55

    Miroslav, when I started this walk I was looking for a way to share with you

    something about Scotland, but could not find the way and I now realise that God

    showed the way through giving me such a beautiful sunset. Thank you God

    Ally at 18:00

    Well Miroslav, I have now completed the circle

    Thank you for letting me help you. Cheers. Ally

    Ally at 18:33


    I wink at Ally and beauty of Mahabharata that I'm reading with pleasure


    1858. day
    1st February 2010

    I don’t know Bojan. Bojan has been walking yesterday instead of me


    lipovica. it’s snowing for a while now. gray clouds. I’m going towards the woods.

    dog is following me

    Bojan at 14:44

    I got to the pear tree, lonely on the white meadow. I’m getting into the woods,

    going down towards the path which is following the stream. all I can hear

    is crunching of the snow under my feet

    Bojan at 15:08

    crossroads. two roads. I let the feeling leading me…

    Bojan at 15:29

    open space. cut timber is laying covered with white blanket. I feel sadness

    Bojan at 15:43

    I carry on. I’m getting into the woods where man hasn’t made the path of

    destruction. I hear that the stream is near and I’m heading in that direction

    I come across two little birds on the branch who break the silence for the moment…

    Bojan at 16:04

    I’m following the traces of an animal that has chaotic

    motions. came out on the open space again and trying to orientate myself

    I saw a hundred years old oak on the top of the hill and I walk towards it…

    Bojan at 16:13

    top of the hill. I’m observing the terrain. I see Avala tower

    I’m on a right path. I’m starting to feel tiredness…

    Bojan at 16:27

    train station Nenadovac. smell of sleepers. train is coming from the tunnel

    I asked the railroad watchman if there is drinking water somewhere around

    he pointed me towards the nearby spring. it felt nice to talk after

    such a long silence… came to the spring. my foot fell through the ice and

    it got wet… it’s time to go back home…

    Bojan at 17:11

    I feel better from the tiredness. only now I started to enjoy:-)

    Bojan at 17:16

    I have another half an hour to home. it got dark in a second

    I’m still walking through Lipovica

    Bojan at 17:19

    I came to the asphalt and street lights. just a bit more…

    Bojan at 17:23

    I got in front of the house. I’m taking the snow of me. Miroslav

    It was a pleasure to walk the Planet with you. Thank you!

    Bojan at 17:34


    I don’t know Bojan but I see him in his words


    a man looks like his words


    we are walking our words – our words are walking us



    I won’t be walking for couple more days. I wouldn’t like the state of illness

    to come back. I will make it up. or somebody will walk instead of me

    I will be walking here. through words


    down this path


    for the first time


    nobody is around






    open space
















    over the water






    a step is creation












    circle of roses


    rose of bud














    1859. day
    2nd February 2010

    Bud of All Beings is surrendering and permeating of all beings


    Bud of All Beings are the particles that sparkle in the joy of being


    Bud of All Beings is the yellow ball which I’m throwing in the air every day


    Bud of All Beings is the same ever since there is world and time


    Bud of All Beings is the peace that pervades these words of peace in all beings


    Bud of All Beings is how I create the bud

    every day and not even knowing how I am doing it


    Bud of All Beings is everything that hasn’t been spoken out – green is travelling towards blue


    Bud of All Beings is not hurting – atoning for wounds

    that we made to others – licking and curing of their wounds


    Bud of All Beings is not hurting – curing

    the wounds we got from hurting the others


    Bud of All Beings is a treasure of unexpected – shiver of the body within the body


    Bud of All Beings is to get to love everything that is the way it is


    Bud of All Beings is to get to love fallen off and left over paint on the walls


    Bud of All Beings is uncountable number of combinations in the simple


    Bud of All Beings is this street which we passed through


    Bud of All Beings is the answer that all beings are yearning for


    Bud of All Beings is the flight of the being within the being


    Bud of All Beings is not as I want but as God wants


    Bud of All Beings are the leaves of the cabbage that suddenly popped into my head


    Bud of All Beings are a lot of ancient ways from which there are no better ways


    Bud of All Beings is insisting from which the humour is constantly making jokes


    Bud of All Beings is the danger of living without which there is no beauty of living


    Bud of All Beings smells of sweat of the rejected ones


    Bud of All Beings is I don’t give a fuck that you don’t give a fuck for me – I give a fuck for you


    Bud of All Beings is Convivial Sunday Lunch of All Beings that lives again


    Bud of All Beings is taking on ourselves the undertaking as a principle of love


    Bud of All Beings is the principle of love in which there is not any undertaking


    Bud of All Beings is a journey like this which has never been undertaken so far


    Bud of All Beings is a journey into the history of every word

    Bud of All Beings is all within me that I have been given by a worm


    Bud of All Beings are the eyes of the hen which is laying an egg


    Bud of All Beings are buds that have believed and started before it’s time for them


    Bud of All Beings are buds that have frozen in order to save the rest of the buds


    this morning before I woke up I dreamt the most beautiful dream in my life

    the dream with Oljenka Jovin – it’s the most beautiful experience of my life




    1860. day
    3rd February 2010

    how to sing even better – well to sing again


    how to sing even better the word good – well to sing again the word good


    how to sing even better the word beautiful – well to sing again the word beautiful


    how to sing even better the word tree – well to sing again the word tree


    how to sing even better the word swallow – well to sing again the word swallow


    how to sing even better the word road – well to sing again the word road


    how to sing even better the word rose – well to sing again the word rose


    how to sing even better the word loyalty – well to sing again the word loyalty


    how to sing even better the word ball – well to sing again the word ball


    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift

    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift

    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift


    few words about the spring and the stream will feel nice


    few words about the stream and the river will feel nice


    few words about the river and the confluence will feel nice


    few words about the confluence and the sea will feel nice


    how to sing even better the words fuck me – well to sing again the words fuck me


    few words about the soil and the seed will feel nice


    few words about the seed and the root will feel nice


    few words about the root and the trunk will feel nice


    few words about the trunk and the treetop will feel nice


    few words about the treetop and the leaves will feel nice


    few words about the leaves and the fruit will feel nice


    few words about the fruit and the everything will feel nice


    the needles the nails the woollen yarns the towels the little bugs the shores the chimneys the


    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift

    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift

    how to write even better the word gift – well to write again the word gift


    god. I. something. anything

    I. god. something. anything

    I. something. god. anything

    anything. I. something. god


    god I. god something. god anything

    I god. I something. I anything

    something god. something I. something anything

    anything god. anything I. anything something


    god bud


    I bud


    something bud


    anything bud



    I’m starting. the sun is caressing me and I want to

    caress Miroslav and all beings with this walking

    through Petrovaradin to the bridge

    this part of the road has always been boring for me

    on the concrete blocks before the bridge is written

    only what man gives up is lost

    bridge. wonderful – big chunks of ice are floating down the river

    a dog startled me. I screamed and it got afraid of me

    river bank Because of your path from these steps to that tree I wanted

    to walk in Novi Sad but the steps are not there anymore

    the concrete slope is here now

    instead down the path I walk down the Becarac beach – by the Danube river bank

    I walk really really slowly for the heart of the health of all beings

    young trees that have been planted next to the old tree stumps have grown

    it’s a pity I don’t know more about the trees – I see on the branches

    something that looks like the buds

    boulevard. it’s interesting and difficult to walk through the city. it’s warmer

    Podbara. I didn’t get tired at all. but the pain in the feet has appeared

    where did I get the idea from to walk in the boots

    I walked past the house number 19 in the street of Patrijarh Carnojevic

    in which you have lived. it’s withstanding – there is already a lot of buildings around it

    I got lost in Podbara but I managed to extricate myself

    and in the centre of the city I finished the walking



    how to sing even better the word walking – well to sing again the word walking


    creativity is the food to all beings



    1861. day
    4th February 2010

    it would feel nice to put honey in the hot tea


    field meadows


    beauty of numbers


    here comes the bee


    healthy throat


    health is the heaven


    I enjoy in the desk and working at the desk


    I enjoy the writing


    a word or two and the beauty is here


    we recognise each other through the beauty


    beauty of mine You are my beauty


    beauty – goodness


    I kiss Your belly


    it smells of honey and wild flowers


    smooth is the skin of beauty




    I’m writing in order to see how beautiful you are


    the drops of second hot tea have splashed from my lips onto the table


    lips of beauty to the labia of goodness


    be pleasant


    be pleasant to all beings


    it’s nice to write


    writing is dancing and singing


    particles of writing are transforming into the wave of writing


    wave is following the wave


    word is kissing the word



    word buds word








    everything is nice


    everything is good


    beautiful one


    be pleasant




    1862. day
    5th February 2010

    every evening I can hardly wait to get up and sit at the desk


    I was at the toilet


    I aired out the apartment and made the bed


    made tea and coffee


    all the time I prayed to God and listened to John Heart


    I drew the Grass Bud in my diary


    after one melba toast I had a first sip of coffee


    my fingers are just waiting to start the dance over the keyboard


    the keyboard is almost noiseless. soft. soft are the words as well


    morning words full of sun


    I’m enjoying the music on internet radio station From The Root To The Fruit


    I already broke off the shore


    as if the grass is growing behind me


    blessings are blades of grass as well


    everything that grass is giving us every moment


    everything that everything is giving us every moment


    everything that that is giving us every moment


    everything that grass is giving us every moment


    everything that is is giving us every moment


    everything that giving is giving us every moment


    everything that us is giving us every moment


    everything that every is giving us every moment


    everything that moment is giving us every moment


    everything gives itself away


    every word gives itself


    air gives itself


    imagine just how air gives itself


    imagine just how imagine gives itself


    imagine just how just gives itself


    imagine just how how gives itself


    imagine just how air gives itself


    imagine just how gives gives itself


    imagine just how itself gives itself




    1863. day
    6th February 2010

    The greatest fullness seems empty

    Yet it will be inexhaustible 

    Movement overcomes the cold

    And stillness overcomes the heat

    That which is pure and still

    Is the universal ideal 

    Lao Tzu in forty fifth chapter



    There is no greater disaster than being discontent

    And no greater retribution than for greed

    Whoever knows contentment will be at peace forever 

    Lao Tzu in forty sixth chapter


    it’s snowing as well as the strong wind


    there is a lot of beauty and happenings in that whiteness in the air


    art of the air


    songs of the winds


    Branka Zgonjanin has started with her walking


    good morning my cactus I kiss You

    is what I said this morning for the first time to the cactus

    when I sat at the desk


    I would love to have a conversation with air


    with light




    every being of all beings


    man also speaks to the newborn even though it doesn’t understand it


    to address everything – to wish good to everybody


    alone – surrounded by love – I live in one and only family of all beings 

    I wrote last night in my diary what I felt


    air is love


    air surrounds and fills me


    if I breathe – I kiss and I’m being kissed


    I’m in Mahabharata in famous conversation

    between Krishna and Arjuna before the decisive battle


    I am a taste of water

    I am the light of the Sun and the light of the Moon

    I am the saint syllabus ohm in the Vedas

    (here is the rest of the 11 lines of the citation from the

    Mahabharata that I couldn’t find in English)

    Krishna to Arjuna


    it stopped snowing but the wind is carrying the snowy dust from the football pitch


    and tomorrow at noon I will be at the Convivial Sunday Lunch of All Beings




    every moment is the opportunity for perfection


    the wind just whistled next to the window


    this is a hot bath of love for Your body soul and spirit


    I hope that in Monday I will start to walk a bit


    I’m lagging 65 km behind


    it’s past noon. sun has started to shine


    it’s Saturday – celebrate it


    08:57 I’m going from Roelof Hartplein to the north of Amsterdam

    I will be walking by the canals, for you Miroslav, for the Rose, for the Bud

    9:55 I stopped at the northern border of the center of the city to drink espresso

    it’s cold outside for my feet, so I will worm them up in next 10 minutes

    the waitress is telling to a black guy why she must work, what she has to pay

    also the yoga classes. it’s warmer. I was walking almost whole hour without stopping

    should I keep walking to north or cross the water by bridge? it’s foggy. I’m sad

    these days. if it wasn’t for the Bud I wouldn’t be enjoying in this walking

    I would be feeling too lonely. oh, and canals seem somewhat lonely, this morning

    but the swans, ducks, seagulls and grebes are here. your grebes, Miroslav

    10:10 I’m starting again. actually it is so erotical

    to be in the streets – some kind of enjoyment from the childhood

    is awakening in my thighs

    10:17 on the central station two gypsies are playing the flute and accordion

    gypsy-like sad-joyful. I leave them 25 cents, turn around and start crying. life!

    I think of Heidegger: pain is giving us its

    healing side where we least expect it

    10:29 I’m now walking on the edge of the centre of the city, behind

    the City Library. the fog is so thick that it looks as if I’m in the middle

    of the sea. there is no end to the water. there are no shores. seagulls are screaming

    grebes are somehow mellow. a small dog. every dog on the street rejoices me. I-dog

    10:50 we are walking by the canal, grebe and me

    11:07 I’m slowly going back towards the centre. the rest I will walk to home

    in order to save the money that I would spend on the tram. I love do save

    I love modesty. it teaches me nobility. you know that the best, Miroslav

    11:23 Amstel! the river! river is the river after all, and canals are canals

    11:51 in the familiar neighborhood – Heinikenplein. wow! a heron

    on the car! how did she get here? she flew over onto the other car

    12:12 it seems that I got lost again. mm, yes – Apollohal

    12:25 Roelof Hartplein again. I’m finishing. pleasure from tiredness

    thank to all beings that I came across and that I have walked with

    thank you Miroslav. thank you Bud


    I think of the foal in the mare


    language of first beings




    1865. day
    8th February 2010

    it’s cloudy. dry snow is slowly falling


    I will walk today. I’m looking forward to it but I also afraid of the cold coming back


    On 25th January, at 13 hours and 15 minutes Milika Stankovic, my good, my magnificent mother, my maw has died. Now I’m alone. It’s been ten days and I still can’t watch her photos more than three seconds without tears in my eyes. How can those who died still live? Where to build more durable monument to those who die on us from the monument we build within us?

    Srecko Stankovic sent me an e-mail yesterday


    mothers go to mothers


    I’m outside. after two weeks walking again. again outside like in my

    childhood after two week illnesses. I hope everything will be good


    I’m near Vuk monument. I passed today’s first two kilometres


    when I get into the rhythm of walking after two-three kilometres

    I feel I am an unbroken thread of the path always and forever


    as if I’m coming from the infinity and walking towards the infinity


    from timelessness into timelessness


    from the first word into every word like the first one


    yesterday Tivadar Domanecki has run for me in the snow

    in the outskirts of Budapest


    joy is duty and debt


    joy is work


    work of joy


    I rejoice that believe


    all beings are dying and acknowledging that nobody

    ever died and that nobody dies


    like a child that draws a tree and sees that it is a tree I also

    write nobody ever dies and I believe that nobody ever dies


    I never saw anything more insane and unreasonable from reasonable people


    I photographed young tree of lagerstroemia. it comes from China Japan

    and Australia. it will win over this coldness and blossom soon


    red shawl and red scarf are covering my mouth and nose


    this is not much of a walking but it is the best walking


    I walked 10.39 kilometres. it wasn’t hard. I should slowly go back


    When I was younger I was taking care of myself the way that I

    wasn’t taking care of myself


    now I should be taking care of myself


    to eat before I go for a walk


    to put the cream on my feet and massage my Achilles’ tendons


    from today I will eat honey and cereals every day


    now when in the warm do I get tired


    I feel hungry


    I wink at the beauty that surrounds me


    I wink at the goodness that is circulating within me


    outer and inner circulation


    it is a singular kissing – circling through the Bud of All Beings



    1866. day
    9th February 2010

    I slid for a meter or two on this ice


    the turtledoves are cooing


    I am walking like a big hill


    I’m happy for never having a car


    if I would live again when I’d be fourteen I would find

    one round pebble and I would caress it every day for all my life


    I wink at my stones


    I’m walking so as stones would feel better in the whole Universe


    I would love to have two big soft towels. one dark red and the other

    blue or yellow so as I can enjoy them every time I get into the bathroom


    I discover more and more beauty in mellow humour


    I think all the best of the gravity


    gravity is cosmic sex


    gravity is the subtype of sex


    I think of the sexual life of the stones


    sex wouldn’t mean that much in my life if I was

    engaged in gaining wealth and making wars


    I’m climbing up the steps – it’s such a miraculous sex


    if you put your emotions into this blessing

    and believe a bit love forever will happen to You


    now I’m walking like a mountain. I want to say that patience is mountain


    it’s not the asphalt that caused pain to the earth but man who poured it over the soil


    neither is the concrete. neither is the steel


    I surrender myself to the bees


    I imagine thoughts like bees and thinking like healing honey


    now I’m walking like the ocean


    I’m still and I’m moving


    on the crossroads I turn here and there and I recognise that I watch like an animal


    animals are enjoying while watching


    watching is great enjoyment


    I remember how in my childhood I enjoyed to watch


    walking is refining the senses


    feet are always touching

    eyes are constantly watching

    ears are listening all the time

    nose is always smelling

    lips are just kissing


    feet are kissing

    eyes are kissing

    ears are kissing

    nose is kissing

    lips are kissing


    senses are kissing the soul – the soul is kissing the spirit


    I’m kissing You kiss I kiss




    1867. day
    10th February 2010

    on the icy and snowy path through the woods


    first standing on the Bud of Walking


    I’m standing in the middle of the woods


    I’m watching how wind is carrying the treetops


    trunks are still but in the heights they are swinging as if they are dancing


    trees with their beauty are enlarging and spreading the beauty of the world


    I’m happy that I live in the world in which trees live as well


    king of the woods is greeting the president of the trees


    the wind is whistling


    wind the cleaner


    sometimes creating is nothing else but cleaning


    wind the sower


    sometimes creating is nothing else but sowing


    I wink at the names of all winds


    winds are everywhere domestic and different


    I turn around to see if the dogs are following me


    steep snowy path made me run so as I wouldn’t slip on the snow


    a tree whose arms I threw myself in has stopped me


    I got sweaty on the uphill so now when

    on the streets I feel cold on the chest and stomach


    large rivers are warming up the areas they are flowing through


    how not to love rivers when they are steaming


    how not to get excited when I see the horses and

    how their sweat evaporates in the cold


    how not to get dizzy when it opens up to me

    that the world is just one love poem


    everything loves everything else and they don’t even know that


    everybody lives from life and the life itself lives out of love


    life wouldn’t be living if it didn’t love


    curled up dog is laying on the snow. he’s calm. only the wind is bristling his hair


    I made few photos of the tram and the bus

    and I realised it was the art of the tram and the art of the bus


    the art of this brick wall that is collapsing


    beauty in my thighs


    should I go straight I asked the dice. the dice answered me yes


    I’m close to the Nest. I’m dazed from tiredness – I enjoy the tranquillity


    I’m looking forward to getting into the Nest like

    I was looking forward in the beginning to get out of it



    1868. day
    11th February 2010

    last night I watched a TV show on the eighty two year old painter

    Slobodan Vulicevic who died. I would love to read his book

    This Book I Dedicate to the Rain Drops. I’m greeting You Slobodan Vulicevic


    I drew Good Walker Slobodan Vulicevic


    those four dogs attacked and frightened me real good


    I hopped for immortality of Slobodan Vulicevic


    I live with every being


    some dogs have already became people. some people have already became

    Slobodan Vulicevic


    there is no art in world centres


    this young man is beautiful from shyness


    I want to say that I’m here


    I dedicate this blessing to the particles of Slobodan Vulicevic


    I’m walking down the Samuel Beckett street for Slobodan Vulicevic


    all streets in this world could be called by name Slobodan Vulicevic


    Slobodan Vulicevic loved everything and everything loved Slobodan Vulicevic


    before she entered the shop an old woman threw away the cigarette


    at one moment Slobodan Vulicevic said that he walked the Planet

    eight times. nobody believes me – he said. I believe You Slobodan Vulicevic


    I took one log from the pile of wood that was for sale. I’m carrying it

    in my arms like a book. I will take it into the Nest to be like flowers in my room


    I hope I will talk more and better to the cactus


    then also with other beings objects and things


    everybody needs a nice word


    nice word doesn’t cost anything and it’s a great treasure


    actually because it’s worth more than treasure nice word is rare


    from now on I’ll sow nice words


    let the nice words sprout


    it’s a good book this log


    it feels nice to hold the log with both hands behind my back


    Universe is the nest I walk in


    when I get out of the Nest I get into the nest of everyday art

    every moment everywhere and for everything love – eternal art within the

    poem of all beings


    I turn around and wink at Slobodan Vulicevic and his wife


    I am a poet of this log – I say

    I am a poem of this poet – it says


    you are carrying me in your arm I am dear to you – says the log


    dear and warmer all the time – I say to the log


    Slobodan Vulicevic – you made – art of Slobodan Vulicevic





    1869. day
    12th February 2010

    4.3 km – good walking – writing is beginning


    it’s nice when I’m just walking. I don’t think and I just forget myself


    good day grass – I greet the grass on this slope


    grass – it’s such a nice name


    if I would live again like a ten year old

    I would say after ten years I will become the king of grass


    the art of towels is drying on that window


    wet snow is beginning to fall


    for the first time here in Visnjica I saw Danube


    I put the hood on so as the taping of the wet snow lulls me


    big wet snowflakes are falling


    on the way back in front of the deceased’s house there is even more people for the funeral


    never in my life have I seen such big snowflakes


    snowflakes are greeting rain drops


    this is the art of the snow falling


    I enjoy the magnificent snowy performance


    until a few moments ago it was cloudy. a bit also

    sad and now with this snow it’s magnificent


    it’s a holy duty to be happy


    such happy duty have all those who are happy


    to be happy because of the happiness and to emanate happiness


    everyone who is occupied with what they are doing are emanating happiness


    snowy performance is over everything again sinks into the grayness


    and how this unloved grayness is sublime


    the art of happiness is the experience that what is is happiness


    the art of happiness is to put the hand on the chest and feel the warmth


    when people would know that they are happy whenever

    they are not unhappy planet Earth would be a mine of happiness


    is this woman in front of me happy that she has green gloves on her hands


    I wink at happiness


    your name is echoing from Karaburma

    it’s written on the wall


    every place on the Planet radiates the moment of God’s

    creation and therefore I am now in the Universe – here in the eternity


    dear. Intelligent. beautiful. attractive. tender. and I love you

    it’s written on the wall


    I’m in the woods. ground is white. fog has covered the trees


    do you carry a stick because of the dogs – a man with the stick in the woods asks me


    after sublime and magnificent here comes

    divine on the soft snowy path that I am walking down




    1870. day
    13th February 2010

    let’s go snowy blessings


    it’s been snowing all night. everything is covered by snow


    there is no parked cars any more. instead of them some beautiful white objects


    fine snow carried by strong wind is falling


    white water is falling


    snowy whiteness is taking the breath away by its beauty


    I was often writing about animals that are getting wet by

    standing outside in the rain it’s the first time that I’m writing about

    animals which are standing and the snow is falling on them


    only the whiteness is whiter than the snow


    snow – the art of whiteness


    it’s not accidental that children love snow


    thanks for the dignity – I said to the man who gave way to me on the snowy path


    wind loves snowy spaces


    everything is only in a fairytale


    I am a fairytale-man – walker of the fairytales


    Miroslav Mandić book is not a fairytale for children

    Miroslav Mandić book is not a fairytale for grownups

    Miroslav Mandić book is a fairytale for everybody


    in Miroslav Mandić book today is snowing


    all  words in the book are snowing today


    words look white


    God’s white words are looking white


    I think of the snowdrops and white deaths of those died in the snow


    have fish ever saw the snow


    they have seen the ice but snow


    when the snow is constantly falling


    beneath the snow paths are disappearing


    I admire everybody who is making paths through the snow


    The path is longer when it’s hard to walk (on) it


    I made a snowball


    for the first time in my life I didn’t throw a snowball

    but I left it on a little post


    beauty of this world is only a hint of the God’s beauty


    I bow down to warm and dry deep boots on my feet

    thanks to Vesna Milovic who gave them to me a couple years ago



    instead of me they will plant the parking lot

    Plain Tree

    this is written on a paper that is hung on the tree at the Bulevard where soon the trees are going to be cut


    I also don’t want You to die and do know Plain Tree

    even when the last parking lot in this world dies out You will live


    Your glory God and Your glory snow for 13.96 km and 3.08 hours of walking today

    average of this week’s walking is 13.18 km and overall average of the Bud of Walking is 10.966 km

    because I lack 65 km that I have to compensate since I wasn’t walking because of the illness




    1870. day
    13th February 2010

    let’s go snowy blessings


    it’s been snowing all night. everything is covered by snow


    there is no parked cars any more. instead of them some beautiful white objects


    fine snow carried by strong wind is falling


    white water is falling


    snowy whiteness is taking the breath away by its beauty


    I was often writing about animals that are getting wet by

    standing outside in the rain it’s the first time that I’m writing about

    animals which are standing and the snow is falling on them


    only the whiteness is whiter than the snow


    snow – the art of whiteness


    it’s not accidental that children love snow


    thanks for the dignity – I said to the man who gave way to me on the snowy path


    wind loves snowy spaces


    everything is only in a fairytale


    I am a fairytale-man – walker of the fairytales


    Miroslav Mandić book is not a fairytale for children

    Miroslav Mandić book is not a fairytale for grownups

    Miroslav Mandić book is a fairytale for everybody


    in Miroslav Mandić book today is snowing


    all  words in the book are snowing today


    words look white


    God’s white words are looking white


    I think of the snowdrops and white deaths of those died in the snow


    have fish ever saw the snow


    they have seen the ice but snow


    when the snow is constantly falling


    beneath the snow paths are disappearing


    I admire everybody who is making paths through the snow


    The path is longer when it’s hard to walk (on) it


    I made a snowball


    for the first time in my life I didn’t throw a snowball

    but I left it on a little post


    beauty of this world is only a hint of the God’s beauty


    I bow down to warm and dry deep boots on my feet

    thanks to Vesna Milovic who gave them to me a couple years ago



    instead of me they will plant the parking lot

    Plain Tree

    this is written on a paper that is hung on the tree at the Bulevard where soon the trees are going to be cut


    I also don’t want You to die and do know Plain Tree

    even when the last parking lot in this world dies out You will live


    Your glory God and Your glory snow for 13.96 km and 3.08 hours of walking today

    average of this week’s walking is 13.18 km and overall average of the Bud of Walking is 10.966 km

    because I lack 65 km that I have to compensate since I wasn’t walking because of the illness




    1872. day
    15th February 2010

    art becomes before I even create it


    blessing disappears before I even write it


    when a moment ago I said at the pharmacy three packets of

    vitamin c please I heard that my voice is hoarse


    yesterday I didn’t hear it. I didn’t say a word


    last night before I went to sleep and a little while ago

    before the walking I felt it… I hope I won’t get sick


    thoughts of getting sick make me feel wretched


    I feel ashamed. I feel guilty. inferior




    exposedness is the art dear to art


    he can’t walk a single day and he wants to walk for ten years


    he can’t write a single blessing and he wants to write them for fourteen years


    I’m sweating a lot


    I’m wiping away the sweat under my hat


    facing our mortality is a prerequisite of immortality


    if somebody knows Sinisa Labrovic tell him that this is a lifted up hand for him


    in my childhood I listened a lot of times to how somebody

    got sweaty and drunk cold water and caught a cold and died


    I touched the plane tree at Kalenic market

    when I touch it everything is good


    I’m at the desk


    a horse in the barn


    if I had felt better while walking I would have been writing more about Sinisa Labrovic


    the fact that I’m not writing about Sinisa Labrovic is a way of writing about

    Sinisa Labrovic


    yesterday I heard for the first time for Sinisa Labrovic


    I’m happy for Sinisa Labrovic


    it’s easier to be in this world when Sinisa Labrovic is in it


    everything is in everything


    goodness in all


    beauty in everybody


    sometimes writing is nothing else but wishing to write something beautiful


    branches high in the sky


    sometimes writing is nothing else but shame






    heal bud


