Bog Miroslav Mandić Bog
I went outside. threw out the garbage. looked at the sky and saw three swallows yellow dandelions between the asphalt and the wall thrown away peanut shells I’m going to get a haircut. I had my last haircut on 6th October. I love rhythms magnolia flowers are falling off. drying on the asphalt I think good for good thoughts I’m walking on top of my feet for good thoughts I’m smiling at grass for good thoughts I admire everybody who exposes themselves to the others warm greetings to the contestants of reality show The Farm that I watch with pleasure every evening I love the fact that You also love every particle yellow dandelions are irresistible on my way to the barber I pass the wooden fence through the passage that is completely covered in greenery I got my haircut. I feel the wind around my ears lettuce seller tricked me in a following way. several people was buying the lettuce. I bought three each costing twenty dinars. he didn’t have change to give me back so he sent his wife to brake the note. when the woman returned I gave him two hundred dinars and reminded him sixty dinars. energetically and politely he gave me back fifty dinars and said you will give me ten dinars some other time that’s how he confused me and didn’t give back hundred dinars more lettuce is fabulous I’m thankful to the seller because I’m writing these blessings I thank him because he warned me that I should be more concentrated while buying and that I should think of some way how to prevent this happening again because it started to happen I wink at the lettuce seller because of the skill with which he passed the ball through my legs I wink at him because made a donkey out of me and it feels good to see that I’m a donkey too that for a lot of things I don’t have skills but that in the end I don’t care for any kind of skill people are so afraid of not being fooled that they are not aware how school or state makes fools of themselves to the unbearable extend – by stimulating their desires and vanities I’m grateful to mister lettuce seller because for a moment he cut off my vanity and that’s worth much more than ninety dinars which he didn’t give me back or hundred and eighty dinars as the haircut cost by being afraid of being ridiculed we become huge donkeys my swallow I love You since you agree with being ridiculed my elephant I love You since You agreed thousand and six hundred times to be a donkey donkey of eternal youth beloved Robert Bresson I just wash the lettuce and don’t put any spices over it wind is bending the grass over sun is drying my washed bed linen kissing just kissing Gimpel the Fool buds buds of good thoughts
wind in the lilacs I wink the jauntiness to You it’s the same in the depth of ocean and the depth of Universe life starts every moment through goodness You don’t even know for a lot of those that are kissing You people discover themselves in their children – grandchildren – great grandchildren I do it in God-You-all beings and creation God-You-all beings and my poem it is all the same a throat of modesty careful eyes wind in the lilacs – lilacs within me I wink You hundred walkings – 1.304 kilometres – 1.863.923 steps numbers – swarms of loyalty I hear the wind – leaves of magnolia are trembling I’m walking slowly and watching the leaves You don’t live from leaves – You are immortal from leaves depth is founding its peace in surface – surface is finding its inspiration in depth ocean have yawned in the jaws of this dog I am an airport of goodness. all beings are taking off towards the goodness from me lilacs lilacs lilacs I’m singing with heels within the soul of every being when I jauntily turn my head and look on anything I immediately clean myself from the necessity through kissing I join the trees that constantly kiss all beings wind is in my shirt I saw You already fading – pink rose – in Knez Danilova street rose singers – my embraces silent streets full of trees are temples of one and only city religion I’m walking – this is the role of the wind in liberation of people from history I’m walking – this is the history of winds within the joy of all beings while I was saying this blessing I could have been hit by a taxi since I went along the green light I saw across the street and I overlooked the red light on the isle of the pedestrian crossing encounter of words clarifies that words are by their nature an encounter at the end of the hundred walking I saw first red roses buds of this year
Without opening your door, you can know the whole world. Lao Tzu in forty seventh chapter Less and less remains until you arrive at non-action. When you arrive at non-action, nothing will be left undone. Mastery of the world is achieved by letting things take their natural course. Lao Tzu in forty eight chapter Dear Miroslav, exactly at 01.05 after midnight I turned out to be 20.000th bud! Long Live the Humour! Yours Srdjan this e-mail from Srdjan Valjarevic waited for me this morning do bud and bud buds – for Your and all being’s joy and health does that one your woman exist? a close person asked me yesterday in an e-mail I am alone for the past four and a half years since I was nineteen I was alone for twenty two years I love to live and work with a woman I love ideals – virtues – getting along – dying within the other arguing is horror – death in order not to argue with people I didn’t withdraw but I opened up myself to all beings all beings are getting along and in harmony never against somebody – always only for everybody even though I’m alone I more and more live with the One with the same woman I lived with all my life even though She is not around I couldn’t live without Her even though She is not around She exists even though She is not around She with me every moment it will be wonderful if my woman appears it will be the most wonderful as it pleases God – You and all beings I live and work as if You were already here You can feel it in Miroslav Mandic too couple as one for God all beings art of Miroslav Mandic one as couple for God all beings and Miroslav Mandic poem God You all beings Miroslav Mandic one and only love one and only sex one and only family one and only wedding I wish all beings to be with all beings I wish every being to be love to every being sex of eternal loyalty of all beings sex of creating love for all beings sex of dying within the immortality of all beings I’m alone but two words that are the same (in Serbian it’s written the same but stressed differently and with different meaning: sam sam) one word but two of them within it everything exists because You exist I’m watching you in the eyes – You are my love – You are the love of all beings after these blessings I’m even more with You who I live with all my life
I’m moved – I’m thinking of water that flows into another water I’m still moved – I’m thinking of the goodness that is flowing into another goodness feeling of being moved doesn’t stop – I love when the word flows flows into the word flows I’m all for good words and all words are good cold air in a sunny day interesting is everything that is for me and not what is interesting would doctors love if all people were well would those who produce weapons love if there was no war creation is constant merging – merging of nonexistent I’m walking and eating cream cake – come whenever You like for a cream cake you really knocked it out. way to go. eat it from your soul – an old loafer told me when he saw me eating my cream cake with such pleasure I’m happy because of the photo I will put on the web site with Ruzica’s permission I wish to call somebody and tell them that but the dice tells me not to call anybody I unbutton my shirt on the sun. in the shade I button it up some of the buttons I should sew on again with a thread the beauty of this sweet cherry tree has stopped me so as I would look at it in peace I bought olive oil – just to let You know with the lake of every blessing I guard You I kiss You in everything through everything I give myself to You by kissing You – I’m kissing everything. by kissing everything – I’m kissing You I feel You in my hips You are the joy in the small of my back one acquaintance – now prize winning writer – looked away when he saw me. I’m grateful to him because he saved me from unnecessary words hundred meters afterwards I bumped into Jaroslav Draslar. we were happy to see each other I love the fact that I met You Jaroslav I’m watching her how she is leaning against the wall of the hairdressing salon with the cigarette in her hand and watching the woman who is crossing the street with the child in her arms poem is a shout of all love of one love poem are all poems within one poem poem is everything that one poem wants to sing to the other poem to every poem to the poem itself to the very p o e m
first hot day of the year I’m tired but this street roaming relaxes me it’s magnificent this leg after leg moving ahead days of thirst are beginning yesterday I cut into the nail on the left hand with a knife so now I keep on catching the clothes with it I’m thirsty. I’m sleepy. I’m worn out. I don’t have what to write about the fact that I don’t have what to write about is exciting it’s even more exciting that I’ll be writing even though I don’t have what to write about there will be some strength even though I don’t have any beauty won’t deceive me the same way I’m not deceiving it yesterday’s joys have worn me out joys have been working for me – now I’m working for joys I don’t have any joy at the moment but that is a great joy as well I took a photo of myslef next to the graffiti I’m ashamed, therefore I exist because I respect it’s author baby potatoes are soon going to come I love everyone who is a potato to somebody else who is a lettuce to the lettuce beans to beans rest to rest life lives from the other love lives for the other I picked up a round pebble from the street not a single stone has a heart of stone the wisdom of the stones advises everybody that their hart shouldn’t be out of stone stones are calm stones are quiet whoever threw a stone on somebody else they didn’t throw a stone but themselves and they also hit themselves stone is everything to me and I am everything to the stone stones see everything and everybody but others rarely see them that’s why they are so calm many people behave as if everybody is watching only them and that’s why people are not calm many people do everything to be watched and they live out of that I bought two lettuces and picked up one radish of the ground when I enter the Nest I take out everything from my pockets. I wash my hands and face I soak the lettuce in a big pot. I sit in front of the computer and I download all blessings from the Dictaphone. I send them to Violeta to edit and Ivana to translate them. I take a shower... then it’s time for the lettuce
I hope I don’t get ill last night it started with the nose and tonight it carried on with sweating it’s easier now that I wrote it beloved Elder Porphyrios never prayed for his health because he was ashamed it’s Saturday. it’s fifteen degrees outside. it will be up to thirty it’s first of May. Labour Day. I don’t know if the shops are opened I’m walking in my Crocs shoes through my garden – Universe the swallows are high. I don’t know if I manage to take a photo of them I hear them shrieking in their fast flight I always feel good with swallows everybody feels good with swallows I’m enjoying the smell of cut grass. I regret that I haven’t lay in the grass and watched the sky more in my life I believe that the same tone can be heard in every blessing of Miroslav Mandic music of one tone she gently caressed his bare shoulder and then even more gently kissed him I just remembered that I forgot to soak the lettuce these kind of things also happen to me – I take the calculator and pedometer and unconsciously swop their places so in the morning I can’t find the pedometer but enjoying while waiting for the lights to turn green leaning on the metal post is what I do the best or in this awareness about the uniqueness of every step that I make uniqueness of this inhale uniqueness of this exhale since every inhale is already unique with every breath I take I inhale the Universe and all beings since every exhale is already unique with every exhale I exhale the Love for the Universe and all beings I’m walking peacefully after previous two blessings I’m sorry that I didn’t take a photo of the woman who gently touched and kissed her man’s shoulder it’s natural to love technology – it’s written on a billboard that advertises Technology Fair. what is repulsive in marketing and advertising is that they are abusing all centuries old knowledge advertising billboards are the anthology of stolen human spirit I hope that lemon and propolis with Echinacea will help me I’m watching Your terrace but You are not there when in ecstasy I’m God in tranquillity all beings between ecstasy and tranquillity I’m You hallo love – said the fruit selling woman who already addressed me in such a way when she saw word love on my temple
I live for You I am Your Miroslav Mandic take away God I feel You within me – it’s me – a poem of all beings beggars love in divine way people are stealing each other’s energies in all kinds of ways through knowledge. violence. ideologies. through playing up to somebody. getting ill through lies. charming through sorrow. through anger. intimidation. through seduction through promises. betrayals. through ridiculing. through motherhood. through fatherhood most of the people are stealing energy rare people are creating energy. even more rare are those who are giving it away but only one is creating enough energy for everybody all beings are in one through all beings horror transforms into the goodness every word is gratitude for the grace with which I say every word through every word I shelter myself within the heart of all beings through every word I shelter the heart of every being harmony of contradictions contradiction of harmony if a poet is the shepherd of the words then a poem is his donkey every word within his poem is his shepherd’s stick I am a stick of writing parks are spreading large amounts of gentleness every time is the best time for real time I love to take it from one spot and then circle circle circle around it until the moment in which thinking becomes poetry I miss you sea I love to start from the circle and to circle circle into the one spot until my thinking becomes poetry an old man is pulling heavy cart up the hill heart to heart a dog is watching towards the open window and the man who is coming towards him is greeting him with lifted eyebrows wind is swinging tree branches – beings love to caress other beings either you caress or you steel caress me – God is constantly saying to the mankind caress me – a man is sometimes saying to God lift me up – a white round pebble told me take me as well – said the other round pebble
God’s beauty created with goodness God’s goodness kissed by beauty I don’t know how to connect this page with internet so as these addresses from previous two blessings become blue nobody and nothing save love somebody and something kills love sometimes one can love only if they are nobody and nothing sometimes loneliness is the only way of kissing all beings nobody salt – nothing bread constantly loving love of unloved when I see that somebody’s joy makes others unhappy I’m ashamed to rejoice happiness you are happy only through happiness of all beings making an effort – kissing everything only a couple that loves each other in such way that they love everything is – love I’m ashamed because I think badly about some people I’m ashamed that I think about them at all instead of loving them only wining myself I would love to see rattans somewhere sometimes joy isn’t anything else but being worthy of somebody’s suffering I admire sufferers who are transforming their suffering into joy for others I really want success and love only within all beings for a moment I feel really ashamed from some thoughts of mine sometimes I feel life inside of me unbearable because it annuls somebody else’s life life wants to live. some beings cannot survive that and that’s why they cut their lives short this camomile helped me... here are first poppies of this year poppies are the testimony of my great love and great love suffering. I was twenty four. I watched them alongside the roads on my way to Germany beauty often lies behind the ugliness goodness often revives in a sinner sinner atones for the sins all of those that are not aware of their sins power kills the energy of other beings – helplessness steals the energy of other beings I’m thinking You like-mindedness Your suffering refined me dedicated to Gazmen Djogani and his last night’s sufferings I wish that after love suffering You love with all-love
don’t worry I am the soles of all beings I am the feet of all beings I am the heels of all beings I am knees of all beings I am the bones of all beings I am the spine of all beings I am the pussy of all beings I am the dick of all beings I am the anus of all beings I am the belly of all beings I am the tits of all beings I am the arms of all beings I am the hands of all beings I am the fingers of all beings I am the neck of all beings I am the face of all beings I am the eyes of all beings I am the lips of all beings I am the nose of all beings I am ears of all beings I am the skin of all beings I am the blood of all beings I am the juices of all beings I am the heart of all beings I am the brain of all beings I am the soul of all beings I am the spirit of all beings I am the unknown of all beings I am the uncreated of all beings I am the name of all beings I am the humour of all beings don’t be afraid
God is God in the heart of every word God is God — I'd love to get a tattoo on my left temple picture of the Universe soon God is God — I'd love to get a tattoo a word Bud on the left side of my neck God is God — I'm making a step God is God — I'm making a step — I'm supporting Your decision God is God — I'm making a step — I wish Your luck God is God because he's alone the most God is God because a lot of beings live for God and give their lives for Him God is God because of the swallow's wings God is God because of the clear water God is God because sea loves trees God is God because clear and good thoughts God is God because I love God God is God because through God everything is God God is God because through God everybody is God God is God because through God I am also God God God is God because nobody pays Him for being God God is God because it doesn't pay off to anybody to be God God is God because with everybody's birth God is even more God God is God because with everybody's death God is even more God God is God because with every poem God is even more God God is God — it got cloudy God is God — wind is starting to blow stronger God is God — thunders God is God — first drops of rain God is God — a drop of rain on my temple God is God — wind is carrying the dust God is God because water is water God is God because Miroslav Mandic is Miroslav Mandic God is God because Miroslav Mandic is God God is God because You are God God
Bogdanka Poznanovic dedicated to Bogdanka and Dejan Poznanovic always dedicated to forever forever dedicated to always dedicated to the freedom of all beings early morning dedicated to the early morning dew on the grass dedicated to the dew on the grass young nettle dedicated to the young nettle she bowed her head – a has a sore belly dedicated to the girl with a sore belly flute of air dedicated to the music of air goodness of the unexpected dedicated to the goodness of the unexpected soul of the machine dedicated to the soul of the machine forehead of the soles dedicated to the prayer-walking heal of the fingers dedicated to the prayer-writing belly-button of the bud dedicated to the prayer-creation silk of the mind dedicated to the cotton of nonviolence from the cup dedicated to the old times tears dedicated to the tears sparkles dedicated to the sparkles - sr|en|како да напишем оно што не знамevo dedicated to the Google Translate now I can write in English dedicated to the one and only – God’s – language to be compassionate for the lack of freedom of the powerful ones dedicated to the roses to be compassionate for the narrow-mindedness of the clever ones dedicated to the path to be compassionate for those who are mocking dedicated to the sincere ones to be compassionate for the brown-noses dedicated to the children’s effulgence to be compassionate for the hoity-toities dedicated to the innocent ones spilled tea dedicated to the common experiences experience of language dedicated to the lovers of language a kiss dedicated to the love workers transiency dedicated to the eternal transiency and eternal newness alone dedicated to the alone one Miroslav Mandic dedicated to Your Miroslav Mandic observation dedicated to the well-intentioned dedication dedicated to the oblates
tears tear tears are tearing tears of tears road of tear tear of rose face of tear tear of soul tear of mind tears are pouring bathe me with you tears tear and dew eye tear is dewing lip dew is tearing love – tell me tear – love-kiss me yearning for a touch yearning for water yearning for air yearning for light tear of yearning tear tear tear tear tear transform me with tears of orgasm tear I gave an oath to life with the orgasm of tears healing through tears richness through tears joy through tears tearGod God’stear love – God’stear
tear tears tear I’m walking over the grass of the football stadium in Zvezdara forest it’s soft the smell of grass relaxes me one fly is buzzing over my head there is nobody around glory glorifies glory acacia is blooming forest and me love and love forever I don’t know how to get out of here lizard run away behind concrete staircases I picked the acacia and I’m chewing it. it’s sweet reminds me of first summer swims in my youth idlers are guarding the memories of heavens forest path is still damp from yesterday’s rain I’m climbing slowly not to slip I love when the earth path winds there are cherries – they look red greenery has grown rapidly green greenery greens rooster is crowing while I’m taking a photo of the path path regenerates me – takes me into the centre earth path soft like grass path is filling me with joy I’m walking slowly so as to remain longer happy knees like soft paths. golden bug is crossing my path silk is silking the silk idlers are making world beautiful with their idling idler is idling an idler I’m thinking of house without the walls – house of infinity flies are flying around the dead bird that fell out of the nest I’m standing and watching the snail crossing over one little branch. I enjoy it’s speed. it doesn’t move but it progresses. it’s trace is gleaming. I love snails – they are teaching me to love. I will get off the grass path onto the asphalt in order not to step on a snail I started to translate Angelus Silesius’ The Cherub Wanderer this morning with Google-translate
this is a picture this is music this is a word my steps are soft and quite few drops of rain are joining me sometimes is hard to write even a simplest blessing the moment when it starts to rain. I don’t know if it is just drops of rain or colder air or joy itself I’m walking through walk – ohm (in Serbian “through walk” or “with walk” is written “hodom” and “ohm” is written “om”, so “ohm” is actually a suffix “om”, and Miroslav wrote it with small hyphen: “hod-om”. same goes for all other cases) alone through God – ohm through woman – ohm loyal to the same – ohm the same is constantly changing and that’s how it is the same it delights me that with God is always ohm it delights me that with woman is always ohm it delights me that with a poem is always ohm with pepper – ohm. with lettuce – ohm. with bread – ohm with ball – ohm with abstraction – ohm I love You abstraction with information – ohm with an apple – ohm in the grass with grass – ohm with Miroslav – ohm and with You – ohm I exist because You exist with a rose – ohm and a bud – ohm from the large rosebush on the factory fence strong scent of big roses is spreading. through the scent of roses I am married with London roses London roses before I went on the Rose of Wandering hey with crown of the head – ohm a man with the sole – ohm with spirit – ohm with soul – ohm with body – ohm with rhythm-ohm – with rhyme-ohm with step-ohm – with house-ohm everything is the same to the loyal – ohm everything is loyal to the same – ohm every day is loyal
lady-bird in front of my feet I exist so as everything else would exist by crossing on the other side of the street when I saw him in the distance I just acknowledged love for him I’m sorry that he won’t read today’s blessings those who I respect but I defer from them I don’t want to hurt with that difference I also don’t want to hurt anybody with my shyness nor with God nor with Universe in which I am nor with art that I create nor with Bud of All Beings nor with Miroslav Mandic nor with Miroslav Mandic he was in white shirt a boy I love him even more I meander through the streets invisible old houses of poor people are being knocked down cheep radishes in cardboard boxes from this morning lettuce is cheaper four young hairdressers are sitting on the steps of the shop and smoking a boy in the white shirt is older than me he was walking youthfully and vigorously I wish You health and love my Young and Vigorous without confession there is no salvation – I read today in the book The Road into the Heavens of another boy Elder Cleopa all hands on her I took a photo of a doorknob on the old courtyard doors and imagined all hands that were on it I’m walking over the edge of the stone blocks hey a stone of beginning with every stone I’m on the very beginning every stone remembers everything universe of beginning within the beginning of the universe you are on my tongue
what knees are to legs elbows are to arms I’m going to look for a computer chair I have to choose between two of them. and I don’t know how to transport it. I’m thinking of taking it on my back it would probably be too difficult to carry it but if I carry it because of the blessings it would probably be easier carrying of the chair – it would be a really nice title hallo red roses – I say to the red roses on the fence every day is one work of art last night Srdjan told me that he carried his chair on his head from the shop to his apartment. but later on his head was hurting feat liberates but it also kills feat cleanses but it can also make you arrogant thin line is dividing good from bad even thinner line joins good with good I saw first chair on the Boulevard. now I’m going to the other one in Sindjeliceva street I bought the second one. paid. they will bring it to me till five no carrying. no feat feat without feat it’s Kaca Celan’s feat with whose money I bought the chair every day I sit on the chair I will think of Kaca Celan it’s nice that Srdjan for carrying the chair remains bigger hero I love chairs and I love the art of chair Kosuth’s chairs are for me one of the nicest art works few days ago I asked Srdjan to take a look at chairs in the shops since he needs it as well so he could buy them for the both of us now I’ll suggest Srdjan to buy the first one so that after some time we could swop carrying of the chair made me feel excited since I have foggy remembrance that I already did it to carry a chair to think the sneakers to believe in jauntiness I think I was carrying it through the town and taking photos of it but I remember even more that for some time I was absorbed in thought of doing it all over the world I’m laying sitting walking I saw Srdjan off. he went to buy a chair for himself I’m waiting in front of the building for mine I’m sitting on the new blue chair. I adjusted it. everything else is friendship chair I enjoy in You – enjoy in me chair
without stimulus I typed these seven words seven words are good and nice measure you’ve just started and it’s already finished horses at run sex of thoughts thoughts are kissing each other – you don’t think through thoughts horse’s strength – strength of trees ships from trees. houses from trees. tables from trees. beds from trees jam from plums from trees books from trees fire from trees everything is live iron breathes gravity is awake salt an sugar are making things salty and sweet letters in books are waiting to be read if I was smoking I would be writing about cigarettes I’m wearing glasses – glasses are watching I’m walking first time second ten year walking I’m walking around the Planet circling through the Universe I’m sitting at the desk on the new chair my armpits are sweating what is the role of an armpit the news is only what the powerful are hiding – I heard yesterday on television conversation reveals us – I heard day before yesterday on television I closed my eyes and I’m dosing off on the chair I’m off to the bed for a little bit I enjoyed it. I covered myself with the blanket. I relaxed. surrendered... telephone woke me up – Jelena Besir resting is very important thing – everything that exists revives me for all His rest is work and all His work is rest – Angleus Silesius I decided today that on question how are you from now on I will answer Thanks God it’s warm. it will be colder for the weekend I’ll shave myself and go on walking
it’s raining. wind is blowing. it’s Saturday earthly paths are becoming muddy in the rain above highways and rivers wind is stronger I was going down Grcica Milenka street. through Vojvode Djurovica I’m going up. afterwards I will go up again and down again and once more down and once more up and through the forest I will get to Ban’s Hill rain sweat and wind – I hope they don’t make me ill wind is blowing harder through wide streets I’m passing under the eaves of the Red Star football stadium sweating make me healthy I prefer to walk through the plains I’m squeezing the water from my sleeve wet from inside and out I’m thinking of birds while they’re flying over the ocean I manage to get at half twelve to the petrol station in Pozeska street on meeting with Vesna Lopicic I might move to her empty apartment on Ban’s Hill Ban’s Hill is better for my walking. because of the forest. lake Ada. river Sava the most important is that I’m always poetically dwelling. in the house of infinity. in roses I made it on time. looked at the apartment. it’s nice. I will move there on 1st July I was completely wet. Ivana who lives close by brought me three dry t-shirts same way back. only now the sun is shining I should inform my landlady Slavica Generalovic that I will move out it’s unpleasant. I hope it doesn’t upset her too much I’m looking forward to the change. to the forests that are around the edge of the town is close and everything outside the city that I yearn for I’m sitting at my computer. the rain patters against the windowpanes I’m tired. I walked 21 kilometre mankind is closed within itself. separated from other beings it got dark I’m really tired. hungry. my legs are hurting. my back back of the head. shoulders. toes. jaws I’m enjoying the roses everything that exists is just one bud Bud of All Beings I kiss You – sing me there was a flash of lighting – lightings are blossoming Your sex is magnificent – it’s thundering – my sex is through magnificent thunder stuck close by where are the sparrows now
I love to walk through London parks full of roses I love when everybody goes their own way I love if A would be what she already is now even though she doesn’t know it tell her that I love that waterfalls feel fine in my heart I love bread crumbs – sweetest food forever I love pussy that liberates people from taboos and language hypocrisy I love cock that freed itself from being cocky and waging wars I love to witness the birth of every word in past and in present I love to nurse constantly all beings with milk of love I love when frontiersmen of the world identify themselves with the middle-men of the world I love when natives identify themselves with the immigrants I love migratory birds who are arranging this world I love the voice of Ruth Brown I love everybody that sings I love everybody who surrenders to somebody else this poem caresses my lips I love thinking through caressing I love when it rains. rain is a good friend it’s nothing. it’s just a sorrow wind is turning the rain into the rainy dust worms are swimming in the puddles on the asphalt I love everything created everything created is created with my love everything created is love-kissed with my love everything created is immortal through my love I love fucking fucking liberates all beings from fears fucking – breathing through sense fucking – sensible breathing fucking – a grammar of being fucking loves prayer one and only skin of all beings this poem kisses my labia I love the tenderness of the sexes I love the courage of singing I love the beauty of transformation poem sung through bow-down
empathy – understanding and entering into another's feelings putting oneself into the psychological frame of reference of another matching – rainy dust is pouring on my face accord – when thoughts words and deeds are one harmony – when You are listening to me – when I’m looking at You symphony – when You are kissing me – when I’m creating You agreement – everything that we wished for ourselves we already did for each other compassion – seeing in each being the moment of their birth and hour of their death responding – love-kissing the beggars – thanking the gratitude merging – hoof to the eye eye to the hoof unison – clearness of the uncreated unity – allforoneoneforall unanimity – orgasm-like peace – all beings on my shoulder girl in front of me has thrown the umbrella into the trash bin and girl from the other side of the river didn’t buy me an umbrella she promised I remember how excited I was in my youth by the word empathy I felt it. I experienced it. it was directed at me. I directed myself at it when I heard it something occurred within me word occurrence something permeating. universal. non-human empathy draws me like mysticism it changed me. touched my being made me more the same my mysticism – that’s me like me my empathy – that’s me like You You and me are creating I at the same moment we looked at the same invisible point in which we became one paper napkins instead of toilet paper through the sensibility of planktons and through the cosmic dust through confession through humour through child-like bursts of existence pledged to the fragile ones – lit up with the humble ones Jelena the Woman of my Dream – I met Jelena by chance and took a photo of her face as mine it’s raining. our socks are wet. we understand each other we are kissing – word empathy was first used in 1904